Sample Commands Verifying the Schema Version Number After Update

4-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide The directory where you unpack the RCU software is referred to as the RCU_HOME directory. 2. Using SQLPlus, connect to the database where the Oracle SOA Suite schemas are installed using the database user that owns the SOAINFRA schema. 3. Run the following script to load the database objects required for purging Oracle SOA Suite data: RCU_HOME rcuintegrationsoainfrasqlsoa_purgesoa_purge_scripts.sql 4. Run the following script to load the database objects required for verifying the Oracle SOA Suite data in the database: RCU_HOME rcuintegrationsoainfrasqlverifysoa_verify_scripts.sql After you load the database objects using the provided SQL scripts, refer to Managing Database Growth in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrators Guide for Oracle SOA Suite for more information.

4.6 Patch Set Assistant Log Files

The Patch Set Assistant writes log files to the following locations: On UNIX operating systems: ORACLE_HOME upgradelogspsa timestamp .log On Windows operating systems: ORACLE_HOME \upgrade\logs\psa timestamp .log Some components will create a second log file called psa timestamp .out, also in the same location. The timestamp will reflect the actual date and time that Patch Set Assistant was run. Should any failures occur when running Patch Set Assistant, these log files will be needed to help diagnose and correct the problem; do not delete them. You can alter the contents of your log files by specifying a different -logLevel from the command line. Some of the operations performed by the Patch Set Assistant may take longer to complete than others. If you want to see the progress of these long operations, you can see this information in the log file, or you can use the following query: SELECT VERSION, STATUS, UPGRADED FROM SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY WHERE OWNER= schema_ name ; In the query results, the STATUS field will be either UPGRADING or UPGRADED during the schema patching operation, and will become VALID when the operating is finished. 5 Patching Oracle WebCenter 5-1 5 Patching Oracle WebCenter This chapter provides instructions for Oracle WebCenter users who want to apply the patch set to their existing Oracle WebCenter or installations. If your existing software version is, you do not need to follow the instructions in this chapter. To patch your existing release software, follow the instructions in Section 3.8.3, Post-Patching Tasks If Your Starting Point is Release . The following topics are covered: ■ Preparing for Applying the Oracle WebCenter Patch Set ■ Upgrading Oracle Universal Content Management 10g ■ Removing the LD_LIBRARY_PATH Entry from the setDomainEnv Script ■ Updating Oracle WebCenter to ■ Performing Oracle WebCenter Post-Patching Tasks ■ Adding New Features to Oracle WebCenter For additional information about installing and patching Oracle WebCenter, refer to Oracle WebCenter Installation and Configuration Roadmap.

5.1 Preparing for Applying the Oracle WebCenter Patch Set

Before you perform the steps in this chapter, make sure you have performed the steps outlined in Section 3.4, Perform General Pre-Patching Tasks . In addition, some WebCenter products require additional pre-patching attention: ■ Section 5.1.2, Saving Your OmniPortlet and WebClipping Customizations ■ Section 5.1.3, Purging Old Documents in MDS for WebCenter Spaces

5.1.1 Performing General Oracle Fusion Middleware Pre-Patching Steps

Before you begin patching your Oracle WebCenter environment, perform the steps outlined in Section 3.4, Perform General Pre-Patching Tasks .

5.1.2 Saving Your OmniPortlet and WebClipping Customizations

This procedures in this section are needed only if you are using OmniPortlet and WebClipping customizations, and they are being used with a file-based preferences store. By default, in Oracle WebCenter and Portal, file-based preferences store is not