Performing General Oracle Fusion Middleware Pre-Patching Steps

Patching Oracle WebCenter 5-3 cd WebCenter_ORACLE_HOME commonbin On Windows operating systems: cd WebCenter_ORACLE_HOME \common\bin wlst.cmd 3. Connect to the Administration Server using the WLST connect command. 4. Run the purgeMetadata WLST command. For example: purgeMetadatawebcenter, WLS_Spaces, 3060 See purgeMetadata in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference for more details. 5. Re-collect the database statistics. For example, you can connect to the WebCenter MDS schema using SQLPlus: execute dbms_stats.gather_schema_statsownname=null, options=GATHER AUTO; For more information, see Metadata Services MDS Custom WLST Commands in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

5.2 Upgrading Oracle Universal Content Management 10

g If you have Oracle Universal Content Management 10g installed, it is recommended that you upgrade to Release 11g before you patch Oracle WebCenter to the latest version in order to take advantage of the full set of features. If you choose not to upgrade, you will only have access to a subset of features see Table 5–1 for a comparison of available features. Table 5–1 Oracle WebCenter Features Supported by Oracle Content Server and 11g Feature Description Support Available in OCS Support Available in OCS 11g? SpacesGroup Spaces Support available for Space folder creation and role mapping. No Yes Home SpacePersonal space Support available for automatic creation of Home Space folders. No Yes IFRAME Support Support to show Oracle Content Server UI directly in WebCenter applications. Support also available for creating content profiles and editing advanced properties of items. No Yes, if OHS installed and webContextRoot set in your connection, and IFRAME is enabled. Wiki Document Support for creating a wiki document. The New Wiki Document option is available for creating a new wiki document. No Yes Advanced metadata edit Support for editing advanced metadata details, such as the user access list and web site object. If the properties are editable, an Edit button is displayed in the Properties pane. No Yes, if IFRAME is enabled.