Updating Oracle Identity Navigator to

Patching Oracle Identity and Access Management 6-15 For more information about deploying Oracle Identity Management in an enterprise environment, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

6.6.1 Upgrading Node 1

To upgrade Node 1 in the cluster, follow the instructions in Section 6.2, Updating Oracle Identity Manager to .

6.6.2 Upgrading Node 2

To upgrade Node 2 in the cluster, follow the instructions below: 1. Back up the Oracle Identity Manager domain, and your Oracle Identity Manager and Oracle SOA Suite binaries. 2. Shut down all Managed Servers for Oracle Identity Manager and Oracle SOA Suite that are running in the domain. 3. If your Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle Identity Management, and Oracle SOA Suite binaries are NOT at a shared location, perform the following steps. Otherwise, skip to Step 4. a. Patch Oracle WebLogic Server as described in Section 6.1.4, Patching Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.3. to 10.3.5 . b. Update your Oracle SOA Suite software as described in Section 6.1.5, Patching Oracle SOA Suite to Oracle Identity Manager Users Only . c. Update your Oracle Identity and Access Management software as described in Section 6.1.6, Patching Oracle Identity and Access Management to . 4. Run the following command to pack your domain on Node 1: On UNIX operating systems: cd MW_HOME oracle_commoncommonbin .pack.sh -domain= OIM_Domain_Home -template= Domain_Configuration_Jar_ Destination -template_name= template_nanme -managed=true On Windows operating systems: cd MW_HOME \oracle_common\common\bin pack.cmd -domain= OIM_Domain_Home -template= Domain_Configuration_Jar_Destination -template_name= template_nanme -managed=true Replace OIM_Domain_Home with the full path to your OIM domain, Domain_ Configuration_Jar_Destination with the full path to the location where you want to create your domain configuration .jar file, and template_name with the name of this domain configuration template. Below is an example on UNIX operating systems: .pack.sh -domain=homeOracleDomains11. -template=homeOracleData -template_name=OIM Domain -managed=true On Windows operating systems: pack.cmd -domain=D:\Oracle\Domains\ -template=D:\Oracle\Data -template_name=OIM Domain -managed=true 6-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide 5. Unpack the domain configuration information on Node 2. On UNIX operating systems: cd MW_HOME oracle_commoncommonbin .unpack.sh -domain= OIM_Domain_Home -template= Domain_Configuration_Jar_Location -overwrite_domain=true On Windows operating systems: cd MW_HOME \oracle_common\common\bin pack.cmd -domain= OIM_Domain_Home -template= Domain_Configuration_Jar_Location -overwrite_domain=true Replace OIM_Domain_Home with the full path to your OIM domain on Node 2, and Domain_Configuration_Jar_Location with the full path to the location where you want created your domain configuration .jar file on Node 1. Below is an example on UNIX operating systems: .unpack.sh -domain=homeOracleDomains11. -template=homeOracleData -overwrite_domain=true On Windows operating systems: pack.cmd -domain=D:\Oracle\Domains\ -template=D:\Oracle\Data -overwrite_domain=true 6. Go to the OIM_HOME serverbin on UNIX operating systems or OIM_ HOME \server\bin on Windows operating systems directory and edit the dwps1upgrade.properties file so that all properties EXCEPT for oim.ps1.soacomposite.patch are set to false. 7. Start the SOA Managed Server on Node 2. This is required to deploy SOA composites on Node 2. 8. Run the standalone utility as described in Step 9 in Section 6.2.1, Instructions for Updating Oracle Identity Manager . 9. Check to see if any login module .jar files are found in the MW_ HOME wlsserver_10.3serverlibmbeantypes on UNIX operating systems or MW_HOME \wlsserver_10.3\server\lib\mbeantypes on Windows operating systems directory in your Release environment. If there are no files, you can skip this step. If there are, copy the following login module files from OIM_ HOME serverloginmodulewls to MW_HOME wlsserver_ 10.3serverlibmbeantypes on UNIX operating systems or from OIM_ HOME \server\loginmodule\wls to MW_HOME \wlsserver_ 10.3\server\lib\mbeantypes on Windows operating systems: ■ OIMAuthenticator.jar ■ oimmbean.jar ■ oimsigmbean.jar ■ oimsignaturembean.jar Note: The domain directory structures must be identical on both nodes.