Acquisition of Arindo Holdings Mauritius Ltd by Rach Mauritius Ltd Acquisition of PT Sarana Daya Mandiri by PT Alam Tri Abadi

158 Adaro Energy Annual Report 2009 From Us to Y ou Running Adaro Management Report Owning Adaro Governing Adaro Financial Report Contact Us Corporate Social Responsibility Adaro in Summary PT ADARO ENERGY Tbk AND SUBSIDIARIES Schedule 520 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2009 AND 2008 Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated


e. Acquisition of Ariane Investments Mezzanine Pte Ltd, Ariane Capital Singapore Pte Ltd formerly Kerry Coal Singapore Pte Ltd and Agalia Energy Investments Pte Ltd continued iii. Acquisition of Agalia Energy Investment Pte Ltd On 15 July 2008, ATA acquired 100 interest in Agalia Energy Investments Pte Ltd “Agalia” amounting to Rp 1,632,635. 2008 Purchase consideration through cash payment 1,632,635 Fair value of net assets acquired 35,146 Mining properties and goodwill 1,597,489 Details of the assets and liabilities arising from the acquisition are as follows: 2008 Investments in equity securities 35,955 Accrued expenses 240 Net assets 35,715 Interest acquired 100 Net assets acquired 35,715 Mining properties 1,443,467 Goodwill 516,981 Deferred tax liabilities 363,528 Purchase consideration through cash payment 1,632,635 Cash and cash equivalents in Agalia - Net cash outflow from acquisition of subsidiary 1,632,635 By holding 100 interest in AIM, Ariane Capital and Agalia, ATA has consolidated the financial statements of AIM, Ariane Capital and Agalia, and recognised pre-acquisition income amounting to Rp 165,575 in its consolidated financial statement for the year ended 31 December 2008. Through its ownership in AIM and Agalia, ATA has indirect ownership of 100 in Viscaya, Biscayne and Arindo Holdings, and has increased its ownership in Arindo Global from 33.00 to 67.00. Ownership in Viscaya has resulted in an increase in ATA’s direct and indirect ownership in Adaro from 66.07 to 99.54. Ownership in Biscayne has resulted in an increase in ATA’s indirect ownership in IBT from 67.16 to 100.00. Ownership in Arindo Holdings has resulted in an increase in ATA’s indirect ownership in Coaltrade from 64.00 to 100.00. By consolidating the financial statements of AIM and Agalia which has total ownership in Viscaya of 100, mining properties amounting to Rp 1,017,069 are recorded at Group’s consolidated financial statement for the year ended 31 December 2008. In September 2008, Arindo Holdings increased its issued and paid-up capital through an issuance of new shares. ATA acquired 25,000,000 new shares at a par value of US1 per share or equivalent to Rp 227,783. Rach M, AIM and Agalia did not subscribe to any of issued shares, as a result, their ownership decreased from 100 to 0.03. There were no changes to the ownership of the Group. Net cash outflow from the acquisition of AIM, Ariane Capital, Agalia, Arindo Holdings and the consolidation of Arindo Global are as follows: 2008 Net cash outflow from acquisition of AIM 6,095,355 Net cash outflow from acquisition of Ariane Capital 2,230,285 Net cash outflow from acquisition of Agalia 1,632,635 Net cash inflow from acquisition of Arindo Holdings 169,571 Net cash inflow from consolidation of Arindo Global 2,454 Net cash outflow from acquisition of AIM, Ariane Capital, Agalia, Arindo Holdings and consolidation of Arindo Global 9,786,250 Adaro Energy Annual Report 2009 159 PT ADARO ENERGY Tbk AND SUBSIDIARIES Schedule 521 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2009 AND 2008 Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated


f. Acquisition of PT Sarana Daya Mandiri by PT Alam Tri Abadi

On 29 October 2008, ATA acquired 51.20 interest in SDM for Rp 128. 2008 Purchase consideration through cash payment 128 Fair value of net liabilities acquired 17,772 Goodwill 17,900 Details of the assets and liabilities arising from the acquisition are as follows: 2008 Cash and cash equivalents 1,450 Other receivables 887 Advances and prepayments 17 Prepaid taxes 29,107 Fixed assets, net 299,230 Other payables 108,373 Accrued expenses 4 Taxes payable 1,343 Other short-term loan 143 Loans from related parties 238,600 Net liabilities 17,772 Interest acquired 51.20 Minority interest 48.80 Net liabilities acquired 17,772 Goodwill 17,900 Purchase consideration through cash payment 128 Cash and cash equivalents in SDM 1,450 Net cash inflow from acquisition of subsidiary 1,322 By holding 51.20 in SDM, ATA has consolidated the financial statements of SDM and recognised pre-acquisition loss amounting to Rp 17,772 in its consolidated financial statement for the year ended 31 December 2008. On 29 May 2009, SDM increased its issued and paid in capital t hrough the issuance of 4,750 new shares with a par value of Rp 1,000,000 full amount per share. ATA acquired 2,432 shares from 4,750 of the new shares issued amounting to Rp 2,432. ATA acquired as its ownership in SDM, therefore there was no changes to t he ownership of the Group. 2009 Purchase consideration through cash payment 2,432 Fair value of net assets acquired 2,432 Goodwill -

g. Acquisition of Rachmalta Investments Ltd by Rachpore Investments Pte Ltd

On 24 December 2008, Rachpore incr eased its interest in Rachmalta, from 50 to 100, for US1 or equivalent to Rp 10,950 full amount. Through this increase, the consolidated financial statements of Rachmalta and its subsidiaries, MEC, were consolidated to the consolidated financial statements of Rachpore, ATA and Group for the year ended 31 December 2008 and pre-acquisition loss amounting to Rp 21,413 was also recognised in those consolidated financial statements. 2008 Purchase consideration through cash payment - Fair value of net liabilities acquired 163,859 Mining properties 163,859 160 Adaro Energy Annual Report 2009 From Us to Y ou Running Adaro Management Report Owning Adaro Governing Adaro Financial Report Contact Us Corporate Social Responsibility Adaro in Summary PT ADARO ENERGY Tbk AND SUBSIDIARIES Schedule 522 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2009 AND 2008 Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated


g. Acquisition of Rachmalta Investments Ltd by Rachpore Investments Pte Ltd continued

Details of the assets and liabilities arising from the acquisition are as follows: 2008 Cash and cash equivalents 779 Loans to related parties 73,694 Accrued expenses 80 Amounts due to related parties 105 Loans from related party 402,006 Net liabilities 327,718 Interest acquired 50 Net liabilities acquired 163,859 Mining properties 163,859 Goodwill 40,965 Deferred tax liabilities 40,965 Purchase consideration through cash payment - Cash and cash equivalents in Rachmalta 779 Net cash inflow from acquisition of subsidiary 779 In December 2008, Rachmalta was in a net liability position. The loss amounting to Rp 109,502 has not been recognised by Rachpore with respect to its 50 interest. The unrecognised share of net loss in Rachmalta was recognised by Rachpore in 2008 since the increase of Rachpore’s interest in Rachmalta to 100 on 24 December 2008. At ATA’s consolidation level, the amount was recorded as a reduction of retained earnings. On 23 December 2008, ATA and Coaltrade acquired ownership in Adaro from MEC for US6,713,783 and US16,217, respectively. Through this transaction, ATA increased its ownership in Adaro to 100. At the Group’s and ATA’s consolidation level, MEC’s share of Adaro’s net income that has not been previously recognised, was recorded as an increase to the retained earnings amounting to Rp 2,646. In addition, the Group and ATA also recognised mining property, goodwill and deferred tax liabilities for MEC’s ownership in Adaro amounting to Rp 89,816, Rp 22,454 and Rp 22,454, respectively. h. Liquidation of Revere Group Ltd, Decimal Investments Pte Ltd, Saluno Investments Pte Ltd, Rachsing Holdings Pte Ltd, Ariane Investments Mezzanine Pte Ltd, Ariane Capital Singapore Pte Ltd and Agalia Energy Investments Pte Ltd On 28 October 2008, Revere Group Ltd, Decimal, Saluno Investments Pte Ltd, Rachsing Holdings Pte Ltd, AIM, Ariane Capital and Agalia were liquidated. As a result of the liquidation, ATA directly owns additional shares in Biscayne, Rach M, Rachpore, Viscaya, Arindo Holdings and Arindo Global of 100, 100, 100, 100, 0.30 and 67, respectively. All the assets and liabilities of the liquidated companies have been transferred to their shareholders.

i. Disposal of PT Nusantara Power Energy by PT Jasapower Indonesia

On 30 April 2008, JPI disposed of all of its interest in PT Nusantara Power Energy “NPE” for Rp 700. The details of the net assets disposed of are as follows: 2008 Other assets 5,000 Net assets 5,000 Interest disposed 70 Net assets disposed 3,500 Adjustment to net assets disposed of: - Loss on disposal of subsidiary 2,800 - Other receivable from disposal of subsidiary 700 Cash received from disposal of subsidiary - Cash and cash equivalents in NPE - Net cash outflow from disposal of subsidiary - Adaro Energy Annual Report 2009 161 PT ADARO ENERGY Tbk AND SUBSIDIARIES Schedule 523 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2009 AND 2008 Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated


j. Acquisition of Coronado Holdings Pte Ltd and Orchard Maritime Logistics Pte Ltd

On 30 April 2009, JPI acquired a 86 interest in Coronado, a 43.2 interest in OML and Coronado’s previous shareholder receivables amounting to US2,237,124, for a total cost of US78,550,000. Coronado owns a 36 interest in OML which has ownership in OMN of 100. Through these transactions, JPI owns direct and indirect interest in OML of 74.16. As such, OML was consolidated in the Group’s consolidated financial statements.

i. Acquisition of Coronado Holdings Pte Ltd

2009 Purchase consideration through cash payment 352,015 Assignment of receivables from previous shareholders 23,966 Purchase consideration 328,049 Book value of net assets acquired 12,767 Adjustment related to fair value of OML’s fixed assets 100,694 Goodwill 214,588 Details of the assets and liabilities arising from the acquisition are as follows: 2009 Cash and cash equivalents 58 Prepayments 12 Investment in equity securities 42,677 Accrued expenses 89 Loans from shareholders 27,813 Adjustment due to difference between OML’s net assets and Coronado’s: - Investment in OML 9,067 - Negative goodwill 9,067 Net assets 14,845 Interest acquired 86 Net assets acquired 12,767 Goodwill 214,588 Adjustment related to fair value of OML’s fixed assets 100,694 Assignment of receivables from previous shareholders 23,966 Purchase consideration through cash payment 352,015 Cash and cash equivalents in Coronado 58 Net cash outflow from acquisition of subsidiary 351,957 ii. Acquisition of Orchard Maritime Logistics Pte Ltd 2009 Purchase consideration through cash payment 491,184 Investment in OML through acquisition of Coronado 152,438 Book value of net assets acquired 113,835 Adjustment to fair value of fixed assets 237,736 Goodwill 292,051