INVENTORIES Liquidation Adaro Finance B.V., MEC Indo Coal B.V. and Arindo Global Netherland B.V.

168 Adaro Energy Annual Report 2009 From Us to Y ou Running Adaro Management Report Owning Adaro Governing Adaro Financial Report Contact Us Corporate Social Responsibility Adaro in Summary PT ADARO ENERGY Tbk AND SUBSIDIARIES Schedule 530 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2009 AND 2008 Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated


Exchange difference due to financial Beginning Disposals statement Ending balance Additions Acquisition reclassification translation balance Acquisition costs Direct ownership Land 605,283 36,218 3,188 53,234 128 591,583 Buildings 147,350 24,465 7,409 36,075 12,154 203,145 Infrastructure 240,967 - - 463,687 34,110 670,544 Machinery, operational equipment and vehicles 2,913,592 300,993 11,794 18,983 175,759 3,031,637 Vessels - 98,993 1,125,770 356,488 153,444 1,427,807 Mining equipment 4,235 517 - 1,519 161 3,394 Project equipment 12,396 16,307 828 - 2,012 27,519 Office equipment 60,011 14,169 10,951 697 5,374 79,060 Crushing and handling facilities 860,584 151,567 - 65,343 142,638 934,856 Roads and bridges 1,073,106 3,089 - 13,663 153,510 936,348 Stockpile facilities 66,802 - - - 9, 456 57,346 Dock facilities 23,805 - - - 3,369 20,436 6,008,131 646,318 1,159,940 860,823 691,537 7,983,675 Construction in progress 652,280 435,578 58,270 528,624 39,230 578,274 Leased assets Operational equipment 1,228,448 304,190 - 20,947 24,708 1,486,983 Vessels - 43,450 339,602 356,488 26,564 - Vehicles 276 - - 282 82 76 1,228,724 347,640 339,602 377,717 51,190 1,487,059 7,889,135 1,429,536 1,557,812 45,518 781,957 10,049,008 Accumulated depreciation Direct ownership Buildings 30,723 9, 818 752 307 3,796 37,190 Infrastructure 84,492 35,433 - - 12,641 107,284 Machinery, operational equipment and vehicles 954,200 355,752 2,620 21,077 94,097 1,197,398 Vessels - 53,082 147,960 20,362 20,526 200,878 Mining equipment 3,332 548 - 1,519 135 2,496 Project equipment 5,032 4,572 811 - 505 9,910 Office equipment 33,495 12,835 710 1,385 3,748 41,907 Crushing and handling facilities 290,311 55,100 - - 46,383 299,028 Roads and bridges 360,793 49,856 - - 55,856 354,793 Stockpile facilities 39,824 3,178 - - 5,943 37,059 Dock facilities 18,535 1,130 - - 2,731 16,934 1,820,737 581,304 152,853 3,926 246,091 2,304,877 Leased assets Operational equipment 144,170 209,634 - 8,239 17,122 328,443 Vessels - 6,010 15,570 20,362 1,218 - Vehicles 44 7 - 55 15 11 144,214 215,651 15,570 28,656 18,325 328,454 1,964,951 796,955 168,423 32,582 264,416 2,633,331 Net book value 5,924,184 7,415,677 Adaro Energy Annual Report 2009 169 PT ADARO ENERGY Tbk AND SUBSIDIARIES Schedule 531 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2009 AND 2008 Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated

12. FIXED ASSETS continued 2008

Exchange difference due to financial Beginning Disposals statement Ending balance Additions Acquisition reclassification translation balance Acquisition costs Direct ownership Land 26,365 578,944 - 26 - 605,283 Buildings 82,289 7,909 - 49,985 7,167 147,350 Infrastructure 207,275 - - - 33,692 240,967 Machinery, operational equipment and vehicles 2,302,174 373,279 - 80,703 157,436 2,913,592 Vessels - - - - - - Mining equipment 3,908 327 - - - 4,235 Project equipment 7,218 5,178 - - - 12,396 Office equipment 44,185 7,939 1,765 2,897 3,225 60,011 Crushing and handling facilities 664,321 72,674 - 5,368 118,221 860,584 Roads and bridges 830,444 1,103 - 94,087 147,472 1,073,106 Stockpile facilities 57,462 - - - 9,340 66,802 Dock facilities 20,477 - - - 3,328 23,805 4,246,118 1,047,353 1,765 233,014 479,881 6,008,131 Construction in progress 73,589 423,013 298,960 154,865 11,583 652,280 Leased assets Operational equipment 603,794 722,255 - 97,601 - 1,228,448 Vessels - - - - - - Vehicles 191 - 234 149 - 276 603,985 722,255 234 97,750 - 1,228,724 4,923,692 2,192,621 300,959 19,601 491,464 7,889,135 Accumulated depreciation Direct ownership Buildings 21,074 6,517 - 115 3,247 30,723 Infrastructure 66,253 6,606 - - 11,633 84,492 Machinery, operational equipment and vehicles 640,759 213,624 - 29,162 70,655 954,200 Vessels - - - - - - Mining equipment 2,543 789 - - - 3,332 Project equipment 2,969 2,063 - - - 5,032 Office equipment 21,811 9,238 1,287 1,756 2,915 33,495 Crushing and handling facilities 208,939 41,912 - - 39,460 290,311 Roads and bridges 271,420 40,007 - - 49,366 360,793 Stockpile facilities 31,377 2,959 - - 5,488 39,824 Dock facilities 14,920 1,052 - - 2,563 18,535 1,282,065 324,767 1,287 27,291 185,327 1,820,737 Leased assets Operational equipment 82,816 98,807 - 37,453 - 144,170 Vessels - - - - - - Vehicles 113 42 19 130 - 44 82,929 98,849 19 37,583 - 144,214 1,364,994 423,616 1,306 10,292 185,327 1,964,951 Net book value 3,558,698 5,924,184