The Development of High Yield Rubber Plantations Micro Financing Institute

122 Adaro Energy Annual Report 2009 From Us to Y ou Running Adaro Management Report Owning Adaro Governing Adaro Financial Report Contact Us Corporate Social Responsibility Adaro in Summary Corporate Social Responsibility With its motto, “Creating love, developing and maintaining partnerships, growing with the community, blossoming with the people” PT Adaro Energy has established its commitment of becoming a responsible partner and a good neighbour toward the community surrounding its operations area. Using this as a basis, Adaro Energy through its mining subsidiary Adaro Indonesia has conducted its Corporate Social Responsibility CSR programs over many years by taking into account the potential of the region in its moves to support community empowerment in the surrounding area. The CSR programs encompass four areas for community development: 1. Economic development 2. Educational enhancement 3. Health improvement 4. Social and cultural promotion In 2009, the entire group of companies that form Adaro Energy spent a total of Rp51 billion of CSR activities, an increase of 39 over the Rp37 billion spent in 2008. Economic Development Adaro has many programs aimed at providing economic development to surrounding communities in South and Central Kalimantan. These include :

a. The Development of High Yield Rubber Plantations

Adaro’s operational area has shown to have high potential for rubber plantation development. Higher yield rubber trees are planted to utilize idle land or to replace plantation areas which are no longer productive. Through a Business Development Institute set up by Adaro and its partners, the farmers are trained and educated on rubber cultivation and the techniques to improve crop quality and the management of a rubber smoking station. The training program commenced in 2007 in Balangan Regency, Tabalong Regency, and East Barito Regency with an initial area of 1,251 hectares with 693 farmers undergoing training. The program has been running continuously since then and as of 2009, the Institute’s training program had reached 4,849 farmers with a total of 4,350 hectares under cultivation.

b. Micro Financing Institute

The Micro Finance Institute Banua Bauntung was established with the objective of providing capital access for micro up to medium sizes enterprises MSME’s in various sectors such as trading, services, agriculture, plantation development, animal husbandry, and home industries. The Institute is expected to serve as an intermediary micro inancial institution for MSME’s, improve cooperation with its customers, government, and the community, and strengthen human resources quality and its capital structure. Lending activities started in 2005, soon after its establishment and the Institute now has ofices in four regencies: Tabalong, East Barito, South Barito, and Balangan. Loan Development from 2005 to 2009 in Millions of Rupiah Year The amount of Financing Number of Clients Year 2005 1,403 1,951 Year 2006 5,221 5,398 Year 2007 6,415 5,833 Year 2008 8,522 5,406 Year 2009 7,965 4,217 As of the end of 2009, the total fund allocated was Rp29.5 billion for 22,805 customers – these igures include outstanding and repaid loans. c. Integrated Agricultural Program Adaro has developed an integrated agricultural program for enhancing livestock and poultry rearing that works in conjunction with crop development for animal feed and the production of biomass and bioliquids Adaro Energy Annual Report 2009 123 from livestock and poultry waste that is used as fertilizer on reclaimed mining areas and nursery areas to grow plants and cover crops for land reclamation and for animal fodder. The objectives of this Integrated Agricultural Program are to: 1. Set a model of integrated agricultural management for the surrounding community; 2. Create employment and business opportunities; 3. Establish cooperation with various counterparts as the irst step to creating partnerships with the community; and 4. Serve as the learning facility for the community surrounding the operational area. The program has shown satisfying results with the following progress achieved as of 2009: Number of Balinese cows grown from 100 cows to 190 cows Superior cows grown from 288 cows to 325 cows Broiler chickens 18,000 chickens per hatching cycle Fertilizer production 70 bags day Bio Gas 1 unit Revegetated area 38.8 ha Workers 34 people This self-sustaining agricultural program is a prime example of Adaro’s commitment to establish a community that is independent in the aspects of business, education, and management. In 2009, Adaro won the following recognition from the Ministry of Social Affairs for its economic development programs: 1. KSN Awards 2009, Platinum Award, category: EconomyPartnership – Micro Financing Institution, Program: Banua Bauntung Microinance - Paringin Branch 2. CSR Awards 2008, Gold Award, category: Social and Environment – Integrated Agricultural Program Educational Enhancement

a. Institute for Educational Potential Development of Adaro Partners LP3AP