




















This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education









This thesis was written by Jumiati and was approved on August 09, 2012


Advisor I, Advisor II,



This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on August 09, 2012

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhamadiyah Malang


Dr. M. Syaifuddin, M.M

Examiners: Signatures: 1. Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si 1. ... 2. Drs. Hartono, M.Pd 2. ... 3. Drs. Adiloka, M.Pd 3. ... 4. Dr. Masduki, M.Pd 4. ...





“Be patient and excel in patience and remain steadfast, and be careful of your duty to Allah, that you may be successful.” (QS. Al-Imran: 200)

“Those who pursue a path to seek knowledge, Allah will make it easy for him to the path to heaven.” (HR. Muslim)

“Science is better than treasure. Science will take care of you while you take care of treasure. Science is the judge while the property will be judged. The savers of treasure will be dead while the remains are the owners of science even actually their

selves are gone, but they still exist in the human heart.” (Ali Bin Abi Thalib r.a) Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

(Henry David Thoreau) DEDICATION

I dedicated this thesis to:

 My Parents, H. Muddin and Hj. Wariya, especially for my mom, this is for you, get well soon my heart, thanks for the kindness, unstoppable praying, support, and love, you are my spirit.

 My beloved sisters and brothers, thanks for the support and advice.

 My lovely nephews and nieces, Yudha, Rahmi, Rina, Bagas, Khusnul, Andhika, Belva, Cello, Maya, Syuha, Bakar, Bilal and all of my beloved family members, thanks for the love and unstoppable praying.

 My boyfriend, Rudi Romadloni, thanks for the love, care, and support.

 My best friends, Norha, Nhaena, Asnie, Ikha, Chaca, and Renno, thanks for the love and support.




Alhamdulillah, the merciful, charitable, and as the Lord of Universe, Allah SWT, for His guidance and mercy who always blesses the writer’s effort in completing this thesis, because without His blessing, this thesis will never finish. The writer also desired to deliver sholawat and greeting to His beloved prophet, Muhammad SAW.

The writer owed deep gratitude and thanked to Drs. Adiloka, M.Pd and Dr. Masduki, M.Pd who had given advices, suggestions, motivations, inspirations, and had been patient to guide the writer in writing this thesis.

The writer was truly grateful to her beloved father and mother, her brothers and sisters, and all friends in campus of UMM especially for English Department students of 2008 for motivation, love, care, pray, and support in finishing this thesis. Your all existences make her steady.

Finally, may Allah blesses them all for their assistance and support, and endows them with the proper virtue.

Malang, August 2012










Literature as a result of human creativity loads with values, both the beauty values for recreation and moral values for education. Literature can make the readers know how to behave, speak, feel and think, because what drawn in literature is the representation of real life. By learning literary works, especially drama, the readers do not only get an enjoyment, but also they can get many valuable knowledge and experiences in case of forming their “character building” especially for the students. Realized or not, the readers will be influenced by values, moral messages, and positive behaviors that are embodied in drama.

This study focused on Othello’s jealousy as the cause of the tragedies in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”. The problems were: (1) what are the kinds of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”, (2) what are the causes of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”, and (3) what are the effects of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”. This study applied descriptive qualitative design to interpret and describe the problems observed and because there was no treatment as found in experimental research. This study used objective approach because it just analyzed the drama itself without studying the author’s life. The object of this study was William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello” which focused on the kinds, the causes, and the effects of Othello’s jealousy. The data were collected from the dialogue of Othello as the main source in this study because Othello has a big contribution in leading the tragedies.

Based on the research finding, there are three kinds of Othello’s jealousy. They are possessive jealousy, competition jealousy, and fear jealousy. Then, there are five causes of Othello’s jealousy. They are fear of loss, inadequacy, fear of feeling, delusions, and obsessions. Furthermore, the effects of Othello’s jealousy seriously caused a tragedy with the death of his wife and himself. However, there are three effects of the protagonist’s jealousy. They are behavior changes, perceived threat, and violence that finally caused the death of his wife and himself which led to the cause of the tragedies in the story.

Keyword: Othello, Jealousy, Tragedy, andDrama

Advisor I, The Writer,










CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 5

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 5

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 6

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 6

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 6


2.2 Drama as a Literary Work ... 9

2.3 Kinds of Drama ... 10

2.4 Elements of Drama ... 12

2.4.1 Theme ... 12

2.4.2 Messages ... 13

2.4.3 Plot ... 13

2.4.4 Characters ... 18

2.4.5 Dialogue ... 21

2.4.6 Setting ... 21

2.4.7 Language ... 22

2.4.8 Interpretation ... 23

2.5 Jealousy ... 23

2.5.1 Definition of Jealousy ... 24

2.5.2 Kinds of Jealousy ... 25

2.5.3 Causes of Jealousy ... 27

2.5.4 Effects of Jealousy ... 29


3.2 Approach ... 32

3.3 Object of the Study ... 32

3.4 Data Collection ... 33




4.1 Findings ... 35

4.1.1 Kinds of Othello’s Jealousy in William Shakespeare’s Drama “Othello” ... 35 Jealousy ... 36 Jealousy ... 37 Jealousy ... 39

4.1.2 Causes of Othello’s Jealousy in William Shakespeare’s Drama “Othello” ... 40 Fear of Loss ... 40 Inadequacy ... 42 of Feeling ... 43 Delusions ... 44 Obsessions ... 46

4.1.3 Effects of Othello’s Jealousy in William Shakespeare’s Drama “Othello” ... 48 Behavior Change ... 48 Perceived Threat ... 50 Violence ... 52

4.2 Discussion ... 55


5.2 Suggestions ... 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY




Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren. 1956. Theory of Literature. Australia: Pinguin Books Pty LTD.

Mikics, David. 2007. A New Handbook of Literary Terms. US: Yale University. Sumaryadi. 2011. “Seni Drama dan Pendidikan Karakter.”

Karya Ilmiah disajikan sebagai makalah pendamping pada Seminar Nasional Jurusan Pendidikan Sendratasik Se-Indonesia, FBS, UNY, Yogyakarta 12 November 2011.

Quinn, Edward. 2006. A Dictionary of Literary and Thematic Terms2nd Edition. New York: Facts on File, Inc.

Cayne, Bernard S. 1988. The New Lexicon Webster's Dictionary of the English Language. USA:Lexicon Publications.

Long, William J. 2004. English Literature: Its History and Its Significance for the Life of the English Speaking World. Heidelberg: The Project Gutenberg. Lethbridge, Stephanie and Jarmila Mildorf. 2009. An Introductory Course for

Students of Literary Studies in English. Stuttgart: University of Tubingen. Waluyo, Herman J. 2002. Drama:Teori dan Pengajarannya. Yogyakarta: Hanindita

Graha Widya.

Wiyanto, Asul. 2002. Terampil Bermain Drama. Jakarta: PT Grasindo.

Buss, David M. 2000. The Dangerous Passion: Why Jealousy Is as Necessary as Love and Sex. New York: A Division of Simon & Schuster Inc.

Hart, Sybil L. and Maria Legerstee. 2010. Handbook of Jealousy: Theory, Research, and MultidisciplinaryApproaches. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Wagner, Anita. 2007. Making Peace with the Jealousy in Polyamorous Relationship

Washington, DC: Practical Polyamory, Inc.

Hudayat, Asep Yusup. 2007. Metode Penelitian Sastra. Bandung: Fakultas Sastra Universitas Padjadjaran.


Shakespeare, William. 1604. Othello. Translated by M.E. Snodgrass. 2008. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Laurie, Skiba, et. al. 2005. Othello: the Moor of Venice with Related Readings. St. Paul, Minnesota: EMC/Paradigm Publishing.

. 2001. Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology: Jealousy. (Online), (

Wheeler, L. Kip. 1998. Literature Terms and Definitions: Freytag’s Pyramid Sample Chart. (Online), (

Ireland, Jae. 2010. The Effects of Jealousy in a Relationship. (Online), (

Frank, Monica A. 2011. Jealousy: Causes of Irrational Jealousy. (Online), (

Pandit, Naresh R. 1996. The Creation of Theory: A Recent Application of the Grounded Theory Method. The Qualitative Report Volume 2 Number 4. (Online), (

Neill, J. T. 2009. Qualitative analysis. (Online), ( Wikipedia. 2008. The free encyclopedia. (Online), (

Vena, Ernestina. 2009. A Psychoanalysis Study of Othello’s Search for Self-esteem

that Ends in His Downfall in Shakespeare’s Othello. Unpublished. Surabaya: Petra Christian University.

Hikmah, Durratul. 2010. A Woman’s Roles in William Shakespeare’s Othello. Unpublished. Malang: The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim.



In this chapter, the writer wants to describe about background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1Background of the Study

Literature is a result of creation and creativity of an author that describes all the events experienced by people in their daily life. The author creates a literary work based on his experience and observation of life. Literature is an imitation of life which is expressed by the author’s imagination. Rene and Austin stated about the definition of literature as follows:

Literature is a social institution, using medium language, a social creation. Such traditional literary derives as symbolism and meter are social in their very nature. They are conventions and norms, which could have arisen only in society. But, further more, literature “represent life” and life is a large measure, a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary imitation (1963: 94).

Literature is a representation or reflection of human life. The author uses language as a medium in a powerful, effective, and captivating manner to paint his description of human experience. In other words, we can say that literature is an art of language. Besides that, literature is like a symbolism of life because it is used as convention and norm of society.



Literature as a result of human creativity loads with values, both the beauty values for recreation and moral values for education. It shows that by reading literary work, people can find out the values of life, customs arrangement, a belief, and worldview of others or society. In other words, all of us who read literature will find the knowledge of human affairs broad and deeper, whether in the individual, the social, the racial or the international sphere. We will understand the possibilities of human life, both for good and evil, how to live at a particular time and place, with all pleasures, vexations, or problems, and perhaps be able to make right rather than wrong choices.

In general, literature has several genres. One of them is drama. According to Mikics (2007: 93), “Drama derives from the Greek word for doing, draein: a drama is something done onstage. The fundamental situation of drama is the presence of an actor or actors onstage, facing us and eliciting our response.” It shows that as a literary form, drama is designed for the theatre because characters are assigned roles and they act out their roles as the action is enacted on stage. Drama is an important branch in literature and reflects the most reality of all literary works. It presents a story realistically through the actors to the audience. Therefore, drama can be the most effective tool for reminding people about the dangers of something, for instance AIDS, Drugs, Free Sex, Smoking, Infidelity, Corruption, and so on. In this case, besides entertaining, drama can also educate, inform, enlighten, and even mobilize people at the same time.



Sumaryadi stated by learning drama, people can be educated, directed, and influenced. Moral and art should be cooperated in order to form the character building and moral of future generations (1987). From drama, people do not only get a pleasure or satisfaction in enjoying drama as their entertainment, but also they can get many useful things in case of forming their “character building” especially for children. Realized or not, people will be influenced by values, moral messages, and positive behaviors that are embodied in drama. So, we can conclude that drama can support character building system in Indonesia. Besides as a literary work, drama has been taught as one of the subjects of study which is compulsory to be taken by every student of English Department of University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Therefore, regarding to the explanations above, the writer decides to take drama as her research. The drama studied is a tragedy drama “Othello” written by William Shakespeare, which the writer focuses on the protagonist’s jealousy. The writer chooses jealousy as the main problem to be analyzed because this drama represents jealousy as one of the most corrupting and destructive emotions. It is jealousy that causes the downfall of protagonist Othello. There are also some other reasons why the writer would like to analyze William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello” that focuses on Othello’s jealousy. Firstly, this drama can be a lesson because we know almost everybody has personality of jealousy and it’s a normal personality, but if it is so strong, jealousy can be dangerous either to oneself or other people. Secondly, “Othello” with the most tragic ending of all Shakespeare’s dramas is one of the most important and popular tragedies in Elizabethan period. Another reason is



that William Shakespeare, the author of the drama, is one of the greatest Elizabethan poets and playwrights who ever lived. One more thing that we can take from this drama is the character building that is beneficial for education system as the writer discussed in early. They are honor, courtesy, self-confidence, and honesty. So, we do not only get story about love or romance, jealousy, sadness, or other conflicts, but also we can get the messages of moral value that can be told to our students or children which have correlation with character building in their daily school life. Finally, this drama will give good impacts toward their behavior in the school.

The whole depiction above becomes the reasons why the writer intends to conduct this thesis. However, Othello has been researched in several times. The first is Ernestina Vena (2009) with “A Psychoanalysis Study of Othello’s Search for Self-esteem that Ends in His Downfall in Shakespeare’s Othello”. She uses psychoanalysis as the theory in analyzing her research. The second is Durratul Hikmah (2010) with “A Woman’s Roles in William Shakespeare’s Othello”. She uses feminist literary criticism in Shakespeare’s Othello especially discussing about woman’s power in her role in society. Those previous studies prove that Othello is a literary work which has attracted some researchers to give a critical comment through various perspectives. However, this study has different perspective in analyzing the literary work. The writer decides to conduct “An Analysis of Othello’s Jealousy as the Cause of the Tragedies in William Shakespeare’s Drama Othello”. This study does not only describe Othello’s jealousy, but also the causes and the effects which affect the tragedies in the story.


5 1.2Statement of the Problem

Othello was the protagonist character. He played important role in this tragedy. He became consumed by jealousy when he believed that his wife, Desdemona, was being unfaithful, without necessarily knowing all of the facts. His jealousy led him to go mad and, finally, caused tragedies that were proved by the death of both his wife and himself.

Based on those events, the writer formulates the problem of study as follows: 1. What are the kinds of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama


2. What are the causes of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”?

3. What are the effects of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”?

1.3Purpose of the Study

Based on the statement of the problem, the purposes of this study are:

1. To know the kinds of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”.

2. To know the causes of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”.

3. To know the effects of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”.


6 1.4Significance of the Study

This study has some significance. Firstly, it can be used as an additional reference to develop the knowledge about literary work especially about drama. Secondly, it is expected to give the readers some messages of moral values about the danger of jealousy in Othello. Thirdly, it gives more information about one of William Shakespeare’s dramas. Fourthly, it is aimed to motivate English department students of UMM to love literature, especially drama. Finally, this study is to enlarge students’ knowledge in analyzing literary works especially that are interested in drama.

1.5Scopes and Limitation

This study is focused on the William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”. There are many topics that can be analyzed in this drama, but in this study, the writer only focuses on jealousy. There are also some jealousies done by some characters, meanwhile, for the limitation of study, the writer tries to analyze Othello’s jealousy.

1.6Definition of Key Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding while reading this study, the writer provides the definition of key terms concerning with the title used in this research: 1. Drama is one of the literary works that presents a story of human life that is told



behavior, with or without decoration, based on written texts/scripts (product of literary art) or improvised, with or without music, song, and dance.

2. Characters are people who play a role in a drama. “Character is a person depicted in a narrative or drama” (Quinn, 2006: 72).

3. Protagonist is defined as a chief character in a play or story. Although the protagonist is often referred to a good guy in most of the stories, he can be a bad guy as well, but he is the principal and central character whose rival is the antagonist.

4. Othello is the protagonist character that the writer analyzed. He who experienced the jealousy.

5. Jealousy is born when someone feels his/her lover directs his/her love to another person, then he/she will feel the multiple emotions such as anger, hate, sadness and a desire to hurt. According to Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology, jealousy is a combination of emotional reactions, including fear, anger, and anxiety (2001).

6. Tragedy is drama that performs a sad character that gets into dangerous situation because of disadvantages thing, for example jealousy or ambition. “Drama showing the ruin of downfall of the principle character” (Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary, 1987: 386).



Literature as a result of human creativity loads with values, both the beauty values for recreation and moral values for education. It shows that by reading literary work, people can find out the values of life, customs arrangement, a belief, and worldview of others or society. In other words, all of us who read literature will find the knowledge of human affairs broad and deeper, whether in the individual, the social, the racial or the international sphere. We will understand the possibilities of human life, both for good and evil, how to live at a particular time and place, with all pleasures, vexations, or problems, and perhaps be able to make right rather than wrong choices.

In general, literature has several genres. One of them is drama. According to Mikics (2007: 93), “Drama derives from the Greek word for doing, draein: a drama is something done onstage. The fundamental situation of drama is the presence of an actor or actors onstage, facing us and eliciting our response.” It shows that as a literary form, drama is designed for the theatre because characters are assigned roles and they act out their roles as the action is enacted on stage. Drama is an important branch in literature and reflects the most reality of all literary works. It presents a story realistically through the actors to the audience. Therefore, drama can be the most effective tool for reminding people about the dangers of something, for instance AIDS, Drugs, Free Sex, Smoking, Infidelity, Corruption, and so on. In this case, besides entertaining, drama can also educate, inform, enlighten, and even mobilize people at the same time.



Sumaryadi stated by learning drama, people can be educated, directed, and influenced. Moral and art should be cooperated in order to form the character building and moral of future generations (1987). From drama, people do not only get a pleasure or satisfaction in enjoying drama as their entertainment, but also they can get many useful things in case of forming their “character building” especially for children. Realized or not, people will be influenced by values, moral messages, and positive behaviors that are embodied in drama. So, we can conclude that drama can support character building system in Indonesia. Besides as a literary work, drama has been taught as one of the subjects of study which is compulsory to be taken by every student of English Department of University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Therefore, regarding to the explanations above, the writer decides to take drama as her research. The drama studied is a tragedy drama “Othello” written by William Shakespeare, which the writer focuses on the protagonist’s jealousy. The writer chooses jealousy as the main problem to be analyzed because this drama represents jealousy as one of the most corrupting and destructive emotions. It is jealousy that causes the downfall of protagonist Othello. There are also some other reasons why the writer would like to analyze William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello” that focuses on Othello’s jealousy. Firstly, this drama can be a lesson because we know almost everybody has personality of jealousy and it’s a normal personality, but if it is so strong, jealousy can be dangerous either to oneself or other people. Secondly, “Othello” with the most tragic ending of all Shakespeare’s dramas is one of the most important and popular tragedies in Elizabethan period. Another reason is



that William Shakespeare, the author of the drama, is one of the greatest Elizabethan poets and playwrights who ever lived. One more thing that we can take from this drama is the character building that is beneficial for education system as the writer discussed in early. They are honor, courtesy, self-confidence, and honesty. So, we do not only get story about love or romance, jealousy, sadness, or other conflicts, but also we can get the messages of moral value that can be told to our students or children which have correlation with character building in their daily school life. Finally, this drama will give good impacts toward their behavior in the school.

The whole depiction above becomes the reasons why the writer intends to conduct this thesis. However, Othello has been researched in several times. The first is Ernestina Vena (2009) with “A Psychoanalysis Study of Othello’s Search for Self-esteem that Ends in His Downfall in Shakespeare’s Othello”. She uses psychoanalysis as the theory in analyzing her research. The second is Durratul Hikmah (2010) with “A Woman’s Roles in William Shakespeare’s Othello”. She uses feminist literary criticism in Shakespeare’s Othello especially discussing about woman’s power in her role in society. Those previous studies prove that Othello is a literary work which has attracted some researchers to give a critical comment through various perspectives. However, this study has different perspective in analyzing the literary work. The writer decides to conduct “An Analysis of Othello’s Jealousy as the Cause of the Tragedies in William Shakespeare’s Drama Othello”. This study does not only describe Othello’s jealousy, but also the causes and the effects which affect the tragedies in the story.


5 1.2Statement of the Problem

Othello was the protagonist character. He played important role in this tragedy. He became consumed by jealousy when he believed that his wife, Desdemona, was being unfaithful, without necessarily knowing all of the facts. His jealousy led him to go mad and, finally, caused tragedies that were proved by the death of both his wife and himself.

Based on those events, the writer formulates the problem of study as follows: 1. What are the kinds of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama


2. What are the causes of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”?

3. What are the effects of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”?

1.3Purpose of the Study

Based on the statement of the problem, the purposes of this study are:

1. To know the kinds of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”.

2. To know the causes of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”.

3. To know the effects of Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”.


6 1.4Significance of the Study

This study has some significance. Firstly, it can be used as an additional reference to develop the knowledge about literary work especially about drama. Secondly, it is expected to give the readers some messages of moral values about the danger of jealousy in Othello. Thirdly, it gives more information about one of William Shakespeare’s dramas. Fourthly, it is aimed to motivate English department students of UMM to love literature, especially drama. Finally, this study is to enlarge students’ knowledge in analyzing literary works especially that are interested in drama.

1.5Scopes and Limitation

This study is focused on the William Shakespeare’s drama “Othello”. There are many topics that can be analyzed in this drama, but in this study, the writer only focuses on jealousy. There are also some jealousies done by some characters, meanwhile, for the limitation of study, the writer tries to analyze Othello’s jealousy.

1.6Definition of Key Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding while reading this study, the writer provides the definition of key terms concerning with the title used in this research: 1. Drama is one of the literary works that presents a story of human life that is told



behavior, with or without decoration, based on written texts/scripts (product of literary art) or improvised, with or without music, song, and dance.

2. Characters are people who play a role in a drama. “Character is a person depicted in a narrative or drama” (Quinn, 2006: 72).

3. Protagonist is defined as a chief character in a play or story. Although the protagonist is often referred to a good guy in most of the stories, he can be a bad guy as well, but he is the principal and central character whose rival is the antagonist.

4. Othello is the protagonist character that the writer analyzed. He who experienced the jealousy.

5. Jealousy is born when someone feels his/her lover directs his/her love to another person, then he/she will feel the multiple emotions such as anger, hate, sadness and a desire to hurt. According to Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology, jealousy is a combination of emotional reactions, including fear, anger, and anxiety (2001). 6. Tragedy is drama that performs a sad character that gets into dangerous situation

because of disadvantages thing, for example jealousy or ambition. “Drama showing the ruin of downfall of the principle character” (Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary, 1987: 386).