The Analysis Of Plot Used in Tracey Garvis Graves’ Novel On The Island








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Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Study, University of Sumatera Utara In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Diploma-III in English Study Program

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Approved by the Diploma III of English Study Program Faculty of Cultural Study, University of Sumatera Utara As a Paper for the Diploma-III Examination

Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma-III of English Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Study, University of Sumatera Utara.



NIP. 19511013197603 1 001 Dr.Syahron Lubis, M.A.

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1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP) 2. Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum (Supervisor)

3. Drs. Chairul Husni, M.Ed. TESOL (Reader)


I am, CHAROLINA LUMBAN GAOL, declare that I am the sole of author of this paper. Except where reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contain no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Title of paper : The Analysis Of Plot Used in Tracey Garvis Graves’ Novel On The Island

Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya Study Program : English

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Plot is a literary term defined as the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern, in a sequence, through cause and effect. Plot is really related to the conflict and will be organised well if the causes and effects are connected. Therefore, this paper is entitled become: THE ANALYSIS OF THE PLOT USED IN TRACEY GARVIS GRAVES’ NOVEL ON THE ISLAND. Exposition in the novel is when Anna Emerson, a thirty years old lady meet T.J. Callahan, a sixteen years old boy who had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer for tutoring class on summer holiday because she is bored with her boyfriend . Complication in the novel is when Anna and T.J. get crashlanded on Indian ocean when flew up from Chicago to Maldives and stranded on uninhabited island. Rising action in the novel is when Anna and T.J. live on the island for an year and find many problems but they try to to keep care each other. Turning point in the novel is when T.J. and Anna fall in love together but Anna is not sure because she is fourteen years old older than T.J. Denouement in the novel is when they back to Chicago because of the tsunami and decide to marriage then have twin babies. The method of study, the writer uses descriptive method to analyze the plot in writing this paper. The conclusion of the analysis of this paper is how the plot arranged in the novel On the Island relates to conflict. The plot in the novel is progressive plot. It is a plot which written chronologically. The story is started from exposition, complication, rising action, turning point, and denouement.



Alur adalah istilah sastra yang didefenisikan sebagai kejadian-kejadian yang membentuk sebuah cerita yang menghubungkan kejadian satu dan lainnya dalam satu pola, satu urutan, melalui sebab akibat. Alur sangat berhubungan dengan konflik dan akan tersusun dengan baik jika sebab akibat cerita berhubungan. Oleh karena itu, kertas karya ini berjudul: THE ANALYSIS OF THE PLOT USED IN TRACEY GARVIS GRAVES’ NOVEL ON THE ISLAND. Exposition dalam novel adalah ketika Anna Emerson yang berumur tiga puluh tahun bertemu T.J.Callahan yang berumur enam belas tahun mengidap kanker Hodgkin’s Lymphoma untuk mengajar di liburan musim panas karena bosan dengan pacarnya John. Complication dalam novel adalah ketika Anna dan T.J. terbang dari Chicago menuju Maldives mendapat kecelakaan di atas Samudera Hindia dan terdampar di sebuah pulau tak berpenghuni. Rising action dalam novel adalah ketika Anna dan T.J. tinggal di pulau selama setahun dan menemukan masalah tetapi saling menjaga satu sama lain. Turning point dalam novel adalah ketika Anna dan T.J. saling jatuh cinta namun Anna tidak yakin karena lebih tua empat belas tahun dari T.J. Denoument dalam novel adalah ketika Anna dan T.J. kembali ke Chicago karena tsunami dan memutuskan untuk menikah kemudian memiliki bayi bayi kembar. Metode penelitian, penulis menggunakan metode deskripsi dalam menganalisis alur untuk penulisan kertas karya. Kesimpulan dari analisis plot dalam kertas karya ini adalah bagaimana alur ditata dalam novel On the Island berhubungan dengan konflik. Alur yang digunakan dalam novel tersebut adalah alur maju. Alur maju adalah alur cerita yang ditulis secara berurutan. Cerita dimulai dari exposition, complication, rising action, turning point, dan denouement.



First of all, as a Catholic, the writer would like to thank GREAT GOD (FATHER, JESUS CHRIST, HOLY SPIRIT) and HOLY MARY for their blessing and mercy. God and Holy Mary always beside the writer during doing this paper.

Then, the writer would like to thank Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Study, University of Sumatera Utara and Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. as the Head of English Diploma Study Program who gives the writer a lot of knowledge and help to complete all of administrations.

The writer would like to thank Drs. Parlindungan Purba M.Hum. (Papi) as her supervisor. The writer can do this paper because of the big help, guidence and suggestion from him.

The writer would like to thank Drs. Chairul Husni, M.Ed. TESOL., as her reader who gives her correction and advices to finish this paper.

The writer would like to thank to all lecturers who had given knowledge and valuable taught in English Diploma Study Program.

The writer also would like to thank her beloved wise father Timbang Daniel Lumban Gaol and best patient mother Romedi Mangadar Siahaan who have given prayer, love, care, support and materials along the writer’s life. Thank to writer’s sisters Agustina Liptasika Lumban Gaol (Lipta), Pitta Masroito Lumban Gaol (Pitta), Berkat Lumban Gaol (Berkat) and her young brother Michael Antonius Lumban Gaol (Kael).


Thank to her grandmothers (Op. Padahol/suhut and Op.Lambue/bao) who always pray for her successful.

Thank to her small Catholic family in Faculty of Culture Study: KMK St.Gregorius Agung (Keluarga Mahasiswa Katolik Gregung) who always give cheerful, jokes, support, care, love and especially prayer everytime.

Thank to Deviana Sinabutar (Nang Devi/Miss Lelet) who cares and gives support as a sister along three years. The writer also would like to thank to her funny talented brother Yusuf Nathanael Silaban (dek El), tomboy sister Florencia M Pratiwi (dek Flo), cool brother Jackly Sinurat (Nurat manis parsulim), Beatrik K Tarigan (dek Beatrix Chance), Mariani Sitanggang (Marie), Mikha Sitanggang (Ika Stg), Lisna M Sitinjak (dek Choi Sang Mi), Michael Pasaribu (Bang Mice), Frits Tampubolon (abang Frits) and Yuki Purba (dek Yuki).

The writer is grateful to Miss Tracey Garvis Graves as the author of novel On the Island who has reply some messages from email, twitter and facebook. The writer is really happy get that response because it is helpful.

Thank to her classmates in A class, especially: Feni Maria Lumban Toruan (Ombing de pooh) and Retno Vitasari Br Tarigan (Rere). Mariaty A Sihombing (Gaor Dodak) and Dwi Khairani (Mbak Kalem) who have the same supervisor with the writer. For B class, especially her sister Selli Maris Stella Napitupulu (kak Selly). For all brothers and sisters in SOLIDAS (Student of


Thank to her classmates in Senior High School at XI-XII , Society United/Laskar Society : Pratiwi Junike Banjarnahor (piri Tiwi), Elija Harti Hasugian (kak Zha), Tri Putra Hasugian (ito Putra), Indra Christina Marpaung (Ceem), Ruth Sondang Rajagukguk (mami universal), Erma Pangaribuan, Carnila Margaretha Nainggolan (inong gendut), Valentina Sitanggang (Len), Parulian Sinurat (Parul), Sony Hutapea (dady Sony), Hardiansyah Tanjung (Zung), Lena Elfrida Silaban (Anel tuit), Ika Sartika Simanjuntak (Ika blue) and so on who have give prayer and support eventhough the distance is so far away. And also thank to Eventina Monance Sitorus (Ve) and Riny Oktora Purba (Ra) become friendship and pray for the writer to do the paper.

Finally, the writer will accept the suggestions from the readers because this paper is not perfect. Thank you to all readers who read this paper and appreciate this paper.

Medan, 2013 The writer,

Reg. No. 102202039 Charolina Lumban Gaol





ABSTRACT ... iii

ABSTRAK ... iv



1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of Study ... 1

1.2 The Scope of Study ... 2

1.3 The Objective of Study ... 3

1.4 The Significance of Study ... 3

1.5 The Method of Study ... 3

2. REVIEW AND RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 What is novel ... 5

2.2 Intrinsic Elements ... 6

2.3 Theme ... 6

2.4 Character ... 6

2.5 Structure ... 7

2.6 Plot ... 8

2.7 Point of View ... 12


3.2 Complication... 15

3.3 Rising Action ... 16

3.4 Turning Point ... 17

3.5 Denouement ... 18

4. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 4.1 Conclusions ... 20

4.2 Suggestions ... 21


APPENDICES A. Biography of Tracey Garvis Graves ... 23



Plot is a literary term defined as the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern, in a sequence, through cause and effect. Plot is really related to the conflict and will be organised well if the causes and effects are connected. Therefore, this paper is entitled become: THE ANALYSIS OF THE PLOT USED IN TRACEY GARVIS GRAVES’ NOVEL ON THE ISLAND. Exposition in the novel is when Anna Emerson, a thirty years old lady meet T.J. Callahan, a sixteen years old boy who had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer for tutoring class on summer holiday because she is bored with her boyfriend . Complication in the novel is when Anna and T.J. get crashlanded on Indian ocean when flew up from Chicago to Maldives and stranded on uninhabited island. Rising action in the novel is when Anna and T.J. live on the island for an year and find many problems but they try to to keep care each other. Turning point in the novel is when T.J. and Anna fall in love together but Anna is not sure because she is fourteen years old older than T.J. Denouement in the novel is when they back to Chicago because of the tsunami and decide to marriage then have twin babies. The method of study, the writer uses descriptive method to analyze the plot in writing this paper. The conclusion of the analysis of this paper is how the plot arranged in the novel On the Island relates to conflict. The plot in the novel is progressive plot. It is a plot which written chronologically. The story is started from exposition, complication, rising action, turning point, and denouement.



Alur adalah istilah sastra yang didefenisikan sebagai kejadian-kejadian yang membentuk sebuah cerita yang menghubungkan kejadian satu dan lainnya dalam satu pola, satu urutan, melalui sebab akibat. Alur sangat berhubungan dengan konflik dan akan tersusun dengan baik jika sebab akibat cerita berhubungan. Oleh karena itu, kertas karya ini berjudul: THE ANALYSIS OF THE PLOT USED IN TRACEY GARVIS GRAVES’ NOVEL ON THE ISLAND. Exposition dalam novel adalah ketika Anna Emerson yang berumur tiga puluh tahun bertemu T.J.Callahan yang berumur enam belas tahun mengidap kanker Hodgkin’s Lymphoma untuk mengajar di liburan musim panas karena bosan dengan pacarnya John. Complication dalam novel adalah ketika Anna dan T.J. terbang dari Chicago menuju Maldives mendapat kecelakaan di atas Samudera Hindia dan terdampar di sebuah pulau tak berpenghuni. Rising action dalam novel adalah ketika Anna dan T.J. tinggal di pulau selama setahun dan menemukan masalah tetapi saling menjaga satu sama lain. Turning point dalam novel adalah ketika Anna dan T.J. saling jatuh cinta namun Anna tidak yakin karena lebih tua empat belas tahun dari T.J. Denoument dalam novel adalah ketika Anna dan T.J. kembali ke Chicago karena tsunami dan memutuskan untuk menikah kemudian memiliki bayi bayi kembar. Metode penelitian, penulis menggunakan metode deskripsi dalam menganalisis alur untuk penulisan kertas karya. Kesimpulan dari analisis plot dalam kertas karya ini adalah bagaimana alur ditata dalam novel On the Island berhubungan dengan konflik. Alur yang digunakan dalam novel tersebut adalah alur maju. Alur maju adalah alur cerita yang ditulis secara berurutan. Cerita dimulai dari exposition, complication, rising action, turning point, dan denouement.


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of Study

Literature is a kind of imagination. Literature is created purely from fantasy about something. Roberts and Jacobs (1995:1) say, “Literature refers to compositions that tell stories, dramatize situation, express emotions, and analyse and advocate ideas.” Literature dramatizes the situation and analyses the ideas of the story using expressive emotion. Carter and McRae (1997:3) say that “Literature is as old as human language, and as new as as tomorrow’s sunrise.” It shows that literature is created since the human being who lived in this world have a language and will be changed to be the new one without missed the authenticity. As the imagination, literature can be classified into many genres. One of them is novel. Watson (1979:158) says that “Novel is a fictional prose narrative of length, usually with a claim to describe the real.” Novel has intrinsic and extrinsic elements. The intrinsic elements are truely seen from the novel itself. For example, plot, character, theme, point of view and setting. The other way, the extrinsic elements is not directly influence the story. They are biography, phycology and sociologyon. Because of that, the novel is really important for this paper.

Focus on plot, it is one of important in intrinsic elements. Roberts and Jacob (1995:52) say that “Plot is based on the interaction of causes and effects as they develop sequentially or chronologically.” In the novel On the Island, the interaction of causes and effects are really clear. T.J. Callahan gets crashland for summer holiday with Anna Emerson, they tried in solving the problem together


without focusing on their own egoism so that they can defense to live in uninhabited island.

Another, plot is when protagonist meets and resolves the conflict. Actions or incidents, speeches, thoughs, and observations are the development and resolution of a conflict. That unity can help the writer to view the plot in good sequence.

The writer is interested in analyzing the plot used in the novel. The story is about how the sixteenth years old boy to be mature when meeting with a mature lady, thirty years old. They fall in love because they always interact every day very closely without thinking that they are very different. Besides, how they can survive on uninhabited island because of the crash land on Indian Ocean.

Finally, the writer decides to write this paper entitled The Analysis of Plot That is Used In Tracey Garvis Graves’ Novel On The Island .

1.2 Scope of Study

It will be difficult for the writer to write all parts of the story of the novel. Because of that, she just limits how the plot is potreted in the novel On the Island.

1.2Objective of Study

The purpose of discussing the topic in this paper is: To explain how the plot is arranged in the novel On the Island.


1.3Significance of Study

The significance in this paper are:

a. Theoritically, the study can be used as addition of reference for learning and understanding literary work in English Diploma-III Department. b. Practically, the significance of this study is the reader will understand

about plot in a novel especially in the On the Island novel. 1.4Method of Study

The writer uses descriptive method in doing this paper .Writing this paper needed some data which are relevant to the topic. Data are really important for the writer to complete this paper. The sources of data are getting from some books, internet and of course novel On the Island. Those data are read by the writer. After that, the writer selects the quotations and copying to the paper as references. Then, the writer interpretes and analyzes the quotation, and makes the conclusion.


Method of Study’s Chart

The writer

Source of datas 1. Novel “On the Island” 2. Books

3. Internet

Read the text (data)

Select the Quotation (data)



Novel is one kind of literature which written by the author through imagination. According to Watson (1979:158) “Novel is a fictional prose narrative of length, usually with a claim to describe the real.” So it means novel is fictional written using imagination to describe the real in narrative length.

Watson (1979:xi) says “Novel is the name of literary kind, and there is a story to tell about how, over the centuries, its subtance has widened and its conventions changed.” It means that novel is literary kind, tell the stories of life in the last centuries. It is clear that novel can send the message through the story which has written.

Novel also contents the knowledge, such as in the novel Tracey Garvis Graves: On the Island, there are many techniques how to defend the life on uninhabited island. Those technique are useful to the backpacker who gets strayed away on uninhabitant island. Absolutely, the reader will be interested in reading the novel if the knowledge can take as addition in the next challenge life. Watson (1979:4) says that “Novel can inform on some surprising subjects.”

Another, novel is used to show and express an extra ordinary event that happened to someone. It means that novel is a way for the writer to find out extra ordinary happened in the story. By reading the novel, it is hard to get the event if the story is not read many times episode by episode. Because of that, making the important quotations will help the writer understand what event happened.


2.2 Intrinsic Elements 2.2.1 Theme

Theme is the main idea in the story. Theme is the relation between idea and purpose of the fiction that written by the author. To find the theme, the reader must read the whole stories of the novel.

Novel can show more than one theme, there are one main theme and addition themes. The addition theme must be coherence and support the main theme to get the unity.

In understanding the theme, there is a difference between the author and the reader. The reader will understand the the theme after reading the story until the end finish then know about all elements in the novel. Besides, the author must understand the theme of the story before starting to write the story.

2.2.2 Character

Roberts and Jacobs (1993:51) say “Character is a reasonable facsimile of human being, with all the good and bad traits of being human.” It means that character is the reason of imitation of human being who has bad or good traits. The imitation can show the fact that probably has bad or good value.

Character is really related to the problem. Through the problem, the character is form to be better or feel the changing.

“A story is usually concerned with a major problem that a character must face. This may involve interaction with another character, with a difficult situation, or with an idea or


or may miss the point and be unchanged.” (Roberts and Jacobs, 1993:53)

In novel, character is divided into two kinds, they are protagonist and antagonist. Protagonist is character who has good behaviour that makes the reader like, while, antagonist is character who has bad behaviour that make the reader does not like.

There are two types of character, round and flat. Round characters are complex and undergo development, sometimes sufficiently to surprise the reader. By contrast, flat characters are two-dimensional, in that they are relatively uncomplicated and do not change throughout the course of a work. (Aspects of the novel

2.2.3 Structure

Structure is the way to set the plot. It means that the way of the author to develop the stories from beginning to the end takes the causes and produce the effects.

“Structure refers to the way a plot is assembled. Chronologically, all stories are similar because they move from beginning to end in accord with the time it takes for causes to produce effects. But authors choose many different ways to develop their plots. While some stories are told in chronological order, others may get pieced together through out-of-sequence and widely separated episodes, speeches, remembrances, dreams, nightmares, period of delirium, fragments of letters, overhead conversations, and the like. In dealing with structure, therefore we deal with the arrangement and development of individual stories. Usually we study an entire story, but we may also direct our attention toward a smaller aspect of arrangement” (Roberts and Jacobs, 1993:53).


2.2.4 Plot

Plot is a literary term defined as the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern, in a sequence, through cause and effect, how the reader views the story, or simply by coincidence.

According to Jacobs and Roberts (1993:52) “The plot is based on the interactions causes and effects as they develop sequentially or chronologically.” It means that the plot is relation between causes and effects that develop into well organized.

To understand the plot is very important because every elements in fiction has found in it. For examples, the events, characterisation, and setting.

Aminuddin (1987:86) “Bagi pengarang, plot dapat diibaratkan sebagai suatu kerangka karangan yang dijadikan pedoman dalam mengembangkan keseluruhan isi ceritanya. Sedangkan bagi pembaca, pemahaman plot berarti juga pemahaman terhadap keseluruhan cerita secara runtun dan jelas.” According to Aminuddin (1987:86) “For the author, plot is like a framework of arrangement that could be directive to develop the entire content of the story. While, for the reader, understanding the plot means understand all about the story chronologically and clear.”

Plot is really related to the conflict. Plot will be organised if the causes and effects are connected to become the conflict. According to Roberts and Jacobs (1993:88-89) ”Conflict is the major element of plot because opposing


Roberts and Jacobs (1993:91-92) say “Many aspects of structure are common to all genres of literature. There are five patterns of development of plot.”

Exposition is the laying out, the putting forth, of the materials in the story–the main character, their backgrounds, their characteristics, interests, goals, limitations, potentials, and basic assumptions. It may not be limited to the story’s beginning, where it is most expected, but may be found anywhere.

Complication is the onset of major conflict–the plot. The major participants are the protagonist and antagonist, together with whatever ideas and values they represent, such as good–evil, freedom–suppression, independence–dependence, love–hate, intelligence–stupidity, knowledge– ignorance and the like.

Crisis / Rising Action is the separation between what has gone before and what will come after, usually a decision or action undertaken to resolve the conflict. the crisis is the point in which curiosity, uncertainty, and tension are greatest.

Climax / Turning Point is a consequence of the crisis, it is the story’s high point, which may take the shape of a decision, an action, an affirmation or denial, or an illumination or realization.

Resolution (a releasing or untying) or Denouement (untying) is the finishing of things after climax.


Rising Action The Diagram of Plot:

Complication Turning Point

Exposition Denoument

Plot can be divided into three common criteria, based on time, quantity, and intensiveness.

a.Based on Time Progressive Plot

The story is written chronologically. Started from beginning, middle, and ending.

Regressive Plot / Flash-back

The story is not chronologically. It can start from middle to ending then back to beginning.

Mixed Plot / Progressive-Regressive Plot

The story is written from beginning and continue to ending, then back to beginning. After that continue to middle and ending.



Sub-subplot is the addition plot that can be related to the main plot. c. Based on Intensiveness

Compact Plot

The event happens too fast, the relation between each event is too tight. • Loose Plot

The event moves too slow because there is an addition of setting.

N. Friedman (Stevick, 1967:157-65) classifies the plot into three main points. They are plot of fortune, plot of character, and plot of thought.

a. Plot of Fortune

Action Plot is the plot which is arranged in conflict and the resolution. Pathetic Plot is the plot which ends with sadness and makes the reader feel empathy. Tragic plot is the plot which makes the reader feel affected because the main character who does not know about the problem that comes and had faced. Punitive plot is the plot which ends with the failure of the main character who can not attract the reader’s symphaty. Sentimental plot is the plot in which the main character gets the victory after facing the problem. Admiration plot is the opposite of tragic plot which makes the reader admire because the main character can overcome the problem at the end.

b. Plot of Character

Maturing plot is the plot in which the main character grows to be mature. Reform plot is the plot in which the main character takes the responsibility of


calamity. Testing plot is the plot in which the main character leaves the failure and denies the dream.

c. Plot of Thought

Education plot is the plot in which changes of spiritual of the main character does not influence the behavior. Revelation plot is the plot in which the main character does not know the condition and then can find the privation secret. Effective plot is the plot in which the believeness or atitude of the main character changes but the philosophy does not. Disillusionment plot is the plot in which makes the reader feel disappointed because the main character loosses the dream and falls into despair valley.

2.2.5 Point of View

Point of view is the voice of narrating of the story. According to Jacobs an Roberts (1993:55) “Point of View is the way the reality of a story is made to seem authenthic. It may be regarded as a story’s focus, the angle of division from which things are not only seen and reported but also judge.”

Point of view is the way of the author place himself in the story. The author expresses the emotional and mental feeling of character in the story to help the reader find the events.

Tarigan (1986:130) says that “Sudut pandang adalah posisi fisik tempat persona melihat dan menyajikan gagasan-gagasan atapun

peristiwa-peristiwa; merupakan perspektif/pemandangan fisik dalam ruang


Point of view is divided into four, they are first-person central point of view is focused on “I” character. First-person peripheral point of view is focused on “I” but the persona does not tell himself. Limited third person point of view is focused on two main characters and the author limited himself to everything. Third person omniescient point of view is the author free in explaining motivation all characters. (Laverty [et al], 1971:337-8)



3.1 Exposition

The exposition of this novel is beginning at the airport of Chicago. Anna Emerson, thirty years old tenth grade English teacher wants to go to Maldives for tutoring class summer. T.J.Callahan left his class because his Godkin’s lymphoma. Actually, T.J.Callahan wants to go to over Chicago with his friends but his parent absolutely his mother Jane Callahan wants him to take class along the summer. T.J.’s family include mother, father, his sisters Alexis and Grace spend holiday time together.

I was thirty years old when the seaplane T.J.Callahan and I were travelling on-crash landed in Indian Ocean. T.J. was sixteen and three months into remission from Hodgkin’s lymphoma. (P.1)

“Hi, T.J.You look great. Are you ready to go?” (P.2)

Anna accepts to teach T.J.Callahan because she is bored with John that she does not know where their relation goes. Anna really wants to get married but John can not make the decision of Anna’s will. She wants to have a baby soon. Anna really confuses what makes John is not ready to get married. Anna and John have kept the relation as long as eight years. Anna’s sister, Sarah also has told John what should he done to clear the problem but he is still hard to decide. It is not because of the age but because of the mental is still not ready.


“Eight, Sarah. It’s been eight.” (P.22)

3.2 Complication

Before arriving at Maldives, they find many problems. First, the airplane is delayed because of the mechanical error. So they wait for long time and transit at Germany the Srilanka. Not only that, they get crashlanded when flew up from Srilanka to Maldives. The pilot, Mick who has heart attack and lost the balance of his body and the plane can not land as well as possible. Many people died. Only Anna and T.J. are still alive. They try to struggle from the ocean to the nearest beach.

Things started to go wrong in Germany. It should have taken a little over eighteen hours to fly from Chicago to Male–the capital city of the Maldives–but after mechanical problems and weather delay we ended spending the rest of the day and half the night at Frunkfurt International Airport waiting for the airline to reroute us. T.J. and I sat on hard plastic chairs at 3.00 a.m. after finally being confirmed on the next flight out. He rubbed his eyes. (P.4) He seemed okay for a while, but ten minutes later he took his right hand off the yoke and rubbed his left shoulder. Sweat trickled down the side of his face. His breathing sounded shallow and he shifted in his seat as if he couldn’t find a comfortable position. My uneasy feeling blossomed into sheer panic. (P.9)

T.J is worried about Anna who can not move. He is panic because Anna looks like could not live anymore. He wants someone to help but nobody can hear. There are only Anna and T.J.. Eventhough, he is in bad condition, he tries to hold Anna and drag her from the wide ocean to the nearest shore. After Anna has


regained consciousness, T.J. feels a little bit quiet because he still has someone to defense in unknown place.

T.J. really missed his parents. Unfortunately, there has been five days but the resquer team did not catch them. Maybe it was caused of the island that they stay in is an uninhabitant island. The resquer team can not see the emergency sign fom them because they are so small if looked from plane at the sky. They are desparate to make an emergency sign. Eventhough they never followed a campfire, they try to set their mind and exploit everything that had been grow and available naturally on the island for defending their life.

“I miss my family too,” T.J. said. (P.61)

Will they know we crashed? Were they tracking us on radar? (P.12)

3.3 Rising Action

As long as on the island, T.J. tries to collect the firewood and canopy to construct the house for their shelter. The breeze, humid air, mosquitos bites or even the rain can be avoided. Someday, the big storm appear and fill the island. Because of that, they moved to the cave near the beach until the storm ended. It is a pity, the big storm break out their house and everything in it had been scattered around. After that, T.J. was sad and build the minimalis house again that can enter just by two people.


tentacles. Anna become weak, pale and hurt. T.J. remembered about the first-aid box that content many medicine. He tries to run faster to their house and comes back to the shore to help Anna. In that situation, T.J. becomes respectful than before.

I was in the woods when Anna sreamed. It came from the direction of the house, and when I cleared the trees I ran toward the sound. (P.116)

She stragged up and collapsed and the ground. Gasping, she said,”Jellyfish.” (P.116)

3.4 Turning Point

T.J. and Anna feel something different with them. Maybe it is caused of heart feeling. The cool air and the dibble situation enable happened something romantic between two different human being, boy and woman, T.J and Anna. T.J has fallen in love with Anna very much because of the her sexy body, cares, and mature. Anna also feels the same thing. She is falling in love with T.J. when he safes her life and protects her along on the island. Actually, Anna is still uncertain to her feeling. She did not love her boyfriend, John anymore but loved T.J., a teenager boy who has adaptable through the presumed situation and place and growth to be mature. She feels not matching with T.J. because of their age interval is so far, thirteen years.

“Because I’m thirteen years old older than you are. This might be our world, but it isn’t the real world. You still have a lot of things you haven’t experienced. You want to be tied down to anyone.” (P.157)


3.5 Denouement

Anna and T.J. had been three years on the island. They are always defence their life together. One day, the tsunami violently the island and they dragged along to the ocean. They feel frightened and weak. God helps them. The resquer in helicopter take them off from the island. It is a good destiny for them. They bring to the hospital and get intens recovery.

“T.J., it was a tsunami.” (P.187)

“It’s been a pleasure bringing you home,” the pilot said. “Good luck to both of you.” (P.211)

They can come back to Chicago and meet their lovely family that can not be seen for along time. It is a surprise for Anna’s sister, Sarah about the relation between Anna and T.J.. Not only Sarah but also T.J.’s mother, Jane can say anything to T.J. and Anna’s relation.

“You’re an adult now, T.J. You’ve have been through more in your first twenty years than most people endure in a lifetime. Your relationship with Anna is not something I’m going to fight. Now, that I have you back, I just want you to be happy.” (P.242)

They get married in front of the judge, Jane Callahan, Ben and Sarah at Cook County courthouse in March. It is happy moment for Anna and T.J. because at the time a spring snowstorm bears down on Chicago area and the ceremony


The judge said, “By the power vested in me in Cook County, I hereby pronounce Thomas James Callahan and Anna Lynn Emerson legally wed. Congratulations.” (P.309)

Finally, they have twin babies four years later. The twin names are Mick and Josie. Both of them birth when Anna turns to thirty nine years old and T.J. turns to twenty five years old. They are happy to be family.

“I think something came out of Mick’s butt,” he says. (P.317)

“Josie’s got a load, too. I might as well change them both.” (P.317)



The plot that is used in the novel of Tracey Garvis Graves On the Island is progressive plot. Progressive plot means the plot contents chronologically story. It can be started from beginning, middle and ending. There are five ways to find the plot in the novel:

a. Exposition of the story is when Anna Emerson, thirty years old, a tenth grade English teacher wants to go to Maldives for tutoring class summer and meet T.J.Callahan who left his class because his Godkin’s lymphoma. Anna is bored with her boyfriend John who can not decide to get married.

b. Complication of the story is when Anna and T.J. get crashlanded when flew up from Srilanka to Maldives. Only they still alive and they stranded on uninhabited island. The resquer can not find their signal. They have to be patient to live on the island.

c. Rising action of the story is when Anna and T.J. live on the Island for more than an year. They do everything together and keep care each other from the danger. They find many problems and T.J. becomes respectful than before.

d. Turning point of the story is when T.J. and Anna have fallen in love each other but Anna is not sure because they have different age and too far.

e. Denoument of the story is when tsunami violently the island and the resquer find Anna and T.J.. They back to Chicago and decide to get married and



a. Analysing the plot can help the reader to understand the entire story in the novel.

b. Plot refers to the conflict, so reading a literary swork is fundamentally related to plot. Plot is the soul of the literary work. Thus, it is important to look at plot for the first time in analysing literary work.



Aminuddin. 1991. Pengantar Apresiasi Karya Sastra. Bandung: Percetakan C.V. Sinar Baru.

Graves, Tracey Garvis. 2011. On the Island. New York: Plume.

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 1995. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press.

Roberts, Edgar V. and Henry E. Jacobs. 1995. Literature An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Prentince Hall.

Sembiring, Matius C.A. 2013. Buku Pedoman Program D-3 Studi Bahasa Inggris. Medan: Universitas Sumatera Utara.

Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 1986. Menulis Sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa.

Watson, George. 1979. The Story of the Novel. London: The Mac Millan Press. Zainuddin. 1992. Materi Pokok Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Jakarta: PT. Rineka

Cipta. plot


APPENDICES A. Biography of Tracey Garvis Graves

Tracey Garvis Graves born on January 25th, 1967. She is already 46 years old. She lives together her family in a suburb of Des Moines, Iowa, United States of America. She is an Author of the USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times bestseller On the Island. It represented by Jane Dystel and Lauren Abramo of Dystel & Goderich Literary Management.

She lives with her husband, David that gives meaningful encourage. She has two children, they are Matthew and Lauren that being patient while she spends all that time with her laptop. She also has a twin sister, Trish who will always be the first person she shows her words to.

On the Island is her first novel. Next, the second novel that she writes will be published on September 17, 2013. Her music favourites are 70’s and 80’s. Her hobbies are reading, writing and watching any episode of real Housewives.


She has horrible eye-hand coordination. She changes her hair color frequently. She loves going to psychics. She knows all the dialogue from sex and the city. She loves karaoke. She likes red roses but not on Valentine's Day. She is mathematically challenged but she can spell almost anything. She is horrible at geography. She brokes her arm on the playground in 3rd grade. She loves Google but she hates Google Apps. She does not enjoy gambling. She loves to cook for other people. She can not stand beef. She reads extremely fast.

She loves stormy weather, snow, thunder, ice. In fact, she believes in karma. She prefer music over television. She has somehow never been arrested. She uses really big words when she talk. She always know what they mean. She is a morning person. It means that she always has big passion in the morning to do more activity. There is nothing low maintenance about her. She really loves wine. She talks too loud.

She loves hearing from her fans and can be found on Twitter @tgarvisgraves and at / tgarvisgraves.

B. Summary of the Novel

The exposition of this novel is beginning at the airport of Chicago. Anna Emerson, thirty years old tenth grade English teacher wants to go to Maldives for tutoring class summer. T.J.Callahan left his class because his Godkin’s lymphoma. Actually, T.J.Callahan wants to go to over Chicago with his friends but his parent absolutely his mother Jane Callahan wants him to take class along


Anna accepts to teach T.J.Callahan because she is bored with John that she does not know where their relation goes. Anna really wants to get marry but John can not makes the decision of Anna’s will. She wants to have a baby soon. Anna really confuse what makes John does not ready for marrying. Anna and John has keep the relation as long as eight years. Anna’s sister, Sarah also has tell John what should he did to clear the problem but he still hard to decide. It is not because of the age but maybe mentally still not ready.

Before arriving at Maldives, they find many problems. First, the airplane is delayed because of the mechanical error. So they wait along time and transit at Germany the Srilanka. Not only that, they get crashlanded when flew up from Srilanka to Maldives. The pilot, Mick who has heart attack lost the balance of his body and the plane can not landed as well as possible. Every people has died. Only Anna and T.J. still alive. They try to struggle from the ocean to the nearest beach.

T.J worried about Anna who can not move. He is panic because Anna looks like does not has a life sign. He wants someone to help but there is noone can hear. There is only Anna and T.J.. Eventhough, he is in bad condition, he tries to hold Anna and drag her from the wide ocean to the nearest shore. After Anna has regain consciousness, T.J. feels a little bit quiet because he still has someone to defense in unknown place.

T.J. really missed his parents. Unfortunately, there has been five days but the resquer team did not catch them. Maybe it caused of the island that they stay in is an uninhabitant island. The resquer team can not see the emergency sign fom


them because they are so small if looked from plane at the sky. They are desparate to make an emergency sign. Eventhough they never followed a campfire, they try to set their mind and exploit everything that had been grow and available naturally on the island for defending their life.

As long as on the island, T.J. try to collect the firewood and canopy to construct the house for their shelter. The breeze, humid air, mosquitos bites or even the rain can be avoided. Someday, the big storm appear and fill the island. Because of that, they moved to the cave near the beach until the storm ended. It is a pity, the big storm break out their house and everything in it had been scattered around. After that, T.J. was sad and build the minimalis house again that can entered just by two people.

Anna and T.J. live on the Island for more than an year. They do everything together and keep care each other from the danger. T.J. is panic. When Anna attacked by the jellyfish, T.J. does not know how to face and loose the tentacles. Anna become weak, pale and hurt. T.J. remembered about the first-aid box that content many medicine. He tries run faster to their house and come back to the shore to help Anna. In that situation, T.J. become respectful than before.

T.J. and Anna feel something different with them. Maybe it is caused of heart feeling. The cool air and the dibble situation enable happened something romantic between two different human being, boy and woman, T.J and Anna. T.J has falling in love to Anna very much because of the her sexy body, cares, and


feeling. She did not love her boyfriend, John anymore but loving T.J., a teenager boy who has adaptable through the presumed situation and place and growth to be mature. She feel not match to T.J. because of their age interval is so far, thirteen years.

Anna and T.J. had been three years on the island. They are always defence tsheir life together. One day, the tsunami violently the island and they dragged along to the ocean. They feel frightened and weak. God helps them. The resquer in helicopter take them off from the island. It is a good destiny for them. They bring to the hospital and get intens recovery.

They can come back to Chicago and meet their lovely family that can not seen for along time. It is a surprise for Anna’s sister, Sarah about the relation between Anna and T.J.. Not only Sarah but also T.J.’s mother, Jane can say anything to T.J. and Anna’s relation.

They get married in front of the judge, Jane Callahan, Ben and Sarah at Cook County courthouse in March. It is happy moment for Anna and T.J. because at the time a spring snowstorm bears down on Chicago area and the ceremony takes less than five minutes.

Finally, they have twin babies four years later. The twin names are Mick and Josie. Both of them birth when Anna turns to thirty nine years old and T.J. turns to twenty five years old. They are happy to be family.



Aminuddin. 1991. Pengantar Apresiasi Karya Sastra. Bandung: Percetakan C.V. Sinar Baru.

Graves, Tracey Garvis. 2011. On the Island. New York: Plume.

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 1995. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press.

Roberts, Edgar V. and Henry E. Jacobs. 1995. Literature An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Prentince Hall.

Sembiring, Matius C.A. 2013. Buku Pedoman Program D-3 Studi Bahasa Inggris. Medan: Universitas Sumatera Utara.

Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 1986. Menulis Sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa.

Watson, George. 1979. The Story of the Novel. London: The Mac Millan Press. Zainuddin. 1992. Materi Pokok Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Jakarta: PT. Rineka



APPENDICES A. Biography of Tracey Garvis Graves

Tracey Garvis Graves born on January 25th, 1967. She is already 46 years old. She lives together her family in a suburb of Des Moines, Iowa, United States of America. She is an Author of the USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times bestseller On the Island. It represented by Jane Dystel and Lauren Abramo of Dystel & Goderich Literary Management.

She lives with her husband, David that gives meaningful encourage. She has two children, they are Matthew and Lauren that being patient while she spends all that time with her laptop. She also has a twin sister, Trish who will always be the first person she shows her words to.

On the Island is her first novel. Next, the second novel that she writes will be published on September 17, 2013. Her music favourites are 70’s and 80’s. Her hobbies are reading, writing and watching any episode of real Housewives.


She has horrible eye-hand coordination. She changes her hair color frequently. She loves going to psychics. She knows all the dialogue from sex and the city. She loves karaoke. She likes red roses but not on Valentine's Day. She is mathematically challenged but she can spell almost anything. She is horrible at geography. She brokes her arm on the playground in 3rd grade. She loves Google but she hates Google Apps. She does not enjoy gambling. She loves to cook for other people. She can not stand beef. She reads extremely fast.

She loves stormy weather, snow, thunder, ice. In fact, she believes in karma. She prefer music over television. She has somehow never been arrested. She uses really big words when she talk. She always know what they mean. She is a morning person. It means that she always has big passion in the morning to do more activity. There is nothing low maintenance about her. She really loves wine. She talks too loud.

She loves hearing from her fans and can be found on Twitter @tgarvisgraves and at / tgarvisgraves.

B. Summary of the Novel

The exposition of this novel is beginning at the airport of Chicago. Anna Emerson, thirty years old tenth grade English teacher wants to go to Maldives for tutoring class summer. T.J.Callahan left his class because his Godkin’s lymphoma. Actually, T.J.Callahan wants to go to over Chicago with his friends but his parent absolutely his mother Jane Callahan wants him to take class along the summer. T.J.’s family include mother, father, his sisters Alexis and Grace spend holiday time together.


Anna accepts to teach T.J.Callahan because she is bored with John that she does not know where their relation goes. Anna really wants to get marry but John can not makes the decision of Anna’s will. She wants to have a baby soon. Anna really confuse what makes John does not ready for marrying. Anna and John has keep the relation as long as eight years. Anna’s sister, Sarah also has tell John what should he did to clear the problem but he still hard to decide. It is not because of the age but maybe mentally still not ready.

Before arriving at Maldives, they find many problems. First, the airplane is delayed because of the mechanical error. So they wait along time and transit at Germany the Srilanka. Not only that, they get crashlanded when flew up from Srilanka to Maldives. The pilot, Mick who has heart attack lost the balance of his body and the plane can not landed as well as possible. Every people has died. Only Anna and T.J. still alive. They try to struggle from the ocean to the nearest beach.

T.J worried about Anna who can not move. He is panic because Anna looks like does not has a life sign. He wants someone to help but there is noone can hear. There is only Anna and T.J.. Eventhough, he is in bad condition, he tries to hold Anna and drag her from the wide ocean to the nearest shore. After Anna has regain consciousness, T.J. feels a little bit quiet because he still has someone to defense in unknown place.

T.J. really missed his parents. Unfortunately, there has been five days but the resquer team did not catch them. Maybe it caused of the island that they stay in is an uninhabitant island. The resquer team can not see the emergency sign fom


them because they are so small if looked from plane at the sky. They are desparate to make an emergency sign. Eventhough they never followed a campfire, they try to set their mind and exploit everything that had been grow and available naturally on the island for defending their life.

As long as on the island, T.J. try to collect the firewood and canopy to construct the house for their shelter. The breeze, humid air, mosquitos bites or even the rain can be avoided. Someday, the big storm appear and fill the island. Because of that, they moved to the cave near the beach until the storm ended. It is a pity, the big storm break out their house and everything in it had been scattered around. After that, T.J. was sad and build the minimalis house again that can entered just by two people.

Anna and T.J. live on the Island for more than an year. They do everything together and keep care each other from the danger. T.J. is panic. When Anna attacked by the jellyfish, T.J. does not know how to face and loose the tentacles. Anna become weak, pale and hurt. T.J. remembered about the first-aid box that content many medicine. He tries run faster to their house and come back to the shore to help Anna. In that situation, T.J. become respectful than before.

T.J. and Anna feel something different with them. Maybe it is caused of heart feeling. The cool air and the dibble situation enable happened something romantic between two different human being, boy and woman, T.J and Anna. T.J has falling in love to Anna very much because of the her sexy body, cares, and mature. Anna also feels the same thing. She is falling in love to T.J. when he safe her life and protect her along on the island. Actually, Anna still uncertain to her


feeling. She did not love her boyfriend, John anymore but loving T.J., a teenager boy who has adaptable through the presumed situation and place and growth to be mature. She feel not match to T.J. because of their age interval is so far, thirteen years.

Anna and T.J. had been three years on the island. They are always defence tsheir life together. One day, the tsunami violently the island and they dragged along to the ocean. They feel frightened and weak. God helps them. The resquer in helicopter take them off from the island. It is a good destiny for them. They bring to the hospital and get intens recovery.

They can come back to Chicago and meet their lovely family that can not seen for along time. It is a surprise for Anna’s sister, Sarah about the relation between Anna and T.J.. Not only Sarah but also T.J.’s mother, Jane can say anything to T.J. and Anna’s relation.

They get married in front of the judge, Jane Callahan, Ben and Sarah at Cook County courthouse in March. It is happy moment for Anna and T.J. because at the time a spring snowstorm bears down on Chicago area and the ceremony takes less than five minutes.

Finally, they have twin babies four years later. The twin names are Mick and Josie. Both of them birth when Anna turns to thirty nine years old and T.J. turns to twenty five years old. They are happy to be family.