Laporan Pembelian Per Supplier 1 frmLapBeliS1.frm Form Laporan Pembelian Per Supplier 2 frmLapBeliS2.frm

Unload Me End Sub

13. Laporan Pembelian Per Supplier 1 frmLapBeliS1.frm

Private Sub cmdKeluar_Click Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click If dtTglFaktur1 dtTglFaktur2 Then MsgBox Input tanggal salah , vbCritical Exit Sub Else dTgl1 = dtTglFaktur1.Value dTgl2 = dtTglFaktur2.Value End If Unload Me Unload frmLapBeliS2 frmLapBeliS2.Show End Sub Private Sub Form_Load dtTglFaktur1.Value = Date dtTglFaktur2.Value = Date End Sub

14. Form Laporan Pembelian Per Supplier 2 frmLapBeliS2.frm

Option Explicit REPORT - OBJECT Private rsCetak As New ADODB.Recordset Report Recordset Private cRep As New CRAXDDRT.Report Report Object Private cApp As New CRAXDDRT.Application Report Application Private Sub Form_Load Dim cF As String Sumber rpt Set cRep = cApp.OpenReportApp.Path \Laporan\BeliS.rpt SQL Laporan cF = Select B.NoFaktur, B.TglFaktur, B.KodeSupp, S.NamaSupp, B.Keterangan, _ B.TotalHarga, BD.KodeBarang, ST.NamaBarang, ST.Satuan, ST.Jenis, BD.Qty, BD.Harga, BD.SubTotal _ From TSupplier AS S INNER JOIN TBarang AS ST INNER JOIN TBeli AS B INNER JOIN TDBeli AS BD ON _ B.NoFaktur = BD.NoFaktur ON ST.KodeBarang = BD.KodeBarang ON S.KodeSupp = B.KodeSupp _ Where B.TglFaktur = FormatdTgl1, YYYY-MM- DD And B.TglFaktur = FormatdTgl2, YYYY-MM- DD Universitas Sumatera Utara rsCetak.Open cF, oConn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText If rsCetak.RecordCount 0 Then cRep.Database.SetDataSource rsCetak CR1.ReportSource = cRep With CR1 .Left = 0: .Top = 0 .Width = Me.ScaleWidth .Height = Me.ScaleHeight .ViewReport .Zoom 100 .Visible = True End With Periode cRep.FormulaFields1.Text = FormatdTgl1, ddmmyyyy sd _ FormatdTgl2, ddmmyyyy Else MsgBox Tidak ada data untuk dicetak , vbCritical, No Data Timer1.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize On Error Resume Next If Me.WindowState vbMinimized Then CR1.Move 0, 0, Me.ScaleWidth, Me.ScaleHeight End If End Sub Private Sub Form_UnloadCancel As Integer Set cApp = Nothing Set cRep = Nothing Call CloseRSrsCetak End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer Timer1.Enabled = False Unload Me End Sub

15. Form Laporan Customer frmLapCustomer.frm