Disease Medical Terms in Grey’s Anatomy Season 2

a. Disease

This type of medical terminology is related to disease and illness names including general and scientific names. Dr. Cristina: You know whats ruined for me? Coronary artery bypass grafts and aortic aneurysms. God, I used to love aortic aneurysms. Datum 20 This dialogue happens when Christina tells Grey that she just breaks up with Bruke and feels sad about it. Burke ends their relationship because he chooses his work as the hospital chief to be his first priority rather than being with Cristina. Cristina expresses her sadness by cursing the disease that she has examined with Burke. The disease which later becomes the medical term as the remark of humor here is “aortic aneurysms”. According to WebMD.com, it is the disease occurs in blood vessel when a bulge is in a section of the aorta , the bodys main artery . This humor belongs to overstatement as she exaggerates her curse to disease. Thus, the function is social management. Datum below is also the example of the application of disease term in humor. Nurse : He says he got shot in the head. Dr. Karev : I say hes a mental defect. Datum 46 This conversation occurs between Karev and a nurse after hearing the chronology from the gunshot patient. The patient says that he got a gunshot wound right in his head, but Karev does not believe it before doing an X-ray since the patient seems absolutely fine. The disease term detected here is “mental defect”. Mental defect is a brain damage because of illness or injury. However, it also can be interpreted as crazy or insane. The second meaning seems to be the right meaning of what Karev wants to say because the patient says something that can be easily believable. Thus, the type is double entendres, while the function is social management. Another example is provided in the following utterance. Dr. Burke: Manufacturing things that really arent there, seeing only what you want to see. Wasting our time, our resources, and throwing away your own life. Your illness is in your head, Kalpana. Datum 53 Burke speaks a little bit rude when he finds a patient that actually is healthy but consumes some pills in order to get sick. Therefore, there must be something wrong in her head. The medical terminology is the disease term that is “illness in head”. Actually, Burke brings two meanings in his utterance between a disease that might be suffered in her head as the medical meaning and the mentally illness of a lying which Kalpana did. Thus, the type of humor is double entendres, while the function is social management.

b. Medicine