Micro Teaching Feedback LITERATURE REVIEW

6 writer information for revision Keh 1990 . Therefore, in micro teaching context we can conclude that feedback is the input or comment from teacher or peers that act as students to student teacher regarding hisher performance during mini lesson. In general, there are two kinds of feedback, response or feedback and written response or feedback. The feedback can be given by teachers or peers. Although oral response and the use of peers as the source of feedback is common nowadays, teacher written feedback still continues to play a central role in most L2 Second Language and foreign language FL classes Hyland, Hyland 2006. Many teachers felt they had to write important comments on papers to appreciate students‟ effort and to justify the grade they had been given Hyland 2003. Even though students themselves are positive about teachers‟ written feedback Hyland, Hyland 2006, several studies state that students may ignore or misuse teacher commentary, and sometimes they can misunderstand it Conrad, Goldstein 1999.

3. Feedback in Micro Teaching Class

One of the aspects in micro teaching is evaluation. This aspect includes feedback that provides comments on students ‟ teaching performance. The feedback comes from supervisors and also peers. Studies reveal that sharings with supervisors and peers such as through feedback are very good to increase the degree of success in teaching training Brandl as cited in Eksi, 2012. The outcomes of feedback are also assumed to be the factor of improvements in the student teachers‟ teaching practice Arikan, 2004. 7 In English Education Program of Faculty of Language and Arts, peer teaching in micro teaching class is followed up by the reflection from the other peers and also from the teacher. One form of reflection used is feedback. Just like what is explained above, the feedback comes from both peers and teacher. There are two types of feedback used in this faculty‟s microteaching class oral feedback and written feedback. This research will just focus on the teacher written feedback that is in a form of comment.

4. Students’ Attitudes toward Teacher Feedback

Before going any further in the discussion about students‟ attitude, the discussion will begin with the explanation about what the attitude is and its components. In general, Ager stated that attitude is “state of mind” as cited in Almahmoud, 2012. Attitude has three components that are presented as cognitive, affective, and conative Baker as cited in Almahmoud, 2012. Cognitiveknowledge refers t o person‟ thoughts and belief, while the second component affectiveemotion is based on the feeling of a person, and the last attitude component, conativeaction, relates to behavioral intention toward particular thing Baker as cited in Almahmoud, 2012. There are several studies r elated to students‟ attitudes toward feedback. There are some that found the attitudes were positive but there also some that were negative. Hattie and Timperley 2007 asserted that feedback is a powerful influence on learning. Cotemporary students in tertiary institutions are mostly dissatisfied with written feedback gotten from their teacher James, Krause, and 8 Jennings 2010. Other study found that some cases in writing class feedback seem to have low impact to the students Sadler 2010. A research on feedback in micr teaching class was conducted by Eksi 2012, the result showed that most of the student teacher had positive attitude toward feedback in their micro teaching class. According to Eksi 2012 feedback had some functions such as to increase student motivation, trigger teacher trainee s‟ self reflection, and as reference for further improvement. Beside the function of feedback, Eksi 2012 also mentioned that people tend to have different opinion and preference about the kind of feedback that they like. Some people prefer to have detailed comment and expect the teacher to state the mistake clearly. However some other people prefer their effort to be more appreciated. The clarity of the feedback was also some other point that Eksi 2012 mentioned. He mentioned that students highly appreciated clear and detailed feedback that stated clearly what they need to work on.


This study is a qualitative study that explores the student teachers attitude toward teacher written feedback in microteaching class. Qualitative method is chosen because this study focuses more on the interpretation rather than on the quantification.