Feedback Clarification Conative behavior

25 their practices as the teacher. It includes classrooms activities that they have done. After the teaching activity, many of the teacher trainees have been motivated to evaluate their way of teaching and consider some changes Donnelly Fitzmaurice, 2011. Self reflection is an important aspect that helps learners improve. By reflecting their teaching experience in micro teaching class, learners learn to figure out their potential and improve it. One aspect in micro teaching that engages teacher trainees more deeply into reflection is feedback. 40 participants admitted that they immediately went through reflection after they received feedback, here are the excerpts of what they said: After I received the feedback I immediately reflect on what were lacking in my mini teaching and what should I do in the future to fix it. I usually would consult my feedback for help student C, my translation I read the feedback at home, and then after that I would write my reflection based on the feedback that I got student J, my translation. According to Eksi 2012 feedback could help teacher trainees to reflect more deeply during micro teaching sessions. Therefore, it is really useful for the teacher or instructor to give as quality as possible feedback to maximize the function of feedback as reflective media. Anderson and Radencich stated that quality feedback could promote reflective thinking that would gradually lead to a professional growth Anderson Radencich, as cited in Elizabeth, Wilkins, Shin, Ainsworth, 2011. 26


This study has investigated the attitude of student teachers‟ toward written feedback they received from their teacher trainer in teaching training program. The research was conducted in Faculty of Language and Literature in a private university in Central Java. The purpose of the study was to determine the attitude of teacher written feedback in micro teaching class in that faculty. The findings highlight the opinion of students teachers‟ about their feedback in micro teaching class especially feedback from their teacher trainer. The first of students teachers‟ opinions were about the function of the feedback in micro teaching class. There are two functions of feedback, to increase student teachers‟ spirit or confidence and to give them clue or reference. Regarding the function of feedback as reference, the students said that it could help them reflect on their previous teaching. Reflection in micro teaching is a crucial component, as crucial as the feedback itself. The second opinion is about the clarity of the feedback in micro teaching. The students mentioned that the feedback was clear for them. They said that feedback was generally clear because it was detailed and specific. It clearly stated what they need to do in the future. However, this study also revealed that some students sometimes had difficulties in understanding their feedback. The reason of that was mostly because there were different perception and interpretation between student teachers and teacher trainer. Taken together, these result suggests that discussion and consultation session is important to be hold after students teacher receive their feedback.