Feedback in Micro Teaching Class

8 Jennings 2010. Other study found that some cases in writing class feedback seem to have low impact to the students Sadler 2010. A research on feedback in micr teaching class was conducted by Eksi 2012, the result showed that most of the student teacher had positive attitude toward feedback in their micro teaching class. According to Eksi 2012 feedback had some functions such as to increase student motivation, trigger teacher trainee s‟ self reflection, and as reference for further improvement. Beside the function of feedback, Eksi 2012 also mentioned that people tend to have different opinion and preference about the kind of feedback that they like. Some people prefer to have detailed comment and expect the teacher to state the mistake clearly. However some other people prefer their effort to be more appreciated. The clarity of the feedback was also some other point that Eksi 2012 mentioned. He mentioned that students highly appreciated clear and detailed feedback that stated clearly what they need to work on.


This study is a qualitative study that explores the student teachers attitude toward teacher written feedback in microteaching class. Qualitative method is chosen because this study focuses more on the interpretation rather than on the quantification. 9

1. Context of the study

This research was conducted in Faculty of Language and Arts, specifically in English Language Teaching Program in one of private university in Central Java. This faculty is chosen as research site because the access to the faculty is quite easy in term of location and also the procedure. Another reason is because this faculty opens micro teaching class during data collection allocation time in semester II 2015-2016. Micro teaching course is a required course in a four year English teacher education program in the department. This is a two credit course in English Education program that focuses on preparing student teacher for real teaching situation. The next reason o why this site is chosen is because, after the students conduct their mini lesson, the teachers are required to give the students feedback orally or written, so the students can reflect on their mistakes during the mini lessons. The mini lesson itself is conducted for three times with three different curriculums that are commonly used in Indonesia KTSP, 2013 Curriculum, and Cambridge Curriculum. The length of each mini lesson is about 15 minutes.

2. Participants

This study involved 10 undergraduate students, 2 male and 8 female. All of the students were registered as students in micro teaching class in undergraduate English Teacher Education Program of private university in central Java. The data was collected at the end of the 2nd semester of 20152016, after all of the participants finished their last mini lesson.