The Functions of Teacher Written feedback in Micro Teaching Class

17 or AVA I still can learn from the feedback. In my first mini teaching I spent too much time preparing things, but after I got comment about that, I know that I should prepare anything beforehand perfectly. Students E, my translation From the quotes above we can see that students gradually improved such as in class management, technical things, and it can improve them in many other aspects as well From the discussion above it is shown that feedback in micro teaching has two functions, as the students teachers ‟ reference and for motivating them.

c. The Content of Teacher Written Feedback: Constructive Criticism

and Compliment Seventy percent participants mentioned that there were two kinds of comments in their feedback, the first was criticism toward their weakness and the second was compliment on their strength in their mini teaching. Here are some interview excerpts of the participants: There are three kinds of comments that I got from my lecturer first is compliment if I did something good in mini teaching; second is criticism, the constructive one if there are something wrong or lacking while I became teacher: and the last is advice Student C, my translation. Written feedback usually contains criticism about my weakness and compliment on my strengths in mini teaching Students D, my translation. All of the participant who mentioned about criticism and compliment in their teacher written feedback agreed that both of criticism and compliment improve them in different ways. According to Eksi 2012 18 some people got motivated when they know precisely their mistakes and what they should work on, however the rest of the people wanted their efforts to be appreciated. In the study most of the students mentioned that compliment or praise was important because it gave them confidence to keep up the good work since they felt that their effort was appreciated. However, they also considered that criticism is good because it can increase their spirit to do their best. Moreover, they mentioned that criticism gave them clear clues about what they need to fix. Here are some interviews excerpts from the participants: Compliment in feedback shows me that actually I am capable in teaching, so it can improve me to be better. Criticism can increase my spirit to work harder. Students C, my translation If the feedback contains compliment, automatically I will maintain the good work, so I will get compliment again and again. Criticism is beneficial because if I know my weakness I know that I cannot do it again and I also know what I should fix. Students D, my translation Criticism gives me support to be better in the next opportunities. Compliment is also good because it gave me clue that I can do the same things [what mentioned in compliment] next time. Students B, my translation Although all participants agreed and were aware that both criticism and compliment were beneficial for them, suprisingly, when asked one was more preferable for them, compliment or criticisms, most of the participants answerd that they prefered criticism over compliments. Here 19 are the interview excerpts that also mention their reason for favoring criticism: I tend to prefer criticism, because if I just get compliment in my feedback I am afraid that I will be easily satisfied. As a result I will not improve. Students B, my translation. I like criticism more because I realize that I still lack of many things in teaching, so I still need criticism to improve myself. Students A, my translation I prefer to be criticized. I don‟t want to be full of myself because of compliment. Criticism tells me my weakness so I can fix that next time. Students E, my translation From the statements above we can conclude that most students who favored criticism believed that criticism could help them to be better. It gave them real pictures of what they had to do to be better in their next teaching. In short, criticism provided more important information and they believed that they needed that for their improvement in teaching training. This is in line with Hyland and Hyland‟s statement 2006 saying that students from a culture where teachers were directive mostly expect them to notice their weakness and comment on it. Hyland and Hyland 2006 also added that students felt indignant when the teachers did not give enough comment on their errors. Compliment is favorable because it boosts students‟ confidence, but informative comment provided in criticism is more preferable and useful for the students who still need to improve.