The Content of Teacher Written Feedback: Constructive Criticism

19 are the interview excerpts that also mention their reason for favoring criticism: I tend to prefer criticism, because if I just get compliment in my feedback I am afraid that I will be easily satisfied. As a result I will not improve. Students B, my translation. I like criticism more because I realize that I still lack of many things in teaching, so I still need criticism to improve myself. Students A, my translation I prefer to be criticized. I don‟t want to be full of myself because of compliment. Criticism tells me my weakness so I can fix that next time. Students E, my translation From the statements above we can conclude that most students who favored criticism believed that criticism could help them to be better. It gave them real pictures of what they had to do to be better in their next teaching. In short, criticism provided more important information and they believed that they needed that for their improvement in teaching training. This is in line with Hyland and Hyland‟s statement 2006 saying that students from a culture where teachers were directive mostly expect them to notice their weakness and comment on it. Hyland and Hyland 2006 also added that students felt indignant when the teachers did not give enough comment on their errors. Compliment is favorable because it boosts students‟ confidence, but informative comment provided in criticism is more preferable and useful for the students who still need to improve. 20

2. Students’ Affection feeling and emotion

The second main group discussed is students‟ affection or feeling toward teacher written feedback in micro teaching class. Even though affection or feeling seems related to cognition or opinions, the results between students‟ feelings and opinions are contradictory. In this section there will be discussion about student s‟ feeling that surprisingly were quite contradictory to their opinion about teacher written feedback. There were quite different feelings that appear after the students received their feedback, some were negative and some were positive. Eksi 2012 found that trainees had both positive and negative feelings toward feedback. Moreover according to his research, a very few trainees had negative feelings toward feedback. Eksi‟s findings indicated that most of the trainees had positive feelings toward feedback. Different from Eksi the result of this research showed that students who had negative feelings are more that the students who had positive feelings toward feedback.

a. Positive feeling

Even though in previous discussion most of the participants admited the importance of feedback for their improvement, their feeling about feedback were quite contradictory. From all of the participants only 20 expressed their positive feelings toward teacher written feedback they received in micro teaching class. One of the participants expressed “After I received my feedback I felt happy and satisfied” Student G, my translation. Likewise, another participant stated “I felt grateful for my 21 first feedback from the lecturer” student F, my translation. From the quotes above we can see that participants felt happy, grateful, and satisfied with the feedback they received. Furthermore the two participants above elaborated the reason behind their feelings about feedback. Here are the quotes: I am satisfied that actually there is plus point in my teaching, and I felt happy because the criticism I got is always useful. Usually I‟ll try to remember my mistakes in my mini teaching after I teach, very often it the same with the le cturer‟s comments. Student G, my translation I realize that I did poorly in my first mini teaching, so I felt grateful for the criticisms because I can prepare better for my next mini teaching. Student F, my translation From the two quotes above we can see that students‟ feeling toward feedback was not always merely related to the kind of comments they received in their feedback. The two participants above might receive positive and negative comments, but they still felt positive about feedback with negative comment. The factor that may influence their positive affection was that they had expected such commnet. If we see just from the quotes above, we can find that there is similarity from what students G and F did. Before they received the feedback they had already thought about their performance and how the feedback would be. In short, both participants had already anticipated the comment they might get from the teacher. Anticipating the tone of feedback can facilitate positive emotions 22 such as relief. This theory applies more specifically to the kind of expectation based on the students‟ own reflection from their experience in the task Pekrun, Cusack, Murayama, Elliot, Thomas, 2014. Moreover the fact that they find feedback useful for them surpass the negative feeling.

b. Negative Feeling

Seventy percent of the participants unexpectedly showed negative feeling after they received their feedback in micro teaching class. One of the participant expressed “Honestly I was sad and nervous after I received feedback. I was sad and nervous because I had ‟t achieved my target in teaching yet ” Student A, my translation. Likewise, another participant added “When I got comment which I doubted, I felt very disappointed” Student I, my translation. Similarly, another participant reflected “When I got negative comment I was very disappointed and also a little bit offended” Student B, my translation. From all the quotes above we can summarize that most of participants were sad, nervous, and offended. We can see that participants‟ negative feelings occurred because the feedback that they got was not like what they expected. Students A for example, felt nervous and sad because the comments on her feedback indicated that she still did not reach the objective. According to Hill and Eaaton As cited in Pekrun, Cusack, Murayama, Elliot, Thomas, 2014 failure feedback or feedback that contains bad comments on student s‟ performance is the main source of negative emotions such as students‟ anxiety, sadness, and hopelessness. However, despite of negative feelings the students‟ got from