3.1 Theme

The theme of Kiss Me While I Sleep Saat Kuterlelap is about revenge a CIA agent to a boss of mafia. Kiss Me While I Sleep Saat Kuterlelap uses the mixed plot in general. It starts the story by telling the middle step, then it tells the first step, and then the last step.

3.2 Plot

3.3 Character

3.3.1 Main Character This novel has five main characters, they are : 1. Lily Mansfield - She had been a hired assassin working as a contract agent for the CIA for nineteen years. She was good at her job, but it was taking a toll on her. She had cut off relations with her family. She was close to two other contract agents and devastated when they were killed. She wanted revenge for her friends, and set out to get it. She planned carefully for the first thing she did, but after that, her planning wasn’t as extensive. She took risks and did underestimate a few people. She was a very determined woman. Even though she was a hired killer, she was kind and loving. Lily was in almost every scene of Universitas Sumatera Utara the book. She was a complex character. Some people may think it would be hard to find a hired assassin likable, but I thought Lily was very likable. She did believe that she was doing good for her government and country. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Lily terdiam sesaat. ”Aku tidak menganggap diriku sebagai pembunuh,” ujarnya pelan. “ Aku tak pernah mencelakai orang tak bersalah”. Aku menjalankan perintah membunuh saat ditugaskan negaraku, dan kurasa keputusan itu tidak dibuat sembarangan. Aku tak pernah berfikir seperti itu saat masih muda, tapi sekarang ku tau ada orang-orang jahat luar biasa hingga tak pantas hidup”. 2. Lucas Swain - He was the CIA agent sent after Lily. He had been in South America for ten years. He really only knew one man at headquarters. Lucas had gotten married right out of high school and he had two children that he didn’t see that often. He took responsibility for his marriage ending since he wasn’t home much. He felt bad that he didn’t see his kids more often, but was reluctant to try to change their relationship. He was a good agent, though he was very laid back. He acted a bit goofy at times, but he could also be serious. He became very protective of Lily as his feelings for her grew. He did some things that left him feeling very conflicted. It can be seen from the quotation below: Universitas Sumatera Utara “Kehilangan Lily akan membuat Swain terpukul, dan ia malah membiarkan segala sesuatunya berkembang hingga ke titik dimana ia akan kehilangan wanita itu tak peduli apa yang ia lakukan, karena jika Swain mengakui jati dirinya yang sebenarnya kepada Lily, bahwa ia telah mencari tahu soal Lily selama ini, wanita itu hanya akan melihat pengkhianatan”. 3. Frank Vinay - He was the director of the CIA. He sent Lucas after Lily. Frank had noticed that the job was taking a toll on Lily, but he didn’t pull her before she went after Salvatore. Frank was feeling like it was getting time for him to retire, but he was waiting, hoping that John Medina would want to leave undercover work and take over his position. Frank Vinay had a definite idea for how Lucas should bring Lily in. He did take a personal interest in some of the agents. It can be seen from the quotation below: 4. Itu seleksi yang terjadi secara kebetulan mengingat petugas lapangan ku yang lain, John Medina tidak bisa ditarik begitu saja dari tempatnya sekarang, selain itu petugas lapangan lain mungkin takkan bisa menangani situasi tersebut seandal Swain saat keadaan berubah-ubah”. Salvatore Nervi - He was a rich, powerful man who was also a criminal. He had been married, but dated a variety of women after his wife died. He was use to women falling over him and to people doing Universitas Sumatera Utara whatever he wanted. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Satu hal yang pasti, Salvatore mirip lebah madu, tak pernah bertahan cukup lama dengan satu pasangan hingga bisa terbentuk hubungan serius. Sejak kematian istrinya, kurang-lebih dua puluh tahun silam, Salvatore luar biasa aktif dalam bidang asmara. Lily melihat api amarah di mata pria itu. Pria itu Salvatore Nervi, dan ia tak terbiasa menerima kata tidak, terutama dari wanita yang telah ia beri kehormatan berupa perhatiannya” 5. Rodrigo Nervi – One ‘s of Salvatore son’s. Rodrigo was taking over after his father’s death. He was determined to find who killed his father and make them pay. Rodrigo has been involve his father’s business before he take over. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Rodrigo harus mencari tau siapa yang telah melakukan ini, dan menghabisi pria- wanita itu . Organisasi Nervi tidak akan membiarkan hal ini berlaku tanpa perhitungan, atau reputasi Rodrigo akan hancur. Ia baru saja menempati kedudukan Salvatore, ia tak bisa sedikit pun membiarkan keraguan muncul atas kemampuannya atau keputusannya”. This novel has some minor characters, they are : 3.3.2 Minor Character 1. Damone Nervi – Salvatore Nervi son’s, which pay Lily’s friend to Universitas Sumatera Utara destroyed the Nervi Laboratorium. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Akulah yang memperkerjakan teman temanmu untuk menghancurkan laboratorium Nervi. Aku tak pernah mengira kejadiannya akan seperti itu. Seharusnya tidak ada yang mati.” 2. Georges Blanc – The CIA agent who spy on Lily Mansfield and he work for Rodrigo Nervi. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Dengan Blanc melaksanakan tugasnya, Rodrigo bisa terus mengikuti perkembangan terakhir upaya pencarian CIA, dan saat mereka masuk ia akan mengambil kehormatan itu untuk membunuh Lily.” 3. Averil and Tina Joubran – Lily’s friends who has been kill by Nervi Organisation . It can be seen from the quotation below: “Fakta yang lebih mengejutkan adalah, beberapa bulan lalu, dua sahabat terdekat Lily terbunuh di tangan Nervi.” 4. Giordano Vicenzo – The professor who made a flu-virus that would Universitas Sumatera Utara go worldwide and kill millions. Beside that he also made the vaksin which can made Nervi Organisation become rich. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Ada sebuah virus, virus flu avian. Dokter Giordano telah mengubahnya, memungkinkan flu tersebut untuk bisa ditularkan antar manusia. Tujuannya untuk menimbulkan pandemic, dan pada akhirnya memunculkan permintaan tinggi terhadap vaksin yang juga telah ia kembangkan dan semua itu akan meraup kentungan yang luar biasa.” 5. Zia – Lily’s adopted daughter. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Dalam dua hari Lily sudah mencintai bayi itu seakan akan ia sendiri yang melahirkannya. Lily menamai bayi itu Zia , karena menyukai nama itu.”

3.4 Setting