Background of Study INTRODUCTION


1.1 Background of Study

The terms of novel can be defined as a literary composition. It tells a story which usually shows the human conflict through writing a dialogue Webster’s New World Dictionary : 1988 . Holderness 1985 : 52 says that novel is attempting to give the reader the impression that is “ imitating life” in every direct way. That the events we are reading about are very close to the common flow of everyday experience. It means that novel is a literary work that was written to tell about the human conflict, struggle, life, etc. Further, Scott 1980 : 196 states that a novel is fictitious prose narrative dealing with human beings and their actions over a period of time, and displaying varieties of human character in relation to life. In other word, a novel must talk about character of the role play. The novel is a picture of real life and manners of the time which was written. Some of them are fiction unreal and some are nonfiction real, in nonfiction novel, the authors present actual people and events. Good novels bring a message to the reader who read it. Chock-full of the intrigue, breathless action, and sensuality that have made Linda Howard the master of romantic suspense, Kiss Me While I Sleep is a daring thriller of passion, sudden twists, and richly imagined characters who live and breathe in readers’ hearts. It is the most gripping and complex novel of Linda Howard’s career. Universitas Sumatera Utara Kiss me while I sleep tells the story of a job that makes a killing. Efficient, professional, and without apology, Lily Mansfield is a hired assassin, working as a contract agent for the CIA. Her targets are the powerful and corrupt, those who can be touched by the law. Now after nineteen years of service, Lily has been drawn into a dangerous game that hasn’t been sanctioned, seeking vengeance for her own reasons. Each move bolder than the next, she is compromising her superiors, drawing unwanted attention, and endangering her very life. Though stress and shock that made her feel somewhat invincible and a little cocky, Lily knows that she too can be taken out in an instant. And if it’s her time, so be it. She intends to go down fighting. A CIA agent himself, Lucas Swain recognizes the signs of trauma in the line of fire. His orders: either bring her in or bring her down. Yet he too is drawn into the game with Lily Mansfield, dancing on a tightrope as he tries to avoid a major international incident while still battling a tenacious foe who is dogging their every step. Keeping laser focus on the task at hand while vigilantly watching her back, Mansfield never sees the lethal peril that lies direcly in her path…and how loyalty has a price. This novel is very famous and an enjoyable easy-to-read novel, one that will keep you guessing until the very last page. The writer liked this book for its varying narrations, its intricate plot, the extensiveness of plot how the plot had several sections to it and its epilogue. Epilogues can be cheesy, but this one was very necessary Okay, sometimes the details given were too much like what how Universitas Sumatera Utara they discarded papers they didnt need, and this was so good and timely that it was scarey because it dealt with a flu-virus that would go worldwide and kill millions, very thought provoking. Kiss Me While I Sleep mainly focused in on what Lily was planning to do. First she was going to kill Salvatore. Once that was done, she had other things she wanted to do that because clear a little later into the book. Lucas ended up helping Lily with what she was going to do. They were attracted to each, and developed feelings for each other. Lily was very wary about getting involved since her last relationship ended very badly. The man had been sent to kill her. I didn’t think that the growing relationship between Lucas and Lily took away from the other aspects of the book. The few things that I thought were predictable about the book were related to their relationship. That didn’t keep me from enjoying the book though. There were some sex scenes between them. There weren’t that many of those scenes, but they were very descriptive. Linda Howard does tend to write explicit sex scenes. People who have read her other books and haven’t had a problem with those scenes should be fine with this book too. So, the writer believes this novel is very interesting to be discussed. In this case, the writer would like to discuss about intrinsic elements in Linda Howard novel which is entitled “ Kiss Me While I Sleep”. People that are offended by those scenes should probably look for a different book. Universitas Sumatera Utara

1.2 Scope of Study