Setting Point of View

In certain novel, main character always appears in almost each event and can be found in each page of the novel. When we read any other literary work, we will usually deal with some character. There is character the classified as an important character and showed in the story continuosly. In this case, main character has always related with other character.

2.3.2. Minor Character

Minor characters are characters of less important than those of the main. It means that a story is about this character, but he can not stand on his own, he needs other character to make the story more convincing and lifelike needless to say that we need other elements of a story such as setting.

2.4. Setting

The setting is the location where the story takes place. A story may take place in a home, countryside, town, school, or wherever the author chooses to have the action occur. The setting is usually revealed very early in a story. The setting of a novel encompasses a number of different, but linked, elements: a. Time : day or night, summer or rain, the historical period an actual date b. Place : inside or outside, country or city, specific town and country, real or fictional. Universitas Sumatera Utara c. Social : the minor characters who take little part in advancing the plot, but whose presence contributes to the realism of the novel. d. Mood and atmosphere : eerie, dangerous, menacing, tense, threatening, relaxing, happy, light-hearted, etc.

2.5. Point of View

Point of view is idea which an author presents a story. Many novels feature multiple points of view. There are three points of view: 1. First person point of view In first person point of view the narrator is talking to the reader using phrases such as the reader may notice or reader, you may think. Often the writer will not talk to reader but will use pronouns I, me, or we. In this point of view the reader only gets the viewpoint f one character and does not know what the other character are thinking. A story told in the first point of view is told by a character within the story. The firs person can be a major character or a minor character. The narrator may or may not be reliable. 2. Third point of view Third person point of view can be recognized by the author’s use of the pronouns he, she, it or they. The narrator is not a part of he action, and can be in the mind of one or more characters at once but it still limited. Universitas Sumatera Utara The third person point of view narrator allows the reader access to the thought of he main character. However, the third person point of view narrator can only relay one character’s perspective to the reader. In this way, the third person point of view narrator is like the first person narrator. The viewpoint recreates how an individual experiences the world. 3. Omniscient point of view Omniscient literary means all knowing. Very few characters have this god- like knowledge of what everyone is thinking at all time. Limited omniscient may seem like a contradiction in terms. This occurs when point of view switches from character or is not assigned to one character. Thus while no character knows everything is happening the reader knows than any one character. In a novel written from the point of view of an omniscient narrator want the reader knows what each character does and think. The reader maintains this knowledge as the plot from place to place or time to time. An omniscient narrator can also provide the reader with direct assessment of action, character, and environment. Universitas Sumatera Utara


3.1 Theme

The theme of Kiss Me While I Sleep Saat Kuterlelap is about revenge a CIA agent to a boss of mafia. Kiss Me While I Sleep Saat Kuterlelap uses the mixed plot in general. It starts the story by telling the middle step, then it tells the first step, and then the last step.

3.2 Plot

3.3 Character

3.3.1 Main Character This novel has five main characters, they are : 1. Lily Mansfield - She had been a hired assassin working as a contract agent for the CIA for nineteen years. She was good at her job, but it was taking a toll on her. She had cut off relations with her family. She was close to two other contract agents and devastated when they were killed. She wanted revenge for her friends, and set out to get it. She planned carefully for the first thing she did, but after that, her planning wasn’t as extensive. She took risks and did underestimate a few people. She was a very determined woman. Even though she was a hired killer, she was kind and loving. Lily was in almost every scene of Universitas Sumatera Utara