Reaction Formation Projection Self Defense Mechanism

e. Reaction Formation

Another defense mechanism which is explained in this part is reaction formation. Reaction formation is the converting of unwanted or dangerous thoughts, feelings or impulses into the opposites. Consciously feeling or thinking the very opposite to what you truly unconsciously feel or think; the conscious feelings or thoughts are experienced as quite genuine. In the simplest way, reaction formation is being considerate or polite to someone you strongly dislike, even going out of your way to be nice to them Hilgard, Atkinson, Atkinson, 1979:443. In Daughters of Shame, the example of reaction formation is clearly seen in the forced marriage victims. The victims have no choice but to accept the forced marriage, even forced marriage is really frightening them and they want to refuse the forced marriage if they are allowed to be honest. The acceptance of those victims toward forced marriage clearly shows how they defense themselves by using reaction formation mechanism.

f. Projection

Projection is the misattribution of a person’s undesired thoughts, feelings or impulses onto another person who does not have those thoughts, feelings or impulses. The aim of projection is used especially when the thoughts are considered unacceptable for the person to express, or they feel completely ill at ease with having them. Projection often becomes the result of a lack of insight and acknowledgement of one’s own motivations and feelings Hilgard, Atkinson Atkinson, 1979:444. The example of defense mechanism projection happened in Robina’s experience. As depicted in the novel, Robina is one of the Indian-Pakistani young women who are the victim of forced marriage. Robina is forced to marry a man by her parents. The man that Robina should marry is a man who is actually prepared by her parents to marry Jasvinder. Because Jasvinder has refused the marriage, then Robina should marry him. Robina is angry at Jasvinder, even when Jasvinder tries to help her, she refuses it because Jasvinder feels being disowned by Robina. “I wanted to, I tried to, but Robina wouldn’t listen to me because I’d been disowned” Sanghera, 2009:8.

2. Abuse