Research Method Research Participants Research Instrument



This part discusses the methodology of the research. It comprises the research method, research participants, research instrument, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

3.1 Research Method

The research method employed in this research is survey. Based on Brown and Rogers 2002: 142, survey is defined as follows. Surveys are any procedure used to gather data and describe the characteristics, attitudes, views, opinions, and so forth of students, teachers, administrators, or any other people who are important to a study. Surveys typically take the form of interviews or questionnaires or both. Similarly, Ary, Jacobs and Razavieh 2002 describe that survey is used for gathering data ranging from physical counts and frequencies to attitudes and opinions. The data gathered from survey is responses of questions that are asked to participants. Hence, this research employed survey as the research method. This research investigates students’ perception toward the contribution of reflection to their learning awareness. To be exact, it deals with finding students’ opinion and views on reflection. Consequently, survey is suitable method to be employed in this research. 22

3.2 Research Participants

In order to answer the research problem, the participants of this research should be students who have experienced in making after-class written reflection. Microteaching class, one of the courses in English Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University offered in even semester academic year 20092010, demands the students to make after-class written reflection every week. Thus, the participants of this research were students of the English Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University who took Microteaching class in even semester 20092010 academic year.

3.3 Research Instrument

This research used questionnaire as the research instrument to answer the research problem that was supported by Ary et al. 2002 that survey is a method of data collection using questionnaire. Cohen, Manion, Morrison 2000 add that there are several kinds of questions and responses mode in questionnaire for example dichotomous questions, multiple choice questions, rating scales and open-ended questions. To gather data, this research uses rating scales and open- ended questions. Cohen et al. describe that scales are used to measure attitudes, values, and other characteristic. The scales measure the degree of the participant that corresponds to their interest. Additionally, Brown and Rogers 2002: 120 state that Likert scales are generally useful for getting at respondents’ views, judgments, or opinions about almost any aspect of language learning. They 23 describe Likert scales further that it can be on a 1 to 4 scale, 1 to 5 scale or 1 to 7 scale depending on the intended answers the researcher wants to gain. Thus, rating scale used in this research is Likert Scales on 1 to 4 scale. The scale provides numbers which correspond to their degree of agreement namely strongly agree 4, agree 3, disagree 2 and strongly disagree 1. Here, the participants were asked to match 20 statements with their degree of agreement by selecting the number. The scale did not provide ‘no opinion’ option namely undecided or fair because based on Gall and Borg 2007 ‘no opinion’ option might be used by the respondents to express their ignorance. The 1 to 4 scale is able to avoid the respondent to express their ignorance. Meanwhile, there were three questions in the open-ended section. Here, the participants were asked to write their answer of the three questions. Cohen, Manion, Morrison define that open-ended question invites an honest personal comment from the respondents. In open-ended questions, participants were free to write their answer and explain their responses. Although the responses of open- ended question were difficult to clarify, it provides clear and complete answer of the participant. In conclusion, this research used two types of questionnaire namely rating scale and open-ended question. Both of them asked the participants about their perception toward the contribution of personal reflection to their learning awareness. The blueprint of the questionnaire and the questionnaire were presented in the appendix. 24

3.4 Data Gathering Technique