26 The observations were done in two different times because the participants joined two different Englicious Chatimes. Two of the participants joined the same Chatime, and then the other one participant joined different Englicious Chatime. The observations were done by paying attention to the target participants’ language during the discussion in Englicious Chatime. The observed things were the participants’ vocabulary, fluency, accuracy, and confidence in using English. Those participants were then labelled or mentioned as L, M, and H to represent the low, middle, and high ability in speaking English. To decide the par ticipants’ level of ability in using English, the researcher used the Common Reference Levels: global scale in Common European Framework of References for Language 2001. There are six classes which then classified into three levels. The lowest level is Basic User and had two more specific classes namely A1 and A2. The higher level is Independent User with two more specific classes namely B1 and B2. Then, the highest level is Proficient User with two more specific classes namely C1 and C2. Classes with number 2 behind are higher than classes with number 1 behind. After deciding the standard, the potential participants were observed and classified according to the matched points in the scale. The aim of choosing participants with different level of English was to know whether or not the feedback had meaning to all level of the participants. 27

D. Research Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

To answer the question of this research, the researcher needed the participants’ detailed answers and stories. To get those detailed answers and stories, the most possible and suggested way was to hold in-depth interviews which became the main data gathering technique used in this research. Interview was the main technique to gather data in qualitative research. Bogdan Biklen 1982, p. 135 writes that interview is used to gather descriptive data in the subject’s own words so that the researcher can develop insights on how subjects interpret some piece of the world. In this research, each participant was interviewed for about twenty to thirty-five minutes. The interview took a long time because in a phenomenological research, the most important thing is the participants’ experience. As stated by Geertz 1973, what phenomenologists emphasize is the subjective aspects o f people’s behavior. Then, it was also used to seek out participant’s understanding, belief, feeling, intention, and action about feedback given in Englicious Chatime which will be the main data in this research. The interviews were done in Bahasa Indonesia as the native language of the participants and the researcher. The aim was to avoid misunderstanding and to make the participants feel more comfortable in expressing their feelings and opinion. During the interview, the researcher used a tape recorder to record the conversation. “Long interviews are difficult to recapture fully. When a study involves extensive interviewing or when interviewing is the major technique in the study, we recommend using a tape recorder” Bogdan Biklen, 1982, p. 93. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28 In order to keep the interview in line, the researcher made an interview guideline which consisted of list of questions for the participants. “The phenomenological interview involves an informal, interactive process and utilizes open- ended comments and questions” Moustakas, 1994, p. 114. Although there was interview guideline, the questions were not asked serially to let the participants share as much as possible and to dig deeper information about the latest point shared by the participants.

E. Data Analysis Technique

Bogdan Biklen 1982 writes that data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, fieldnotes, and other materials that are accumulated to increase the researcher’s understanding about those data and to make the researcher able to share and elaborate things found in the research. Analysis involves working with data, organizing it, breaking it into manageable units, synthesizing it, searching for patterns, discovering what is important and what is to be learned, and deciding what is going to be shown to the readers of the research. Moustakas’ Modification of the Van Kaam Method of Analysis of Phenomenological Data 1994 then was chosen to analyze the data. In Moustakas’ Modification of the Van Kaam Method of Analysis of Phenomenological Data, there are seven steps to analyze the data which are Listing and Preliminary Grouping, Reduction and Elimination, Clustering and Thematizing the Invariant Constituents, Final Identification of the Invariant 29 Constituents and Themes by Application: Validation, Constructing an Individual Textural Description for each Co-researcher, Constructing an Individual Structural Description for each Co-researcher, and Constructing Textural-Structural Description for each Research Participant. In a phenomenological research, research participants are called as co- researchers because they are also involved in investigating their own feelings and experiences. They are not only the objects of the research because in the interview, they are also invited to dig deeper meaning of their own feelings and experiences. However, in this research, co-researchers were called as participants as they also called as participants in Englicious. The very first step of the analysis was making transcription of the interview. To make the transcripts, the researcher used the recording of the interview to avoid missing parts of the interview. In this step, the researcher wrote everything mentioned in the interview, including greeting, questions from the researcher, answer from the participants, jokes, and even answer that had no relation with the research. Everything written in the transcription should not be given addition or reduction. After making the transcriptions, Modification of the Van Kaam Method of Analysis of Phenomenological Data was used. The first step was Listing and Preliminary Grouping. In this step, there was a process namely Horizonalization. In Horizonalization, the questions from the researcher were omitted, then the participants’ answer was moved into table and and the left answer was called PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI