29 Constituents and Themes by Application: Validation, Constructing an Individual Textural Description for each Co-researcher, Constructing an Individual Structural Description for each Co-researcher, and Constructing Textural-Structural Description for each Research Participant. In a phenomenological research, research participants are called as co- researchers because they are also involved in investigating their own feelings and experiences. They are not only the objects of the research because in the interview, they are also invited to dig deeper meaning of their own feelings and experiences. However, in this research, co-researchers were called as participants as they also called as participants in Englicious. The very first step of the analysis was making transcription of the interview. To make the transcripts, the researcher used the recording of the interview to avoid missing parts of the interview. In this step, the researcher wrote everything mentioned in the interview, including greeting, questions from the researcher, answer from the participants, jokes, and even answer that had no relation with the research. Everything written in the transcription should not be given addition or reduction. After making the transcriptions, Modification of the Van Kaam Method of Analysis of Phenomenological Data was used. The first step was Listing and Preliminary Grouping. In this step, there was a process namely Horizonalization. In Horizonalization, the questions from the researcher were omitted, then the participants’ answer was moved into table and and the left answer was called PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 horizons. This step was aimed to arrange participants’ answer line by line and to number every line to make the analyzing process easier. The second step was Reduction and Elimination. In this step, unnecessary, overlapping, repetitive, and vague expressions such as filling words and unfinished sentences should be omitted from the table of horizonalization. The remaining horizons should be the important points related to the research. The third step was Clustering and Thematizing the Invariant Constituents. In this step, the horizonalized answer was classified into themes. The themes then were given codes to be interpreted as the core themes of the experience. The fourth step was Final Identification of the Invariant Constituents and Themes by Application: Validation. In this step, the data were to be checked again, whether the chosen answer in the horizonalization and the theme were matched or not. If the themes were not explicitly or compatibly stated, they were not relevant to the participants’ experience and should be omitted. The fifth step was constructing each participant’s Individual Textural Description. In this step, clear report of the main dynamics of the experience, themes and qualities that appear for how feelings and thoughts connected with the experience should be provided. The sixth step was constructing Individual Structural Description of the experience based on the Individual Textural Description and Imaginative Variation. Imaginative variation itself required us to find out possible meanings using our imagination and looking at the phenomenon from different perspectives, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 31 positions, roles, or functions. This process was aimed to describe the essential structures of a phenomenon. The last step was constructing a Textural-Structural Description of the meanings and essences of the experience. This step was the merger of fifth and sixth step.

F. Research Procedure

This research was conducted because the researcher saw an interesting phenomenon in Englicious Chatime particularly about feedback. Feedback was believed to help participants developed their English ability. However, every participant must have their own opinion about feedback given in Englicious Chatime. From that reason, a problem formulation than formulated to find out how the participants give meaning to the feedback. Finding out someone’s detailed opinion was included into qualitative research. Then, phenomenological was chosen as the approach since it also focused on someone’s experience. To collect detailed and deep opinion, in-depth interview was the most possible data gathering technique which then became the main way to collect the data. Besides, observations were done before the interview to find out the suitable Englicious Chatime participants to be interviewed. Thing that was observed was the participants’ ability in using English. The criteria were taken from Common Reference Levels: global scale in Common European Framework of References for Language 2001. Then, three participants with three different abilities in using English low, middle, and high were chosen to be interviewed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI