Research Setting Research Participants

31 positions, roles, or functions. This process was aimed to describe the essential structures of a phenomenon. The last step was constructing a Textural-Structural Description of the meanings and essences of the experience. This step was the merger of fifth and sixth step.

F. Research Procedure

This research was conducted because the researcher saw an interesting phenomenon in Englicious Chatime particularly about feedback. Feedback was believed to help participants developed their English ability. However, every participant must have their own opinion about feedback given in Englicious Chatime. From that reason, a problem formulation than formulated to find out how the participants give meaning to the feedback. Finding out someone’s detailed opinion was included into qualitative research. Then, phenomenological was chosen as the approach since it also focused on someone’s experience. To collect detailed and deep opinion, in-depth interview was the most possible data gathering technique which then became the main way to collect the data. Besides, observations were done before the interview to find out the suitable Englicious Chatime participants to be interviewed. Thing that was observed was the participants’ ability in using English. The criteria were taken from Common Reference Levels: global scale in Common European Framework of References for Language 2001. Then, three participants with three different abilities in using English low, middle, and high were chosen to be interviewed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32 In a phenomenological research, a researcher should do the Epoche process. Epoche is given by Husserl 1970 to name freedom from suppositions. Epoche itself came from Greek word meaning to stay away from abstain. In this research, the Epoche process was done in the interview. In the interview, all participants were able to share anything without any command or request from the researcher. The researcher was only able to give questions that would stimulate the participants to share more. Schmitt 1968 states that in the Epoche, prejudgements, biases, and preconceived ideas about things should be ignored. So, the researcher was not allowed to lead the research participants in answering the questions. The interview was recorded to be transcripted. The transcripted interview then being analyzed using Moustakas’ Modification of the Van Kaam Method of Analysis of Phenomenological Data 1994. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33


This chapter consists of two parts which are text description and interpretation. Text description presents information and story from the participants which then become the reason of this research. Then, interpretation presents interpreted things shared by all of the participants in the observation and in-depth interview which are called as themes.

A. Text Description

This part shows the summary of the participants‟ lived experience gained from the in-depth interviews. This part presents each participant ‟s personal information, English ability, reason or motivation of joining Englicious Chatime, preferred learning environment, and opinion about feedback in Englicious Chatime.

1. Participant L story

The first participant was labeled as L to represent his low ability in using English. He is a 23-year-old student in Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University, Faculty of Social and Politics, Communication Study Program. He is now in the 8 th semester. L joined Englicious Chatime once. He was classified in low level because he used simple vocabulary and often made mistakes in organizing his sentences. He also often mispronounced words in English. However, he was able to share his PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI