B. Interpretation

This part presents themes interpreted by the researcher from the in-depth interview data. Themes are the topics mentioned and elaborated by all of the participants. There are three themes namely effectiveness, self-confidence, and sufficiency.

1. Effectiveness

In Englicious Chatime, feedback is always given at the end of the meeting. The aim is to avoid the participants from feeling intimidated by correction or feedback given by the coaches when they practice speaking in English. Moreover, it gives them chance to experience using their English and to make mistakes as many as possible. The basis of the activities in Englicious is CLT which concerns on effective and efficient communicating ability. Hence, the most important thing is to make the participants use their language. Then, grammar and pronunciation accuracy are to be corrected and commented later. By making mistakes then being corrected and being given feedback at the end of the meeting, the participants are invited to call their memory about the process of the discussion, the language, idiom, and expression they used and the word they chose and pronounced. Burt 1975 says that it is easy to break students‟ confidence with too many interruptions. Burt Kiparsky 1972 also says that too many corrections cut off students‟ sentences, stop their train of thought, and hold them from making new sentences. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 Moreover, Freeman 2000 says that errors of form are tolerated during fluency-based activities and considered as natural product of the progress of communication skills. Students can only have a little knowledge in linguistic but still be successful communicators. The teacher may note the errors during fluency activities and return to them later with an accuracy- based activity” p. 132. That is why the feedback session in Englicious Chatime is placed at the end of the meeting: to avoid the students from feeling interrupted and intimidated. Moreover, by learning from their own mistake, the learning material and the feedback will be more authentic for the participants. All the participants implicitly agreed and said that the feedback given at the end of the Chatime was effective because they could learn from their own mistakes and experiences. “Then, after that, when all the representatives were done as the speakers, the activity was continued with feedback or evaluation. So, each coach from each group assessed the group members one by one. They were told their weaknesses and strengths. After that, bigger forum was made. Three or four coaches assessed the speakers and the process of the discussion. Our mistakes were told. The preview [Chatime], there were a lot of mistakes in the grammar or the rule. The rule how we spoke or how we used the language and the vocab. That is also good because there are rules in language .” L. 104-113] “[The feedback] is so beneficial. Because, as I said before, when we had practiced, we know where the mistake was. So in the future, it will not be repeate d anymore. Like, people usually realized „oh, I made mistake here‟ and they will not do that again. It is better than being told ‘do not do this’ before practicing. I am the type of that person: making mistake, being corrected, and being understood.” M. 106-112 “That is why [about the coach] I sometimes feel helped too because so far I can use the language, [and] the expressions correctly without knowing what they are. For example: modals and so on. When the coach PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 said modal, „what is modal?‟ I do not know. But when asked to speak, I know which word is the modal”. H. 94-99 “Overall the coaches are helping. I, myself, see that the coaches are helping because as people who will teach [English to] others, they are exposed by the use of English with correct grammar. That is a really good modal because they know the structures. ” H. 105-109 As stated by Walker 1973, frequent correction makes the participants feel less confident and think that communicating is more important than error-free speech. Moreover, in the feedback session, the participants are asked to correct the mistakes together. They are not simply given the correct answer without analyzing the mistake before. According to Fanselow 1977, telling the students the correct answer blocks them from building a pattern for long term memory. By analyzing their own mistakes in the feedback session, the participants are invited to build the pattern for their long term memory.

2. Self-confidence

Confidence is an important aspect in learning language because the main goal of learning a language is to communicate. If someone has no confidence, heshe is hindering himherself from practicing to communicate. Therefore, a good atmosphere to learn the language should be prepared to build the language learner‟s confidence. The condition above was read by the founders of Englicious and becomes the spirit of Englicious Chatime. It is created and designed as relaxing as possible to make the participants feel comfortable to learn English. Moreover, the founders and the team of Englicious want the participants do not feel like they are learning but they are only hanging around and having conversations with their friends. 42 That is why Englicious Chatime is always done in a place where people usually hang around with their friends. The participants agree that the concept of Englicious Chatime makes them feel more relaxed and confident in using English. “So, though sometimes [I have] willingness to study in formal institutions or other communities. But I also find out, if [studying] in a formal institution costs a lot of money. Moreover if we spend a lot of money but we cannot have fun in that institution ”. L. 44-48 “If joining the formal ones like extra course which [has class] twice a week like that, I feel like bounded an d it becomes like “oh my.. extra course”. If Chatime, is like gathering with friends. Then, the second consideration, I see that some other English courses‟ atmosphere is more about theory. Some [courses] that I joined were more about theory”. M. 46-51 “The character and the concept of Chatime which is followed by [the choice of the] place which is always in a cafe makes [the participants] feel relaxed. To participants who come with not too good level of English or those who do not feel confident, it can be one factor that makes them a litte relaxed and calm. Helping. [It is] because it will be very different if the Chatime is done in a building, in a class which the context is formal. It will make [the participants] more stressed. So, for me the casual concept [in Chatime] is one of the factors that is helping in learning process‟. H. 23-31 Englicious Chatime ‟s concept includes the type of the inductive learning. So, the material is learned at the end of the meeting. This concept can be seen from the feedback that is given at the end of the Chatime. As mentioned in the previous discussion, it gives the participants more chance to practice speaking. During the practice time, they will not be interrupted by corrective feedback. The only feedback that can be given during the practice time is positive feedback which shows appreciation of participants‟ effort and braveness in stating and sharing their opinion. 43

3. Sufficiency

The feeling of sufficiency can be the indicator whether something is working in order or not. However, the feeling of sufficiency for each person is different. Here are the discussions of the feeling of sufficiency about feedback in Englicious Chatime. “The timing [at the end of the Chatime] is perfect. And the time is short. The short time is the negative side. I want to get [to know] mistakes. Any kind of mistakes, as much as possible. Because I want to learn. So, what mistakes I made. So, it supposed to be a lot and it is more like „I made mistakes like this, the correction is like this and deeper and more detailed‟. Not only in a glance. How the grammar, vocab, but more we discuss how the grammar is”. L. 163-170 “So, [the feedback] is so helping. What I felt when I got feedback was satisfied. It is like “aw.. okay. So, this is the mistake”. Maybe the word that describes it well is satisfied. Because I could know where the mistake is. The meeting is free. Meaning that by doing fun activity like this, the feedback is so much bigger. So, the principality is giving small sacrifice, but the fe edback that I get is big. So I am happy. [I am] satisfied”. M. 112-119 “The feedback is good. But in my opinion, in language, the most important thing is the context and nuance. So, the strong point of the coach is the grammar because they are exposed by grammar on daily basis. Furthermore, for this kind of context and nuance, what should we use and what expression [should be used]. That will be strong point if added in evaluation session”. H. 114-119 “The portion of feedback, in my opinion, can still be extended and the feedback is not only based on discussion. Theme is already chosen. So, maybe there is another bonus besides the feedback but also additional bonus about expression or glossary from the coach. In my opinion, it will also helping and beneficial. So, it is not only based on discussion, sharing, and presentation, but also another addition which is appropriate to the material, the theme”. H. 132-139 From the result of the interview above, it can be seen that every participant has different view of the feedback. Not all of them feel that the feedback is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 sufficient for their needs. This phenomenon happens because everyone has different part that has to be improved. For L, the feedback is not enough. He said that he wanted the feedback session to be longer and deeper. For M, the feedback is enough. She even said that she was satisfied by the feedback. For H, the feedback is enough for himself, but then he gave suggestion about what should be added in the feedback session. From those facts, a co nclusion can be drawn that someone‟s ability affects the feeling of sufficiency about the feedback. L who has low ability needs more time and deeper feedback because there are still a lot of things that are needed to be corrected and improved. A glance discussion will not be enough for him because he will need a lot of time to learn things he is not good at. However, he still feels that the feedback matches his needs because it was given at the end of the Chatime. Since the feedback is given at the end, he can learn from his own mistakes and he feels that the thing he learned is so close with him. Then, M who has middle ability is already good in English. She has the basic, so she does not need too much feedback and correction. She only needs more time to practice. That is why she feels that the feedback is satisfying. For her, feedback is not the main media to learn English, but when she gets that, she will be happy to be reminded that she has made mistake and will correct it as soon as possible. H who has high ability does not feel that the feedback is significant for him. Whether the feedback exists or not, he will not be bothered. In the interview, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 he gave suggestion to the coach because he was considering the other participants of Englicious Chatime. He wants the other to develop themselves and he wants to help them through helping the coach to upgrade the feedback.