37 Englicious Chatime because she feels that everyone there welcomes her. She also feels relaxed because she can share freely, speak and learn from others as much as possible. The atmosphere is so enjoyable because the activity is just like having daily conversation. For M, feedback is a kind of reminder. She already has a good basic of English, but she rarely uses and practices that. Hence, she needs someone to refresh her knowledge. She always feels happy and satisfied after given feedback because she loves the process and feels that her mistakes are corrected. From that, she could learn from her own mistakes and it will be easier to be memorized. Furthermore, she always takes notes when the coaches give feedback at the end of the Chatime to help her remember the feedback.

3. Participant H story

The third participant was labeled as H to represent his high ability in using English. He is a 36 year-old businessman who owns a tour and travel agent to Singapore and Malaysia in Yogyakarta. He was graduated from Nanyang Technological University Singapore and worked there for eight years. H joined Englicious Chatime for more than three times. He was classified as high because of his fluency and accuracy in using English. His ability in using English was high because he studied abroad where English was used almost every time and everywhere. As written in Common European Framework of References for Language ‟s global scale, people with this ability were included into level C2 or Proficient User. Specifically, people in this level have the ability to understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. They can summarize information 38 from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Moreover, they can express himherself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situation. H joined Englicious because he was looking for information about events and communities in Jogjakarta. From some of those events and communities, he found Englicious which gives people time and place to speak and have discussions in English. He lived in Singapore for 12 years, so he used to speak in English every day. After he came back to Indonesia, he rarely used English because he did not have a lot of chance to use it. By joining Englicious Chatime, he wants to maintain his ability in using English. Moreover, he wants to share his knowledge and experience when he lived abroad. For H, the concept of having the discussion in a cafe is good. It makes the participants feel relaxed. So, it helps those who are still developing their speaking ability to feel more confident. If the learning process happens in a building or in a room and the context is formal, it will make the participants feel more stressed. That is why place and environment become important supporting components. Since H is already excellent in English, he rarely gets feedback especially feedback in a form of correction. However, he says that he always listens to feedback given to the other participants and he also feels helped. He feels helped since he is good in communication, but not in theory. Fortunately, the feedback given in Englicious Chatime is usually based on theory. So, he could also learn the theory of the language that he produces. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 39

B. Interpretation

This part presents themes interpreted by the researcher from the in-depth interview data. Themes are the topics mentioned and elaborated by all of the participants. There are three themes namely effectiveness, self-confidence, and sufficiency.

1. Effectiveness

In Englicious Chatime, feedback is always given at the end of the meeting. The aim is to avoid the participants from feeling intimidated by correction or feedback given by the coaches when they practice speaking in English. Moreover, it gives them chance to experience using their English and to make mistakes as many as possible. The basis of the activities in Englicious is CLT which concerns on effective and efficient communicating ability. Hence, the most important thing is to make the participants use their language. Then, grammar and pronunciation accuracy are to be corrected and commented later. By making mistakes then being corrected and being given feedback at the end of the meeting, the participants are invited to call their memory about the process of the discussion, the language, idiom, and expression they used and the word they chose and pronounced. Burt 1975 says that it is easy to break students‟ confidence with too many interruptions. Burt Kiparsky 1972 also says that too many corrections cut off students‟ sentences, stop their train of thought, and hold them from making new sentences. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI