Research Instrument and Data Gathering Technique



This chapter consists of two parts which are text description and interpretation. Text description presents information and story from the participants which then become the reason of this research. Then, interpretation presents interpreted things shared by all of the participants in the observation and in-depth interview which are called as themes.

A. Text Description

This part shows the summary of the participants‟ lived experience gained from the in-depth interviews. This part presents each participant ‟s personal information, English ability, reason or motivation of joining Englicious Chatime, preferred learning environment, and opinion about feedback in Englicious Chatime.

1. Participant L story

The first participant was labeled as L to represent his low ability in using English. He is a 23-year-old student in Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University, Faculty of Social and Politics, Communication Study Program. He is now in the 8 th semester. L joined Englicious Chatime once. He was classified in low level because he used simple vocabulary and often made mistakes in organizing his sentences. He also often mispronounced words in English. However, he was able to share his PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34 opinion 95 in English. As written in Common European Framework of References for Language ‟s global scale, people in level A2 are called Basic User for having the ability to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance; the ability to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters; the ability to describe in simple terms aspects of hisher background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need. p. 24 L joined Englicious Chatime because he needs and wants to learn English. He realizes that he is not good in speaking though he has been learning English since he was in elementary school. His friend who learns language told him that in learning a language, practice of using the language is highly needed that only learning the theories is not enough. L feels that he needs to improve his speaking skill, not only his reading skill which usually taught at school through theories and exercises. Then, from his friend who is involved in Englicious as the coach, L knows that Englicious focuses on speaking practice. L says that he needs the chance to practice using English directly, so Englicious matches his need. L knows that Englicious Chatime usually takes place in a cafe or a food court, so the atmosphere of the activity will be more relaxed and fun. For L, this kind of environment will make the learning process more enjoyable. When he is able to enjoy and have fun in the learning process, the process of absorbing the material will be easier for him. L says that in a formal English course, he shall pay PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI