Understand Levels of Questioning Found in Micro Teaching Course

generalization. In this context, the students should be able to categorize texts by identifying things such as language features, generic structure, and their function.

5. Evaluate

In brief, evaluate involves making judgments based on criteria and standards Mayer, 2002. In addition, people must have knowledge of what is being judged as well as knowledge of the judgment criteria Reeves, 2011. This level of questions 4,9 occurs during teaching practice simulation in Micro Teaching. It means there are 7 evaluative questions asked by several participants. Here are the examples. [137] Is it informal or formal? Why? [140] Why you can say that it is the orientation? [142] Can you explain why? If readers take a look at the data findings, most of the participants stated evaluative questions using “why”. They use [137] to ask the students give answers and their reasons. This question practices the students to present and defend opinion by making judgments about the answers based on a set of criteria. The criteria here are things, situation and even principles which are established and categorized as informal and formal. Case [140] and [142] are also classified as evaluative questions because they demand the students’ opinions. In this case, students are determined to defend and give reasonable opinions toward their answers. By stating such questions, it may help the students to develop critical thinking in presenting and defending opinions based on certain criteria.

6. Create

The last level of questioning found in teaching practice simulation is create. This is the lowest frequency with 0,6 or in the number of 1 question. Creative questions form a coherent whole by putting elements together Anderson et al. 2001. In this level, the students are determined to have and produce original products. It can be seen from the following questions. [144] What question can you ask from the video? In this situation, a product refers to question that is made by students. Before playing a video, the participant asks students to make questions and present them to class. Only several students could understand and followed the instruction. It portrays that how difficult is to make questions especially the essential or critical ones. This level of question requires the students to compile information together and then invent a product or even propose alternative solutions. In addition, the findings also show a connection between the first research problem and the second one. Every level of questioning has a dominant type of question. When asking remember level of questioning, the students mostly use convergent questions with 92,4. In understand level, convergent questions are also mostly used by students of Micro Teaching with 68,5. Convergent questions are still dominant in the use of apply and analyze levels of questioning with 100 and 90. Meanwhile, 85,7 of evaluate level of questioning belongs to divergent questions. Then, 100 of create level of questioning asked by the students is categorized as divergent question. 40


This chapter presents the research conclusions and recommendations of this research. In the conclusion part, the researcher provides the results of the research problems. For the recommendation part, the researcher gives some suggestions that are addressed to Indonesian teachers and future researchers.

A. Conclusions

Based on the research results and discussion in the previous chapter, there are there are three types of questions found during the students’ performance. They are procedural questions, convergent questions, and divergent questions. The total number of cases are 262 questions. The procedural type is on the top list with 123 questions compared with two others. It occurs when the participants check students’ conditions, ask for students’ confirmation and willingness. This type is used as classroom procedures and routines. The second place is the convergent questions. There are 118 cases related to the type. It involves recall previously learned knowledge, short and response answer. Meanwhile, the divergent questions have the lowest number with 21 cases. The finding of divergent questions in this study has the same result as Sukur’s 2016. In her study about the teacher’s question, she finds that divergent questions are the lowest frequency used by students of micro teaching compared the others. The result of the second research problem in Micro Teaching course finds that six levels of qu estioning employed by 14 students’ Micro Teaching course, namely remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. The researcher