Data Reduction Data Analysis Techniques

1. Procedural Questions

Richard and Lockhart 1996 state that procedural questions only relate to classroom procedures, routines, and classroom management. It means that this type does not have any relation with the content of learning p.186. Table 4.2 presents 47 type of question belonging to procedural. It shows that procedural is the number one type of question used in the teaching practice simulation. Most of the participants state this question to open the class at the beginning. Here are some examples of procedural. [145] How are you today? [297] How was your holiday? For case [145], most of the participants state the question to open the class and only few say [297] because the schedule when having teaching practice is different. Case [145] is classified as a classroom procedure and routine so that it is a part of procedural question. The participant uses the question to check students’ condition and make sure if they are ready to join the class. Case [297] is also stated to open the class. It is like a chit-chat or informal conversation in order to attract students’ attention. Procedural questions can be used when the participant asks for students’ willingness such as the following cases. [163] Can anyone help me? [208] Mario, can you read? [213] Anyone who want to lead the prayer? Several participants conduct those questions to ask for students’ help doing something such as reading, leading praying, answering, and the like. Such questions are grouped as classroom procedures and routines and have no relation with the topic of the day. Another function of procedural questions is asking for students’ confirmation. It is delivered after the participant has finished explaining the main topic, giving instructions or commands, and checking assignments. Here are the following examples. [209] Is it understood or not? [235] Have you finished, guys? [257] Anyone get this sheet?

2. Convergent Questions

This type seeks for similar students ’ responses and focuses on a central theme Richards and Lockhart, 1996, p. 186. Besides, convergent questions require short answers and statements so that they do not need high level of thinking. Based on the Table 4.2, 45 type of question belongs to convergent. Before starting the lesson, some participants propose questions to lead the students to the topic. They ask various convergent questions such as the following cases. [146] What do you do before the class? [218] Did you know how to make your breakfast or your indomie maybe? Question [146] is used as an introductory part of the topic being taught. The participant states the question related to the lesson and it is daily activities. This question requires student to recall a specific moment of their habit before joining the class. Therefore, case [146] is categorized as a convergent question. Case [218] has the same function as [146] but with the different situation. In case [218], the topic that is being taught is a procedure text. In the beginning, the participant asks