Understand The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Abilities

biases, values, or intention underlying communications Anderson et al. 2001. p.82. They add that attributing involves a process of deconstruction, in which students determine the intentions of the author of the presented material.

e. Evaluate

Evaluate is defined as making judgments based on criteria and standards Mayer, 2002. There are a few criteria used in evaluating such as quality, effectiveness, efficiency, and consistency and the use of those criteria are determined by students or other factors. Anderson et al. 2001 state that not all judgments are evaluative. Therefore, evaluating focuses on the criteria related to effectiveness of a result then it is compared with planning and procedures which are being used. The cognitive processes of this category are checking and critiquing. In 2002, Mayer states that checking happens when students detect inconsistencies or fallacies within a process or product, determines whether those things has internal consistency as it is being implemented p.230. Anderson et al. 2001 find that when checking is combined with planning and implementing, it involves determining how well the plan is working. This cognitive process is usually called as testing, detecting, monitoring, and coordinating. The second is critiquing. Mayer 2002 argues that it requires students to find inconsistencies among products, detect internal consistency, and even make judgment. When making critique, students have to use external criteria and judge it.

f. Create

According to Anderson et al. 2001, create involves putting elements together to form a coherent whole. The objective is to make students produce a new product by organizing several elements into a different pattern or structure. Similarly, Mayer 2002 says that students are determined to produce an original product. Creating is connected with previously learned knowledge. There are three cognitive processes in this category: generating, planning, and producing. The process of generating represents the problem and arriving at alternatives or hypotheses that meet certain criteria Anderson, et al, 2001, p.68. Besides convergent thinking, Mayer 2002 adds that generating also involves divergent thinking and forms the core of what can be called creative thinking. It means that create provides opportunities for students to assemble parts of knowledge into a whole using creative thinking and problem solving. The second is planning. It involves devising a solution method that meets a problem’s criteria, that is developing a plan for solving the problem Anderson et al. 2001. In 2002, Mayer adds that in planning, students may establish a sub goal, for instance breaking a task into subtasks to be performed when solving the problem. The last is producing. Here, it carries out a plan for solving a given problem that meets certain specification. It is not only producing but inventing a product. He says that students are given a functional description of a goal and must create a product that satisfies the description. The situation of this cognitive process is like a teacher asks students to create or make a recount text based on their experiences.

B. Theoretical Framework

Questioning becomes one of familiar forms in a teaching-learning activity Chafi and Elkhouzai, 2014 and it has been widely used in classrooms. This form