Approach of the Study



In this chapter, the whole discussion of the thesis will be presented, the analysis is to discuss the theories and the evidence in The Lucky One which leads to the answer of the two problem formulation. There are two issues of discussion in this chapter as the follow up to the problem formulation, first is the discussion on the conflicts experienced by Elizabeth and the following discussion focuses on domestic violence which is revealed through the conflicts. In the discussion the writer uses the theory of conflicts and theory of domestic violence which have been written in the previous chapter, and then the writer elaborates the theories with the evidence found in the novel in order to reach a clear and systematic answer to the two problem formulations.

A. The Conflicts of Elizabeth

In this first discussion the writer is going to discuss the conflicts that were experienced by Elizabeth, the discussion is on identifying the conflicts and put the conflicts into specific category of conflict. The writer uses the theories on conflict by Wehmeier, Roberts and Jacobs, Holman and Harmon, and Koesnosoebroto, which have been cited in the previous chapter. For deeper discussion about conflict the writer uses the theory on conflict by Koesnosoebroto. According to the theory, conflict is clash of actions, ideas, or wills. Conflict is divided into two main types: external conflict which happens between a person and an external forces such as another person, society, or environment, and internal conflict which happens between the person and the aspect of the personality inside the person. External conflict is divided into three sub-types of conflict: man-against- environment, man-against-man, and man-against-nature, while internal conflict is obviously about the conflict of man-against-himself Koesnosoebroto, 1988:43.

1. Man against Man

In man-against-man, the main character has a clash with an external force and mostly the force itself is another character, but in some cases the external force can be more than one characters Koesnosoebroto, 1988:43. The conflict of man- against-man in this analysis is the conflict that happens between Elizabeth and the other characters around her. Each of the conflicts happens because there is an oppossing idea and wills that occurs between Elizabeth and the other character. The conflicts of man against man found in Elizabeth are stated as follows. The quotation below is the situation of their relationship, where two of them are often involved into a fight, not only because of their son but also it is because of their oppossing personality. She and her ex didn’t battle just about Ben, they were fire and ice as well. As in, he was fire and she was ice. He was still attracted to her, which irritated her to no end Sparks, 2008:49. As it is explained before that they have opposing personality to one another which made them often involve into a fight, Elizabeth also hates the fact that Keith is still attracted to her although they have been divorced since Ben was still several months old. Next is the conversation between Elizabeth and Keith. From the conversation below the conflict is about Elizabeth who is angry with Keith because of the b ruise on Ben’s eye after he throw a ball too hard on Ben while they are playing catch. On the other side, Keith kept on arguing that it is not his fault. “How hard did you throw it?” she demanded, her expression horrified. “Not too hard. And it’s just a bruise. His eye is fine, and we managed to tape his glasses back together.” “It is more than a bruise” Elizabeth’s voice rose, barely controlled. “Stop acting like this is my fault” Clayton barked. “It is your fault” Sparks, 2008:191. Elizabeth gets angry when she found out that her son was hit with a base ball in his eye. The anger is not only because of the bruise but on how Keith treats their son so hard on playing catch. On the other hand, She already knows that Keith is the father who would press his son to get hard attempt in order to make his son tough, and this fact which actually grows her anger to Keith. The fight continues to the situation where Keith tries to stop Elizabeth on her way to go inside her house. The quotation is stated as follows. Logan simply stared at him without moving. Zeus’s growls grew more ominous. “What’s he doing here, Beth?” “Just go, Keith. We’ll talk about this tomorrow.” She turned away. “Don’t walk away from me,” he spat, reaching for her arm. “I’m just asking you a question ” Sparks, 2008:192. He uses a harsh way on asking Elizabeth, he rose his tone and grabbed her arm in order to get an answer from her. The conflict happens because Elizabeth is exhausted after fighting with him about Ben. At that time, she is leaving Keith by heading into her house and she was unwilling to talk further with him and the fight is about came into an end. But, because of Keith’s couriosity about Logan in her house so he blocks her way to go inside.