Man against Himself The Conflicts of Elizabeth

kiss him that by cornering her so that she cannot help to run away from him or at least to keep a distance. The two situations above are categorized into physical abuse, although the situations do not show Keith hit Elizabeth or he harmed her physically. The situations are categorized into physical abuse based on how Keith treats Elizabeth physically, the situations show how Keith has treated her physically such as grabbing her arm and cornering her. Both of the situations are done within a force that makes Elizabeth as the victim is abused physically and she cannot have her own freedom to move or to do any defense. Moreover, the understanding of the definition of physical abuse is not merely the act that harms the victim. The act of blocking victim’s way to move and cornering the victim are also categorized as physical abuse because the victim was put in the situation where the victim can not do anything to defense herself.

2. Sexual Abuse

Actions that categorized as sexual abuse are forcing the intimate partner to do any sexual contact without the permission or desire from the partner. Moreover, the force that hurts the sexual organ is also categorized as sexual abuse Hanson, 2013 . The conflict of Elizabeth related to sexual abuse is not literally about having sex. In the conflict Elizabeth is forced to kiss Keith when he storms into her house. In that situation Elizabeth is cornered in the kitchen, she tries to warn Keith to leave her house but he does not notice it and furthermore he asks to kiss her using a force that he only would go if she would kiss him Sparks, 2008:366. The conflict stated above is put into the category of sexual abuse because in the situation Elizabeth as the victim is forced to do a sexual activity, although it is just a force to kiss Keith and not a real sex but from the perspective of the manner the victim is forced to do what the perpetrator or the one who does the abuse wished and in the other side Elizabeth is not willing to kiss Keith just because she has no feeling with him. In another words, the conflict is categorized as sexual abuse because the victim is forced to do some sexual activity which she does not want to do.

3. Emotional Abuse

The behaviors that discourage the partner to do certain activity, not respecting the partner by mocking the name, and giving a sharp comment are categorized as emotional abuse because when the victim is discourage or mocked the victim will feel dishonored Hanson, 2013 . The conflicts related to emotional abuse are stated as follows. Elizabeth is so angry with Keith when she sees a bruise on Ben’s eyes, she is surprised with what Keith has done to their son. On the contrary, Keith argues that the bruise is not because of his fault and furthermore he also blames Elizabeth for putting Ben on danger when she allows Ben to play in the old tree house Sparks, 2008:191. The situation of Keith blaming Elizabeth as the one who often put Ben on danger is categorized as emotional abuse because Keith uses the blame as the weapon to discourage Elizabeth on looking after Ben as her child. The situation of Keith blaming Elizabeth on allowing Ben to play in the tree house is categorized into emotional abuse based on the aim of the blame which go straight to Elizabeth’s emotion. In the situation the blame is used to make the victim feeling worthless on what she has done to the child. On the other side the abuser becomes a bit superior than the victim because the victim is feeling guilty with the blame. The aim of emotional abuse that is to make the victim feels discourage for the role, in this case is the role of Elizabeth as a mother whose duty to look after her son. Another aim from the abuser is to take control over the victim’s emotion so that whatever the abuser does will have no complain from the victim because the victim’s self worth and self esteem have been undermined and whenever the victim tries to criticize the abuser, the abuser will use the blame to silence the victim.

4. Psychological Abuse

The words that fit in this category is “intimidation” because it is the best way for the abuser to take control over the victim’s psychology. The abuser will use anything to damage the victim’s psychology. When the victim feels powerless then the victim will be driven to a fear over the abuser. This will cause deep damage than emotional abuse because of the long repeated occurence Hanson, 2013. Elizabeth is trying to have her new romance by looking for another single man and starts a relationship, the attempt on having a relationship is ended in a short time and the man that she meets before seems to avoid her. The unsuccessful relationship is connected with her ex-husband. Keith does not want Elizabeth to see other men also means that he does not want Elizabeth has a new relationship Sparks, 2008: 255. This kind of action is categorized as psychological abuse