Conflicts Review of Related Theories

control and subordinate another in an intimate relationship. These behaviors include physical, sexual, emotional, and economic abuse. Tactics of coercion, terrorism, degradation, exploitation, and violence are used to engender fear in the victim in order to enforce compliance ” McCue, 2008:3. The wirter combined those two definitions as a pattern coercive behavior used by the person’s spouse, former spouse, partner, former partner with the aim to control and subordinate another in an intimate relationship, while the behaviors include physical, sexual, emotional, and economic abuse. The violence itself is used to create fear in the victim so that the victim obeys the perpetrator McCue, 2008:2-3. Another definition that discusses the theory is taken from an article retrieved from http:www.ovw.usdoj.govdomviolence.htm entitled Domestic Violence written by Beatrice Hanson. She is also the acting director of the United States Department of Justice Office on violence Against Women. The definition of the term domestic violence is a partner’s behavior that abuses another partner in a relationship - the relationship can be a homosexual relationsip or heterosexual relationship - the abuse is done with a purpose to take control over the partner. The abuse became a violence when it violates the v ictim’s physic by hurting the victim, violates the victim’s sex is abused sexually, violates the victim’s emotion when the victim is being underestimated and the victim feel discourage , violates the victim’s economy when the victim is not allowed to take a job, or violates the victim’s psychology when the vicitm is threatened or intimidated . In addition, domestic violence may happen to all people who are married or was married which means that the violence may occur between a woman and her ex-husband and for those who live together ” Hanson, 2013. In the other words, domestic violence is the behavior from an intimate partner that abuse another one in order to control and gain power over the partner who become the victim. The violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, and psychological. There are five types of domestic violence defined according to Hanson:

a. Physical Abuse

The abuse that categorized to this category is the abuse that aims to destruct the victim’s body, or make an uncomfortable interaction to the victim’s body with a purpose to make the victim obeys the abuser. Hanson, 2013.

b. Sexual Abuse

Actions that categorized as sexual abuse are forcing the intimate partner to do any sexual contact without the permission or desire from the partner. Moreover, the force that hurts the sexual organ is also categorized as sexual abuse Hanson, 2013.

c. Emotional Abuse

The behaviors that discourage the partner to do certain activity, not respecting the partner by mocking the name, and giving a sharp comment are categorized as emotional abuse because when the victim is discourage or mocked the victim will feel dishonored Hanson, 2013.

d. Economic Abuse

Economic abuse is the behavior that blocks the victim to have money or to make the financial management, in most cases the abuser will block the victim to manage the finance and also force the victim not to take any job. The purpose is to make the victim cannot do much to fulfill the daily needs and that will drive the victim depends the life on the abuser Hanson, 2013.

e. Psychological Abuse

The words that fit in this category is “intimidation” because it is the best way for the abuser to take control over the victim’s psychology. The abuser will use anything to damage the victim’s psychology. When the victim feels powerless then the victim will be driven to a fear over the abuser. This will cause deep damage than emotional abuse because of the long repeated occurence Hanson, 2013.

3. Feminism

Feminism is the theory describes the position of femaleswomen in the society, how they are treated in the society, and it also persuades the women to change their rule in the society. According to Bressler’s book entitled Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Second Edition, which also discuss about feminism from the experts, and this one from the theory by Simone de Beavior female is defined as follows: Because the female is not male, Beavoir asserted, she becomes “the Other,” an object whose existence is defined and interpreted by the male, who is dominant being in society Bressler, 1999:182. According to the quotation above we can see that in the society male is more powerful than female which makes female become dependant to the male, it defines female as the non-significant person in the rule to the society. Furthermore, according to de Beavoir male is defined as the one or the being and that makes f emale is then defined by the male as “the other.” Moreover, Elaine Showalter’s theory on feminism in Barry’s book entitled Beginning Theory: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory, stated as follows: Showalter also detects in the history of women’s writing a feminine phase 1840-80, in which women writers imitated dominant male artistics norm and aesthetic standards; then a feminist 1880-1920, in which radical and often separatist positions are maintained; and finally a female phase 1920 onwards which looked particularly at female writing and female experience Barry, 1995:123. From the quotation of Showalter’s theory above shows that feminism has developed from time to time. In the early phase women began to write literature by imitating the male’s writing pattern, in the middle phase women tried to write using their own pattern, and in the last phase women’s writer uses their own pattern and also uses their experience in the writing. According to the theory above, there is a movement where women are trying to show their existence one of the movements is in women’s writing and they refuse the male definition of female as “the Other.”

C. Theoretical Framework

The reviews of the studies and the theories above are compiled in this chapter as the supporting data to answer the two problems that have been stated in the previous chapter. The importance of the theories is based on how those theories