b. Low Ee Ling and David Deterding 2003

The second related research is a journal from a quite phenomenal Singapore English e xpertise, entitled “A corpus-based description of particles in spoken Singapore English”. This journal is actually in a form of a book containing many journals from Deterding D., Low E. L. and Brown A. eds. entitled English in Singapore: Research on Grammar. In this journal, Ling and Deterding presented a research about the use of discourse particles from the male and female interviewee. In the finding, they found two functions of discourse particles, the major conditions when the speaker uses discourse particles, and some gender imbalances between male and female interviewee, considering the interviewer was a male. As in their findings, in that journal, the researcher found some expertise opinions, including Ling and Deterding‟s own opinion about the different role function of ah and lah particles, which is ah more often has syntactic function and lah is more often has a pragmatic function. The opinion was strengthened by Kwan- Terry‟s 1987 about emotive and non-emotive sentence-final particle in Mandarin. From those two research, the researcher got many sources which were very helpful in finishing this research.

B. Theoretical Framework

Singapore Colloquial English SCE discourse particles are influenced from Bazaar Malay, Hokkien, and Cantonese as Singapo re‟s first languages. There are many opinions and theories about the meanings, functions, and types of 23 discourse particles. Considering there are many previous researcher such as Gupta 1992, 1994 2006, Ling and Deterding 2003, Wong 2000 2004, Lay 2005, Lim 2007, Leimgruber 2009, 2011, and many more who have conducted the research about Singapore English and discourse particles. The researcher tried to put ah and lah into a line, which means the researcher tried to seek for the type and function of each ah and lah from the same perspective. Answering the first research question about the type of discourse particles ah and lah, the researcher used Wong ‟s 2004 theory. The types of discourse particle ah was perlocutionary ah consist of interrogative ah, declarative ah and imperative ah, vocative ah, emphatic ah, and question marker ah. Besides, the types of discourse particle lah were impositional lah, proportional lah and persuasive lah. Those types from Wong 2004 helped the researcher to classify the use of each ah and lah particles. Coming to the second research question about the function of discourse particles ah and lah, the researcher used the theory from Ling and Deterding 2003 about two functions of discourse particles. First was the utterance-final particle, which emphasizes that a discourse particle more often has the pragmatic role. The second was the audible comma particle, which emphasizes that a discourse particle more often has the syntactic role. Figure 2.1 Theoretical Framework Ah Boys to Men 1 and 2 movie Discourse Particles ah lah Types Wong 2004 Functions Ling Deterding 2003 24


In this chapter, the researcher presents the methodology that is used in this research. It includes research methodology, research participant, instrument and data gathering technique, data analysis, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

In this research, the researcher conducted a linguistic study, which according to Aitchison 2003, “linguistic is focused more on the way language patterned, rather than physical substance out of which the units of language are made”. This research referred to the use of Singapore Colloquial English SCE discourse particles in Ah Boys to Men 1 and 2. Qualitative research “was the method used in this research to collect the information, which aim is getting an absolute picture and deeper understanding rather than the analysis of data which presented in numeric form” Ary, Joacobs, Sorensen, 2008, p. 29. Besides, the researcher also pointed on understanding the social phenomena from the perspective of a human participant in a natural setting p. 21. Unlike the quantitative study, the researcher did not begin with the hypothesis. In this research, the researcher conducted discourse analysis as the method of this research, since this research analyzed the conversation in the movie