Analyzing the data Drawing The Conclusion

31 contained ah, and lah. The sentence which is too short and spoken in Mandarin cannot meet the criteria to be the research object.

4. Making the Interpretation

The researcher made some interpretations of each sentence that contained discourse particles ah and lah. The interpretation was used to find the meaning of sentences in Standard English. The result of the interpretation can be seen in Appendix A, B, C, and D.

5. Analyzing the data

After finishing with the interpretation, the researcher started to analyze the data using a checklist. There were two checklists, which are the type of discourse particle ah Appendix F and G, and the types of discourse particle lah Appendix H and I. The researcher also analyzed the data using counting technique. In order to present the result of counting, there were three tables presenting the counted data. It aimed to find the number of each type from both ah Table 4.1 and lah Table 4.2 particles, and the function from each ah and lah particles Table 4.3. Checklists and tables were used to assist the researcher in conducting the narrative analysis.

6. Drawing The Conclusion

After the researcher had done the analysis, the conclusion was written in order, to sum up the result of the research. The researcher added some suggestions for the future researchers who will conduct the research with the similar topic. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32


This chapter presents the discussion of the research that has been done by the researcher. There will be two parts, the first is the type of discourse particles ah and lah and the second is the function of discourse particles ah and lah as seen in Ah Boys to Men 1 and 2.

A. The Types of Discourse Particles

In this research, the researcher used the theory from Wong 2004. Firstly, the researcher worked with the type of discourse particle ah, and then moved to discourse particle lah. Discourse Particle ah has more occurrences in Ah Boys to Man 1 and 2 than lah.

1. The Types of Discourse Particle ah

Wong 2004 as cited in Lay 2005 presents discourse particle ah into four types. Those are perlocutionary ah, vocative ah, emphatic ah, and question marker ah. The first, which is perlocutionary, has three subtypes: interrogative ah, declarative ah, and imperative ah. Based on the finding, the researcher noticed the highest and the lowest distribution of the type of particle ah that was found in the movie.