Specifying Inbound Physical or Logical Directory Paths in SOA Composite

Oracle JCA Adapter for FilesFTP 4-63 File Matching

The File Filtering page of the Adapter Configuration Wizard shown in Figure 4–36 enables you to specify details about the files to retrieve or ignore. The Oracle File Adapter acts as a file listener and polls the specified directory on a local or remote file system and looks for files that match specified naming criteria. Figure 4–36 The Adapter Configuration Wizard - File Filtering The following sections describe the file filtering information to specify: ■ Section, Specifying a Naming Pattern ■ Section, Including and Excluding Files Specifying a Naming Pattern

Specify the naming convention that the Oracle File Adapter uses to poll for inbound files. You can also specify the naming convention for files you do not want to process. Two naming conventions are available for selection. The Oracle File Adapter matches the files that appear in the inbound directory. ■ File wildcards po.txt Retrieve all files that start with po and end with .txt. This convention conforms to operating system standards. ■ Regular expressions po.\.txt Retrieve all files that start with po and end with .txt. This convention conforms to Java Development Kit JDK regular expression regex constructs. 4-64 Oracle Fusion Middleware Users Guide for Technology Adapters Including and Excluding Files

If you use regular expressions, the values you specify in the Include Files and Exclude Files fields must conform to JDK regular expression regex constructs. For both fields, different regex patterns must be provided separately. The Include Files and Exclude Files fields correspond to the IncludeFiles and ExcludeFiles parameters, respectively, of the inbound WSDL file. If you want the inbound Oracle File Adapter to pick up all file names that start with po and which have the extension txt, you must specify the Include Files field as po.\.txt when the name pattern is a regular expression. In this regex pattern example: ■ A period . indicates any character. ■ An asterisk indicates any number of occurrences. ■ A backslash followed by a period \. indicates the character period . as indicated with the backslash escape character. The Exclude Files field is constructed similarly. If you have Include Files field and Exclude Files field expressions that have an overlap, then the exclude files expression takes precedence. For example, if Include Files is set to abc.txt and Exclude Files is set to abcd.txt, then you receive any files prefixed with abcd. For details about Java regex constructs, go to Notes: ■ If you later select a different naming pattern, ensure that you also change the naming conventions you specify in the Include Files and Exclude Files fields. The Adapter Configuration Wizard does not automatically make this change for you. ■ Do not specify . as the convention for retrieving files. ■ Be aware of any file length restrictions imposed by your operating system. For example, Windows operating system file names cannot be more than 256 characters in length the file name, plus the complete directory path. Some operating systems also have restrictions on the use of specific characters in file names. For example, Windows operating systems do not allow characters such as backslash\, slash , colon :, asterisk , left angle bracket , right angle bracket , or vertical bar|. Note: The regex pattern complies with the JDK regex pattern. According to the JDK regex pattern, the correct connotation for a pattern of any characters with any number of occurrences is a period followed by a plus sign .+. An asterisk in a JDK regex is not a placeholder for a string of any characters with any number of occurrences. Note: Do not begin JDK regex pattern names with the following characters: plus sign +, question mark ?, or asterisk .