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Oracle JCA Adapter for Database 9-91 ■ Section, XSD Pruning Optimization The WSDL–XSD Relationship

In the paragraphs that follow, the operation name, Factorial, and procedure name, Factorial, are taken from an example cited previously see Figure 9–37 . The generated WSDL imports the XSD file. types schema xmlns= http:www.w3.org2001XMLSchema import namespace= schemaLocation=xsdSCOTT_FACTORIAL.xsd schema types The namespace is derived from the schema, package, and procedure name, and appears as the targetNamespace in the generated XSD. A root element called InputParameters is created in the XSD file for specifying elements that correspond to the IN and INOUT parameters of the stored procedure. Another root element called OutputParameters is also created in the XSD file for specifying elements only if there are any INOUT or OUT parameters. Note that INOUT parameters appear in both root elements. These root elements are represented in the XSD file as an unnamed complexType definition whose sequence includes one element for each parameter. If there are no IN or INOUT parameters, then the InputParameters root element is still created; however, complexType is empty. A comment in the XSD file indicates that there are no such parameters. An example of one of these root elements follows. element name=InputParameters complexType sequence element … … sequence complexType element The WSDL defines message types whose parts are defined in terms of these two root elements. message name=args_in_msg part name=InputParameters element=InputParameters message message name=args_out_msg part name=OutputParameters element=OutputParameters message The db namespace is the same as the targetNamespace of the generated XSD. Note that the args_in_msg message type always appears in the WSDL while args_out_ msg is included only if the OutputParameters root element is generated in the XSD file. An operation is defined in the WSDL whose name is the same as the adapter service and whose input and output messages are defined in terms of these two message types. portType name=Factorial_ptt operation name=Factorial