Update a Sequencing File

Oracle JCA Adapter for Database 9-25 Figure 9–27 Specifying Advanced Options You must specify JDBC options in the JDBC Options section. Set low-level JDBC options on calls to the database. The operation you selected determines which options may appear here. In the Auto-Retries section, specify the value for auto-retry incase of time out. In case of a connection related fault, the Invoke activity can be automatically retried a limited number of times. You can specify the following values in the fields in this section: ■ To retry indefinitely, type unlimited in the Attempts field. ■ Interval is the delay between retries. ■ Backoff Factor: x allows you to wait for increasing periods of time between retries. 9 attempts with a starting interval of 1 and a back off of 2 will lead to retries after 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 2 8 seconds. In the Interaction Options, specify the interaction options, as follows: ■ GetActiveUnitOfWork is an advanced setting that forces all invoke activities in the same global transaction to use the same SQL connection if going to the same database. This makes it easier to guarantee that later invoke activities can see the changes of earlier invoke activities, but you may not need to set this at all if using emulated two-phase commit, it should automatically be the same connection. Another difference is that for MERGE and INSERT, all changes are not written until the global transaction commits, so this setting also changes the timing of when WRITE operations occur. ■ Detect Omissions allows the MERGE and INSERT operations to ignore empty or missing XML elements in the input payload. For a MERGE operation, this will prevent valid but unspecified values from being overwritten with NULL. For INSERT operations, they will be omitted from the INSERT statement, allowing default values to take effect. ■ Optimize Merge should always be set to true, as it is a general enhancement to MERGE performance using an in query for the primary key existence check. 9-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Users Guide for Technology Adapters Native Sequencing Oracle only allows you to specify that the primary key will be assigned from a sequence on any insert. Click Search and then select a sequence from the Sequence list, or type the name and click Create. For more information about specifying advanced options, click Help in the Advanced Options page or press F1.

9.2.13 Entering the SQL String for the Pure SQL Operation

You can enter a SQL string for performing the Execute Pure SQL operation in the Custom SQL page. Figure 9–28 shows the Adapter Configuration Wizard - Custom SQL page. Figure 9–28 Entering a SQL String In the SQL field, enter a custom SQL string. An XSD schema of your SQL input is automatically created in the XSD field. The XSD field displays the XSD schema of the custom SQL string you entered. You can directly edit the resulting XSD. However, if you make subsequent changes to the SQL string, then your XSD changes are lost. For more information about entering a SQL string, click Help in the Custom SQL page or press F1.

9.3 Oracle Database Adapter Features

This section discusses the Oracle Database Adapter features.