Native Format Builder Wizard

Oracle JCA Adapter for AQ 7-9

7.2.9 DequeueTimeout Property

The DequeueTimeOut property supports multiple inbound dequeue threads. The value for this property determines how many seconds the dequeue API waits for messages before it returns and the next polling cycle begins. Add this property to the composite.xml file, as shown in the following example: service name=Inbound ui:wsdlLocation=Inbound.wsdl interface.wsdl InboundRetry_MediatorAQ2JMSInboundRetryInbound2Fwsdl.interfaceDequeue_ptt binding.jca config=Inbound_aq.jca property name=DequeueTimeOut type=xs:integer many=falseoverride=may10 property binding.jca service

7.2.10 Control Dequeue Timeout and Multiple Inbound Polling Threads

Oracle AQ Adapter provides system properties to control dequeue timeout and multiple inbound polling threads for each Java Virtual Machine JVM, systemwide, instead of for each process. The system property provided by Oracle AQ Adapter to control dequeue timeout is, and the property that controls inbound polling threads is

7.2.11 Stream Payload Support

Oracle AQ Adapter provides support to stream payload. When you enable this feature, the payload is streamed to a database instead of getting manipulated in SOA run time as in a memory DOM. You use this feature while handling large payloads. To enable support to stream payload, you must select the Enable Streaming check box while defining the dequeue operation parameters in Oracle JDeveloper JDeveloper. When you select the Enable Streaming check box, a corresponding Boolean property EnableStreaming is appended to the ActivationSpec properties defined in the respective .jca file, as shown in the following example. If the EnableStreaming property does not exist, then the default value false is assumed. The property is applicable when processing Raw messages, XMLType messages, and ADT type messages for which a payload is specified though an ADT attribute. activation-spec property name=QueueName value=RAW_IN_QUEUE property name=DatabaseSchema value=SCOTT property name=EnableStreaming value=true activation-spec

7.2.12 Oracle AQ Adapter Inbound Retries

If you configure the Oracle AQ Adapter inbound retries to retry for more than 5 times by using the jca.retry.count service binding property for a retryable exception, then ensure that the queue is created with max_retries value that is greater then the value used for jca.retry.count. If nothing is specified, then the queue is created with a max_retries value of 5 which would mean that the message will end up in exception queue after 5 retries and will not be delivered to adapter for further