Click Next. The RowSets page is displayed, as shown in

9-108 Oracle Fusion Middleware Users Guide for Technology Adapters

4. Click Introspect.

The Adapter Configuration Wizard executes the stored procedure or function using the arguments you specify: a. If the stored procedure or function returns a row set with at least 1 row, the RowSets page is updated to display a strongly typed XSD in the XSD text field. Example 9–5 shows the strongly typed XSD that replaces the default, weakly typed XSD that Example 9–4 shows. Figure 9–51 RowSets Page: Successful Introspection Example 9–5 Strongly Typed XSD schema CURSORSMOVIES_QUERY xmlns=http:www.w3.org2001XMLSchema QUERY elementFormDefault=qualified element name=InputParameters complexType sequence element name=EXAMPLE type=db:SYS.MOVIESOBJ db:index=1 db:type=Struct minOccurs=0 nillable=true sequence complexType element element name=OutputParameters complexType Note: You must choose values that are valid for the argument type and that exist in the database. Oracle recommends that you specify a value for all arguments to ensure that the correct stored procedure or function signature is executed. Oracle JCA Adapter for Database 9-109 sequence element name=MOVIES type=db:MOVIES_RowSet db:index=2 db:type=RowSet minOccurs=0 nillable=true sequence complexType element complexType name=MOVIES_RowSet sequence element name=MOVIES_Row minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=unbounded complexType sequence element name=TITLE db:type=VARCHAR2 minOccurs=0 nillable=true simpleType restriction base=string maxLength value=50 restriction simpleType element element name=DIRECTOR db:type=VARCHAR2 minOccurs=0 nillable=true simpleType restriction base=string maxLength value=20 restriction simpleType element element name=STARRING db:type=VARCHAR2 minOccurs=0 nillable=true simpleType restriction base=string maxLength value=100 restriction simpleType element element name=SYNOPSIS db:type=VARCHAR2 minOccurs=0 nillable=true simpleType restriction base=string maxLength value=255 restriction simpleType element element name=GENRE db:type=VARCHAR2 minOccurs=0 nillable=true simpleType restriction base=string maxLength value=70 restriction simpleType element element name=RUN_TIME type=decimal db:type=NUMBER minOccurs=0 nillable=true element name=RELEASE_DATE type=dateTime db:type=DATE minOccurs=0 nillable=true element name=RATED db:type=VARCHAR2 minOccurs=0 nillable=true simpleType restriction base=string maxLength value=6 9-110 Oracle Fusion Middleware Users Guide for Technology Adapters restriction simpleType element element name=RATING db:type=VARCHAR2 minOccurs=0 nillable=true simpleType restriction base=string maxLength value=4 restriction simpleType element element name=VIEWER_RATING db:type=VARCHAR2 minOccurs=0 nillable=true simpleType restriction base=string maxLength value=5 restriction simpleType element element name=STATUS db:type=VARCHAR2 minOccurs=0 nillable=true simpleType restriction base=string maxLength value=11 restriction simpleType element element name=TOTAL_GROSS type=decimal db:type=NUMBER minOccurs=0 nillable=true element name=DELETED db:type=VARCHAR2 minOccurs=0 nillable=true simpleType restriction base=string maxLength value=5 restriction simpleType element element name=SEQUENCENO type=decimal db:type=NUMBER minOccurs=0 nillable=true element name=LAST_UPDATED type=dateTime db:type=DATE minOccurs=0 nillable=true element name=POLLING_STRATEGY db:type=VARCHAR2 minOccurs=0 nillable=true simpleType restriction base=string maxLength value=30 restriction simpleType element sequence complexType element sequence complexType complexType name=SYS.MOVIESOBJ sequence element name=TITLE db:type=VARCHAR2 minOccurs=0 nillable=true simpleType restriction base=string maxLength value=30