Configuring Oracle FTP Adapter for Password Authentication

Oracle JCA Adapter for FilesFTP 4-91 Configuring Oracle FTP Adapter for Public Key Authentication

For public key authentication, you must first configure OpenSSH and then set up the Oracle FTP Adapter. The Oracle FTP Adapter setup depends on whether the OpenSSH is running inside a firewall or outside a firewall. If OpenSSH is running inside the firewall, then see the following sections: ■ Section, Configuring OpenSSH for Public-Key Authentication ■ Section, Configuring Oracle FTP Adapter for Public Key Authentication with OpenSSH Running Inside a Firewall If OpenSSH is running outside the firewall, then see the following sections: ■ Section, Configuring OpenSSH for Public-Key Authentication ■ Section, Configuring Oracle FTP Adapter for Public Key Authentication with OpenSSH Running Outside a Firewall Configuring OpenSSH for Public-Key Authentication

Perform the following steps: 1. Go to the C:\cygwin\etc directory. If required, configure the sshd_config file to force public key authentication. For more information, see openssh help or manual. 2. Go to the C:\cygwin\bin directory. 3. Run the following command to generate the key pair: ssh-keygen -t rsa 4. Enter etcid_rsa when prompted for the file in which the key should be saved. 5. Enter the passphrase. 6. Enter the passphrase again. 7. Go to the etc directory and verify that both the public key file and the private key file id_rsa are generated. 8. Run the following command to create a copy of the public key file: cp authorized_keys 9. Create a copy of the private key file in a secured location such as C:\my-secured-folder\. The Oracle FTP Adapter configuration refers to this private key file. 10. Restart the OpenSSH server by running the following commands: net stop sshd net start sshd preferredCipherSuite blowfish-cbc transportProvider socket Table 4–12 Cont. Sample SFTP Properties and Values Property Value 4-92 Oracle Fusion Middleware Users Guide for Technology Adapters Configuring Oracle FTP Adapter for Public Key Authentication with OpenSSH Running