Fourth Paragraph Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

explain this mental clause. Then in clause number C13b, there is which my research as the actor who does the mental process. In the third paragraph, all material processes have goals. It indicates that the clauses are categorized into doing clause. Doing clause in traditional grammar is called transitive clause. It needs an object. We call an object as a goal. Doing clause can be probed by do to or do with. Eventhough there are two mental processess in the third paragraph, there is only one clause that contains a phenomenon. The phenomenon is found in clause number C14a. The statement of purpose writer writes the mundane realities of research that inevitably stunt the historian’s aspirations. This phenomenon is categorized into acts phenomenon. The act phenomenon is realized by seeing the type of mental process in the clause. In clause number C14a, the verb experienced is assumed as perceptive mental process. Perceptive mental process is process of seeing, hearing, tasting, etc. Next, discussing participants in intensive attributive process, there are carrier and attribute. There is an intensive attributive process in clause number C15a. The carrier is even more important and the attribute is my gradual acceptance of the fact that early modern sourced. The characteristic of the attributive intensive is that it can not be passive form. The attibute has a function to encode the carrier. Table 3.3 |Circumstances |Wh-item |Type of meaning | |With the |With what |Manner | |essentials of | | | |historical | | | |research | | | |Aggresively |How |Manner | There are only two clauses in the third paragraph that contain circumtantial element. The first is found in clause number C10a. In this clause, accompaniment is used by the statement of purpose writer. This circumstances explain ‘with what’ the actor do the mental process. The second circumstance is found in clause number C11a. Here, we look that the circumstances are used in mental process. The statement of purpose writer wants to emphasize how the sensers do the mental processes.

D. Fourth Paragraph

Table 4.1 |Number |Type of process | |of | | |clause | | | |Material |Mental |Relational | |C16a | |Can not predict | | |C16b | |Expect | | |C17a | | |Is | |C17b |Observe | | | |C18 a |To evade, To control | | | |C18b | |Also wish | | In the fourth paragraph, there are three types of processes. From the table above, we can see that 2 clauses are material processes, 3 clauses are mental processes and 1 clause is relational process. Here, mental processes is higher than material process and relational process. The statement of purpose writer begins this paragraph by using mental process. She writes can not predict. Then in the next clause she writes expect. Those two mental processes in the clause number C16a and C16b construe the statement of purpose writer’s own consciousness. The verbs can not predict and expect are categorized into cognitive type. Through those verbs, the statement of purpose writer wants to propose her opinion about the course that relate to the themes and issues which are mentioned in the next clauses. In the next clause, clause number C17a, the statement of purpose writer tries to mention the issue. Therefore, she uses intensive relational process. She uses verb be ‘is’ to express the relationship between two terms carrier and attribute. The participants are disscused later. After using mental process and relational proces, material processes are used in the next clauses. Those are observe, to evade, to control and to offer. This time, the statement of purpose writer tends to concern the experiences that relates to the issues. In clause number C17b, she uses the verb observe. This verb is intended to explain what the statement of purpose writer does with the mentioned issue. After that, there are two material processes that are found in clause number C18a. Those are to evade and to control. These verbs are also addressed to the issue. The last material process that is found in the fourth paragraph is in clause number C18a. There are verbs ‘to offer’ and ‘were infused’. In the end of the fourth paragraph, the statement of purpose writer uses mental process again. This suggests that she tends to close her paragraph by proposing her desire about the issue. The desire is shown by using the mental process verb wish. This verb is categorized into desirative type. Table 4.2 |No |Type of process |Clause | |1 |Actor in material process : | | | |I the statement of purpose |C17a | | |writer | | |2 |Senser in mental process : | | | |I |C16a, C16b, C18b | |3 |Carrier in relational process : | | | |First |C17a | |4 |Goal in material process : | | | |An eating disorder |C17b | | |Those complicated and |C18a | | |controversial paralles between | | | |modern and early modern usage of| | | |food | | | |The lives of women |C18a | |5 |Phenomenon in mental process | | | |The course this project might |C16a | | |take in graduate school | | | |That it will address the |C16b | | |following themes and issues | | Participants in the fourth paragraph are dominated by senser ‘I’. Senser ‘I’ is found in clause number C16a, C16b and C18b. Here, the senser is conscious human participant. The statement of purpose writer plays a role as senser. This fact indicates that she wants the readers know that the thinking comes from herself. On the other words, it suggests that she tends to be subjective in this case. Furthermore, because there is only one intensive relational process in clause number C17a, the participants that are included within it are carrier and attributive. As mentioned above, in mental process discussion, the two terms are related with a relational process ‘is’. We can see that the carrier is first and the attribute is the overarching issue of distinguishing the phenomena. The meaning of this intensive attributive process is that the overarching issue of the distinguishing the phenomena is the memberpart of the issues and themes. The statement of purpose writer writes first. Therefore, it is assumed that the statement of purpose writer then mention for second, third, etc. The next discussion of the fourth paragraph is about goals. Goals that appear in this parag raph relate to the issue the statement of purpose writer mentioned before. We can identify the goal in clause number C17b, it is written an eating disorder. Also, the goal in clause number C18a is those complicated and controversial paralles between modern and early modern usage of food. These are the issues discussed by the statement of purpose writer. After discussing the goals in material processes, now we look at the phenomenon in mental process. There are two phenomenona that are found in clause number C16a and C16b. The first phenomenon is the course this project might take in graduate school and the second phenomenon is that it will address the following themes and issues. Those two phenomena are categorized into fact phenomenon because the mental processes embedded by those phenomena are cognitive type not perceptive. Table 4.3 |Circumstances |Wh-item |Type of meaning | |from other forms |Where |Spatial | |of food | | | |restriction and | | | |obsession | | | |As an historian a|What as |Role | |nuanced potrayal | | | |With contemporary|With what |Means | There are three types of circumstances appeared in the fourth paragraph. Those are spatial circumstance, role circumstance and means circumstance. The spatial circumstance is found in clause number C17a. It is expressed by writing from other forms of food restriction and obsession. This circumstance informs ‘from where’ the statement of purpose writer observes. Then role circumstance is found in clause number C18b. It is written as an historian a nuanced potrayal. The last circumstance is manner circumstance found in clause number C18b. There is written with contemporary.

E. Fifth Paragraph