The Indonesian translation of swearing word in the wolf of wall street: a study of its purpose and effect.


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HARSANTO, RIKARDUS HENDY. The Indonesian Translation of Swearing Word in the Wolf of Wall Street: A Study of Its Purpose and Effect. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. 2015.

Subtitle is one of the most important elements in a film especially for foreign films because not all the audience fluently understands what the characters talking about. Subtitle becomes the bridge from the film to the audience so that the audience will understand what the characters say without changing the spoken language or dubbing it to make the speech more natural with their own language. In this case, the translator needs to translate the swearing words from English into Indonesian. This undergraduate thesis focuses on the swearing words spoken by the characters in film The Wolf of Wall Street. In Functional theory, a translation has a role as a mediator between two cultures. In this study, the subtitle will be study further by using the functional theory from Nord.

There are two problems that are studied. The first problem is to find the purpose of the characters in using swear words because in most of the conversation the characters add some swearing words so there must be a different purpose of using swearing words in their conversation. The second problem is to know how the Indonesian translation of the swearing words serves the same effect as the source language.

The method that is use to help this study is using field research. It is used to analyze the function of the swear words that are spoken by the characters. When the analysis of the function is done then it needs respondents to see whether the Indonesian subtitle have the same effect to the source language or not.

As the result, there are eleven purposes that are categorize. The categories are; anger, surprise, insult, question, instruction, happiness, envy, satisfaction, eagerness, dissatisfaction, and excitement. According to the result of the questionnaires given, from 24 data that are analyze, 6 of them are not function.


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HARSANTO, RIKARDUS HENDY. The Indonesian Translation of Swearing Word In The Wolf of Wall Street: A Study of Its Purpose and Effect. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra. Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015.

Teks film merupakan salah satu elemen terpenting dalam sebuah film terutama film asing dimana tidak semua penonton dengan fasih mengerti apa yang mereka bicarakan. Teks film menjadi sebuah jembatan dari film ke penonton agar mereka mengerti apa yang sedang dibicarakan dalam film tersebut tanpa mengubuah bahasa lisan atau penyuaraan agar membuat percapakan tersebut menjadi alamiah dengan menggunakan bahasa mereka sendiri. Dalam kasus ini, penerjemah perlu menerjemahkan kata-kata umpatan dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Skripsi ini berfokus pada teks film pada kata-kata umpatan yang diucapkan oleh para karakter dalam film The Wolf of Wall Street. Dalam teori Fungsional, seorang penerjemah mempunyai peran sebagai perantara terhadap kedua budaya. Dalam kajian ini, teks bawah film akan dikaji lebih lanjut menggunakan teori Fungsionaloleh Nord.

Terdapat dua permasalahan yang dipelajari. Permasalahan yang pertama adalah untuk mencari tahu tujuan dari para karakter menggunakan kata-kata umpatan karena mereka mengucapkan kata-kata umpatan dalam berbagai situasi sehingga pasti akan ada tujuan yang dapat dikategorikan. Permasalahan yang kedua adalah untuk mencari tahu apakah terjemahan bahasa Indonesia mempunyai efek yang sama seperti bahasa asli dari film tersebut.

Metode yang digunakan untuk membantu pembelajaran ini adalah dengan menggunakan penelitian lapangan. Hal ini digunakan untuk menganalisa fungsionaldari kata-kata umpatan yang diucapkan oleh para karakter. Saat analisa dari fungsionalselesai, selanjutnya perlu bantuan responden untuk melihat apakah teks bawah judul Bahasa Indonesia mempunyai efek yang sama dari Bahasa asal atau tidak.

Sebagai hasilnya, terdapat sebelas kategori untuk mengkategorikan tujuan dari penggunaan kata-kata umpatan yang diucapkan para karakter. Kategori-kategori tersebut adalah; marah, terkejut, menghina, pertanyaan, instruksi, senang, iri, puas, keinginan, tidak puas, kegembiraan. Menurut hasil jawaban dari daftar pertanyaan yang diberikan, dari 24 data yang dianalisis, 6 data tidak Fungsional.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


RIKARDUS HENDY HARSANTO Student Number: 114214032





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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


RIKARDUS HENDY HARSANTO Student Number: 114214032









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People who know one know none.

(Hary Susanto, SJ)


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I dedicated

this undergraduate thesis to

my super parents and my

lovely sister


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First of all, I would like to thank my Almighty Jesus Christ for His endless blessing throughout my day from when I was born until now. Without His blessing, I would not able to finish every thing I do for this study.

Second, I would like to thank to my advisor Pak Harris Hermansyah S., S.S., M.Hum., for being the best advisor for me and patiently gives me a lot of advice and explain to me lots of things in order to understand more about translation and my co-adviser Ibu Adventina Putranti, S.S., M.Hum. for helping and teaching me what is wrong with my thesis until I can understand much better than before. Third, I would like to say a lot of thanks to my super parents, my super mom and dad for always support their son in every condition. I also would like to say a lot of thanks to my sister, Blesta, for always helping me in my study. Patiently teach me everything she can to make me understand better and share lots of knowledge about her experiences when she still becomes an English Letters student.

Forth, I give thanks to my best ‘partner’ Fany for always helping me doing this undergraduate thesis and throughout my study in English Letters. Then the last, I would like to thank to all my friends from English Letters and outside this department that I cannot mention one by one.


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TITLE PAGE ………. ii





MOTTO PAGE ………. vii





ABSTRACT………. xiii

ABSTRAK………. xiv


A.!Background of the Study………. 1

B.! Problem Formulation………... 4

C.! Objective the Study………. 4

D.!Definition of Terms……….5


A.!Review of Related Studies………... 7

B.! Review of Related Theories………. 8

C.! Theoretical Framework……… 10


A.!Areas of Research………... 12

B.! Object of the Study……….. 12

C.! Method of the Study……… 13

D.!Research Procedure………. 13

1.! Type of Data……….. 13

2.! Data Collection……….. 13

3.! Population and Sample……….. 15

4.! Data Analysis………. 15


A.!The purpose of expressing swearing word in The Wolf of Wall Street... 17

1.! Surprise...………... 18

2.! Anger………. 20

3.! Happiness..……… 21

4.! Envy………... 22

5.! Fearful……… 23


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7.! Satisfaction……….………... 26

8.! Eagerness..……… 27

9.! Dissatisfaction……….. 28

10.!Excitement……… 29

B.! The Indonesian Translation of Swearing Words Effect to The Target Reader………... 30

1.! Feeling surprised, similar effect as the source text readers……….. 31

2.! Feeling angry, similar effect as the source text readers ………. 32

3.! Feeling happy, similar effect as the source text readers……… 34

4.! Feeling envious, have the similar effect as the source text readers ……….. 35

5.! Feeling fearful, similar effect as the source text readers.……….……… 36

6.! Feeling insulting, similar effect as the source text readers ………. 37

7.! Feeling satisfied, similar effect as the source text reader ……… 39

8.! Feeling eager, similar effect as the source language reader Dissatisfaction……….... 40

9.! Feeling excited, similar effect as the source language reader………. 41




Appendix 1: List of Utterance Swearing Words and Their Indonesian Subtitle………. 47


! xii


SE : Surprise AE : Anger HP : Happiness EN : Envy FE : Fearful IS : Insult ST : Satisfaction EG : Eagerness DS : Dissatisfaction EX : Excitement SL : Source Language TT : Target Text



HARSANTO, RIKARDUS HENDY. The Indonesian Translation of Swearing Word in the Wolf of Wall Street: A Study of Its Purpose and Effect. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. 2015.

Subtitle is one of the most important elements in a film especially for foreign films because not all the audience fluently understands what the characters talking about. Subtitle becomes the bridge from the film to the audience so that the audience will understand what the characters say without changing the spoken language or dubbing it to make the speech more natural with their own language. In this case, the translator needs to translate the swearing words from English into Indonesian. This undergraduate thesis focuses on the swearing words spoken by the characters in film The Wolf of Wall Street. In Functional theory, a translation has a role as a mediator between two cultures. In this study, the subtitle will be study further by using the functional theory from Nord.

There are two problems that are studied. The first problem is to find the purpose of the characters in using swear words because in most of the conversation the characters add some swearing words so there must be a different purpose of using swearing words in their conversation. The second problem is to know how the Indonesian translation of the swearing words serves the same effect as the source language.

The method that is use to help this study is using field research. It is used to analyze the function of the swear words that are spoken by the characters. When the analysis of the function is done then it needs respondents to see whether the Indonesian subtitle have the same effect to the source language or not.

As the result, there are eleven purposes that are categorize. The categories are; anger, surprise, insult, question, instruction, happiness, envy, satisfaction, eagerness, dissatisfaction, and excitement. According to the result of the questionnaires given, from 24 data that are analyze, 6 of them are not function.



HARSANTO, RIKARDUS HENDY. The Indonesian Translation of Swearing Word In The Wolf of Wall Street: A Study of Its Purpose and Effect. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra. Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015.

Teks film merupakan salah satu elemen terpenting dalam sebuah film terutama film asing dimana tidak semua penonton dengan fasih mengerti apa yang mereka bicarakan. Teks film menjadi sebuah jembatan dari film ke penonton agar mereka mengerti apa yang sedang dibicarakan dalam film tersebut tanpa mengubuah bahasa lisan atau penyuaraan agar membuat percapakan tersebut menjadi alamiah dengan menggunakan bahasa mereka sendiri. Dalam kasus ini, penerjemah perlu menerjemahkan kata-kata umpatan dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Skripsi ini berfokus pada teks film pada kata-kata umpatan yang diucapkan oleh para karakter dalam film The Wolf of Wall Street. Dalam teori Fungsional, seorang penerjemah mempunyai peran sebagai perantara terhadap kedua budaya. Dalam kajian ini, teks bawah film akan dikaji lebih lanjut menggunakan teori Fungsional oleh Nord.

Terdapat dua permasalahan yang dipelajari. Permasalahan yang pertama adalah untuk mencari tahu tujuan dari para karakter menggunakan kata-kata umpatan karena mereka mengucapkan kata-kata umpatan dalam berbagai situasi sehingga pasti akan ada tujuan yang dapat dikategorikan. Permasalahan yang kedua adalah untuk mencari tahu apakah terjemahan bahasa Indonesia mempunyai efek yang sama seperti bahasa asli dari film tersebut.

Metode yang digunakan untuk membantu pembelajaran ini adalah dengan menggunakan penelitian lapangan. Hal ini digunakan untuk menganalisa fungsional dari kata-kata umpatan yang diucapkan oleh para karakter. Saat analisa dari fungsional selesai, selanjutnya perlu bantuan responden untuk melihat apakah teks bawah judul Bahasa Indonesia mempunyai efek yang sama dari Bahasa asal atau tidak.

Sebagai hasilnya, terdapat sebelas kategori untuk mengkategorikan tujuan dari penggunaan kata-kata umpatan yang diucapkan para karakter. Kategori-kategori tersebut adalah; marah, terkejut, menghina, pertanyaan, instruksi, senang, iri, puas, keinginan, tidak puas, kegembiraan. Menurut hasil jawaban dari daftar pertanyaan yang diberikan, dari 24 data yang dianalisis, 6 data tidak Fungsional.


1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A.!Background of the study

Communication is the most important thing for human beings. According to Oxford Advanced Learned Dictionary, communication is an activity of expressing thought and someone feeling or giving some information to others (2005:243). According to Aristotle, human is a social animal and without society that person is not a human and he is either a beast or god. They need a good communication to the society especially in Indonesia, people need to have a polite way to talk because we embrace the eastern culture that really has a high manner of politeness. To make it happen, a soft and good language is the key to have a good communication.

However, it is possible to find some impolite words in the communication among society. In western society, there are groups of people called the street boys who use swear words to express their emotions. This phenomenon also happens in Indonesia society especially for the street boys in a punk community or in an RnB music community, they use swearing words. These societies think that using swearing words are common and not weird, because they need some words that really can express how they feel about something, their anger, their happiness, their disappointment.

Nowadays not only certain social class of people uses swearing words but also most people can use swearing words in their daily conversation. Some people


swear more often than any other people do. Today’s fact in the society shows that swearing is a normal thing to do, so everyone can swear although for just once.

Swearing word are taboo things to be said. It is taboo because taboo words can consist of sex, death, excretion, bodily function, prohibits by certain religion and also politics (Wardaugh, 2010: 249). From that statement, swearing words may include those kinds of subjects, therefore swearing words can be classified as taboo. Many people try to avoid using swear words because swearing is believed to be so harmful to be said.

Taboo is the prohibition or avoidance in any society of behavior believed to be harmful to its members in that it would cause them anxiety, embarrassment or shame. (Wardhaugh, 2010: 249).

Swearing word also have been used frequently in films especially today’s Hollywood films. Swearing words today are less taboo than before. However, there some categories for films so not every film can be watched for all ages. Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA) has a film rating system to avoid children in watching an adult or inappropriate film. The rating systems are General, Parental Guidance, Parents Strongly Cautioned, Restricted and No One 17 and Under Admitted. First category is general users for all ages. Second, Parental Guidance means that parents are suggested to accompany their kids in watching film. Third, Parents Strongly Cautioned means that parents need to be cautious. Forth, Restricted, means that the film contains adult material. Fifth, No One 17 And Under Admitted means that it is clearly for adult.

Based on the rating system that issued by MPPA, The Wolf of Wall Street is rated as Restricted because it contains strong sexual content, graphic nudity and


use many swearing word. Therefore, this film can be a reference to know more

about swearing word.

There is an interesting fact about this film. Guinness World Records stated in

their website that written by Dan Thorne (2014), The Wolf of Wall Street is breaking the movie record in swearing word. The Wolf of Wall Street sets a new

record for most swearing in one film. Guinness World Records states that The

Wolf of Wall Street uses the same fuck word for 506 times with an average of 2.81 times per minutes.

The Wolf of Wall Street is directed by Martin Scorsese and releases on December 25, 2013. This film is based on a true story of Jordan Belfort, a

stockbroker in Wall Street. Before he knows about stockbroker, he is a young

poor man with a low income and desperately living the life with his wife. When

he knows about stockbroker, he slowly makes the income and the income

becomes bigger. Then, he becomes a wealthy stockbroker that lives in a high

society but at the end, he is broke because he involves in a crime, a corruption in

the federal government.

One of the important elements in every film especially in a foreign film is

subtitle. Subtitle has a function as a bridge from the film to the audience. For the

film that uses foreign language, the audience who does not understand that

language, they can read the subtitle so they are able to follow the story and can

understand what the characters are talking about.

In The Wolf of Wall Street, the translation of the swear words that are spoken by the characters should have the same meaning and slightly the same expression


in the target language. For example, in minute 15:04, there is a sentence that shows anger, some fucking country in Europe took a shit, and it is translated into suatu Negara Eropa bermasalah. This translation is not accurate because the sense of anger for this sentence is not strong and the result is only a common statement without any anger.

B.!Problem Formulation

The problems that will be discussed are:

1. What are the purposes of the characters in using swearing word in The Wolf of Wall Street?

2.What effects are the Indonesian translation of the swearing word to the target reader?

C.!Objective of the Study

There are two problems to be discussed in this thesis. The first thing is about the purposes and the effects of using swearing words spoken by all the characters in the film. All the characters use swearing words in almost every dialouges, so there must be different purposes for them to use swearing words. Then, it is made to see the effects of using swearing words to the audiences that watch the film.

After knowing the purposes of each swearing words that are spoken by the characters, the second problem is to find what are the Indonesian translation of the swearing word to the target reader. As we know that a good translation has a


purpose to deliver the same message or effects with the source language to the audience. Therefore, there will be no miss message given to the audience.

D.!Definition of Terms

Swearing word is also known as taboo because it contains taboo words. According to Ronald Wardhaugh, taboo is “the prohibition or avoidance in any society of behavior believed to be harmful to its members in that it would cause them anxiety, embarrassment, or shame. It is an extremely strong politeness constraint” (2010:249). In other word, taboo is not recommended in front of public because it is an offensive word.

The Wolf of Wall Street is a film directed by Martin Scorsese. According to Matt Zoller Seitz (2013), a TV critic for New York Magazine & Vulture, stated in the that this film runs for three hours and actually the original duration is four hours but Scorsese’s regular editor, Thelma Schoonmaker, cuts it. He continues that this is a brutal film because the scene and the language that the characters used are so brutal and real.

Swearing word is a taboo thing to be said but many people use swearing words. According to the article by Grohol stated that the purpose of using swearing word is in order to express certain emotions like feeling of frustration, anger, and surprise (Grohol, 2009). He also states that swearing words is like a car horn that people use to signify various emotions like joy, surprise, anger and others emotions.


Subtitle is one important element in foreign film. Subtitle become the bridge from the story of the film to the audiences that their mother language is not the same with the film. Subtitle is a process of translation practice consist of rendering in writing. It is translated into target language from the original dialogue exchanges uttered by the characters and the usually the place of the text is in the bottom center of the screen (Millan, 2013:274)




A.! Review of Related Studies

There are some previous studies related to this study. Michelle Apriana Kurniadi from Sanata Dharma University has made a research entitled The Equivalence and The Acceptability of Irritation Expression Translation in the Subtitle of The Film Ice Age 3: Dawn of The Dinosaur. In her paper, she analyzes about the accuracy of the subtitle. She focuses on the equivalence and the acceptability of the Ice Age 3: Dawn of The Dinosaur especially the expression of irritation that contains anger and annoyance expressions. She states that there are 25 utterances of irritation include the anger and annoying expressions. The utterances can be categorized into equivalent and not equivalent. She also categorizes it into acceptable or not, by giving questionnaires to the respondents. The method that she uses in finding the translation acceptability is by divided into the acceptable with or without visual aspect because in film the visual aspect is need to be consider.

The next study is conducted by Harum Ajeng Kinasih from English Letters of Sanata Dharma University titled Bad Language Words in Three Twentieth Century American Novels: A Sociolinguistics. In her thesis, she analyzes the use of bad language words in the American novels, The Grapes of Warth, To kill A Mockingbird and The catcher. She lists the purposes of the swearing word by analyzing the characteristics of the characters and divided into


several basic purposes that are used to express emotion, to provoke the interlocutors, to attract the interlocutors’ attention and to express and reinforce solidarity.

This study develops other part of translation procedure. In Kurniadi’s thesis, she uses formal and dynamic equivalent to see the target language and this thesis uses the functional equivalent approach to see the target language. However, this study has the similarity in the purpose of using swear words as in Kinasih’s Thesis. The different is Kinasih does not focus on the translation and she analyzes the sociolinguistic part for her thesis.

B.!Review of Related Theories 1.!Definition of Translation

According to Newmark in his book stated that translation is aimed to replace written message and statement from one language to the other language with the same message and statement. In other words, it is a study when a message of one language that can be a dialogue or a written text are transferred to other language.

It can be said that translation is a study of delivering from source language to the target language but not omitting the real message from the source language. (Newmark 1988:127)

2.!Definition of Translation in Film

In Film, there are two types of translating: subtitling and dubbing. According to Szarkowska (2005) subtitling is usually used for cinema film and dubbing is usually used for television. Dubbing is a process when the translator


modifies the spoken source language into the spoken target language and it must make the language familiar for the target language audiences. The aim is to make the audiences feel if they really listen the actors that speak in the target language. Subtitling is a process when the translator modifies the spoken source language into written target language and the place is on the bottom of the screen. The aim is to give the audience the experience to see and hear the foreign.

3.!Functionalism Translation

Functionalism is a translation studies that was proposed by Christiane Nord. Functionalism translation is not just translating words from the source language to the target language but it also translates the culture from the source language into the target language culture that is acceptable for the target language. According to Reiss, the best translation is when the purpose in target language is equal from the content, linguistics form and communicative function of the source language. It uses the culture perspective because the target language culture is different from the source language culture. A translator can use a strategy either it may acceptable as long as complete the requirement of the translation brief that is given to the translator from the client. (Millan, 2013:202)

Vermerr stated “translation is a type of activity where communicative verbal and non-verbal signs are transferred from one language-and-culture to another.” In other word, the translator is a bridge for the source language to the target language so that there will not be any misunderstanding because of the culture differences. If the target language audience understand the translation that


the translator do or the target language audience looks familiar with the translation so the translation is functional for them. (Millan, 2013:203)

4.!Swearing Words

Wardaugh (2010:249) stated that language is also used to avoid saying certain things. People avoid it not because they cannot but because they do not talk about that thing. This thing is called as taboo words. Swearing words is also a taboo thing because as we know swear words contain lots of swearing words that some people avoid to use that kind of words.

A taboo word is used to express their emotion. According to Fromkin (1991: 426), a taboo term is connotative which means that the word in swearing word has different meaning from the real words. Swearing word also represent a feeling, an emotion, or value judgment.

Therefore, when someone is mad or even when they are happy at something, they usually express their feeling by using swearing word.

C.!Theoretical Framework

This thesis is aimed to answer the two problems as previously discussed. In order to do the analysis, there are several theories to support in answering the problems.

The theory of swearing words is used to find the purposes of the characters in using swearing words. Fromkin said that the use of swearing words is to express several purposes and because of this statement, this thesis categorizes the


swearing words into several categories based on the context of the conversation from the characters.

The next problem is about the effects of Indonesia translation of the swearing words to the source language. The theory of swearing words from Wardaugh, include the definition of translation, and the functionalism translation are the supporting theories for this problem. By knowing that swearing words are avoided as Wardaugh stated, the translation should use the functionalism translation so that the swearing words can be translated to target language culture because every language has their own culture. However, a good translation should bring the same effects from the source language. Therefore, if the translation have the same effects like the source language than then the translation is a functional translation.


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A.! Areas of Research

The area of research is multimedia translation. According to Williams and Chesterman

Audiovisual texts are primarily spoken texts – radio/TV programmes, films, DVDs, video, opera, theater – which are translated either by revoicing or sur-/subtitling. (2002: 13)

It studies the film’s subtitle and evaluates the Indonesian subtitle from The Wolf of Wall Street film. It is used in comparing the utterance that are produced by the characters with the target text that is Indonesian.

B.!Object of the Study

The object of the study is the translation of the dialogues in the film in the form of subtitle. The dialogues are taken from the script of the film and the translations are taken from the subtitle in original DVD by Prime Entertainment. The data were not taken from the whole dialogues of the film but only the dialogues that contain swear words. The translatable unit in this study is the sentences shown in the subtitle of the film.

C.!Method of the study

The method taken in analyzing the work was a field research. This method was used to analyze the functionalism that exist in the swear words that are


spoken by the characters. It needed some respondents to see whether the translation is functional or not.

The data that are used in this study are primary data, which mean that the data are not taken from anywhere. It is taken by giving questionnaires to the respondents and from the Internet.

D.!Research Procedure 1.!Type of Data

The types of data in this study are affective and objective. Affective data means that the data are taken from the respondents. This is done due to know whether the Indonesian translation is functional or not. The respondents that are selected then are given some questionnaires.

Objective data consists of source languages that are taken from the dialogues of the film and target text are taken from the subtitle from the film.

2.!Data Collection

First thing to do in studying this topic was to search for the original film of Wolf of Wall Street and to start writing all the dialogues of the source language and subtitle of the target text. The dialogues and the subtitles that are written should contain swearing words to be studied further. This steps also classified the purposes of using swear words into several classifications. The classifications are put in a table and coded as follows:


Time Data SL Data TL 10:54 8-SL-EN He’s

getting fucking rich

8-TT-EN Dia menjadi kaya

How to read the coding

8 means : the number data SL means : Source Language EN means : Envy Expression 8 means : the number data TT means : Target Text EN means : Envy Expression

After knowing all the purposes of using swearing words the next step is to found out whether the translation is functional or not by using questionnaires that are given to the respondents. The respondents are those who have been watched the film for minimum of one time or can be more. Respondents are expected to find whether the translation of swearing word is functional or not by giving them questionnaires that consists of 24 multiple-choice questions. The respondents also given the visual aspects by seen several scenes related to the questions given with sounds muted. The choices of the answer are based on the purpose in the first problem formulation. This is done due to find out whether the translation is function or not. The respondents only need to cross the


purpose that they think right to the target target. The example of the questionnaire is written below:

No TT Purpose

1. o! Surprise

o! Anger o! Happiness o! Fearful o! Envy o! Insulting o! Satisfaction o! Dissatisfaction o! Excitement o! Eagerness

3. Population and Sample

The data population in this research consisted of 90 sentences from the subtitles of the film. Not all of the data were analyzed because some of them have the same purpose of using swear words. There are 24 samples data to be studied further that can represent each of the category made and represent several cases.

4. Data Analysis

There are some processes to conduct this study. The analysis was done by copying the utterance or the source language produced by the characters in the movie and the Indonesian subtitle or the target text. After copying all the data, the source language is analyzed more to find out the purpose of using swearing words. The analysis is done by seeing the context of the conversation and the conversation before-after it with the facial expressions of the characters. This


proses is done to answer the first problem formulation about the purpose of using swearing words

Next, to answer the second problem formulation, analyzing the data once more and see the result of questionnaires to find out the functionalism in the Indonesian translation. The data from the first problem formulation will be compared side by side to see whether it has the same purpose or not.

No. Data Source Language No. Data Target Text 5-SL-SE No shit, that’s


5-TT-SE Yang benar, itu menarik.

Purpose: to show surprise feeling Purpose: to show surprise feeling

! The purpose in the source language is gotten from the first problem formulation which is from the conversation of the characters and also the context of using swearing word. The purpose in the target text is gotten from the answer of the questionnaire that is given to the respondents. The purpose of the source language and target text above is same, to show surprise feeling. Therefore, the target text in this data is a functional translation because it has the same effect to the source language which is to show surprise feeling.




As mentioned previously, this research discusses the purposes and effects of the Indonesian translation in translating the spoken swearing words by the characters. To find the purposes of using swearing words, there is one element that really matter, the expressions of the characters. The expression is the key to see what the purposes are because from that expression or the visual, the purpose can be seen from the context of using swearing words. After knowing the purposes, the next step is to see the effects whether it has the same effect to the audience and the target text still in the same category with the source language when they see the translation in subtitle format.

A. The purposes of expressing swearing word in The Wolf of Wall Street. This part discusses the reason why the characters express swearing words. The swearing words based on the purpose stated in article wirrten by Dr. Grohol stated that using swearing words is the same like using a horn in a car because we horn it for several purpose such as anger, frustration, surprising, and others. (Grohol, 2009). From that statement, it can be concluded that the characters in The Wolf of Wall Street have several purpose of using swearing word. The purposes are to express emotion such as anger, envy, happiness, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, eagerness, and excitement, to insult, to question, and to instruct. These categories are considered based on the context of the situation there. To make the categories,


the important thing to be considered is to know the situation and the context of the conversation. An example, from category surprise, the sentence get the fuck out of here has a purpose as a surprise expressions because from the context of the story, Donnie the one who says it, is surprises with what he sees.

1.! Surprise

Surprise expression is one of the minor expressions that are used by the characters in The Wolf of Wall Street. Surprise is a feeling caused by something happening suddenly or unexpectedly (Wehmeier, 2005:1310). Swearing word that exists in the surprise expressions is used when the characters are expressing a feeling of something that is unexpected. The surprising expression that is analyzed in The Wolf of Wall Street is 2 data from the total 6 data on surprising expressions. The expressions are:

No. Data Source Language

3-SL-SE Get the fuck out of here. 5-SL-SE No shit, that’s interesting.

10-SL-SE How the fuck else would you do this?

There are two expressions for this category. The first swearing word appears in minute 22:49. It appears when Donnie Azoff, a husband that works in children’s furniture meets Jordan Belfort for the first time in a restaurant. He asks whether the yellow luxury Jaguar is parked outside the restaurant belongs to Jordan and Jordan says yes. Donnie lives in the same building with Jordan and he is really amazed with Jordan’s classy car so he asks what Jordan does for his living. Jordan answers that he is a stockbroker then Donnie asks again how much money he makes. Jordan answers around $ 70.000 per month. Surprisingly, Donnie answers, “Get the fuck


out of here”. He surprises upon hearing that Jordan can make a lot of money in one month rather than him. Get the fuck out of here means that someone need to get out from that place. The purpose of using swearing word is to express that he is shocked about the income that Jordan has.

The second swearing word appears in 44:57. There is a conversation between Jordan, Donnie, Feinberg and Koskoff. Donnie, Feinberg and Koskoff work with Jordan as the boss of the company. They are talking about a game that are throwing dwarves two men into some target thing like in a pin game and the hired to dwarves man to become the ball. They want to play with the two dwarf men. They think about what else they can do with them. Feinberg talks about one dwarf man that once become some kind of bowling ball and they throw him like a bowling ball that he just slides in the floor then suddenly in a little bit shock, Jordan says, “No shit, that’s interesting”. The utterance means that the person is surprise and do not believe in what he heard. Jordan is using swearing word to show that he is shocked and interested.

The third swearing word appears in minute 9:06 at the beginning of the film. Jordan is a new guy in the office, as a senior Mark asks Jordan to have lunch together. While they are ordering, Mark orders vodka, lots of vodkas while Jordan just order a glass of mineral water. Jordan questions about how Mark can still function while he drunk and using cocaine. So Mark asks Jordan, “How the fuck else you do this? Cocaine and hookers, my friend.” The utterance have the same meaning with how do you do that? Someone is asking about how he do it. Mark


tells Jordan the ways to keep his concentrate are by masturbating, using cocaine and drinking alcohol.

2.! Anger

Anger is also another minor expression of swearing words expressed by all characters. We know that many people use swearing words when they are angry. Anger is a strong feeling you have when something bad and unfair to you has happened (Wehmeier, 2005:40). This kind of swearing words appears when the characters are angry of something or somebody. There are 2 sample data from total 6 data of anger expression. The expressions are:

No. Data Source Language 1-SL-AE Which really piss me off.

3-SL-AE Some fucking country in Europe took a shit. 13-SL-AE What the fuck is EJ Entertainment?

14-SL-AE Don’t pick up your fucking head until 1

First swearing word appears in minute 1:57 or at the beginning of the film. The beginning begins with Jordan’s story from nothing to become something. He tells that he is raised from a middle class family in a small island then in the age of 26 he starts his own brokerage firm. He can get around $40.000 a week and he can get that money in the third week of his new carrier. He is mad because it is hard for him to collect that much money rather than his life today so he says, “Which really piss me off”. The utterance has the same meaning with “which make me really angry”. He uses the word piss me off to show that he does not like and angry about his past life.

Second swearing word appears in minute 14:04. It begins when Jordan becomes a broker in October 1987. They call that day as a black Monday because


when the market drops 508 points, the worst since 1929. All the people are panic about the market that is dropped significantly. Jordan’s co-worker, McConaughey, is in his phone talking with his client that panics about the market especially market in Europe. McConaughey panics and angry and he says, “No, I don’t know. Some Fucking country in Europe took a shit.” The meaning of the utterance is that someone is do not know what the problem in the European country.

Third swearing word appears in minute 46:58. After Jordan is having a discussion with his colleagues, Jordan’s father come to the room with anger because the invoice that the company need to pay is so high. There is one invoice written EJ Entertainment and Jordan’s father asked, “What the fuck is EJ Entertainment?” The meaning of the utterance is that someone is asking a question that need a clarification really soon. Jordan’s father is asking about who is EJ Entertainment because it did not relate to what the company is working on.

The fort swearing word appears in minute 6:30. In the beginning of the film when Jordan just gets into stock market place, he meets Mark Anna, the boss of the company. Jordan is a new guy and he just knows the environment of the working place there. He sits beside some men, and one of the man say, “Don’t pick up your fucking head until 1”. That man is giving instruction to Jordan to keep on calling client until 1 p.m.

3.! Happiness

Happiness expression is another expression that the characters express when they feel excited about something in a positive way. This is also a minor expression that swearing words appear. Happiness is a state of being happy and happy itself is


a feeling or showing pleasure; pleased (Wehmeier, 2005:586). There is 1 sample data from total 3 data for Happiness expression. The swearing word is:

No. Data Source Language

3-SL-HP I fucked her goddamn brains out.

The swearing word appears in minute 58:34. Jordan has just held a party for his company. At that moment he meets a beautiful woman name Naomi but she is with her boyfriend. One day, they have a dinner together in a restaurant and Jordan gives a ride to Naomi’s home. They come inside and Jordan waits in the living room while Naomi goes to her bedroom and closes the door. Not for a long time Naomi opens the door with her naked body standing in front of the door. In the bedroom scene, the Narrator that is Jordan say, “I fucked her goddamn brains out”. The meaning of the utterance is someone who is happy that he can flirt another woman. The swearing words that Jordan said, it seems to express that he is so happy that Naomi, the woman that he really wants from the party to sleeps with him although only for a short period.

4.! Envy

Swearing words in this film also appears when the character feels like he really wants to have something or somebody that someone else has, especially money or woman. Envy expression is also a minor expression because envy only appears not often in the film. Envy is the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as somebody else (Wehmeier, 2005:421). There is 1 sample data from a total data of 3 swearing words for envy expression.

No. Data Source Language


This swearing word appears in minute 22:39. Donnie meets Jordan for the first time in a restaurant when Jordan eats there. Donnie lives in the same building with Jordan but he is in different floor. Donnie sees Jordan’s expensive yellow car. He sees that car a lot and he wonders what Jordan does for living, why he has that nice car. Donnie says to Jordan, “You got a fucking nice car.” The utterance have the same meaning with You got a really nice car. Someone want to have a same car like that. Donnie obviously really envy with Jordan. Jordan makes a lot of money but he is not. Donnie only works in children’s furniture.

5.! Fearful

The swearing words are uttered when they are afraid about something happen. Fearful is nervous and afraid of something and or of doing something (Wehmeier, 2005:425). There are 3 sample data of swearing words. The swearing words are:

No. Data Source Language

1-SL-FE Don’t fucking tell Susan

2-SL-FE Get the fuck out of here

3-SL-FE Make some shit up

First swearing word appears in minute 23:37. After Donnie meets Jordan for the first time in a restaurant, he asks Jordan about the income. Donnie does not believe that he collects $70.000 per month so he wants Jordan to take a look at his cheque that shows $70.000. Jordan really shows that cheque and then Donnie quits from his old job that is Children’s furniture, to work with Jordan. Donnie makes a call to tell that he quits. “Hey listen I quit. Don’t fucking tell Susan. It’s none of her business.” The Utterance Don’t fucking tell Susan means that someone is giving an


order not to tell to Susan and the utterance have a same meaning with Please don’t tell to Susan. He gives an instruction to the guy on the phone not to tell Susan that he quits from the job because it is nothing to do with her.

Second swearing word appear in minute 28:30. Jordan and Donnie is in bathroom to smoke marijuana. They are hiding from everyone because they did not want anybody to see them smoking marijuana. After a while a hole room is full of smoke then Jordan afraid that someone will see and smell the marijuana and Jordan decided to go out quickly from the room, “lets go fucking run”.

The last swearing word appear in minute 46:09. Jordan is having a conversation with his friends in the office, suddenly Jordan’s father come to the room and angry with all of them because the office bill need to pay a lot of nonsense stuff. Jordan need a help from his friend to explain it by saying, “make some shit up.”

6.! Insult

Insult is a common purpose for people to use swearing words and so does this film. Insult is to say or do something that offends (Wehmeier, 2005:675). There are 5 samples from 15 data population. The swearing words are:

No. Data Source Language

1-SL-IS Already met the village asshole

3-SL-IS Yeah, fuck face

4-SL-IS You motherfucker

5-SL-IS You are such a fucking douchebag

6-SL-IS Fuck the clients

The first expressions, “already met the villages asshole” happen when Jordan enters his carrier in Wall Street. He meets his co-worker that really annoying, really unfriendly with a new guy like Jordan. Then Mark comes, his other co-worker. He


is a nice guy, he really welcomes to Jordan and says, “I see you’ve already met the village asshole.” The meaning of the utterance is that someone is already met the annoying guy. Mark says it to insult the man that really annoys Jordan. It seems Mark also does not like that guy either. This swearing word appears in minute 6:27.

Second expression appears in minute 7:15. This scene is after Mark insults that annoying guy. Jordan is still amaze and does not believe that he can work in this place, he sees everybody is busy on the phone and while he amazes, other worker talk, “Yeah, fuck face look at where the stock’s at today, huh.” The utterance have the same meaning with yeah stupid look at where… Someone is asking a help to see the stock market today. This guy is asking for help to the other guy but seems without any respect and he just calls that guy fuck face.

Third swearing word appears not far away from the previous one that is in minute 7:17. After Jordan is amazed of the workers there and how they are working, the scene moves to other worker that on the phone talking to somebody else. He says, “ You motherfucker, you can’t get any 44….” Without finishing his word, he kicks Jordan’s chair to start working. He insults the guy on the phone who cannot afford any 44 something.

Forth swearing word appears in minute 7:26. This is still related to the previous insulting swearing word. A guy who kicks Jordan’s chair is hit by something not so hard by Hanna and that guy does not appreciate it and says, “You are such a douchebag, Hanna.”

Fifth swearing word is when Jordan and Mark having lunch together. Jordan is amazed with Mark works. Mark has many clients. Mark does not seem to care about


how much the clients he has. He says, “fuck the clients. You only responsibility is to put meat on the table.” Mark really does not care about his clients. He only cares about his clients’ money.

7.! Satisfaction

Satisfaction is another purpose for the character in using swearing words. Satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure because already achieved something (Crowther, 1995:1042). There are 4 data to be discussed. The data are:

No. Data Source Language

1-SL-SF You see, enough of this shit will make you invincible 2-SL-SF Money doesn’t just buy you a better life, better food,

better car, better pussy.

3-SL-SF You can spotted owl with money. 4-SL-SF Good fucking package.

It started in the very beginning of the film in minute 4:37. Jordan is introducing him and the life his living. He loves drugs like cocaine, morphine and Xanax. However, from all that drugs the favorite one is money. In the office, he says, “You see, enough of this shit will make you invincible.” The meaning of the utterance is that it is enough with this thing and it will make invincible or it have the same meaning as You see, enough of this thing will make you incincible. This shit is referring to the money because Jordan says this word with sucking cocaine into his nose using money. He says the swearing words shit without any specific intention. Jordan feels really satisfied with the money he has.

Next swearing word appears close in minute 4:58. Jordan says that with money he can buy anything he wants, from things to woman and a better person. “money doesn’t just buy you a better life, better food, better car, better pussy.” The meaning


of the utterance is that with money it can but better life, food, car and also a beautiful woman. The swearing word that he uses is the word pussy and it can be categorized into a swearing words because pussy usually refers to a cat and swearing words contain animal name. Jordan feel satisfied with money he has so he can have an attractive woman for him.

Next swearing word appears in minute 5:06. In this case, Jordan also using swearing words to show his satisfaction. “You can save the fucking spotted owl with money.” The meaning of the utterance is that with money we can save a rare spotted owl. Jordan is describing that with money he can do anything and he satisfied with all the money he has.

“Good fucking package.” It has a meaning that the package is good. This swearing word appears in minute 7:06. Some guy say he has a good package and he adds the word fucking to emphasize that he feels satisfied with the package. 8.! Eagerness

Eagerness is another purpose that is used for the characters in using swearing word. Eagerness is an emotion that full of interest or desire (Crowther, 1995:363). There is one data for this category which is:

No. Data Source Language

1-SL-EG Money crazy little shit

This swearing word appears in minute 5:20. “Money crazy little shit.”. The utterance have a meaning of a young guy who is crazy about money. Jordan is the one who says it. He explains about his really first carrier. He is only 22 years


old at that time but he already becomes crazy about money. The word shit is to emphasize that he eager about money.

9.! Dissatisfaction

This category is a vise versa of the satisfaction category. Dissatisfaction is a lack of satisfaction (Crowther, 1995:335). There is one data in this category which is:

No. Data Source Language

1-SL-DS All we care is getting fucking rich

The next swearing word is appear in minute 7:33. Mark is on the phone with his client on the other side, he gives opinion that he does not care about technology and all he care is money and getting rich. “..because all we care is getting fucking rich.” The meaning of the utterance is that all they care is only getting rich. Mark uses the fuck word just to emphasize that he really not satisfied with what he has and wanted more.


Excitement is a happy feeling of eagerness and enthusiasm (Crowther, 1995:400). There is one data which is:

No. Data Source Language

1-SL-EX Until one of us passes the fuck out.

2-SL-EX Shut that mother fucker.

3-SL-EX Lets fucking go.

The First swearing word is, “until one of us passes the fuck out.” The utterance have a meaning of someone is doing something and will stop until one of them is pass out. The word fuck is to emphasize the excitement of what they are


doing until pass out. This scene is about Mark that ordering vodka in his usual restaurant. He wants to drink until one of them is collapse and it appears in minute 8:45.

Second swearing word appears in minute 7:51 not long from the first scene of the swearing word. After Jordan is told not to leave the phone until 1 p.m., he finally starts to feel the atmosphere there. The working atmosphere is a place where everybody swears at anything. He is amazed in how all the things done. Mark has just got one client that deal to put a stock for Microsoft. He asks Jordan to follow to a pipe where he puts a letter in it and transfers that letter to another place. He said to Jordan, “Shut that motherfucker.”

Third swearing words appears in minute 27.17. Donnie and Jordan now become friends and also co-workers. Donnie really appreciates that Jordan allows him to work together. When they are talking in a bar, Donnie decides to give a present to Jordan but the present should be opened in the back yard of the bar so no one will see or smell. That present is cocaine. Donnie brings a cigarette that already fills with cocaine and he smokes it first because Jordan never had that. They finally become so high, they act like a happy boy that got a present from Christmas. Scared that people will see them, Jordan decided to go out from the bar, “Lets go run. We gotta out of here, Buddy. We gotta get out of here. Let’s go fucking run.” The meaning of the utterance is that they are wanted to leave that place as quickly as possible. Jordan is giving instruction to Donnie to go out from that place.

From the analysis, there are 10 purpose of using swearing word. The purposes are to express anger, happiness, surprise, envy, satisfaction, eagerness,


dissatisfaction and excitement, insult, and fearful. For Anger expression there are 4 data, happiness 1 data, surprise 3 data, envy 1 data, fearful 3, insult 5 data, satisfaction 4 data, eagerness 1 data, dissatisfaction 1 data, and excitement 3 data.

B. The Indonesian Translation of Swearing Words Effects to The Target Reader.

Foreign movies especially Hollywood productions are famous among Indonesian society. Many box offices are from the United States. For foreign movies, one of the important elements is subtitle. Subtitle has an important role in the whole film. It is a bridge to the audiences who do not use English as their first language to understand the film.

Subtitling is one of the translation processes in Film. According to Newmark, translation has a function of replacing messages and or statements from one language to another one that contain the same messages and or statements (Newmark, 1988:145). A good translation should give the same effects to the target text based on the source language. Therefore, subtitle must contain the same messages, from the spoken language into written target language to be shown a limit space in the screen.

The Wolf of Wall Street is a film that contains lots of swearing words, more than 30 swearing words listed. To know whether the subtitle is functional or not, there are several respondents needed to fulfill the questionnaires. The questionnaires contained several subtitles of the film and the respondents must choose which category that the subtitles belong to.


This research uses sampling method and the data taken from the spoken source language and the written subtitle target language. One category contains at least one or more swearing words. The categories are expression of anger, surprise, happiness, envy, satisfaction, eagerness, dissatisfaction, excitement, fearful and the last is insulting

Based on the questionnaires given, there are several words that do not have the same effects as in this case do not have the same purposes from the spoken source language. The functional or not functional translation is get from the result of the questioner that is given.

The following discussion elaborates on what the sense felt by the target readers upon reading the Indonesian translation of the swearing word. If the target reader felt what the source text readers felt, the translation is considered functional and if the target reader did not felt the same with the source reader felt, the translation is not considered functional.

1. Feeling surprised, similar effect as the source text readers. There are two sample data to be further explained:

No. Data Source Language No. Data Target Text F/NF

3-SL-SE Get the fuck out of here. 3-TT-SE Yang benar saja NF 5-SL-SE No shit, that’s


5-TT-SE Yang benar, itu menarik F 10-SL-SE How the fuck else

would you do these?

10-TT-SE Bagaimana lagi caranya?


Data 3-TT-SE is not function to the 3-SL-SE. In the Target text, yang benar saja does not have the same sense that it is actually showing surprise. The message is changed into common statement. The sense of surprising is missing on this


sentence. The translator erases the words get the fuck out and actually that words have a strong sense of surprising. Actually, the translator can add a surprising word in Bahasa Indonesia like, hebat, astaga, or sungguh?. So the sentence will be Astaga, yang benar saja. By adding Astaga to the sentence, it is still short because the rule of subtitling is must be short and clear due to the limited space on the screen and the speed of the conversation.

However data 5-TT-SE is function to the 5-SL-SE. Yang benar, itu menarik is the target text and it has a sense of surprising because it contain the words Yang benar. It almost the same with data 3-TT-SE but it adds itu menarik rather then just yang benar saja. The translator translates the swearing words no shits into yang benar. By changing those words, the sense of surprising is still existing. The sense that the person does not believe that something is happening is happen, something interesting is happen.

The last datum for this category is also a function translation. In the SL the words “how the fuck else” is translated into bagaimana lagi. It can be a function translation because according to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, bagaimana is a question word to ask about how something can happen or something unexpected happen. Based on the meaning of bagaimana,it can be represent the surprise feeling because someone is surprise about how something can be done without a support of other thing.

2. Feeling angry, similar effect as the source text readers.

Next example is from the category anger. In this category, there are two examples, which are:


No. Data Source Language No. Data Target Text F/NF 1-SL-AE Which really piss

me off.

1-TT-AE Yang sangat membuatku kesal

F 3-SL-AE Some fucking

country in Europe took a shit.

3-TT-AE Suatu Negara Eropa bermasalah.


13-SL-AE What the fuck is EJ Entertainment?

13-TT-AE Apa itu EJ



14-SL-AE Don’t pick up your fucking head until 1.

14-TT-AE Jangan berhenti hingga pukul 1.


Data 1-TT-AE is functional to 1-SL-AE because the target text still has the purpose of anger. Jordan, the character who says it, describing that he is angry of something. Piss me off is translated into membuatku kesal and this two have the same purpose that is to show anger.

When data 3-SL-AE is translated into Bahasa Indonesia the sense of anger is missing like in data 3-TT-AE. In data 3-SL-AE, the words fucking and a shit is not translated into a word that can represent those words. Then when it is translate it to Bahasa Indonesia, and omitting the swearing words, it has a different sense. Suatu Negara Eropa bermasalah does not have a sense of anger. That sentence is not showing that someone is angry of something. The translator can add a word tidak becus for example on that sentence so it will be like, suatu Negara Eropa tidak becus yang bermasalah. The sentence is still simple and compact for a subtitle and the sense of anger is represented by a word becus and it will not change the core meaning of the sentence. According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, the word becus is someone that can do something (1988:90) and because it is tidak becus so the meaning is refer to someone who cannot do something. Tidak becus is


expressing anger because if someone is not angry they can use different word like, tidak mampu or tidak bisa because these two words do not have a sense of anger.

Data 13-TT-AE is a function translation. This datum really depends on the context of conversation and the visual aspect of the film because the expression of anger can be seen from the intonation of the character and also the facial expressions. The translation is omitting the swearing word fuck because with out it the sense of anger is still there in the facial expression of the characters

The similar situation also happens in the last datum. The words jangan

berhenti hingga pukul 1 is function translation. By removing the swearing word

fuck the sense of anger is still in the TT because the translator also considers the way how the characters talk, and how the facial expression of anger that is express by the characters so that without need to translate the swearing word into TT the sense of anger can be delivered well from the visual aspects of the film.

3. Feeling happy, similar effect as the source text readers.

Next category is happy. In this category the sample data is: No.


Source Language No. Data

Target Text F/NF

3-SL-HP I fucked her

goddamn brains out.

3-TT-HP Aku mencumbunya habis-habisan.


Data 3-TT-HP is functional to the data 3-SL-HP. The translation of I fucked her goddamn brains out have the same sense with the target text aku mencumbunya habis-habisan. In this sentence, there are two swearing words, fuck and goddamn. The word fuck is translated into the literary meaning of it which is mencumbu. The translation omits the word goddamn and translates brains out into habis-habisan.


The sense of happy in the target language is lost. Although the word habis-habisan has a sense of pleasure however it is not strong enough if it compares with the source language. It can be added a new word to get the sense of happiness stronger, for example like adding aku senang sekali mencumbunya habis-habisan. The subtitle will become longer if the translation is aku senang sekali mencumbunya habis-habisan comparing to the original target text but the subtitle can still be accepted if we see from the space on the screen and the sense of happiness is stronger because the word senang is happy in English.

4. Feeling envious, have the similar effect as the source text readers.

Next category for the purpose of using swearing words is envy. There is one sample of swearing word that can be seen below:

No. Data Source Language No. Data Target Language F/NF

2-SL-EN Your fucking nice car. 2-TT-EN Mobilmu bagus. NF

Envy according to Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary is the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as somebody else (2005:421). The data 2-EN-TT is bringing the similar effects to the audiences. However, the sense of feeling envy in the target text is not quite strong for the respondents because mobilmu bagus is a statement of admiration that someone is impressed by the car, so the translation is not function. In data 2-EN-SL the word fucking has a big contribution in making the sentence to have a sense of envy stronger. According to Kamus Inggris Indonesia by John M and Hassan Shadily (2008), envy is iri. In Kamus Besar

Bahasa Indonesia the word iri has a meaning of feeling not happy to see someone


negative emotion will show because someone is unhappy with other situation and in English this emotion has a smilliar meaning with jealous. Jealous is feeling angry or unhappy because you wish you had something that somebody has (2005:694) However in this context, iri should have a positive emotion because the source language is envywhich has a positive emotion compare to jealous and in Indonesian Language only contains the word iri to describe both, envy and jealous. The source language can be translated into, sial, aku iri mobilmu bagus. Sial according to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia is a person that is unlucky and every effort that they make will never succeed (like difficult to make money, difficult to have partner) (2007:1058). The word sial shows that the character who says sial in the context is having a difficult time in making money and by adding other two words, aku iri, to make the sentence more clear that because he has a difficult time in making money then he becomes iri to know his friend get a really nice car and he wants to have it although it is impossible.

5. Feeling fearful, similar effect as the source text readers.

No. Data Source Language No. Data Target Text F/NF

1-SL-FE Don’t fucking tell


1-TT-FE Jangan beritahu Susan F

These datum can be analyzed through the spoken language that already written down and also the visual aspects to see the real purpose because it is explicitly shown from the utterance.

The target text is jangan beri tahu Susan. This sentence is considered as a function translation because the sense that someone is afraid of something happen is still there. In here the translator omits the swearing word fucking and the rest of


the words is translated. The words jangan beri tahu can represent that someone is afraid that other person will tell something that did not want everybody to know. In this case, the character is fear that someone will tell to Susan and that character did not want that. It is also supported by the visual of the film. The character facial expression is express the fear or worried expression.

6. Feeling insulting, similar effect as the source text readers.

Next category is insulting. These are the sample of the swearing words: NO.


Source Language No. Data Target Text F/NF

1-SL-IS Already met the village asshole

1-TT-IS Sudah bertemu si penjaga desa keparat


3-SL-IS Yeah, fuck face 3-TT-IS Ya, wajah bodoh F

4-SL-IS You motherfucker, you can’t get any 44…

4-TT-IS Kau bajinga, kau tidak bisa mendapatkan 44…


5-SL-IS You are such a fucking douchebag

5-TT-IS Kau ini menyebalkan NF 6-SL-IS Fuck the clients 6-TT-IS Persetan para klien NF

From the entire five data sample, three of them are not function. The first translation that is not function is data 5-TT-IS. The translation does not have the same effects to the audience because the sense of insult changes into anger. The word menyebalkan is more appropriate for someone who is angry of somebody, someone that does not like other person because of some reasons. The translator translates the words fucking douchebag into menyebalkan. The sentence becomes softer because the word menyebalkan is not a rude word. According to Cassell’s

Dictionary of Slang, the word douchebag is a term of general abuse, directed

especially at women (2003:362). Douchebag is abusive to be said and if we compare to the target text, it turns out into menyebalkan and changes the sense of


insulting into anger. It can be changed into banci so the sentence will be kau ini

banci. By changing the word menyebalkan into banci, the sentence is still short,

compact, and clear and the effect will be the same because the word banci has an offensive meaning to insult someone else who is not gentle.

Second sample is from data 4-TT-IS. In the word motherfucker is translated into bajingan. According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Bajingan is a profession of thief, a robber or someone who steal something from somebody (1988:69) and the word bajing itself is a kind of animal that is jumping from one tree to other three. Insulting have a characteristic of offended or “attacking” someone physics or mental. Bajingan can be categorized as an insulting because it is really and offended word to be say and based on the meaning nobody want to be accused as a thief who break the law. Bajingan have a similar senses if we compare it with the words, bodoh, bego, tolol, and anjing because they are words that attack someone feeling. In the source language motherfucker is a key that make this sentence categorized as an insulting statement because according to Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang, motherfucker is a supreme insulting (2003:806). So data 4-TT-IS is function because the English swearing word motherfucker is translated into Indonesian swearing word bajingan.

Third data that is not function is from data 6-TT-IS. The word fuck is translated into persetan. In English, the word fuck can be used in any vocation like in The Wolf of Wall Street film, many fuck words appear in any situation, when the character is happy, sad, and angry and many more. However, in the target text, the word persetan does not have the same effect for the audience. Persetan has a sense


of anger. Many people will express their anger by saying persetan and persetan itself can have a meaning of ‘who cares’ like in the expression, persetan dengan hal ini. The same like the pervious sentence, persetan is not insulting and it is an expression of angriness. It is not making someone offended by this word and to make it has a same effect we can add the word bodoh itu and it will become persetan dengan klien bodoh itu. By adding that words, the sentence is still short and clear and also the effects for the audience will be the same, which is insulting.

The next two translations are function. The two data are 1-TT-IN and 3-TT-IN. In data 1-TT-IN the translator translates the word asshole into keparat. The effect is still there, the purpose of using swearing word is still the same in the target text. According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indoneisa, keparat is a person that does not believe in god or atheist (1988:421). In Indonesia society, being an atheist is disrespectful because the Indonesia society is religious, every problem and every situation always link to religion and everyone is hiding behind religion. Therefore, keparat will be so offensive. Data 1-TT-IN is also a function translation due to the same effect given from the source language. The purpose in target text is also to insult someone. Like stated before, bodoh has a sense of insult because it is attacking someone ability of doing something and that person will feel offended by this word.

8. Feeling satisfied, similar effects as the source text reader.

The next is satisfaction. There are four sample data which are:

No. Data Source Language No. Data Target Text F/NF

1-SL-SF Enough of this shit 1-TT-SF Cukup dari benda ini F


3-SL-SF You can save the fucking spotted owl with money

3-TT-SF Kamu bisa

menyelamatkan burung hantu bertutul dengan uang


4-SL-SF Good Fucking


4-TT-SF Paket yang bagus F

The First data is 1–TT-SF. This data is Function because the effect of satisfied in the source language is delivered well to the target text. The translator delete the swearing word shit and translate it into benda. The meaning is still the same that someone is satisfied with something because there is a word cukup has a meaning that can fulfill the needs well (1988:78)

Second data is function or have the same effect with the source language.

Pussy is translated into wanita and if we see from the full sentence, Uang tidak

hanya bias membeli kehidupan lebih baik, makan enak, mobil bagus, wanita lebih

cantik, the sentence is still delivered the meaning of satisfaction. Someone is

satisfied with money.

Third data coded 3-TT-SF. This data is a function translation because the effects is still the same with the source language. The sentence bisa menyelamatkan burung hantu dengan uang. The sense that someone is satisfied with money is still exist in the target text.

Forth data coded 4-TT-SF. The target data is function with the source language because the sense of satisfaction is still there in the target text. The translation omits fucking and replaces it with yang. The word yang has a meaning that the word after it explain the word before (1988:345). In other word, according to this sentence the word bagus refers to the paket therefore the package is good. 9. Feeling eager, similar effects as the source language reader.


! 45


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Departement Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia: Edisi Pertama. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka: 1988.

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Fromkin, Victoria and David B. and Peter C. An Introduction to Language. Forth Edition. London: Hartcourt, 1991.

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Szarkowska, Agnieszka (2005). “The Power of Film Translation”. Translation Journal. Vol.9. No. 2 (2005).


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Thorne, Dan. How The Wolf Of Wall Street Broke Movie Swearing Record. January 16, 2014.

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Williams, Jenny and Andrew Chesterman. The Map: A Beginner’s Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 2002.



Appendix 1: List of Utterance Swearing Words and Their Indonesian Subtitle

A.! Anger

Time Source Language Target Text

1:59 Which really piss me off Yang sangat membuatku kesal 7:21 Pick up the cock sucking


Angkat telponnya 14:04 Some fucking country in

Europe took a shit

Suatu Negara eropa bermasalah 15:04 What they want to fucking


Mereka melakukan yang ingin mereka lakukan

15:09 A fucking tsunami Sebuah tsunami 42:59 Who the fuck has the

goddamn gall to call

Siapa yang berani melempar 47:19 Fucking explain shit to him Jelaskan ini kepadanya 47: 58 Asshole, get out of here Bajingan, keluar dari sini 50:17 Go party you fucking cocks


Berpestalah sepuasmu 59:19 Fuck off, Rocky Enyalah Rocky 1:00:28 Son of a bitch! Oh Fuck Bajingan. Oh sial. 1:00:35 Son of a bitch Dasar keparat. 6:30 Don’t pick up your fucking

head until 1

Jangan berhenti hingga pukul 1 46:55 Shut the fuck up Tutup mulutmu

47:19 Fucking explain this to him Jelaskan ini kepadanya 47:56 Get the fuck out of here Keluar dari sini

1:00:25 Get out of the fucking car Keluar dari mobil ini 46:58 What the fuck is EJ


Apa itu EJ Entertainment? 50:47 Why should they be talking

all our fucking money all the fucking time?

Kenapa mereka harus selalu mengambil uang kita setiap saat? 59:19 Fuck off Rocky Enyalah Rocky.

B.! Surprise

Time Source Language Target Text 15:33 Holy fucking shit Astaga



19:06 Jesus Christ Astaga

22:11 No shit? Sungguh?

22:49 Get the fuck out of here Yang benar saja

29:04 Holy fuck Sial

30:00 Holy shit Sial

44:57 No shit, that’s interesting Yang benar, itu menarik 46:32 $ 26.000 for one fucking


$ 26.000 untuk satu makan malam

1:02:37 What the fuck Apa-apaan

9:06 How the fuck else would you do this?

Bagaimana lagi caranya? 21:28 How’d you fucking do that? Bagaimana kau melakukannya?

23:56 Shit with me? Hal tentangku?

46:07 You got any fucking stock? Kalian punya lembar saham? 50:14 Who the fuck wanted to

live there?

Siapa yang mau tinggal disana?

C.! Insulting

Time Source Language Target Text

6:27 Already met the village asshole

Sudah bertemu si penjaga desa keparat

6:32 Hey, fuck him Hei, persetan dengannya

7:15 Yeah, fuck face.. Ya, wajah bodoh..

7:17 You motherfucker Kau bajingan

7:26 You are such a fucking douchebag

Kau ini menyebalkan

9:19 Fuck the clients Persetan para klien

11:58 Fucking digits Digit-digit keparat

14:12 Oh fuckers Oh para keparat

17:43 You cheap fuck Kau pelit

26:37 Fucking nut job Orang gila

30:39 I called Rugrat because of his piece of shit hairpiece

Aku memanggilnya Rugrat karena bentuk rambutnya

32:47 Fuck you Persetan kau

34:06 You’re a bunch of fucking sleazy salesmen

Kalian sekelompok penjual pemalas

36:18 What a fucking idiot Dasar idiot

41:29 And here comes this jerk-off Dan munculah bajingan ini

43:25 The fucking halfwit Dasar bodoh

50:45 Fuck Merrill Lynch. Fuck them

Persetan Merrill Lynch. Persetan mereka.

1:00:39 Bitch Jalang

47:58 Asshole, get out of here Bajingan, keluar dari sini



1:11:38 Wake up you piece of shit Bangun kau bajingan.

D.! Happiness

Time Source Language Target Text

6:43 I fucking love that Aku suka itu

10:27 He’s all fucking happy Dia senang

58:34 I fucked her goddamn

brains out

Aku mencumbunya habis-habisan

E.! Envy Expression

Time Source Language Target Text

10:54 He’s getting fucking rich Dia menjadi kaya

22:39 Your fucking nice car Mobilmu bagus

36:43 A shit ton of money Uang yang banyak

F.! Satisfaction

Time Source Language Target Text

4:37 Enough of this shit Cukup dari benda ini

4:58 Better pussy Wanita lebih cantik

5:06 You can save the fucking

spotted owl with money

Kamu bisa menyelamatkan burung hantu bertutul dengan uang

7:06 Good Fucking Package Paket yang bagus


Time Source Language Target Text

5:20 Money crazy little shit Penggila Uang


Time Source Language Target Text

7:33 All we care is getting

fucking rich

Yang kita pedulikan hanya menjadi kaya

I.! Excitement

Time Source Language Target Text



fuck out pingsan

7:51 Shut that motherfucker Tutup itu

27:17 Lets fucking go Ayo pergi

27:16 Lets go fucking run Ayo kita lari


Time Source Language Target Text

23:27 Don’t fucking tell Susan Tak usah beritahu Susan

28:30 Get the fuck out of here Pergi dari sini.

46:09 Make some shit up Berpura-puralah