Research Design Source of Data. Data Sampling Data Collecting Procedure.


3.1. Research Design

In revealing hedging units in Obama’s speeches a particular should be appeared in order to guarantee the validity of this research. Based on that fact, the elaboration walks on the method called qualitative method. In this method counting the number of hedges is not necessary to be done yet the discussion is mere focusing on the profile of hedges units and then, stating what the presuppositions presuppose to. The data are taken from Barack Obama’s speeches which are selected randomly based on the level of urgency when the speeches are delivered.

3.2. Source of Data.

The data presented in this analysis are hedges from selected Obama’s speeches since his historical inauguraton in January 2009. Barack Obama was Universitas Sumatera Utara 41 inaugurated as the 44th United States President and he is the first colored man who seats on the position. It is importantly noticed that all written in their original language, that is to say, there are not instances of translations

3.3. Data Sampling

In this present analysis, the data are derived from the sources through the technique of purposive sampling. According to Berg 2007:44, purposive sampling is the technique of sampling in where the researchers use their special knowledge or expertise about some group to select subjects who represent the population. The samping are taken from some selected Obama’s speeches who are considered as the most important speeches in the level of urgency. The analysis goes through three speeches among all Obama’s speeches since he was inaugurated in 2009. The three speeches is believed as Obama’s most important speeches and it could fulfill the purpose of revealing vagueness in those important speeches.

3.4. Data Collecting Procedure.

Saifuddin Azwar in his book Metode Penelitian states that “ Data Penelitian dikumpulkan baik lewat instrumen pengumpulan data, observasi, maupun lewat data dokumen tasi”. Based on the theory viewed above, the data are collected from Barack Obama’s speeches on the wriiten documents. In collecting the data from the sources in this analysis, there are several steps which are used. The steps are: 1. Reading the complet e transcript of Barack Obama’s speeches. 2. Dividing the text into a set of clauses. 3. Finding the hedges contained in the speeches through reflecting on the theory that has been delivered. Universitas Sumatera Utara 42 4. Determining the profile of hedges, the presupposition and the implicatures.

3.5. Data Analysis Method.