Forms of Nana’s Acceptance towards Gender Discrimination

140 away. Hasina had told Laila, in one of her infrequent serious moments, that it had already been decided that she would marry a first cousin who was twenty years older than her and owned an auto shop in Lahore. Ive seen him twice, Hasina had said. Both times he ate with his mouth open. Getting education Women have always had it hard in this country, Laila, but theyre probably more free now, under the communists, and have more rights than theyve ever had before, Babi said, always lowering his voice, aware of how intolerant Mammy was of even remotely positive talk of the communists. But its true, Babi said, its a good time to be a woman in Afghanistan. And you can take advantage of that, Laila Of course, womens freedom here, he shook his head ruefully is also one of the reasons people out there took up arms in the first place. 13318 Getting education He took over the teaching duties himself. Laila went into his study every day after sundown, and, as Hekmatyar launched his rockets at Massoud from the southern outskirts of the city, Babi and she discussed the ghazals of Hafez and the works of the beloved Afghan poet Ustad Khalilullah Khalili. Babi taught her to derive the quadratic equation, showed her how to factor polynomials and plot parametric curves. When he was teaching, Babi was transformed. In his element, amid his books, he looked taller to Laila. His voice seemed to rise from a calmer, deeper place, and he didnt blink nearly as much. Laila pictured him as he must have been once, erasing his blackboard with graceful swipes, looking over a students shoulder, fatherly and attentive. 17424 Being Bond in Its your doing. I know it is, he snarled, advancing on her. 234-23533

2. Laila’s and Mariam’s Struggles against Gender Discrimination

141 Sisterhood Mariam slid out of her bed and began backpedaling. Her arms instinctively crossed over her chest, where he often struck her first. What are you talking about? she stammered. Her denying me. Youre teaching her to. ... I should have known that youd corrupt her, Rasheed spat at Mariam. He swung the belt, testing it against his own thigh. The buckle jingled loudly. Stop it, basl the girl said. Rasheed, you cant do this. Go back to the room. Mariam backpedaled again. No Dont do this Now Rasheed raised the belt again and this time came at Mariam. Then an astonishing thing happened: The girl lunged at him. She grabbed his arm with both hands and tried to drag him down, but she could do no more than dangle from it. She did succeed in slowing Rasheeds progress toward Mariam. Let go Rasheed cried. You win. You win. Dont do this. Please, Rasheed, no beating Please dont do this. Mariam and Laila Being Bond in Sisterhood They sat on folding chairs outside and ate halwa with their fingers from a common bowl. They had a second cup, and when Laila asked her if she wanted a third Mariam said she did. As gunfire cracked in the hills, they watched the clouds slide over the moon and the last of the seasons fireflies charting bright yellow arcs in the dark. And when Aziza woke up crying and 24434

2. Laila’s and Mariam’s Struggles against Gender Discrimination