Function Types of Prepositions

Di ladang kita, Saya dapat labu ini 2 I jah aku gundari sinuan-sinuan PREP. of place S O . At there I can plant the plant Di sana saya sekarang bercocok tanam

4.6 Function

In the language stating karo preposition marker relationships among other places: the preposition i in, ku preposition ke.

1. Ku preposition to

Ku preposition to belong to the signpost stating preposition, because nouns nouns that are attached to the preposition is the noun form of the word a place or location, such as the following example. 3. Ku ja pe bibi lawes, ikut rusur anak ah PREP. of place S P O . Wherever aunt going to, her daughter always with her. Ke mana pun bibi pergi, anaknya selalu ikut Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. Anakku lawes ku rumah temanna S P PREP. of place . My child always going to house her friend Anak saya pergi ke rumah temannya

4.7 Types of Prepositions

1. Preposition bas Ibas in

Preposition bas Ibas in belongs to the preposition that states a relationship where, as nouns nouns that are attached to the preposition is the noun form of the word a place or location, such as the following example. 1 Basibas tas merah , ku tama PREP O S . In blue bag, I throw. Dalam tas merah, ku letakkan 2 BasIbas rumah ah anak ndai tidur PREP. of place S O . In house the children was sleeping dalam rumah anak-anak sedang tidur Universitas Sumatera Utara

2. Ku preposition ke.

Ku preposition ke and Kempak “ke”belong to the preposition that states signpost place, because nouns nouns that are attached to the preposition is the noun form of the word a place or location, such as the following example 3 Lawes ia telunna S PREP of place ku kerangen, They are going to forest. mereka pergi ke hutan 4 Itatapna kempak S PREP O kesunduten. He see to west. Dia melihat ke barat Preposition of Time -Karonese : Bulan Juli enda aq lawes Adv. of Time S PREP. of Place ku Bali English : On July I will go to Bali. Bulan Juli aku akan ke bali - Karonese : Ia La man nderih nari. English : She doesn’t want to eat since yesterday Universitas Sumatera Utara -Karonese : Ia butuh I rawat ibas rumah sakit. Preposition of Place English : She need a treatments in the hospital. -Karonese : Kalak na asalna bandung nari. English : They are from Bandung. Preposition of Instrument or Manner -Karonese : Si tuangken lau bas ceret nari. English : We pour the water by a kettle. -Karonese : Ia beluh erdakan seri bagi nandena. English : She can cooks anything like her mother. Preposition of Purpose or Reason -Karonese : Terpaksa kam minem tambar man kesehatendu. English : You should drink this medicine for your health. -Karonese : Anak kitik ah ngandung perban ia. English : The litte boy is crying because of him. -Karonese : Arah dalan e kucing masuk ku jabu. Preposition of Direction English : The cat enter the house through this way. -Karonese : Agiku ni mai i darat. English : My brother is waiting outside. Universitas Sumatera Utara -Karonese : Teh ndu bahanna banca enda? Preposition of Material English : Do you know this is made from what? -Karonese : Ia nuci uwisna salo mesin cuci. English : He washed his clothes with the washmacine. Preposition of Agent -Karonese : Ku dat alamanatna arah internet. English : I got his address by an internet.

4.8 Correspondence and Non Correspondence Non-Correspondence