Denial from the Society

not started one single test tube of research. Wheres the board of directors of your very own hospital? You have so many patients you havent got rooms for them, and youve got to make Felix well . . . So what am I yelling at you for? Kramer, 1985: 53 The scene above is taken from page 53, scene 7. At this latter stage of the play, the government should have noticed about the epidemic regarding gay all over the state. Ned clearly states that the government does not do any single action that help homosexual. Whilst the government does not take any action and passively waits. From the forward script of the play by Joseph Papp Papp, 1985: 8, the scene above is approximately around one year from the first scene. This means that the labeling theory in homosexual can be seen as a deviant role in the society even at this crucial stage of the epidemic spread. This is the phase whereas the government notices about the AIDS spreading throughout New York City state. Instead of intervene, the government chooses to neglect the fact that there are already 238 cases for a single doctor. EMMA. Dont be on my side I dont need, you on my side. Make your side shape up. Ive seen 238 cases me: one doctor. You make it sound like theres nothing worse going around than measles. et al. The dialogue above is taken from Scene 6 of the play. Taken place in Ben‘s office, Ned‘s older brother who works as a successful lawyer for years. Both of them have a good relationship, but not as good as it seems. In this scene, Larry Kramer wanted to introduce another point of interest in this play. The definition of Gay often scare people, not only by the majority of people, but also Gay men family can be the victim of this. NED. All Im asking for is the use of your name. You dont have to do a thing. This is an honorary board. For the stationery. BEN. Ned, come on — its your cause, not mine. NED. That is just an evasion NED. Would you be more interested if you thought this was a straight disease? BEN. It has nothing to do with your being gay. NED. Of course it has. What else has it got to do with? BEN. Ive got other things to do. NED. But Im telling you you dont have to do a thing BEN. The answer is No. NED. Its impossible to get this epidemic taken seriously. I wrote a letter to the gay newspaper and some guy wrote in, Oh there goes Ned Weeks again; he wants us all to die so he can say told you so. BEN. He sounds like a crazy. Kramer, 1985: 43-45 The dialogue above is between Ned and Ben who are brothers. In this scene, Ben already give Ned financial support that Ned needs. Ben is a lawyer in a big firm which implies also that he has a lot of money. Ned eventually ask for Ben aid in fighting HIVAIDS and run Gay Men Health Crisis. From the dialogue above, Ben already give Ned and the organization a sufficient amount of financial support. This scene, Ned tried to ask Ben for his support by using his name as an honorary board member in GMHC. Ben refuses and implies that he does not want anything to do with Gay men problems and illness. From social background, Ben is a heterosexual with a family consist of a wife and two children. The labeling of homosexual is the base of action in Ben‘s part. In the late 1970s, the majority people is still shocked on how many gay people that are opened. These gay men and women who opened their sexuality to the world also affect their relation with their family. Ned‘s family chooses to refuse homosexual as Ned sexual identity and opted to see it as a disease that need to be treated. This scene is stated that Ben and his family took Ned to therapy a couple of time more than Ned should in his lifetime. It is later stated in this scene that Ben still has trouble in accepting Ned, not as his brother, but as his Gay brother. Ben condition is also a reflection of the society at that time. Younger people who are not closeted anymore usually from the age of seventeen up to the early twenty years old are not accepted anymore in their own family. Many young gay men and women are forced to move from their house because of their sexual identity. Eventually after their openness, most families in the early 1980s does not accept them. Once this teenager left their homes, the only communities who accept them is the gay community or gay houses. BEN. Look, I try to understand. I read stuff. [picking up a copy of Newsweek, with Gay America on the cover] I open magazines and I see pictures of you guys in leather and chains and whips and black masks, with captions saying this is a social worker, this is a computer analyst, this is a schoolteacher —and I say to myself, This isnt Ned. NED. No, it isnt. It isnt most of us. You know the media always dramatizes the most extreme. Do you think we all wear dresses, too? BEN. Dont you? NED. Me, personally? No, I do not. Kramer, 1985: 46 It is clear that at this point how gay men‘s crisis on this epidemic shows a potential to be an international trouble. There is also another problem that Gay men have, which is the image problem. The image of gay men in public is only about their sexually active behavior and their openness from one to another . It is not a hundred percent correct or wrong. How image can be achieved from mass media and other communication form. Ben choose to recognize the sexually openness and active of Gay men from Newsweek, a weekly magazine from America established in 1933. NED. In some place deep inside of you you still think Im sick. Isnt that right? Okay. Define it for me. What do you mean by sick? Sick unhealthy? Sick perverted? Sick Ill get over it? Sick to be locked up? BEN. I think youve adjusted to life quite well. NED. All things considered? [BEN nods.] In the only area I consider important I dont have your support at all. The single-minded determination of all you people to forever see us as sick helps keep us sick. BEN. I saw how unhappy you were NED. SO were you You wound up going to shrinks, too. We grew up side by side. We both felt pretty much the same about Mom and Pop. I refuse to accept for one more second that I was damaged by our childhood while you were not. BEN. But we all dont react the same way to the same thing. NED. Thats right. So I became a writer and you became a lawyer. Ill agree to the fact that I have any number of awful character traits. But not to the fact that whatever they did to us as kids automatically made me sick and gay while you stayed straight and healthy. Kramer, 1985: 45-46 The above text is the proof on how there are many people becomes the victim to this unknown disease AIDS. How the government of the United States of America uses this course of action can be referred as an act of queer theory on heteronormativity. In 1981, the New York City government claimed that they were not prepared to deal with this health emergency, as the city just recovered from the fiscal crisis of the 1970s when Mayor Ed Koch took office. The direct cause of the fiscal crisis was the citys use of expensive short-term financing to cover its deficits in the early 1970s. At the beginning of the epidemic there was no funding from neither federal or city government. Many the people in the USA are still in the phase of accepting these homosexual as one of their own part of the society and the other are denies homosexual existence. Although the Gay Community has made a few steps in dealing with this national pandemic, there are still struggles regarding homosexual around the country at these times. Most of the homosexual in the big cities such in New York, Los Angeles, etc. Are already ‗open‘, but there are still many homosexuals who are ‗closeted‘. NED. You mean the word gay is on the envelope? BRUCE. You ‘re damn right. Instead of just the initials. Who did it? NED. Well, maybe it was Pierre who designed it. Maybe it was a mistake at the printers. But it is the name we chose for this organization… BRUCE. You chose. I didnt want gay in it. MICKEY. No, we all voted. That was one of those meetings when somebody actually showed up. BRUCE. We cant send them out. NED. We have to if we want anybody to come to the dance. They were late from the printers as it is. BRUCE. We can go through and scratch out the word with a Magic Marker. NED. Ten thousand times? Look, I feel sympathy for young guys still living at home on Long Island with their parents, but most men getting these. . . Look at you, in your case what difference does it make? You live alone, you own your own apartment, your mother lives in another state… Kramer, 1985: 47 From Bruce‘s testament above, who is a closeted homosexual, the fear of heteronormativity can be felt even by gay movement board of directors. The consequences of heteronormativity are the alienation of the people who experience opening their true self sexuality to the world while the world is still la beling them as ‗not normal‘. The fear of closeted homosexual also can influence the settlement of AIDS epidemic. It is still an inconvenient situation to closeted homosexual, especially Bruce Niles. He wants the government to help the homosexual, but in the same time, he also wants to keep his low-profile sexuality to a minimum which is almost an impossible task to do as the head of the Gay men organization. The existence of homosexual men and their own denial as homosexual in the eye of society causes a great deal of disunity among themselves. The social depictions above can be detected by applying the labeling theory. Gay men can create a shift of their social interaction. The shift implies that labeling theory can create layers in the society. If one chooses a heterosexual partner as their sexual attraction, the society claims it as normal and convergence. The other way around goes to homosexual. If one chooses a homosexual partner as their mainor one of their sexual attraction, automatically the society will label them as a divergence and abnormal social behavior. This abnormal behavior according to the majority people can cause them to be mentally different and in most circumstances tend to move to a group of the same sexual orientation Goffman, 1963: 81. One of the reason why gay men are very open to one another which most of them are, is because of the safety from the ‗wrongdoings‘ of most people around them.

B. The Rejection of the Disease by New York City Citizen in The Normal Heart

New York is famous as one of the world greatest cites of the copulation of many different ethnics, social status and race, also culture. It is not a peculiar thing for many communities can gather and create a new post for them to feel more comfortable. With more communities accumulate, theoretically there will be more problems that surfaces inside these big or small communities or between other community which more or less have the same problem. The same act also happened during the HIV outbreak in New York City. According to an Interview Archive by Dr. Simberkoff, one of the chief of staff of the Department of Veterans Affairs New York Harbor Medical Center, who was a member of the Infectious Diseases staff in 1980 and one of the first medical researchers to treat AIDS patients. He stated that the first outbreak was associated with gay male-related immunodeficiency disease which at that time was hardly known about. Gay and homosexual are closely related with a marginal by many of mainstream residents of New York City. Among them are drug addicts and prostitutes. Human has a nature to be afraid of something that they don‘t understand. In the early 1980, the HIVAIDS treatment was underfunded and uneven. As stated in the GMHC history timeline, as late as 1986, the Reagan Ronald Reagan, the 40 th President of the United States of America administration continue the pursue the public that this plaque only threatens the life and largely attack homosexual men and drug users. In the Normal Heart, the depiction of this event can be seen in scene 9 of the play. NED. Keeping us down here in some basement room that hasnt been used in years. What contempt BRUCE. Im sorry I let you talk me into coming here.