Flouting of maxim of Relation

d. Flouting of maxim of Manner

There are thirteen floutings of manner found in the situation comedy. Some of them are explained below. Data Code: 11FloManRls Ted Hey Marshall. Marshall Hey Ted. Ted Are you hungry? Marshall Whats the point? I could eat some food, its just gonna leave me. Ted At least in that scenario, you get to do the dumping. Come on, its Sunday, its pancakes day Marshall Lily always made the pancakes. God, I loved her pancakes. So soft. So warmed. So perfectly shaped. Ted Are we still talking about her pancakes? The situation of the data above is the same situation with the data number 03VioQuanRls. While that data highlights the violation of maxim of Quantity done by Marshall, this one highlights the flouting of maxim of Manner done by Marshall. When Ted asks Marshall whether or not he is hungry, Marshall responds him without showing any intention to get up from the sofa by saying, “Whats the point? I could eat some food, its just gonna leave me.” Marshall‟s answer to Ted as written in bold above has deeper meaning than what he has uttered. He does not say that because he thinks that the food is going to leave him literally. His response about the food is showing the implication about Lily and how Lily dumps him to chase her dream in San Francisco. Marshall hopes that Ted will understand the implicature beyond his expression written in bold above. In conclusion, by providing ambiguous statement, Marshall is said to flout the maxim of Manner. Data code: Situation: At MacLarens. 12FloManInc Robin This has to stop Ted, we just started dating. We agreed we dont wanna move too fast and yet somehow we have a baby. He cant feed himself, he cries a lot; he keeps us up all night... Flouting of Manner Barney Have you tried breast-feeding? Nailed it Ted They were together nine years. Its only been a month and a half. He just needs to go his own pace. Ted, Robin, and Barney are at MacLaren‟s discussing about Marshall who is so pathetic after Lily left. Marshall has been acting so melancholic lately and it makes Robin, who has been staying with Ted for a while, feels stressed. From the expert above, Robin is complaining about Marshall and his behavior to Ted. She says, “This has to stop Ted, we just started dating. We agreed we dont wanna move too fast and yet somehow we have a baby. He cant feed himself, he cries a lot; he keeps us up all night ”. Listening to Robin‟s statement, for people who do not have close relation with Robin and her friends, they will think that what Robin means with “a baby” is a real baby. That is because Robin‟s statement about the “baby” appears to be ambiguous. In this context, what Robin truly means with “a baby” is Marshall due to the fact that he has been crying and mourning all day long like a baby. However, instead of being direct and saying that what Robin means with “baby” is Marshall, she chooses to use the word “baby” as the representation of Marshall. She wants Ted and Barney to understand the implicature she is trying to deliver without saying what she truly means with the word “baby”. That being done, it can be seen that Robin‟s utterances written in bold above mean more than what she have said. In conclusion, by providing ambiguous statement to Ted and Barney, Robin is seen as flouting the maxim of Relation. Data code: Barney Barney. Ted Uh, hey. Where are you guys? 14FloManInc Barney Were at a fundraiser helping young women raise money for college. Ted Strip-club. Nice. Is Marshall OK? When Ted and Robin are on their way to Montauk, Ted calls Barney to check on Marshall. Ted asks Barney where they are right now, and Barney answers, “Were at fundraiser helping young women raise money for college”. After listening to Barney‟s answer, Ted directly knows that Barney and Marshall are in a strip- club. In here, Barney‟s statement in bold above is not brief and it appears to be ambiguous. For people who do not have a close relation with Ted, Barney, and Marshal, they will think that Barney provides true information that they are really at a fundraiser and helping. However, as their friend, Ted knows that to get away from his boredom, Barney will go to a strip club. Thus, he knows that wh at Barney means with “young women” are strippers and what he means with “a fundraiser” is a strip club. By providing ambiguous statement as stated in bold above, it is concluded that Barney flouts the maxim of Manner. To be more cooperative, he could have said briefly that he and Marshall are in a strip club to Ted. Data code: 16FloManHos Marshall Lily is evil She just wore that dress to torture me. Well, you know what? Two can play at that game. See, at brunch, Im going to torture Lily right back. Yeah. Theres a part of my body that shes got a weakness for, too. Barney Dude, you cant whip that out at brunch. Marshall No, not that. Im going to unleash my calves. Barney Thats crazy. Nobodys turned on by mens calves. Theyre a thoroughly unerotic body part. Marshall Well, yeah, Id say that, too, if I had those skinny little chicken legs. Barney Ill be waiting by the phone for your apology. After Lily and Marshall broke up, the situation between them becomes weird. Lily needs to find new apartment and lives separately from Marshall. Since then, both of them are never on a date until Ted invites Marshall, Barney, Lily, and Robin to have dinner with Ted‟s parents at Casa a Pezzi. When they are having dinner at that restaurant, Lily wears a dress that can show her cleavage to Marshall in order to seduce him. At that dinner, Marshall does feel that he is being seduced. So, the next morning after the dinner at Casa a Pezzi, Marshall tell Barnet that he plans to take revenge to Lily by showing his body part that he is sure will seduce her. On the situation from the excerpt above, Barney appears to flouts the maxim of manner. After Marshall says that he is going to unleash his calves, Barney responds him by saying, “… Theyre a thoroughly unerotic body part.” By saying this, Barney actually means that calves are uninterested body parts that no one will be paying attention to. He wants Marshall know that it is impossible that Lily is g oing to be interested in Marshall‟s calves, but he is not being brief in saying that to Marshall. He even uses „unerotic‟ which is a word created by himself to describe calves. Again, Marshall flouts the maxim of manner in responding Barney‟s statement. He says, “Well, yeah, Id say that, too, if I had those skinny little chicken legs. ” Here, Marshall‟s statement which is “those skinny little chicken legs” is ambiguous and he is not being brief to Barney. There is deeper meaning from his statement, which is “…if I had those skinny little chicken legs”. By saying that statement, Marshall wants Barney know that the „if I had those skinny little chicken legs‟ statement is representing Barney‟s legs which are skinny like chicken‟s legs. In the situation above, instead of telling Barney directly, Marshall chooses to say it with a parable, which is finally understood by Barney. After Barney knows what Marshall means by saying that statement, he gets offended and says: “Ill be waiting by the phone for your apology.” This statement means that he is going to wait for Marshall to apologize to him.

B. The humorous situations created by the violations and floutings of

conversational maxims This second subchapter analyzes how the humorous situations are created in the situation comedy. Humor theory is applied in the analysis process in order to examine how humorous situations are created by the violations and the