Formulating Goal, Topics, and General Purposes

47 Table 4.2 The List of 8 Top Topics Based on the Questionnaire No. Topics Percentage 1. Food and Drink 98.2 2. Entertainment 94.6 3. Tourism 94.6 4. Culture 91.1 5. Transportation 87.5 6. Health 85.7 7. Sport 82.1 8. Fairy Tales 75

2. Formulating Goal, Topics, and General Purposes

Having conducted the needs survey and having gathered the data, the researcher formulated a goal of designing a set of English reading materials using authentic printed materials for the second grade students of SMP N 1 Piyungan. In this research, the researcher adapted School Based Curriculum as usually known as 2006 curriculum or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP. The goal of the designed materials based on Standard Competence of Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional RSBI was at the end of the semester the students were understand the functional text and short essay of simple descriptive, recount, and exposition to communicate with the environment or in an academic context. Having determined the goal, the researcher specified the general purposes that were stated as Basic Competence. In this research, the researcher combined basic competences from general school and Rintisan Sekolah PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 Bertaraf International RSBI. The general purposes of the designed materials were stated below. 1 At the end of the semester, the students are able to understand correctly and efficiently the explicit meaning expressed in functional text and short text in form of descriptive, recount, and exposition which are realated to surroundings and or in an academic context. 2 At the end of the semester, the students are able to understand correctly and efficiently the implied meaning expressed in functional text and short text in form of descriptive, recount, and exposition which are related to surroundings and or in an academic context. After formulating goal and general purposes, the researcher listed topics that would be presented in each unit. In arranging the topics, the researcher considered two points. First, the researcher considered the curriculum, whether the topics were appropriate or not to be given to the second grade of junior high school. Second, the researcher considered the topics from students’ interests based on needs survey. The listed topics were stated as follows. Table 4.3 The List of Topics Unit Topics Unit 1 Flora and Fauna Unit 2 Entertainment Unit 3 Tourism Unit 4 Invitation PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 Unit Topics Unit 5 My Holiday Unit 6 My Funny Experiences Unit 7 Technology Unit 8 Environment From eight topics which were listed above, the researcher only designed the first four topics that would be presented in designed materials. In choosing the first four topics, the researcher considered two points. First, the English teachers of SMP N 1 Piyungan asked the researcher to make the first four topics for the designed materials. Second, the researcher considered the topics based on students’ interest from the needs survey. Thus, there were four topics which were presented in the designed materials. The topics are stated as follows. Table 4.4 The List of Four Topics Unit Topics Unit 1 Flora and Fauna Unit 2 Entertainment Unit 3 Tourism Unit 4 Invitation

3. Syllabus