Reading Instructional Design Authentic Printed Materials

5 will motivate the students to read English texts and they find a new interesting way to learn English through authentic materials.

3. The researcher

Hopefully, in the end of the research, the researcher can learn more about how to design good authentic materials for English learning, especially for reading class. The experience of designing materials for students will be beneficial to the researcher when the researcher become a teacher someday. The designed authentic materials can also be applied by the researcher when the researcher teaches their students later.

4. Other researchers

For others researchers, the researcher hopes that this research will be useful for giving information to the other researchers who concern about this field and providing them a clear description about designing English reading materials using authentic materials of second grade students of junior high school. Hopefully, this research will give beneficial information that can be used to support other researchers’ research.

F. Definition of Terms

1. Reading

Candlin Saedi stated reading is seen as a dynamic interaction between the writer and the reader in which the reader creates meaning for the text as cited in Cohen, 1990. In this study, reading means the idea of understanding meaning from written English words. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6

2. Instructional Design

Briggs Gagne 1979, stated that instructional is a set of events which affects learners in such a way that learning is facilitated p. 3. Moreover, Briggs Gagne 1979 stated that instruction is the means employed by teachers, designers of materials, curriculum specialist, and other people who want to develop an organized plan to promote learning. The system of instruction which is designed may be intended for use in public or private schools, in industry, or in public-service training installations p. 19. In this study, instructional design is a systematic plan in designing a set of materials for learning facilitation.

3. Authentic Printed Materials

According to Wallace, authentic materials have been defined as real- life texts, not written for pedagogic purposes as cited in Berardo, 2006, p. 61. Peacock stated that authentic materials are materials that have been produced to fulfill some social purpose in the language community as cited in Berardo, 2006, p. 61. Gebhard 1996 mentioned examples of authentic printed materials: newspaper articles; cartoons; advertisements; movie advertisements; astrology columns; travel magazines; science, math, and history books; novels; books of photographs; lyrics to popular, rock, folk, and children’s songs; restaurant menus; street signs; postcards; currency; cereal boxes; candy wrappers; tourist information brochures and tourist guidebooks; university catalogs; department store catalogs; telephone books; world, city, and relief maps; calendars; TV PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 7 guides; driver’s licenses; comic books; greeting cards; business cards; bank checks and deposit forms; grocery coupons; hotel registration forms; pins with messages; bus, plane, train, taxi, and jitney schedules; teletext subtitles for the hearing impaired p. 101. Berardo 2006 stated that the sources of authentic materials that can be used in classroom are infinite, but the most common are newspepers, magazines, TV programs, movies, songs, and literature. One of the most useful of the authentic materials is the internet p. 62. In this study, authentic materials mean any material which has not been specifically produced for the purpose of language teaching. The sources of authentic reading materials are collected from newspapers, magazines, science book, and the internet.

4. Junior High School