Wo rks Health ECM 001C.

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 22 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS With in th e con text of ICM, an d p articu larly with re- gard to train in g an d ed u cation , atten tion sh ou ld be p aid to a n u m ber of Med iterran ean NGOs sp ecialized in ICM with good scien tific bases an d h u m an cap aci- ties. Th ey in clu d e In tern ation al Cen tre for Coastal an d Ocean s Policy Stu d ies, Gen oa ICCOPS, Eu rocoast, Med coast, an d Med iterran ean Water In stitu te MW I MEDWAN. ICCOPS an d MW I h ave been in clu d ed in th e MAP p rogram m e, wh ile Med coast h as been orga- n izin g som e join t activities with GEF BSEP. Th e oth er NGOs sp ecializin g in ICM sh ou ld be given sp ecial at- ten tion with in th e con text of th is Worksh op . UNIVERSITIES In th e Med iterran ean region th ere is n o regu lar u n i- versity p rogram th at wou ld cover, in a system atic way, th e m ost im p ortan t issu es of ICM. However, d etailed in - form ation on th e su bject sh ou ld be fou n d elsewh ere. Nu m erou s u n iversities p rovid e h igh q u ality cou rses in biology, ch em ical en gin eerin g, ecology, geograp h y, an d oth er n atu ral scien ces, as well as econ om ic an d lan d -u se p lan n in g, region al p lan n in g an d d evelop m en t, in form a- tion system s, com p u ter an alysis, an d GIS. Based on n u m erou s con tacts wh ile p rep arin g an d im p lem en tin g ICM p rogram s or sectoral activities, it can be said th at u n iversity sch olars in volved in th ose activities sh owed good an d u p -to-d ate kn owled ge of th e con cep t of su stain able d evelop m en t, an d th e m eth od ologies, tools, an d tech n iq u es ap p lied in th e ICM p rocess. Th is en ables th e organ ization of in terd iscip lin ary stu d ies an d ed u cation in th e field of ICM at an in te- grated basis bu t, for th e m om en t, p robably on ly at p ost- is n ot u n u su al for d ecision m akin g to be d om in ated by m ore in flu en tial or m ore relevan t m in istries or m in isters. Th ese in stitu tion al arran gem en ts establish a large n u m ber of ad m in istrative an d d ecision -m akin g in - stan ces au th orized for ICM, a logical con seq u en ce of th e m u ltip le resou rces an d m u ltip le u se of th e coastal areas. Un d er su ch con d ition s, d ecision s som etim es overlap or con flict, an d are n eith er en viron m en tally sou n d n or m eet th e req u irem en ts of su stain able d evel- op m en t. Table 6 is a m atrix of fu n ction al resp on sibili- ties of th e govern m en t d ep artm en ts in ch arge of vari- ou s ICM issu es in Italy. Accord in g to som e sou rces, th e govern m en tal an d oth er in stitu tion al u n its au th orized for variou s seg- m en ts of th e ICM p rocess, is estim ated at 80 in Fran ce an d m ore th an 50 in Italy. Som e h ave a large n u m ber of bran ch es an d offices at lower levels. NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS NGO In th e last 10 years or so, sign ifican t im p rovem en t h as been n oted in all Med iterran ean cou n tries with re- gard to NGOs an d p u blic in volvem en t in th e ICM p ro- cess. Tod ay, a large n u m ber of n ation al, an d esp ecially local NGOs, act in th e coastal areas, orien tin g th eir ac- tivities, am on g oth ers, to th e field of ICM. A good ex- am p le is th e NGOs Tu n is Declaration on su stain able d evelop m en t, p resen ted in th e Min isterial m eetin g in Tu n is, an d ad op ted by rep resen tatives of n ation al NGOs from 14 Med iterran ean cou n tries. Man y of th ose, esp ecially local NGOs, n eed h elp to in crease awaren ess of th e p roblem s of coastal ecosystem s an d resou rces, as well as th e m ech an ism s an d m eth od olo- gies of ICM. TABLE 6: FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS ON DIFFERENT ISSUES Go v. Departm en ts Min istry Hydr. Min istry Harbo ur Min istry Min istry Min istry USL Min istry Min istry Regio n Pro vin ce Co m . Issues Defen se Service Me. Mar. Office En viro n .

P. Wo rks Health

Culture In dustry n avigation R M R P Mg fish in g R P M P in d .com .h arbou rs R P Mg C R m arin as P R R P P Mg water q u ality M R M R M M P R Mg C ru ral u rban waste R R M P M C Mg in d u strial waste Mg R M eu trop h ication M M P M Mg M coastal erosion M P C P C Mg tou rism R R Mg M P R Mg u rban ization M R P M C Mg p arks an d reserves P R P R Mg Mg Mg M arch aeological sites R P R Mg M m ilitary u ses P R C Mg m ap p in g P Mg M M off-sh ore activities R Mg P R Abbreviat io n s o f fu n ct io n al resp o n sibilit ies: P p ro gram m in g R regu lat io n Mg m an agem en t M m o n it o rin g C co n st ru ct io n ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D EDUCAT ION AL N EEDS 23 TABLE 7: THE MAIN INSTITUTIONS, SOCIAL GROUPS, AND INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN COASTAL MANAGEMENT—THEIR ROLES AND SIGNIFICANCE Ro le an d sign ifican ce Ty pe Gro up D ecisio n - Man agem en t Specialized m akin g activ ities I Go vern an ce, 1. All levels an d fo rm s o f m an agem en t go vern m en t al an d in d ivid u als, gro u p s, ad m in istrat ive bod ies ◆ ◆ ◆ bo d ies, in stitu t io n s, 2. Legislative bod ies ◆ — ◆ au t h o rit ies 3. Ju d ical bo d ies ◆ — ◆ 4. Sp ecialized go vern m en tal bod ies • • ◆ II Private in terest 1. In d u stry in CZ ◆ ◆ ◆ gro u p s an d 2. To u rism • • ◆ in st it u t io n s 3. Marit im e t ran sp o rt • • ◆ 4. En ergy grou p • • ◆ 5. Fish eries an d fish m en ts • • ◆ 6. O t h er coast sp ecific grou p s • • ◆ III Scien t ific 1. Un iversit ies • — ◆ co m m u n ity an d 2. Scien tific an d research in stitu tion s • — ◆ u n iversit ies 3. Acad em ies o f scien ce • — ◆ IV NGO s, en viro n m en t al 1. O f a gen eral t yp e • — — o r CZ-o rien ted 2. Sp ecialized in CM • — ◆ V Gen eral p u blic 1. At n ation al o r su bn at ion al level • — 2. Co astal p o p u lat io n ◆ — — VI In t ern at io n al 1. UN agen cies • ◆ • ◆ ◆ o rgan izatio n s an d 2. O t h er in tergo vern rn en t al or • ◆ • ◆ ◆ agen cies in t ern at io n al o rgan ic Sign ifican ce: ◆ =Great , ◆ =Mo d erat e, • = Sm all, – =Nil TABLE 8: TRAINING, EDUCATION, AND CAPACITY BUILDING TECB IN ICM - PRIORITY GROUPS Markin g acco rdin g Need fo r Need to train To pro v ide to Table 3 Ty pe Gro up TECB th e train ers TECB I Go vern an ce, 1. Go vern m en t an d in st it u t io n al ad m in ist rat ive bo d ies ◆ — — m an agem en t 4. Sp ecialized go vern m en tal bo d ies ◆ • • II Private grou p s 1. In d u stry in CZ • — — III Scien t ific 1. Un iversit ies • • ◆ co m m u n it y 2. Research in st it u t es • • ◆ IV NGO s 2. Sp ecialized in CM — • • V UN agen cies an d 1. UN agen cies — — ◆ in t ern at io n al 2. O t h er o rgan izat io n s — — ◆ o rgan izat io n s ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 24 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS grad u ate levels. A h arm on ized ap p roach to su ch stu d ies wou ld p robably req u ire region al train in g of lectu rers, esp ecially for a n u m ber of d evelop in g cou n tries, an d th e largest p art of th e cou n tries from th e Black Sea region . As far as th e u n iversity cou rses on ICM for u n d er- grad u ates are con cern ed , th ese cou ld be m ore ad - eq u ately organ ized with in th e stu d ies on lan d -u se an d region al p lan n in g, an d econ om ic stu d ies. POSITION AND ROLE OF INSTITUTIONS AND AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN COASTAL MANAGEMENT Th e p osition s of ICM p ractition ers in both region s are n u m erou s an d fou n d at variou s levels. Th eir roles d ep en d on th eir h ierarch ic an d sectoral p osition s, an d on th e typ e of fu n ction th ey p erform ad m in istrative, regu latory, fu n ction al, research , an d in form ation . Th erefore, it is n ecessary, from th e p ersp ective of train - in g an d cap acity bu ild in g, to id en tify th ose grou p s th at sh ou ld be targeted as a p riority. Dep artin g from th e as- su m p tion th at as coastal m an agers we cou ld u n d er- stan d all in stitu tion s, social grou p s, an d skilled in d i- vid u als in volved in th e u se of coastal resou rces, Table 7 can serve as a basis for su ch id en tification . Attribu tion s to th e role an d sign ifican ce of variou s ICM grou p s in Table 7 are su bject to d iscu ssion an d am en d m en ts. Th e m en tion ed ICM grou p s h ave variou s roles an d n eed s in th e p rocess of Train in g, Ed u cation , an d Cap acity Bu ild in g th e TECB p rocess. Th e grou p s wh ich sh ou ld be in clu d ed in to th e TECB p rocess with p riority are given in th e Table 8. From th at table it is p ossible to con clu d e: • Th e TECB p rocess sh ou ld be aim ed , as a p riority, at th e in stitu tion s an d in d ivid u als belon gin g to th e govern m en tal stru ctu res at all levels an d at govern - m en tal an d p aragovern m en tal sp ecialized sectoral agen cies an d in stitu tion s. • Th e secon d p riority sh ou ld be given to p rivate in terest grou p s. • Un iversities, research in stitu tion s, an d sp ecialized sectorial in stitu tion s are p oten tial im p lem en tors of TECB, bu t th ey also n eed cap acity-bu ild in g an d train in g of train ers. • Th e m ost sign ifican t sou rces of th e TECB p rocess, relevan t to ICM, are: UN an d oth er in tern ation al agen cies in volved in ICM; u n iversities an d research in stitu tes; sp ecialized sectorial agen cies; an d sp ecial- ized NGOs, if ad eq u ately q u alified . ICM PRACTITIONERS - KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ATTITUDES NEEDED Th e gen eral kn owled ge req u ired for ICM p ractitio- n ers in both region s d oesn ’t d iffer sign ifican tly from an y oth er region . Th at is m ostly kn owled ge relevan t to coastal ecosystem s, en viron m en t-d evelop m en t in terre- lation s, p rin cip les an d p ractice of su stain able d evelop - m en t, m eth od ology, tools an d p ractice of th e ICM p ro- cess, assessm en t an d u se of coastal resou rces, p rin cip les of govern an ce, ad m in istration an d m an agem en t, p ollu - tion an d em ergen cies, p ollu tion abatem en t p rin cip les an d tech n iq u es, p rin cip les of en viron m en tal econ om - ics, d atabase, an d in form ation . A n u m ber of n ation al- or site-sp ecific issu es h ave to be ad d ed to th is. Of th e gen eral attitu d es n eed ed , it is im p ortan t to u n d erstan d an d h ave a p ositive attitu d e toward s th e in - tegrated ap p roach , coord in ation , an d h arm on ization of d ecision s an d activities, u n d erstan d in g th e n eed for an d ben efits of th e ap p lication of th e ICM p rocess an d th e n eed for cost effectiven ess. It is also im p ortan t to be aware th at it is a d em ocratic an d m arket-orien ted p rocess. In tern ation al exp erts in volved in ICM in d e- velop in g cou n tries n eed to u n d erstan d n ation al an d lo- cal con d ition s, cap abilities, an d lim itation s. In Med iterran ean d evelop in g cou n tries, wh ere in ter- n ation al coop eration is an im p ortan t factor in ICM, th e kn owled ge of th e m ajor world lan gu ages u sed in th e in tern ation al coop eration is of u tm ost im p ortan ce. Th is is often u n d erestim ated in th e TECB p rocess. Dep artin g from th is gen eral assu m p tion , th e stru ctu re an d in ten sity of sp ecialized skills to be secu red in th e con crete TECB p rogram s d ep en d on th e typ e an d grou p of th e targeted ICM p ractition ers, as well as on th e fu n c- tion d om in atin g th eir role with in th e ICM p rocess. It can be assu m ed th at th e followin g p ractical kn owled ge an d skills are n eed ed for m ost relevan t grou p s. For th e in d ivid u als in volved in govern m en tal an d ad m in istra- tive in stitu tion s in wh ich th e fu n ction s of d ecision m akin g an d m an agem en t are d om in an t: • Assessm en t of valu es of n ation al coastal resou rces in d evelop m en t, econ om ic, an d fin an cial term s • Ben efits of ap p lyin g coastal area m an agem en t p ro- gram s exam p les of su ccess an d failu re of d ecision s m ad e an d p rojects im p lem en ted , tran sfer of p rob- lem s an d con seq u en ces, losses an d gain s • Con cep ts an d p rin cip les of su stain able d evelop m en t an d ICM, m eth od ology of ICM, with p articu lar referen ce to its in tegrative an d p rocess-orien ted ch aracter • ICM tools an d tech n iq u es, selected , an d ap p licable u n d er sp ecific con d ition s • Ap p roach to, d evelop m en t, an d im p lem en tation of ICM p rogram s an d p rojects; • Meth od ology an d p rotection of sectoral ICM with in ICM fish eries an d aq u acu ltu re, coastal agricu ltu re, forestry, tou rism , m an u factu re, lan d -u se, u rban an d region al p lan n in g, en ergy, water resou rces, soil p rotection ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D EDUCAT ION AL N EEDS 25 For p rofession als in volved in sp ecialized ICM-related activities d ep en d in g on role an d p osition : • All th e n ecessary kn owled ge listed above bu t in a m ore gen eral an d red u ced form , an d ad ap ted to th e p articip an ts’ p rofile • In -d ep th an d sp ecialized TECB in th e relevan t sp e- cific sectors, su ch as in tegrated water resou rces m an agem en t; m ap p in g, m on itorin g, an d m an age- m en t of soil an d coastal erosion related p h en om en a; en viron m en tal fish eries an d aq u acu ltu re m an age- m en t; clean tech n ologies; h azard assessm en t an d risk m an agem en t; p rotection an d con servation of h istoric settlem en ts an d m on u m en ts; id en tification of areas to be sp ecially p rotected ; en viron m en tally sou n d en ergy p lan n in g an d ap p lication of ren ew- able sou rces of en ergy; u rban liq u id an d solid waste m an agem en t; d evelop m en t an d m an agem en t of su s- tain able tou rism ; in ven tory of p ollu tion sou rces, su rvey an d assessm en t of p ollu tion ; em ergen cy p lan n in g an d m an agem en t • Tran sfer of sp ecialized in tra-sectoral kn owled ge tools an d tech n iq u es of en viron m en tal assessm en t, carry- in g cap acity assessm en t, econ om ic in stru m en ts for ICM, con flict resolu tion tech n iq u es, d atabase an d in fo rm at io n Un iversities, research in stitu tion s, an d sp ecialized NGOs req u ire, in p rin cip le, certain cap acity bu ild in g, d ep en d in g on th eir in volvem en t in ICM, an d th eir ori- en tation to th e p rovision of TECB to oth er ICM in - volved grou p s. With resp ect to th at orien tation , th ey h ave m ostly sp ecialized n eed s selected from th e list above. PAP EXPERIENCE IN TRAINING, EDUCATION, AND CAPACITY BUILDING FOR ICM From 1984 to 1994, th e TECB com p on en t rep re- sen ted a sign ifican t p art of th e PAP Workp lan . Variou s m eth od s an d form s were u sed in th e im p lem en tation of th at com p on en t, grad u ally d evelop ed an d im p roved accord in g to th e PAP an d Med iterran ean exp erien ce, an d also to th e exp erien ce of oth er UN organ ization s an d selected n ation al in stitu tion s. Th e train in g com p on en t was aim ed at selected n a- tion al an d coastal-level d ecision m akers; exp erts an d p rofession als; cap acity bu ild in g of selected n ation al in - stitu tion s in volved in th e im p lem en tation of MAP CAMPs m in istries of en viron m en t, in stitu tes of re- gion al an d u rban p lan n in g, in stitu tes of in form atics, in stitu tion s for water resou rces m an agem en t. Th e su b- jects d ealt with in th is com p on en t were: ICM in gen - eral, water resou rces m an agem en t, soil p rotection , en - ergy, h istoric settlem en ts, tou rism , an d u rban waste m an agem en t For th e im p lem en tation of th e TECB com p on en t, PAP’s d ocu m en ts, p rep ared with in ICM an d sectoral p rogram s were u sed , bu t ap p rop riate d ocu m en ts of UNEP, MAP, an d oth er UN agen cies an d sp ecialized n a- tion al in stitu tion s h ave also been u sed occasion ally. Th e au th ors of th e d ocu m en ts were m ain ly Med iterra- n ean exp erts en gaged in th e im p lem en tation of th e PAP workp lan . Th e d ocu m en ts in clu d ed n ation al rep orts, case stu d ies, th em atic train in g d ocu m en ts, exercises p rep ared on existin g or h yp oth etical Med iter- ran ean exam p les, gu id elin es, software, an d m od els. Th e exp erien ce gain ed in th e p rep aration an d u se of TECB d ocu m en ts sh ows at th e n eed to avoid th eir p rolifera- tion . Th e d ocu m en ts m u st corresp on d to th e in itial level an d cap acity of th e p articip an ts, an d to th e d esired level of train in g resu lts e.g., ad van ced -level d ocu m en ts can n ot be u sed for in itial p h ases of train in g. TECB was im p lem en ted th rou gh th e followin g form s: d issem in ation of selected d ocu m en ts, exp ert m eetin gs, sem in ars an d worksh op s, train in g cou rses, an d “on -th e-job” train in g. Th e d u ration of th ose activi- ties was lim ited to on e week, with th e excep tion of train in g cou rses with in th e MAP ICMs, wh ich were or- gan ized in th ree or fou r stages with in an 18-m on th p e- riod , each p h ase con tain in g an in ten sive two to th ree week train in g cou rse. With regard to th e resu lts, th e sign ifican ce h as to be p oin ted ou t of th e “on -th e-job” train in g p erform ed with in th e MAP CAMPs. Th e p rereq u isites for th e su c- cess of th e “on -th e-job” train in g p rogram were kn owl- ed ge of th e cou n try’s situ ation an d th e coastal area, as well as th e existin g h u m an an d in stitu tion al cap acities of th e n ation al p rofession als an d in stitu tion s in volved , an d th e level of th eoretical kn owled ge an d p ractical ex- p erien ce in ICM in gen eral, an d in sp ecific ICM-related activities p lan n in g, in form ation system s, u se of ICM an d sectoral tools an d tech n iq u es. On th at basis, th e TECB com p on en t h as been in clu d ed in each CAMP p roject com p rised of gen eral kn owled ge on en viron m en tal ecosystem s, su stain able d evelop m en t an d ICM; in -d ep th sp ecific kn owled ge relative to th e p riority p roblem s of th e coastal zon e; an d th e ap p lication of selected tools, esp ecially EIA, GIS, an d carryin g cap acity assessm en t for tou rist com p lexes. Th e p rogram of each CAMP p roject started from a level accep table for th e n ation al team , grad u ally grow- in g to reach a level corresp on d in g to stan d ard in tern a- tion al criteria. Th e largest p art of th e p rogram was p re- p ared by th e n ation al team s, with in tern ation al exp erts p rovid in g assistan ce an d gu id an ce. In su ch a way, th e n ation al team s were tru e au th ors of th e p rojects, wh ich secu red good ch an ces for th e im p lem en tation of th eir resu lts, an d was also an excellen t op p ortu n ity for a tru e on -th e-job train in g. Sem in ars an d worksh op s were organ ized in th e tra- d ition al way. Docu m en ts were su bm itted to p artici- ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 26 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS TABLE 9: SELECTED LIST OF PAP DOCUMENTS USED FOR TECB ACTIVITIES • A Com m on Meth od ological Fram ework for In tegrated Plan n in g an d Man agem en t in Med iterran ean Coastal Areas, 1988 • Gu id elin es for In tegrated Coastal an d Marin e Areas Man agem en t with Sp ecial Referen ce to th e Med iterran ean Basin , 1994 • Train in g Program m e on Geograp h ic In form ation System s, 1992 • GIS - Pilot Ap p lication of th e Urban Ren t Mod el, 1992 • Econ om ic In stru m en ts an d Tools for Coastal Zon e Man agem en t Ap p licable in th e Med iterran ean Cou n tries, 1994 • An alysis of th e Ap p lication of Econ om ic In stru m en ts in Coastal Man agem en t in th e Med iterran ean region , 1994 • An Approach to En viron m en tal Im pact Assessm en t for Projects Affectin g th e Coastal an d Marin e En viron m en t, 1990 • En viron m en tal Im p act Assessm en t: Th e Marin a in Pap h os, 1990 • En viron m en tal Im p act Assessm en t for th e Sp lit-Stobrec Su bm arin e Sewerage Ou tfall, 1991 • En viron m en tal Im p act Assessm en t of a Su bm arin e Ou tfall, 1992 • Database for Water Resou rces Man agem en t • Use of Aq u ifer Mod els in Water Resou rces Man agem en t • Selected Top ics of Water Resou rces Man agem en t • Ap p lication of In tegrated Ap p roach to Develop m en t, Man agem en t an d Use of Water Resou rces, 1994 • Cod e of Practice for En viron m en tally Sou n d Man agem en t of Liq u id Waste Disch arge in th e Med iterran ean Sea • A Practical Gu id e for th e Man agem en t of Urban Solid Waste in Coastal Med iterran ean Cou n tries • Treatm en t an d Reu se of Mu n icip al Waste Water for Irrigation • Disp osal of Mu n icip al Solid Waste: San itary Lan d fills, 1994 • Gu id elin es for th e Reh abilitation of Med iterran ean Historic Settlem en ts, 1994 • Meth od ological Fram ework for Assessin g Tou rism Carryin g Cap acity in Med iterran ean Coastal Zon es, 1990 • Stu d y for th e Carryin g Cap acity Assessm en t of th e Cen tral-Eastern Part of th e Islan d of Rh od es, 1993 • Meth od ological Ap p roach to Erosion Map p in g in th e Med iterran ean Coastal Areas • En viron m en tal Asp ects of Aq u acu ltu re Develop m en t in th e Med iterran ean Region , 1987 • An Ap p roach to th e In ven tory of Sites Su itable for Aq u acu ltu re in Med iterran ean Coastal Areas, 1990 p an ts in ad van ce. Th e p articip an ts were selected ac- cord in g to earlier d efin ed criteria u sin g ap p rop riate q u estion n aires. Th e p articip an ts evalu ated th e q u ality of th e sem in ars worksh op s train in g cou rses th rou gh an on ym ou s q u estion n aires. In selectin g lectu rers for n ation al m eetin gs, on e or two lectu rers were selected from th e h ost-cou n try. Th e d ocu m en ts covered th e con crete n ation al local exam p les as m u ch as p ossible. Field visits an d field work were in clu d ed in th e p ro gram m e. Th e p rogram s of sector-related TECB activities, as a ru le, h ad a gen eral p art wh ich p resen ted th e con cep t an d basis of su stain able d evelop m en t, ICM, an d th e role of an d n eed for in tegration of th e sectoral activity with in th e ICM p rocess. As a good basis for ad van ced -level train in g, ad eq u ate gu id elin es were u sed , based on m eth od ologies tested at th e region al level. Exp erien ce relevan t to th e resu lts an d cost effective- n ess of th e variou s form s of train in g sh ows th e fo llo win g: • With th e action s organ ized at th e region al level, in - clu d in g th e p articip an ts from all or m ost of th e Med i- terran ean cou n tries, d ifferen ces in th e p rofession al level often ap p eared , an d it was d ifficu lt to follow th eir activities after th e train in g i.e. establish th e cor- resp on d in g ben efits • Train in g organ ized at th e n ation al level en abled a bet- ter selection of p articip an ts e.g., govern m en tal in sti- tu tion s, local in stitu tion s, or several n ation al in stitu - tion s with th e sam e p rofession al orien tation , better m on itorin g of th eir resu lts after th e train in g, an d m u ch h igh er cost effectiven ess • “On -th e-job” train in g en abled work with in stitu tion s of con sid erable im p ortan ce for ICM, an d com p ara- tively good cap acity bu ild in g of th ose in stitu tion s, es- p ecially if lin ked to p rovision of ap p rop riate eq u ip - m en t, an d also satisfactory cost effectiven ess • Train in g at th e region al level sh owed good resu lts, bu t on ly if followed by n ation al TECB activities in ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D EDUCAT ION AL N EEDS 27 wh ich it was p ossible to u se th ose train ees as lectu r- ers an d train ers In th e last 10 years, PAP organ ized ap p roxim ately 70 variou s TECB orien ted activities in alm ost all of th e Med iterran ean cou n tries, with in a p roject for seven East African cou n tries, an d on e train in g worksh op in Sou th Am erica. Th is com p on en t d ealt m ostly with th e followin g field s: • In tegrated coastal area m an agem en t, coastal re- sou rces m an agem en t an d p rotection in tegrated p lan n in g, ICM p rojects • In tegrated water resou rces m an agem en t, water con servation p rogram m ed W RM m od els • En viron m en tal im p act assessm en t • Ap p lication of GIS in ICM • Carryin g cap acity assessm en t for tou rist activities • Map p in g an d m on itorin g of rain fall-in d u ced soil ero sio n • Con servation an d reh abilitation of h istoric settlem en ts an d sites • Id en tification , selection an d p rotection of sites su itable for aq u acu ltu re activities. Of th e large n u m ber of d ocu m en ts p rep ared for th e n eed s of th e TECB com p on en t, som e can certain ly be u sed in oth er region s, as well. A selected list of su ch d ocu m en ts is p resen ted in Table 9. ANNEX I THE MEDITERRANEAN BASIN Meetin g p oin t of Eu rop e, Asia, an d Africa, a crad le of h u m an civilization Th e Med iterran ean Sea, alm ost en closed , water ren ewal p eriod 80-90 years, weak tid es 21 Mediterranean coastal states - total su rface area: 8 m illion km 2 ; p op u lation in 1993: m ore th an 400 m illion estim ate - 7 p ercen t of th e world ’s p op u la- tion . Active p late tecton ic p rocesses: d ivergen ce of th e Arabian -African p lates, su bd u ction of th e African to th e Eu rop ean p lates Clim ate: Hot an d d ry su m m ers, m ild win ters, irregu lar rain fall p attern , u n even water cycle Major rivers: Ebro Sp ain , Rh on e Fran ce, Po Italy, Nile Egyp t - d eltas Coastline length: 45,000 km , ou t of wh ich islan d s coast- lin e 17,700km Urbanization on coastline: 540 coastal settlem en ts with m ore th an 10,000 in h abitan ts, ou t of wh ich 70 h ave m ore th an 100,000 in h abitan ts an d 10 with m ore th an 800,000 in h abitan ts; 65 p ercen t of coastlin e is u rban ized Mediterranean coastal areas: u n iq u e, attractive, sp ecific flora an d fau n a, n atu ral p arks, fragile ecosystem s Developm ent level: great d ifferen ces North -Sou th , North -East Com m on Med iterran ean cu ltu re an d h istory: religion s: Cath olic, Jewish , Moslem , Orth od ox Lim ited agricu ltu ral resou rces, agricu ltu re in coastal areas typ ically Med iterran ean . Forests in d eclin e, coverin g on ly 5 p ercen t of th e re- gion . Industry: 16 p ercen t of th e world ’s in d u stry; North — low growth rates, d eclin e of p rim ary p rod u ction coastal in d u stry; East an d Sou th —tran sfer of tech n ologies, m ed iu m an d h igh growth rates Energy consum ption: 0.6 p ercen t billion ton s oil 1988; 80 p ercen t in th e n orth ern p art International tourism : 33 p ercen t of th e world ’s in tern a- tion al tou rism ; 147 m illion in tern ation al visitors in 1990 Maritim e transport: 200 m illion ton s of oil an n u ally 30 p ercen t of th e world ’s oil tran sp ort, 200-250 large oil tan kers p erm an en tly in n avigation , 60 large sh ip accid en ts p er year ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 28 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS ANNEX II Po llutio n o f th e Mediterran ean Sea fro m an th ro po gen ic so urces Disch arge of p ollu tan ts in to th e sea: In p u t t year Pollu tan t Atm osp h eric Riverin e Pb 5,000–30,000 2,200–3,500 Zn 4,000–25,000 11,000–17,000 Cr 200–1,000 350–1,900 Hg 20–100 30–150 P – 320KT N 1070 KT 800 KT S 1400 KT – m in eral oils 120,000 d et ergen t s 60,000 Bu t : • th e corresp on d in g atm osp h eric in p u ts over Eu rop e an d th e Baltic Sea are ap p roxim ately twice as large • alth ou gh th ere is relatively good au to-p u rification p rop erties in th e Med iterran ean Sea GESAMP Rep o rts an d Series No . 26 Meteo ro lo gical Syn t h esizin g Cen t re East, Mo sco w 1993 UNEP-MAP ANNEX III Basic Elem en ts o f MAP CAMP PAP d efin ition of In tegrated Coastal Man agem en t ICM • a m an agem en t p rocess ad ap ted to th e con d ition s in an d n eed s of coastal areas; • com p reh en sive, based on ration al ap p roach an d scien tific fin d in gs; • m u lt id iscip lin ary; • creates con d ition s for su stain able d evelop m en t; • n ot a su bstitu te for sectorial p lan n in g, p rovid in g in tegration of in d ivid u al resou rces or sectors m an agem en t. Appro ach : top -d own an d bottom -u p ; p roblem solvin g rath er th an p roblem tran sferrin g; p reven tion rath er th an cu re; p recau tion ary. Stages: in itiation , p rep aratory, an alysis an d forecastin g, d efin ition of goals an d strategies, in tegration of p lan s an d p olicies, im p lem en tation , an d evalu ation with feed back; recon sid erin g after each stage. Ch aracteristics o f th e Pro gram m e are: • Con cep tu al basis: su stain able d evelop m en t, th e Gen oa Declaration , Agen d a 21, th e Rio Declaration ; • Meth od ology: In tegrated Coastal an d Marin e Areas Man agem en t ICM, an d in tegrated p lan n in g as a m ajor t o o l; • Th em atic fram ework: all MAP activities, con certed an d in tegrated ; • Legal basis: agreem en ts sign ed with th e relevan t govern m en ts; • Fin an cin g: MAP, n ation al an d local au th orities in volved , Th e World Ban k Kastela, Alban ian coast, Th e Eu ro- p ean In vestm en t Ban k - METAP Rh od es - 2n d p h ase. Co n ten ts o f MAP CAMP pro jects: 1. Im p lem en tation of legal in stru m en ts Barcelon a Con ven tion , LBSP, Em ergen cy an d Du m p in g Protocols, MARPO L 2. In d ivid u al resou rce evalu ation an d m an agem en t 3. In d u strial activities evalu ation an d tren d s 4. Mitigation of n atu ral h azard s seism ic risk, clim ate ch an ge 5. Train in g on an d ap p lication of: m eth od ology, tools, an d tech n iq u es of ICM 6. ICM: p rosp ective stu d ies, in tegrated p lan n in g stu d ies, m an agem en t p lan s an d p rogram m es 7. Fin al in tegrated m an agem en t d ocu m en t ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D EDUCAT ION AL N EEDS 29 ANNEX IV Th e Black Sea - Clo se to Irreversible En viro n m en tal Catastro ph e Surface area: 431,000km 2 , Volu m e: 555,000km 3 Dep th : average: 1,179m , m axim u m : 2,245m Black Sea co astal states: Bu lgaria, Georgia, Ru m an ia, Ru ssia, Tu rkey, Ukrain e, Th e 5 big rivers: Belo n gin g to th e n o rth -w estern sh elf: Dan u be 2,860 km l., 817,000km 2 watersh ed , Dn jestr 1360km l., 72,000km 2 w., Dn jep r 2,285km l., 500,000km 2 w. Belo n gin g to th e Azo r Sea: Don 1,970km l., 440,000km 2 w,, Ku ban 907km l. Th e state of th e Black Sea: h igh in p u t of su rface waters; lim ited ex- ch an ge of d eep waters with th e Med iterran ean ; d eep waters an oxic an d with H 2 S con ten ts below 150m d ep th ; coastal erosion . Po llutio n so urces: from big rivers, airborn e, d irect d isch arge of lan d -based sou rce p ollu tan ts from th e coastal zon e, sh ip p in g, offsh ore oil an d gas exp loita- tion , d eballastin g oil tan kers Eutro ph icatio n : NW sh elf, Azor Sea In tro ductio n o f alien species s.f. Aurelia aurata, cten op h ore Mnem iopsis leidyi. Overfish in g an ch ovy; d ecrease of catch 1986: 1992 = 9:1 To urism - m ism an agem en t, n egative im p acts of p ollu tion Clim ate ch an ge: d an ger from u p wellin g of an oxic d eep -water sea m asses ANNEX V Exam p les of sp ecific ad m in istrative form s relevan t for ICM Algeria: • Min istry of Hyd rau lics an d Eq u ip m en t: in clu d in g th e Nation al Agen cy for Water Resou rces n ation al an d local of- fices; in clu d in g th e Pu blic Works Dep artm en t resp on sibility on h arbors an d m aritim e tran sp ort • Min istry of In terior in clu d in g th e Nation al Office for Tou rism • Min istry of Nation al Defen se; in - clu d in g th e Coast Gu ard resp on - sible for th e ad jacen t sea con trol an d p rotection • Nation al Plan n in g Cou n cil; in - clu d in g th e Nation al Agen cy for Lan d -Use Plan n in g Bulgaria: • Min istry of Region al Develop - m en t an d Recon stru ction Cro atia: • Min istry of Recon stru ction an d Develo p m en t • Min istry of Privatization • Min istry of Civil En gin eerin g an d Lan d -Use Plan n in g • State Directorate of En viron m en - tal Protection Tun isia: • Min istry of En viron m en t; in clu d - in g th e Nation al Agen cy for th e Protection of En viron m en t ANPE • Nation al Organ ization for Sewage Treatm en t ONAS • Nation al Cou n cil for Region al Develop m en t • Nation al Agen cy for In d u strial Develop m en t • Min istry of Agricu ltu re, Gen eral Directorate of Soils, Gen eral Directorate of Water Resou rces Turkey : • State Plan n in g Organ ization Sy ria: • Gen eral Directorate of Ports n a- tion al an d local • Gen eral Directorate of Irrigation in th e Coastal Basin n ation al an d region al • Min istry of Local Ad m in istration u rban an d lan d -u se p lan n in g - n ation al an d region al • Min istry of Cu ltu re, Directorate of An tiq u ities an d Mu seu m s h is- toric settlem en ts arch aeological an d cu ltu ral reserves an d m on u - m en ts - n ation al an d region al • State Directorate of th e Protec- tion of Cu ltu ral an d Natu ral Herit age Cy prus: • Min istry of Agricu ltu re an d Natu ral Resou rces Italy : • Min istry of Merch an t Marin e - Harbou r Au th ority - 12 h arbou r h ead officers - 44 local execu tive bran ch es • Min istry of Pu blic Health - High In stitu te of Health - local h ealth au t h orities • Min istry of In d u stry p erm its for research an d exp loitation of gas an d oil field s • ENI - Nation al Oil Corp oration • ENEL - Nation al Electricity Cor- p o ration • ENEA - Nation al Corp oration for New Tech n ologies, En ergy an d En viron m en t Malta: • Water Resou rces Corp oration p ara-statal organ ization ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 30 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS DISCUSSION QUESTIONS • W h at are th e kn owled ge, skills, an d attitu d es th at m ake su ccessfu l coastal m an agers? • W h at typ es of p osition s are available for coastal m an agers an d in wh at in stitu tion s ICM agen cies an d related -sectoral u n its? • W h at are th e exp ected ch an ges in th e typ es an d q u an tity of jobs d u rin g th e n ext d ecad e? • W h at is th e d em an d for coastal m an agers in th e region both q u an titatively an d q u alitatively? • How d o n eed s vary am on g n ation s with in th e regio n ? RAPPORTEUR’S REPORT Arsen Pavasovic p resen ted h is d iscu ssion p ap er on th e Black Sea an d Med iterran ean region s, followed by d iscu ssion of m an y of th e p oin ts h e h ad raised . Som e of th e m ajor p oin ts raised in th e d iscu ssion are ou t- lin ed h ere. Th e Med iterran ean an d Black Sea region s are q u ite d ifferen t from on e an oth er. Pollu tion p roblem s in th e Black Sea are m u ch worse th an in th e Med iterran ean . Th e Black Sea is close to an ecological catastrop h e. In ad d ition , th e in stitu tion al an d govern an ce arran ge- m en ts with th e cou n tries bord erin g th e two seas are m u ch d ifferen t. Th e cou n tries bord erin g th e Black Sea are essen tially d evelop in g cou n tries. Coastal Man agem en t in th e Med iterran ean is in th e in itial stages of d evelop m en t an d on goin g, wh ereas in th e Black Sea, it h as yet to start. Th ere are, as yet, n o region al or n ation al ICM p rogram s. Tu n isia an d Israel, h owever, h ave m ad e th e greatest strid es alon g th ese lin es to d ate. At p resen t, th ere are n o jobs u n d er th e title of “coastal m an ager” in eith er th e Med iterran ean or Black Sea as th ere are n o govern m en t coastal m an - agem en t p rogram s in th ese region s. On e p oin t m ad e in th e d iscu ssion s was th at it is im - p ortan t to d istin gu ish between in tegrated resou rce m an agem en t an d trad ition al sectoral m an agem en t in coastal areas. Th e ten d en cy h as been toward s sectoral m an agem en t. It was also m en tion ed th at th ere h as been d iscu ssion abou t a Eu rop ean Com m u n ity Coastal Zon e Man agem en t In itiative wh ich cou ld h elp catalyze n ation al in itiatives, h owever, th is h as n ot h ap p en ed yet . Discu ssan ts felt th at with in th ese two region s, th ere is a little lin kage between in tern ation al efforts—su ch as th e Med iterran ean Action Plan an d th e World Ban k Black Sea in itiative—an d n ation al efforts. W h ile th ere h as been atten tion p aid to th e p roblem s of th ese two seas from an in tern ation al an d region al p ersp ective, it h as n ot yet tran slated in to su bstan tial action s at th e n ation al level. Th erefore, it is u n certain wh at im p act th ese in tern ation al activities will h ave in catalyzin g n a- tion al p rogram s. W h ile p roblem s in th e acad em ic an d research com m u n ities are well-recogn ized an d h ave con tribu ted su bstan tially to th e in tern ation al efforts in th e two seas, th e govern m en t agen cies resp on sible for takin g m an agem en t action s are less aware an d con - cern ed . Hen ce, th ere is a stron g n eed to d evelop greater awaren ess am on g govern m en t p erson n el an d p olicy m akers. Th ere is train in g in th e region in th e sectoral sp e- cialization s wh ich relate to coastal m an agem en t an d som e on -th e-job train in g is occu rrin g. Th e Med Coast In stitu te a region al train in g in itiative of th e Eu rop ean Com m u n ity is th e start of an on -goin g train in g in itia- tive in coastal m an agem en t. At th e m om en t th ere are n o ed u cation al d egree p rogram s on in tegrated coastal m an agem en t in th e Med iterran ean or Black Sea region . However, a m aster’s p rogram in coastal m an agem en t is exp ected to be d evelop ed as p art of th e Med Coast In i- tiative. It is reason able to assu m e th at th ere will be on e or two d egree p rogram s d evelop ed over th e n ext five to ten years. On e con cern abou t d evelop in g a d egree p ro- gram in coastal m an agem en t is th at, as of n ow, th ere are few p rofession al career op p ortu n ities as a coastal MED ITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA: TRAINING AND ED UCATIONAL NEED S OF ICM P ROFESSIONALS—ANALYSIS OF D EMAND RAPPORTEUR: Erdal Ozh an CASE PAPER PRESENTATION: A. Pavaso vic Discussan ts: R. Miller, A. Pavasovic, E. Ozh an , S. Belfiore, L. Hale ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D EDUCAT ION AL N EEDS 31 m an ager sin ce n o ICM p rogram s as yet exist. Grad u ates of su ch a p rogram m ay h ave d ifficu lty fin d in g em p loy- m en t an d m ay n eed to m arket th em selves with th e ca- p ability of fillin g p osition s th at h ave d ifferen t job titles oth er th an coastal m an ager, su ch as a coastal tou rism p lan n er or p rotected area m an ager. Su ch grad u ates, h owever, m ay also be th e p ion eers th at go ou t an d d e- velop th e n ation al p rogram s n eed ed with in th e Black Sea an d Med iterran ean . ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 32 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS TH E STATUS OF INTEGRATED COASTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ICRM AND D EMAND FOR COASTAL MANAGEMENT P RACTITIONERS IN TH E GOVERNMENT SECTOR OF TH E P H ILIP P INES Jessica C. Muñ o z Coastal Resou rces Man agem en t Section Bu reau of Fish eries an d Aq u atic Resou rces Qu ezon City, Ph ilip p in es ABSTRACT T he Philippines fisheries are faced with pressing coastal m anagem ent problem s including low productivity, lim ited use of offshore waters, and resource depletion. To m itigate these problem s, several strategies have been created to sustain resource use and prom ote good m anagem ent of the coastal zone. INTRODUCTION Th e fish eries sector of th e Ph ilip p in es is faced with th e p ressin g p roblem s th at affect th e livelih ood of abou t 60 p ercen t of th e cou n try’s p op u lation . Th e id en tified p roblem s of th e sector are 1 Resou rce d ep letion in th e coastal zon e, 2 Wid esp read en viron - m en tal d am age, 3 Poverty am on g m u n icip al fish eries, 4 Low p rod u ctivity in aq u acu ltu re, an d 5 Lim ited u tilization of offsh ore an d exclu sive econ om ic zon e EEZ waters by com m ercial Ph ilip p in e fish erm en . Recogn izin g th e n eed for m itigatin g m easu res, vari- ou s govern m en t agen cies, n on govern m en t organ iza- tion s NGOs, p eop le’s organ ization s, state u n iversities an d colleges, an d th e p rivate sector are u n d ertakin g p rogram s, p rojects, an d activities th at will lead to th e su stain able u se of m arin e an d coastal resou rces. Th e Fish eries Sector Program FSP of th e Dep art- m en t of Agricu ltu re DA is a strategy th at ad d resses th e p ressin g p roblem s of th e fish eries sector. Th e Program ’s objectives are 1 To regen erate coastal re- sou rces, reh abilitate th e coastal en viron m en t, an d alle- viate p overty am on g m u n icip al fish erm en , p articu larly th rou gh d iversification of th eir sou rces of in com e; 2 To in ten sify aq u acu ltu re p rod u ction , p articu larly for th e ben efit of d om estic con su m p tion bu t with in th e lim its of ecological balan ce; an d 3 To h elp com m er- cial fish erm en to m ove away from overfish ed n earsh ore areas to offsh ore waters. Th e six com p on en ts of th e Program are Fish ery Resou rce an d Ecological Assessm en t, Coastal Resou rces Man agem en t, In com e Diversification , Research an d Exten sion , Law En force- m en t, an d In frastru ctu re. Th ere are 12 bays p rioritized u n d er FSP. Th e Dep artm en t of En viron m en t an d Natu ral Re- sou rces DENR is im p lem en tin g th e Coastal En viron - m en t Program CEP with th e followin g objectives: 1 To p rom ote th e u se of en viron m en tal-frien d ly coastal tech n ologies, 2 Exp an d livelih ood op p ortu n ities in an d in su re eq u al access to coastal resou rces, an d 3 Up grad e th e cap abilities of all DENR p erson n el in th e m an agin g th e coastal en viron m en t. Th e CEP is gu id ed by th e p rin cip les of eq u itable an d su stain able resou rce u se. Th e im p lem en tin g strategies are: 1 Com m u n ity organ izin g, 2 Com m u n ity in - volvem en t in th e p rotection an d m an agem en t of coastal ecosystem s, 3 Mobilization of fin an cial an d ad m in istrative resou rces from th e p u blic an d p rivate sectors, an d 4 Use of con tin gen t ap p roach es in id en ti- fyin g issu es, p roblem s, an d op p ortu n ities for h u m an an d en viron m en tal welfare. Th e objectives of th ese two big p rogram s are to alle- viate p overty am on g coastal fish erm en . Oth er in stitu - tion s are also con d u ctin g th eir own coastal resou rce m an agem en t activities in variou s p arts of th e cou n try, bu t th eir p rogram s are on a sm aller scale, com p ared to th ese two govern m en t-in itiated p rojects. THE COASTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT COMPONENT OF FSP Th e Coastal Resou rce Man agem en t CRM com p o- n en t is con sid ered th e core of th e Fish eries Sector Pro- gram —all activities an d p rojects of oth er com p on en ts are geared toward s th e attain m en t of th e CRM goals. Th e Program recogn izes th at in tegration is key to CRM. An in tegrated coastal resou rce m an agem en t p rogram con sid ers th e in teraction s of p eop le an d th e en viron - ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D EDUCAT ION AL N EEDS 33 TABLE 1: TOOLS FOR CRM : IMPLEMENTORS Legislation an d law en forcem en t: Local govern m en t u n its, n ation al agen cies, region al offices Research : Nation al agen cies, research in stitu tion s, region al offices Pu blic ed u cation : NGO, n ation al in stitu tion s, region al offices Establish m en t of p rotected areas: Com m u n ity, local govern m en t u n its, n ation al agen cies, research in stitu tion s, region al offices Zon ation sch em es: Local govern m en t u n its, research in stitu tion s, n ation al agen cies, region al offices Resou rce regen eration an d en h an cem en t: Com m u n ity, local govern m en t officials, research in stitu tion s, n ation al agen cies, region al offices Altern ative livelih ood : NGO, n ation al in stitu tion s, local govern m en t u n its, region al offices, ban kin g in stitu tion s m en t toward s th e su stain able u se an d m an agem en t of resou rces, regen eration of d ep leted resou rces, an d eq u i- table access an d u se of resou rces. To realize th e goals of th e p rogram , stron g an d cap able in stitu tion s are req u i- sites to u n d ertake coastal resou rces m an agem en t p rojects an d activities. At th e on set of th e p rogram , th ere was an assessm en t of in stitu tion s d ealin g with fish eries an d recom m en d ation s to realign th ese in stitu - tion s to d eterm in e an d assign resp on sibility for th e sec- tor. Th e assessm en t sh owed th e n eed to create p rop er in stitu tion al arran gem en ts for th e im p lem en tation of FSP an d th at a sou n d in stitu tion al fram ework m u st be establish ed for a fish eries ad m in istration th at su stain s th e lon g-term ben efits d erived from th e p rogram . STRATEGIES OF ICRM Differen t strategies are em p loyed wh en im p lem en tin g CRM. Th ese strategies m ay be com m u n ity p articip ation , govern m en t in terven tion , NGO-p articip ation , an d in sti- tu tion -bu ild in g. Th e first strategy aim s to en h an ce th e p articip ation of th e coastal com m u n ity in d ecision -m ak- in g, p roject im p lem en tation , an d evalu ation . Th e sec- on d em p h asizes local an d n ation al govern m en t in term s of takin g th e in itiative in layin g th e fram ework of a CRM p rogram wh ich cou ld bord er on legislation . Th e th ird strategy cou ld be a d evelop m en tal NGO or an aca- d em ic research in stitu tion th at assists in CRM activities. Th e fou rth in volves th e creation of an in stitu tion for th e p u rp ose of u n d ertakin g a CRM for an area. Sp ecific tools are n ecessary to p rom ote coastal re- sou rces m an agem en t in th e cou n try. At p resen t, th ese tools or ap p roach es see Table 1 are bein g u n d ertaken in th e 12 bays wh ere FSP is im p lem en ted . W h ile m ost of th ese tools are im p lem en ted at th e local level, th ere is also a n eed for th e n ation al govern m en t to p rovid e tech n ical assistan ce. THE NEED FOR INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING Am on g th e agen cies in volved in th e p rogram , see Table 2, BFAR is resp on sible for im p lem en tin g a m ajor- ity of th e com p on en ts. BFAR, h owever, an d oth er agen - cies, for th at m atter, n eed in stitu tion al reform s to op er- ate a fish eries ad m in istration an d m an agem en t system over th e lon g term . Th e reform s will m ake m an age- m en t a p erm an en t featu re an d en su re a com m itted d elivery of services. Th e weakn ess in th e p rogram to im p lem en t p olicy cou ld be rooted in th e in ad eq u acy of im p lem en tors to fu lly satisfy th e m an d ate of th eir assign ed tasks. Listed in Table 3 is th e p rofile of field im p lem en tors coastal m an agers. Th e m ajority h ave n o form al education in coastal re- sources m an agem en t. At th e n ation al level, everybody h olds a degree B.S., an d on ly 6 out of a total of 31 tech - n ical person n el pursued graduate studies related to CRM. To equip coastal m an agers with th e proper kn owledge, exten sive train in g, worksh ops, an d sem in ars were con - ducted at th e local an d n ation al levels durin g th e first two years th at th e program was im plem en ted. Th e train in g, worksh ops, an d sem in ars con ducted are listed in Table 4. PROSPECTS FOR COASTAL MANAGERS W h ile th e p resen t situ ation d em an d s m ore q u alified an d cap able coastal m an agers to con tin u e th e efforts toward s coastal resou rces m an agem en t, in stitu tion al arran gem en ts offer very little en cou ragem en t. Ju risd ic- tion , au th ority, an d legal fram eworks are issu es th at sh ou ld be worked ou t so th at resp on sibilities are d elin - eated am on g agen cy-im p lem en tors. Certain in stitu tion al stren gth en in g strategies recom - m en d ed in th e Fish eries Sector Program , p articu larly th e New Fish eries Cod e, n eed to acted u p on . Th ese rec- om m en d ation s en tail stream lin in g an d reorgan izin g agen cies to resolve in stitu tion al an d legal p roblem s. Th e Fish eries Sector Program will en d in Decem ber 1995. Th e d ifferen t agen cies are m an d ated to con tin u e th e activities an d p rojects of th e Program . However, th ere is also an exp ected d ecrease in th e n u m ber of im p lem en tors. It is, th erefore, im p ortan t th at p rop er ad m in istrative an d organ ization al m ech an ism s an d ar- ran gem en ts be set in p lace to lessen th e im p act of th e p erson n el “d rain .” By th en , su stain ability of th e in te- grated coastal resou rce m an agem en t p rogram will be en su red . ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 34 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS TABLE 2: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CRM IMPLEMENTORS Lo cal Go vern m en t Un it LGU • Im p lem en t p olicies an d d ecision s regard in g Coastal Resou rce Man agem en t CRM p lan • En force con trols related to fish in g effort • Issu e n ecessary licen ses in lin e with its m an d ate th rou gh th e Local Govern m en t Cod e of 1991 • Provid e d ata for m on itorin g th e resu lts of fish sh elter, artificial reef, an d oth er con trols on fish in g effort an d law en forcem en t. Departm en t o f Agriculture DA Regio n al Office • Provid e assistan ce in form u latin g th e fram ework an d m eth od ology to im p lem en t CRM activities in coord in ation with oth er im p lem en tin g agen cies • Man age, su p ervise, an d m on itor th e im p lem en tation of activities p rojects in th e region • Provid e ad m in istrative su p p ort to en su re effective im p lem en tation of CRM p rojects an d activities Pro vin cial Agriculturist Office PAO • Provid e assistan ce in form u latin g, im p lem en tin g, an d m on itorin g th e CRM p lan • Prep are work an d fin an cial p lan • Man age, su p ervise, an d m on itor CRM p rojects an d activities Mun icipal Agricultural Office MAO • Provid e ad m in istrative su p p ort for field activities related to CRM • Mon itor resu lts of field activities Fish erm en ’s Asso ciatio n FA • Particip ate in CRM p lan n in g an d p lan im p lem en tation • Assist in th e en forcem en t of m easu res to reh abilitate an d regen erate fish eries resou rces • Provid e d ata for m on itorin g No n go vern m en tal Organ izatio n NGO • Assist in organ izin g fish in g com m u n ities th rou gh th e form ation of fish erm en ’s association s • Assist an d p rovid e service for ed u cation an d train in g th e com m u n ity on CRM • Particip ate in train in g p rogram s an d in form ation cam p aign s Bureau o f Fish eries an d Aquatic Reso urces BFAR • Assist in con d u ctin g rap id resou rce assessm en t RRA an d resou rce an d ecological assessm en t REA for th e p u rp ose of gath erin g d ata to su p p ort m an agem en t m easu res • Assist in th e p rep aration an d con d u ct of ap p rop riate train in g in th e con cep ts of CRM • Un d ertake ed u cation al an d in form ation d issem in ation p rogram s on fish eries m an agem en t to d evelop an d p rom ote su stain ability Departm en t o f En viro n m en t an d Natural Reso urces DENR • Im p lem en t m an grove reforestation p roject • Su p ervise lan d -based ecological m an agem en t • Assist in th e form u lation of CRM p lan Bay Man agem en t Co un cil BMC • Assist in th e p rep aration of CRM p lan • Ap p rove an d en d orse CRM p lan • Allocate Total Allowable Catch to in d ivid u al m u n icip alities • Mon itor m an agem en t m easu res • En force fish ery laws an d oth er relevan t fish eries ad m in istrative ord ers • Assist in ed u catin g an d train in g fish in g com m u n ities on th e con cep ts an d p rin cip les of CRM. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D EDUCAT ION AL N EEDS 35 TABLE 3: EDUCATION OF FIELD IMPLEMENTORS AND COASTAL MANAGERS Bay Coord in ators M.S. Trop ical Coast Man agem en t an d PMO Staff M.A. Marin e Man agem en t Nation al level M.S. Marin e Biology Master’s d egree in Aq u acu ltu re Master’s d egree in Region al Resou rces Plan n in g Master’s d egree in Bu sin ess Ad m in ist ratio n Master’s d egree in Com m u n ity Develop m en t B.S. Fish eries B.S. Marin e Biology B.S. Biology A.B. Social Scien ce A.B. Econ om ics A.B. Agricu ltu ral Econ om ics B.S. Math em atics B.S. Hotel an d Restau ran t Man agem en t B.A. Com m u n ication A.B. Mass Com m u n ication B.S. Bu sin ess Man agem en t Region al an d B.S. Fish eries Provin cial A.B. Econ om ics Fish eries B.S. Com m u n ity Develop m en t Man agem en t Staff B.S. Biology Region al level B.S. Marin e Biology Dip lom a cou rse in Fish eries Master’s d egree in Bu sin ess Ad m in ist rat io n NGO B.S. Econ om ics Local level B.S. Fish eries B.S. Com m u n ity Develop m en t A.B. Mass Com m u n ication B.S. Ed u cation LGU B.S. Econ om ics Local level B.S. Fish eries B.S. Ed u cation LLB. in Law B.S. Crim in ology Doctor of Med icin e College Un d ergrad u ate Com m u n ity B.S. Ed u cation College u n d ergrad u ate High sch ool Elem en tary TABLE 4: TRAINING WORKSHOPS SEMINARS To pic Participan ts 1. FSP CRM I DA Staff O rien tation II LGUs Train in g Worksh op III NGOs, POs, Fish erm en , Com m u n ity 2. Fish Ward en Baran gay Cap tain s, Dep u tization FA Presid en ts, DA Tech n ical Staff 3. Artificial Reefs Fish Sh elter DA Tech n ical Staff, Man agem en t LGUs 4. Law En forcem en t Fish Ward en s, LGUs, DA Staff 5. CRM Cou rse Fish in g Boat Sp ecial Cou rse En gin eers, Fish erm en 6. CRM Un ified Mu n icip al LGUs, Ord in an ce DA Staff 7. Cred it Ap p reciation DA Staff FAs, Coop eratives 8. Valu e Form ation DA Staff, LGUs, NGOs, Com m u n ity REFERENCES ACI Agrod ev Can ad a In c. 1989. Fish eries Sector De- velop m en t Program , Ph ilip p in es: Fin al Rep ort. Vol. 1. Asian Develop m en t Ban k. Man ila: Ph ilip p in es. Dep artm en t of Agricu ltu re. 1994. Fish eries Sector Program FSP Cred it Com p on en t. 38 p p . Dep artm en t of Agricu ltu re. 1993. Fish eries Sector Program . 31 p p . Labon , A.L. 1992. In stitu tion al Need s: Assessm en t of Presen t Situ ation an d Recom m en d ation s. RDA In ter- n ation al, In c. 90 p p . Mem oran d u m of Un d erstan d in g. 1994. Fish eries Sector Program Loan Nos. 971 972 PHI. 26 p p . Mu ñ oz, J.C. 1991. Com m u n ity-based resou rce m an - agem en t as an ap p roach for im p lem en tin g Coastal Resou rce Man agem en t Com p on en t of th e Fish eries Sector Program FSP. ERMP Worksh op Proceed in gs. 16 p p . Rold an B.R. an d Sievert, R.F. 1993. Coastal Resou rces Man agem en t: A Man u al for Govern m en t Officials an d Com m u n ity Organ izers. 40 p p . W h ite A.T. Lop ez, N. 1991. Coastal resou rces m an - agem en t p lan n in g an d im p lem en tation for th e Fish - eries Sector Program of th e Ph ilip p in es. In O.T. Magoon , H. Con verse, V. Tip p ie, L.T. Tobin D. Clark Ed s.. Coastal Zone ‘91 p p . 762-775. New York: Am erican Society of Civil En gin eers. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 36 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS ASIA, P ACIFIC, AND EAST AFRICA: TRAINING AND ED UCATIONAL NEED S OF ICM P ROFESSIONALS—ANALYSIS OF D EMAND RAPPORTEURS: Jo eli Veitayaki an d Ro bin So uth CASE PAPER PRESENTATION: J. Mun o z Discussan ts: M. Ban d ara, J. Mu n oz, J. Veitayaki, R. Sou th , L.M. Ch ou , S. Borom th an arat, E. Ferrer, D. Sad ach aran , E. Gom ez, M.A.K. Ngoili, B. Fu ller, N. Calu m p on g DISCUSSION QUESTIONS • W h at typ es of kn owled ge, skills, an d attitu d es m ake su ccessfu l coastal m an agers in th e region ? • W h at typ es of p osition s are available for coastal m an agers an d in wh at in stitu tion s ICM agen cies an d related sectoral u n its with in th e region ? • W h at are th e exp ected ch an ges in th e q u an tity an d typ es of jobs over th e n ext d ecad e in th e region ? • W h at is th e d em an d for coastal m an agers both q u an titatively an d q u alitatively in th e region ? • How d o n eed s vary am on g n ation s with in th e regio n ? RAPPORTEUR’S REPORT With in th is broad region , coastal m an agers work in m an y situ ation s ran gin g from sm all coastal cou n tries, wh ere th ere is a h igh level of con cern for coastal issu es, to larger cou n tries wh ere, often at sen ior levels of gov- ern m en t, d ecision m akers are rem ote an d n ot aware of, or con cern ed abou t, th e coastal area. It was gen erally felt th at th ere is a lack of in tegration an d d ialogu e in govern m en t wh ich m itigates again st m u ltisectoral co- o p erat io n . Th e grou p felt th at a sp ecific d efin ition of “coastal m an ager” was n ot clear an d su bject to wid e in terp reta- tion . However, th e grou p id en tified th e followin g p ri- orities in th e an alysis of skills, kn owled ge, an d atti- tu d es n eed ed for p eop le workin g on coastal zon e m an agem en t p rogram s. Skills: • Th e n eed for m an agem en t skills esp ecially d ip lo- m acy, grou p d yn am ics, an d n egotiation Kn owled ge: • How to p u t togeth er an in terd iscip lin ary team Attitu d es: • A n eed to m ove away from th e sectoral ap p roach • A willin gn ess to in tegrate • Op en n ess to com m u n ity n eed s • An ap p reciation an d love for th e coast With resp ect to d evelop in g ap p rop riate attitu d es, a n u m ber of strategies were id en tified : • Exp osu re to th e coastal com m u n ity • Coastal ap p reciation • Exch an ge p rogram s • Sem ester-lon g, in -d ep th p rogram s • Pu blic ed u cation • Dem on stratin g th e valu e of th e coastal zon e • In volvem en t in college grad u ate stu d en ts in stru ct- in g you n ger stu d en ts on coastal top ics • Provid e op p ortu n ities for in teraction su ch as p arks, m u seu m s, p laces of learn in g Th e grou p id en tified th e followin g m od es of ed u cation : • Train in g coastal m an agers in m an agerial skills • Cu ltivatin g ap p reciation th rou gh exp osu re to ICM u sin g a d egree p rogram s with ICM cu rricu lu m b train in g cou rses sh ort term at th e n on -d egree level for sp ecialists or in -service on -th e-job train in g ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D EDUCAT ION AL N EEDS 37 Attitu d in al ch an ges n eed to be in stilled regard less of th e m od e of ed u cation . It was recom m en d ed th at im p lem en tation in clu d e: • In -service train in g for in d ivid u als from d ifferen t d iscip lin es wh o n eed to be train ed togeth er • In tegration of coastal m an agem en t con cep ts in to career an d execu tive train in g of officials in p u blic ad m in istration . Career an d execu tive train in g is regu larly p rovid ed for civil servan ts in m an y cou n - tries su ch as Sri Lan ka, th e Ph ilip p in es, an d in East Africa. • Learn in g from exp erts e.g., m an agem en t sch ools Th e grou p agreed th at th e n eed s for train in g an d ed u cation in coastal m an agem en t are con sid erable th rou gh ou t th e region . However, n eed s vary at d iffer- en t stages of d evelop m en t of th e m an agem en t p ro- gram s. In th e early stages, th e p riority is tech n ical skills an d p lan n in g m eth od ology. In th e later stages, m ore em p h asis is n eed ed on h ow to h an d le im p lem en tation wh ere m an agem en t skills are very im p ortan t. On ce p rogram s en ter th e im p lem en tation stage, th ere will be a clearer sen se of th e sp ecific n eed s of m an agem en t. Th e grou p also felt th at th ere is a fu n d am en tal bod y of th eory on con cep ts an d ap p roach es to coastal m an age- m en t wh ich can be ap p lied an d ad ap ted regard less of geograp h ic location . ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 38 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS DISCUSSION QUESTIONS • W h at are th e kn owled ge, skills, an d attitu d es th at m ake su ccessfu l coastal m an agers? • W h at typ es of p osition s are available for coastal m an agers an d in wh at in stitu tion s ICM agen cies an d related -sectoral u n its? • W h at are th e exp ected ch an ges in th e q u an tity an d typ es of jobs over th e n ext d ecad e? • W h at is th e d em an d for coastal m an agers both q u an titatively an d q u alitatively in th e region ? • How d o n eed s vary am on g n ation s with in th e regio n ? RAPPORTEUR’S REPORT Jack Wiggin gave a brief p resen tation on coastal m an agem en t p rogram s in Con n ecticu t an d Massach u - setts. Th ese state p rogram s were created an d p artially fu n d ed th rou gh fed eral govern m en t in itiatives of both th e Nation al Ocean ic an d Atm osp h eric Ad m in istration resp on sible for th e ad m in istration of th e Fed eral Coastal Zon e Man agem en t Program an d th e En viron - m en tal Protection Agen cy resp on sible for th e ad m in is- tration of th e Nation al Estu ary Program . Th e follow- in g table rep resen ts th e p osition s an d backgrou n d s of th e p erson n el wh o staff th ese state “coastal m an age- m en t” offices. Th e grou p th en d iscu ssed skill req u irem en ts, clien ts, p articip an ts, region al variation s, an d d em an d for coastal m an agers. Skills. Assu m in g th e d yn am ic p arad igm is correct wh ich h yp oth esizes an evolu tion ary m ovem en t in coastal m an agem en t water q u ality th rou gh trad ition al Coastal Zon e Man agem en t CZM, com p reh en sive CZM, In tegrated Coastal Man agem en t ICM to In te- grated Ecosystem Man agem en t, wh at are th e ed u ca- UNITED STATES, CANAD A, AND AUSTRALIA: TRAINING AND ED UCATIONAL NEED S OF ICM P ROFESSIONALS—ANALYSIS OF D EMAND RAPPORTEUR: Niels West CASE PAPER PRESENTATION: J. Wiggin Discussan ts: K. Brown , J. Wiggin , B. Crawford , W. Matu szeski, M. Wood , N. West tion al q u alification s of th e p rofession als with wh om we are ch argin g with th e m an agem en t of ou r coastal resou rces? Th ere was gen eral agreem en t th at th e tech n ical backgrou n d typ e of d egree was less im p ortan t com - p ared to in d ivid u als wh o h ad a cap acity for th e “big p ictu re.” On e m em ber of th e grou p cited th e exam p le of th e Ch esap eake Bay Com m ission wh ich n ow in - clu d es staff d rawn from forestry, soil scien ce, air q u al- ity, an d fish eries, in ad d ition to p rofession als d rawn from trad ition al lin e agen cies associated with coastal m an agem en t su ch as th e U.S. Nation al Park Service an d En viron m en tal Protection Agen cy, all of wh om can be con sid ered coastal m an agers. It was p oin ted ou t th at m an y coastal p roblem s, su ch as excessive n u trien t load in g an d sed im en tation in estu aries, are often cau sed by activities far u p stream an d are often ou tsid e th e ju risd iction of th e coastal m an agem en t agen cy. To ad d ress th ese issu es, a broad er d efin ition of coastal m an agem en t is req u ired wh ere sp ecialists, su ch as for- esters an d agricu ltu rists, m u st be in clu d ed as p art of th e m an agem en t team . Th ese sp ecialists m ay also h ave to work with th e grou p s cau sin g th e p roblem , wh ich are far from th e site of im p act. Th ese d iscip lin es, n ot trad ition ally associated with coastal m an agem en t, are becom in g im p ortan t tech n ical areas for coastal m an ag- ers to u n d erstan d . Som e gen eral q u alification s of coastal m an agers were id en tified in clu d in g th e ability to id en tify an d solve p roblem s. Su ch p rofession als sh ou ld be in tegra- tors, com m u n icators, an d be able to work in a con - stan tly ch an gin g en viron m en t. Th e p oin t was also m ad e th at som e of th e p ast p rob- lem s were cau sed by tu rn in g scien tists in to p olicy m ak- ers with resp on sibilities of settin g m an agem en t goals. Th is resu lted in m an y early coastal m an agem en t p ro- gram s takin g an ap p roach with a h eavy research an d scien tific orien tation before tu rn in g to action s an d ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D EDUCAT ION AL N EEDS 39 POSITIONS AND BACKGROUNDS OF PERSONNEL IN STATE “COASTAL MANAGEMENT” AGENCIES Co n n ecticut Office o f Lo n g Islan d So un d Pro gram s Direct o r Assistan t Directo r Coastal Program Section Perm it and Enforcem ent Section Technical Assistance Section 7 Mu n icip al Plan n ers Ben t h ic Bio lo gist Bio lo gist Eco lo gist M.S. Urban an d Regio n al Plan n in g Ben th ic Eco lo gist Geolo gist Bio lo gist Bio lo gist Marin e Bio lo gist Plan n er O t h ers Pu blic In vo lvem en t Sp ecialists 2 Legal Sp ecialists Massach usetts Co astal Zo n e Man agem en t Pro gram Direct o r Man agem en t an d Ad m in ist rat io n Assistan t Directo r M.S. Reso u rce Eco n o m ics Gran ts Man agem en t Sp ecialist Ad m in istrative Assistan t s Technical Support Technical Support Pu blic O u t reach Co o rd in at o r No n p oin t So u rce Co ord in ato r M.A. En viro n m en t al an d Resou rce Po licy M.S. En viro n m en t al En gin eerin g Harbo r Man agem en t Co o rd in ato r Assistan t NPS Co ord in ato r M.A. Ph ilo so p h y M.A. En viro n m en tal Po licy 5 Regio n al Co o rd in ato rs 2 Co astal Geo lo gists M.S. Scien ce Co m m u n icatio n M.S. Geolo gy MPA En viro n m en t al Ad m in ist ratio n M.A. Ph ysical Geo grap h y M.S. En viro n m en t al Data Man ager Tid elan d s Co ord in ato r M.A. Marin e Affairs Ph .D. En viro n m en t al Po licy Perm it Ad viso ry Sp ecialist En viro n m en t al An alyst Dred gin g Co o rd in at o r M.A. Marin e Affairs B.S. En viro n m en t al Scien ces Grap h ic Design er Pro ject Review Co ord in ato r B.F.A. Fed eral Con sisten cy M.S. En viron m en tal Scien ces Wat er Q u ality Plan n er M.A. En viron m en tal Scien ce Legal cou n sel J.D. En viro n m en t al Plan n er B.S. Zo o lo gy Massach usetts Natio n al Estuary Pro gram Massachusetts Bays Program Buzzards Bay Project Execu tive Director Execu tive Direct or Ph .D. Marin e En viron m en tal Scien ce Ph .D. Marin e Policy Director of Pu blic O u treach To xic Red u ctio n Sp ecialist B.S. Natu ral Resou rces M.S. Bu sin ess Ad m in istratio n Data Man ager En viro n m en t al Plan n er M.S. Geology M.S. En viron m en tal Scien ce Pu blic In form atio n Sp ecialist B.S. Com m u n ication s Ad m in istrative Assistan t B.A. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 40 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS p olicies to ad d ress sp ecific p roblem s. Several m em bers on th e com m ittee su ggested an altern ate scien ce p olicy m od el wh ere scien tists are en cou raged to collect d ata th at wou ld be u sefu l to p olicy m akers for settin g p olicy. However, in th is m od el, it is th e p olicy m akers an d m an agers wh o ask for research an d scien tific in for- m ation to better ad d ress an d u n d erstan d id en tified is- su es. Th ere is also a n eed to d evelop reliability ch ecks on scien tific d ata, h ere referred to as com fort in d ices, an alogou s to statistical con fid en ce levels. Coastal m an - agers n eed to u n d erstan d th at n o level of in form ation , scien ce, or research will n ecessarily an swer all th e q u es- tion s of a m an ager or p olicy m aker. A level of u n cer- tain ty will always exist, an d d ecision s n eed to be m ad e with in th at con text. Fin ally, m em bers of th e grou p recogn ized th at th ere is an absen ce of clear an d easily d efin able coastal ju ris- d iction s. Th e absen ce of su ch ju risd iction s often lead to tu rf battles resu ltin g in , at best, in efficien cy of scarce n atu ral, h u m an , an d fin an cial resou rces an d , at worst, to th e total d isin tegration of an y ICM efforts. Clien ts an d Participan ts. Th e evolu tion of th e d e- m an d for coastal m an agers in itially cen tered on th e exp erien ce of th e Un ited States. In th e U.S., m ost of th e coastal m an agem en t grad u ates fou n d em p loym en t with in th e fed eral sector. Sin ce th en , largely in flu en ced by a tren d toward s d ecen tralization of fed eral in itia- tives, states h ave been en cou raged to becom e resp on - sible for a greater p rop ortion of th e coastal m an age- m en t effort. Th u s, coastal m an agem en t jobs h ave been recen tly id en tified with in state an d local com m u n ities. Th ese jobs are in creasin gly req u ired to im p lem en t local coastal m an agem en t in itiatives. Everyon e agreed th at efforts sh ou ld be m ad e to in - volve th e p rivate sector sin ce m an y in d u stries were con tribu tin g to th e p roblem s of th e coastal zon e. Agri- cu ltu re sign ifican tly con tribu tes to n u trien t overload - in g in m an y estu aries h ere an d abroad . Th e n eed to in - volve th is sector was n oted in p articu lar. Oth er organ ization s th at are u sin g coastal m an agers m ore in clu d e th e NGO com m u n ity an d in tern ation al d on or agen cies. Th e absen ce of an y real kn owled ge abou t th e u n iq u e p roblem s en cou n tered in th e coastal zon e am on g m an y p rofession als in th e p rivate sector, en viron m en tal NGO com m u n ity, an d d on or agen cies was rep eated ly cited as d etrim en tal to effective coastal m an agem en t . Brief m en tion was m ad e of th e exp erien ces in Au s- tralia wh ere m ost of th e grad u ates from th at cou n try’s on ly acad em ic u n it offerin g d egrees in coastal m an age- m en t fin d em p loym en t p rim arily with in th e local an d state govern m en ts. Th e p rivate sector is exp ected to em p loy fu tu re coastal m an agers as p art of th e legal re- q u irem en t to em p loy “en viron m en tal m an agers.” As m u ch in d u strial an d u rban d evelop m en t is coastal, th ere ap p ears to be good p rosp ects for “coastal m an ag- ers” in th e p rivate sector. It was n oted th at a real d is- crep an cy exists between th e n ation al an d state d e- m an d , on on e h an d , an d th e p rivate sector, on th e oth er. Again , th e often con fu sin g relation sh ip between n ation al in volvem en t in coastal m an agem en t, th e states in volvem en t or lack th ereof, an d local ju risd ic- tion h as been a real d etrim en t to im p lem en tin g com - p reh en sive coastal m an agem en t in Au stralia. Regio n al Variatio n . Th e grou p sp en t som e tim e re- viewin g recen t tren d s an d p olitical even ts in th e Un ited States, Can ad a, an d Au stralia. All th ree cou n - tries h ave m oved toward s d ecen tralization an d d eregu - lation . Th e recen t U.S. election s p ose a h ard -to-d efin e im p act on coastal an d oth er en viron m en tal p rogram s. Th e con sen su s was th at, on th e n ation al level, th ere wou ld be less em p h asis on coastal m an agem en t, less regu lation s an d th u s fewer regu lators, an d greater em p h asis on p rofession als able to work on con sen su s bu ild in g, volu n tary m easu res, an d in tegration of exist- in g agen cy an d p rogram activities. In Au stralia, th e ou tlook for coastal m an agem en t was clou d y in p art becau se of th e con fu sion related to govern m en tal ju risd iction . It was n oted th at th e fed eral govern m en t h ad ju risd iction seaward of m ean h igh wa- ter, bu t th at states h ad ju risd iction over certain coastal fish eries. Fu rth erm ore, th ere is som e evid en ce th at th e n ation al govern m en t is attem p tin g to byp ass th e in - volvem en t of states in coastal m an agem en t by offerin g fu n d s d irectly to th e local ju risd iction s. Th ese d evelop - m en ts som etim es resu lt in rifts an d in efficien cy. In Can ad a, th e situ ation is som ewh at d ifferen t. Most of th e fed eral coastal m an agem en t efforts take th e form of site-sp ecific p rojects su ch as th e Fraser River in British Colu m bia an d th e St. Lawren ce River in On tario an d Qu ebec. Som e p rovin ces New Bru n swick an d Nova Scotia h ave d rafted coastal m an agem en t p olicies as in Au stralia wh ich h ave n ot yet been im p lem en ted largely becau se of lack of fed eral fin an - cial su p p ort or resolu tion of Fed eral an d Provin cial ar- gu m en ts con cern in g ju risd iction an d au th ority. It was also n oted th at Can ad a su p p orts su bstan tial in tern a- tion al d evelop m en t assistan ce efforts con cen tratin g on coastal m an agem en t in th e Caribbean an d th e Pacific wh ere Can ad a h as h ad a lon g an d con tin u ed d evelop - m en t assistan ce p resen ce. Dem an d. Th e grou p was u n able to com e u p with sp e- cific q u an titative estim ates of cu rren t an d fu tu re d e- m an d s excep t we agreed th at th ere wou ld be a sm aller d em an d for trad ition ally train ed coastal m an agers an d a greater d em an d for p rofession als with d iverse back- grou n d s. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D EDUCAT ION AL N EEDS 41 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS • How d o n eed s vary at d ifferen t stages of d evelop - m en t in a coastal m an agem en t p rogram ? • W h o are th e clien ts of ICM ed u cation an d train in g p ro gram s? • W h o are th e p articip an ts of ICM ed u cation an d train in g p rogram s? • W h at are th e critical com p on en ts, given th e n eed s, of an id eal ICM cu rricu lu m ? • Is th ere a core cu rricu lu m of fu n d am en tal con cep ts an d ap p roach es regard less of geograp h ic location ? RAPPORTEUR’S REPORT Th ere was gen eral recogn ition of th e d ifferen t n eed s d rivin g a ICM p rogram as a p rocess. Th e n eed s of well- d evelop ed n ation s like th e Un ited States, were q u ite d ifferen t th an th ose of less-d evelop ed cou n tries or oth er cou n tries, like Au stralia an d Can ad a. Th ese cou n - tries, wh ile aware of coastal m an agem en t, rem ain in a h old in g p attern . Neverth eless, p erh ap s we can see a tran sitory p h ase. In th e Un ited States, a m atu re, fed erally fu n d ed p ro- gram h as been in p lace for at least 20 years. In th is p e- riod , we h ave m oved from a clear regu latory p rocess to a m ore con ciliatory p rocess in volvin g local com m u n i- ties. Ch esap eake Bay is an exam p le wh ere th e p rogram h as been broad en ed , so th at it is n ot ju st con cern ed with water q u ality, fish eries m an agem en t, an d n u trien t m an agem en t, bu t it n ow in clu d es air m an agem en t wh ich affects n u trien t m an agem en t over a m u ch greater area i.e., th e air catch m en t area is m u ch greater th an th e water catch m en t per se. Again , we can all learn from th e years of exp erien ce in th e Un ited States. We d o n ot h ave to be sid etracked or sh u n ted off by d ou gh n u ts, cables, or gen eral p ractition ers. W h at is n eed ed for a variety of p roblem s is, first of all, recogn i- tion of th e p roblem . Th e p roblem s m ay ran ge from a sim p le lack of u n - d erstan d in g, th e n eed for a flexible ap p roach , or even “retoolin g” officials an d or existin g p rogram s. Solu - tion s are n eed ed wh ich cou ld be ad op ted by com m u n i- ties, scien tists, resou rce m an agers, acad em ics, an d gov- ern m en t. In m an y in stan ces, th e basic skills are lackin g to d eal with th e sim p le p roblem with ou t lookin g at th e broad er p ictu re. Govern m en ts often n eed solu tion s th at yield th e n ecessary sh ort-term ben efits as step p in g ston es or a ram p to th e broad er p ictu re ben efits—th e p ebble in th e p on d an d th e rip p le effect—th at can be im m ed iately gen erated . For exam p le, coastal erosion in Sri Lan ka was an obviou s, im m ed iate p roblem as was coastal in u n d ation in Ban glad esh , wh ich req u ires d if- feren t solu tion s, d ifferen t costs, an d even d ifferen t re- su lts. Th ese were p rim ary issu es th at affected p eop le rath er th an en viron m en ts. It is p eop le-related issu es th at govern m en ts resp on d to im m ed iately, followed by resou rce p rotection , exp loitation , an d m an agem en t. In m ore d evelop ed cou n tries, th ese are n ot n orm ally th e p roblem s. More aesth etic an d seem in gly in con seq u en - tial issu es like recreation , tou rism , an d en viron m en tal q u ality are th e focu s. It was su ggested th at in train in g ed u cators, team s can be con cen trated in h in d sigh t to work on total catch m en t or watersh ed issu es wh ich in clu d e h ealth an d food , fish eries, erosion , an d oth er issu es. In itial train in g can p rovid e th e fou n d ation of kn owled ge, an d d em on stration p rojects can p rovid e th e n ecessary exp e- rien ce. Noth in g breed s su ccess like su ccess. Th is team ap p roach , of cou rse, req u ires th e h on esty an d resp ect of all p articip an ts. As p ractition ers, p er- h ap s, th ey sh ou ld be h ou sed in on e bu ild in g or cen ter so, alm ost by d efau lt, th ey can exch an ge id eas an d talk to each oth er. Perh ap s govern m en t bu reau cracies n eed to be d ism an tled an d restru ctu red as d o th e trad ition al d iscip lin es in acad em ic in stitu tion s wh ich gen erate an d p rom ote a n arrow ap p roach . Ultim ately, before d ecid in g on an y cou rse of action , th e im p ortan ce of seekin g goals m u st n ot be u n d erval- u ed . It is im p ortan t for th e u sers recip ien ts to exp ress th ose goals to fu n d ers—agen cies an d d on ors. Too often TRAINING AND ED UCATIONAL NEED S OF ICM P ROFESSIONALS— ANALYSIS OF D EMAND PLENARY DISCUSSION RAPPORTEUR: Ken n eth Bro w n ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 42 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS d on ors “tell” rath er th an “ad vise or su ggest”. It is th e resp on sibility of d on ors to at least listen to an d resp ect th e backgrou n d s of th e recip ien ts. Th ey m u st d o so in th eir own cou n tries, wh y n ot a th ou san d kilom eters away? Th is ap p roach h elp s bu ild tru st, resp ect, an d a team sp irit to tackle a p roblem . Th is m ay in volve con - flict resolu tion tech n iq u es, team work skills, a variety of ad d ition al train in g skills, an d a gen u in e n eed for op en an d h on est d iscu ssion —“talk am on gst eq u als”—before th ere is an accep table clim ate to receive th at in form a- tion th e tran sfer of in form ation . W h en n ecessary, oth er “exp erts” m ay be d rawn in to facilitate or su p p le- m en t th e team . Too often d evelop m en t assistan ce d oes n ot in clu d e a su stain ed train in g com p on en t. Rath er, it offers a q u ick fix th at looks great bu t d oes n ot last e.g., in m an groves an d golf cou rses, can celed p rogram s in th e Sou th Pacific. It was recogn ized th at team s are led an d th at p art of th e role of th e lead er is to “glu e” th e u n its togeth er. Perh ap s lead ersh ip is th e role of a coastal m an ager. On e p ersp ective is th at wh at we are really talkin g abou t in ecosystem m an agem en t is th at coastal m an agem en t is on e of m an y sp ecialized ecosystem s in n eed of m an - agem en t. In eith er case, it is im p ortan t to con cen trate on a sligh tly broad er field of issu es so th at fish eries m an agem en t an d oth er trad ition al sectors are in - clu d ed . Man y in d icated th at it h as taken too lon g to h ave coastal zon e m an agem en t recogn ized in it’s own righ t, an d it wou ld n ot be ap p rop riate to con fu se th e issu es n ow, by red efin in g th e “d iscip lin e or p rofession ” as ecosystem m an agem en t. Th e u n iversity with n etworks with in an d or with ou t m ay be th e p rovid er of “th e grease,” th e electricity wh ich p owers th e coastal zon e d yn am o. If th ey can n ot p rovid e th e “gen eral d river” p erh ap s to m ix m eta- p h ors, th en th ey cou ld at least p rovid e th e ch ief-of- staff wh o can organ ize th e n u m bers, th e bu d get p er- son , an d th e organ ization —allowin g th e “gen eral d river” to in sp ire an d lead th e team . W h o are th e p ractition ers? Th ey are th e local com - m u n ity in m an y in stan ces. Certain ly th ey m u st see th e valu e, th e retu rn for m an agin g th e coastal zon e. Oth er- wise, wh y both er? Hen ce an im p ortan t skill of th e coastal zon e m an ager is com m u n ication at all levels of th e com m u n ity, with govern m en t officials, an d in acad em ia. Again , h on esty an d resp ect d om in ate as well as a willin gn ess to ad van ce. Th e train er-m an ager also learn s. Th e valu e of p artn ersh ip s was em p h asized — p artn ersh ip s between u n iversities, n etworks, an d u sers. Fu tu re an d cu rren t coastal m an agem en t m an agers n eed to be eth ical in ap p roach in g coastal zon e p roblem s an d solu tion s. In su m m ary, coastal zon e m an agem en t was seen as a p artn ersh ip wh ere h on esty, resp ect, an d real- ity u n d erp in th e overall p artn ersh ip s between com m u - n ities, u n iversities, n etworks, an d govern m en t. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 43 SECTION 2 COASTAL MANAGEMENT TRAINING AND D EGREE P ROGRAMS: STATUS AND TREND S Statu s an d Tren d s in Coastal Man agem en t-Related Train in g Cou rses in th e EPOMEX Program , Mexico: Stru ctu re, Projection , Cu rricu la, an d In stitu tion al Arran gem en t Alejandro Yanez-Arancibia, Ana Laura Lara-Dom inguez 45 Statu s an d Tren d s in Coastal Man agem en t-Related Train in g an d Degree Program s in Sou th east Asia L.M. Chou 49 Train in g for In tegrated Coastal Man agem en t: A Review of Tren d s, Issu es, an d Ap p roach es for th e 21st Cen tu ry Brian Crawford 54 Cap acity Bu ild in g at a Grad u ate Level Ed u cation al Program in Coastal Zon e Man agem en t: A Case Stu d y of th e Au ton om ou s Un iversity of Baja Californ ia, En sen ad a Cam p u s, Mexico Jose Luis Ferm an-Alm ada, Lorenzo Gom ez-Morin Fuentes, Ileana Espejel Carbajal, David Fischer 62 In terd iscip lin ary Ed u cation with Con sid eration for Coastal Man agem en t Elizabeth Fuller 68 Meetin g th e Ch allen ge: Th e Marin e Stu d ies Program m e at th e Un iversity of th e Sou th Pacific G. Robin South, Joeli Veitayaki 73 Coastal Man agem en t an d Marin e Affairs Ed u cation al Program s Niels W est 79 Med coast In stitu te: A Train in g Program on Coastal Zon e Man agem en t in th e Med iterran ean an d th e Black Sea Erdal Ozhan, E.B. Culhaoglu 84 Rappo rteur’s Repo rt Coastal Man agem en t Train in g an d Degree Program s: Statu s an d Tren d s 89 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 45 STATUS AND TREND S IN COASTAL MANAGEMENT-RELATED TRAINING COURSES IN TH E EP OMEX P ROGRAM, MEXICO: STRUCTURE, P ROJECTION, CURRICULA, AND INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT Alejan dro Yan ez-Aran cibia an d An a Laura Lara-Do m in guez Program of Ecology, Fish eries an d Ocean ograp h y of th e Gu lf of Mexico EPOMEX Program Un iversid ad Au ton om a d e Cam p ech e Cam p ech e, Mexico ABSTRACT T he Universidad Autonom a de Cam peche in Mexico created the EPOMEX Program in 1990 to address coastal m anagem ent issues. T he program began with a series of short courses, called International Diplom a Courses, that concentrated on m anaging coastal ecosystem s. T he courses were designed to enable advanced students, investigators, and resource m anagers to obtain specialized training in a wide range of related disciplines. EPOMEX is considering creating an International Center for the study and m anagem ent of tropical coastal resources. INTRODUCTION Th e EPOMEX Program was created in 1990 with th ree p rin cip al objectives. Th e first was to d evelop kn owled ge in th e areas of ecology an d m an agem en t of coastal ecosystem s, trop ical fish eries resou rces, p ollu - tion an d en viron m en tal im p act, an d coastal an d ocean ograp h ic p rocesses. Th e secon d was to stren gth en h igh er ed u cation , an d th e th ird was to p u blish an d d is- sem in ate th e resu lts of acad em ic activities. Begin n in g in 1992, a series of In tern ation al Dip lom a Cou rses was in itiated . Th ey were d esign ed as ad van ced sh ort cou rses for a h igh er acad em ic level an d orien ted to th e m an agem en t of coastal ecosystem s. Th e cou rses were given in En glish for in tern ation al stu d en ts, or in Sp an ish for ad van ced Mexican stu d en ts. Th is op tion was con sid ered th e m ost rap id an d efficien t m ech a- n ism to stren gth en stu d en ts wh o req u ired h igh ly sp ecialized cou rses. Th e top ics covered in th ese cou rses are key to u n d er- stan d in g ecological econ om ics, coastal p rocesses, en vi- ron m en tal im p acts, trop ical fish eries, an d an alyzin g ecosystem s. In all cases, th e cou rses are orien ted to- ward s th e m an agem en t of trop ical coastal ecosystem s. Th e stru ctu re of th e cou rses offers an altern ative for stu - d en ts to gain in form ation in th eir areas of sp ecializa- tion . Postgrad u ate p rogram s from p u blic or p rivate u n i- versities in Mexico an d oth er cou n tries, in terested in stren gth en in g th eir p erson n el, are offered an op p ortu - n ity by th e Cam p ech e Un iversity an d th e EPOMEX Pro- gram to d iversify th eir cou rse offerin gs an d stren gth en th eir grad u ate p rogram s. Th e geograp h ic location of th e Un iversity of Cam p ech e in sou th east Mexico, with Cam p ech e Sou n d an d ad jacen t coastal system s, m akes it an id eal p lace of stu d y for th ose in terested in th e Gu lf of Mexico an d oth er coastal areas of th e Caribbean an d Latin Am erica. Becau se of th e broad sign ifican ce of th e cou rse top ics an d th e n atu re of th e cou rse p resen ta- tion s, th e EPOMEX Program is con sid erin g th e p ossibil- ity of creatin g, with in th e fram ework of its activities, an In tern ation al Cen ter for th e stu d y an d m an agem en t of trop ical coastal resou rces. OBJECTIVES Th e objective of th e cou rses is to en able ad van ced stu d en ts, in vestigators, n atu ral resou rces m an agers, an d d ecision m akers to obtain sp ecialized train in g for ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 46 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS scien tific stu d y, teach in g, an d m an agem en t. Th e In ter- n ation al Dip lom a Cou rses cover a wid e ran ge of related d iscip lin es in ord er to ach ieve su stain able m an agem en t of coastal ecosystem s. Th e cou rses n ot on ly in trod u ce stu d en ts to n ew tech n iq u es an d m eth od s bu t also sh ow h ow th ese can be ap p lied to th e solu tion of p ractical p roblem s in th eir h om e region s. STRUCTURE Th e m ech an ics of th e cou rses are very d iverse. Th ey in clu d e lectu res, p ractical exercises, case stu d ies, field work, an d sem in ars. Th e len gth of each cou rse averages th ree weeks with th e followin g sch ed u le: Febru ary Ecology an d Man agem en t in Trop ical Estu aries, May Rem ote Sen sin g an d Geograp h ic In form ation System Ap p lied to Coastal Processes, Au gu st Pollu tion an d En viron m en tal Im p act in Trop ical Coasts, an d October Trop ical Fish eries Resou rces: Ecology, Pop u lation Dy- n am ics, an d Mod elin g. PROJECTION From 1992 u n til 1994 th e cou rses h ave been offered 11 tim es with an en rollm en t of 115 stu d en ts from 46 in stitu tion s in 13 cou n tries. Th e cou rses were tau gh t by 29 p rofessors from 18 in stitu tion s. Th e ch ron ology of th e cou rses is given in Table 1. CURRICULA OF THE COURSE ON ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT IN TROPICAL ESTUARIES: A CASE STUDY An in tegrated u n d erstan d in g of ecology is essen tial for biotic resou rce an d h abitat m an agem en t. Th is is th e focu s of th is cou rse, wh ich em p h asizes u n d erstan d in g of th e stru ctu re an d fu n ction of trop ical estu arin e sys- tem s. It stresses th e ecological in terd ep en d en ce be- tween salin e wetlan d s, fresh water swam p s, coastal la- goon s, an d ad jacen t sh elf waters. Ph ysical, ch em ical, an d biological p rocesses lin k th ese h abitats an d m od u - late th e d yn am ics of th e biological com m u n ities. Eco- logical research orien ted toward s n atu ral resou rce m an - agem en t req u ires an u n d erstan d in g of th ese p rocesses in ord er to u n d erstan d p roblem s facin g th e fish in g sec- tor, th e oil in d u stry, coastal agricu ltu re, u rban an d in - d u strial d evelop m en t, an d associated en viron m en tal resp on ses. Fu rth erm ore, ecological in vestigation s ori- en ted toward s m an agem en t sh ou ld be d on e from a m u ltip le-u se ap p roach . Th is cou rse p resen ts th eoretical, con cep tu al, an d m eth od ological ap p roach es to m an agin g trop ical estu - aries. It featu res con servation an d su stain able m an age- m en t of th e ecosystem ; op tim al resou rce u tilization ; resolu tion of con flictin g u ses; en viron m en tal, social, econ om ic, an d p olitical con sid eration s; an d en cou rages form u lation of ration al an d fair resou rce p olicies with th e join t p articip ation of p olicy m akers with coastal n on -govern m en tal organ ization s. Th e gen eral top ics covered are th e followin g: • In tro ductio n to Estuaries: Coastal m an agem en t, ecosystem m od elin g, p lan kton com m u n ity d yn am - ics, fu n ction al grou p s, n u trien t u p take an d cyclin g, trop h ic in teraction s, grazin g an d th e m icrobial loop , m etabolic bu d gets, an d m an agem en t issu es eu trop h ication , toxic con tam in an ts, tu rbid ity. • Ben th ic Co m m un ity Dyn am ics: Fu n ction al grou p s, an im al sed im en t in teraction s, feed in g typ es, sed im en t n u trien t cyclin g, m an agem en t issu es eu trop h ication , oxygen d ep letion , toxic con tam i- n an t, d red gin g. • Seagrasses an d Macro algae: Fu n ction al grou p s, ligh t, an d p h otosyn th esis d ep th d istribu tion , n u tri- en t u p take, relation to h igh er trop h ic levels, m an - agem en t issu es m acroalgal ou tbreaks, ep ip h yte overgrowth , p h ytop lan kton sh ad in g, toxic con tam i- n an ts, h erbicid es, m etals, d red gin g, an d tu rbid ity. • Eco system Man agem en t Mo delin g: Con cep ts of m od el d evelop m en t, exam p les. • Practical Field Train in g: In ten sive field exercises in Lagu n a d e Term in os an d ad jacen t areas. • Case Studies: Sh rim p farm s, u rban exp an sion , h u - m an im p acts in th e Mississip p i Delta, global ch an ge, sea level rise an d its im p ortan ce for coastal system s, u se of m od els in coastal m an agem en t, coastal im - p ou n d m en ts, p h ysical ch an ges in coastal system s an d d irect ch an ges in th e biotic stru ctu re of coastal system s, an d m an agem en t con cep ts for coastal bi- otic reserves. As p art of th e cou rse, th ere are several field exercises to th e Term in os Lagoon estu arin e system , wh ere stu - d en ts obtain p ractical train in g. Th e stu d en ts p resen t sem in ars an d rep orts from th e resu lts obtain ed . An ab- stract of th e m ost relevan t in form ation is p u blish ed in Jaina, th e n ewsletter of th e EPOMEX Program see referen ces. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Th e In tern ation al Dip lom a cou rse h as been recog- n ized by th e seven m ost im p ortan t p ostgrad u ate p ro- gram s in Marin e Scien ces in Mexico. On Ap ril 30, 1992, an agreem en t was sign ed wh ich recogn izes EPOMEX cou rses as valid at th e followin g in stitu tion s: Cen tro d e In vestigacion Cien tifica y d e Ed u cacion Su - p erior d e En sen ad a, Cen tro In terd iscip lin ario d e Cien cias d e Mar, Un iversid ad Au ton om a d e Baja Cali- forn ia, In stitu to Tecn ologico d e Estu d ios Su p eriores d e Mon terrey Gu aym as, Un id ad Acad em ica d e los Ciclos Profesion al y Posgrad o d el Colegio d e Cien cias y Hu m an id ad es Un iversid ad Nacion al Au ton om a d e Mexico, Escu ela Nacion al d e Cien cias Biologicas d el In stitu to Politecn ico Nacion al, an d Cen tro d e ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 47 TABLE 1: THE CHRONOLOGY OF THE COURSE OFFERINGS BY EPOMEX PROGRAM Co urse Mo n th Year Pro fesso r In stitutio n No . studen ts Eco lo gical Eco n o m ics in Febru ary 1992 Dr. Max Agu ero Negret e ICLARM-CEPAL 20 Trop ical Co astal Eco system Dr. Ed ward Barbier Lo n d on En viro n m en t al Econ o m ics Cen t re Dr. Ro bert Co stan za Marylan d In tern atio n al In st it u t e fo r Eco lo gical Eco n om ics, Un iv. o f Marylan d Dr. Ju an Carlo s Seijo CINVESTAV - Merid a Trop ical Co astal May 1992 Dr. Bjorn Kerfve Dep . Geo logy Belle W. Baru ch In st it u te 4 O cean o grap h y fo r Marin e Biology an d Co astal Research , Un iv. SC Dr. David Salas d e León ICML-UNAM Dra. Ad ela Mo n real Góm ez ICML-UNAM Ad van ces in Estu arin e Au gu st 1992 Dr. Mich ael W. Kem p Cen ter fo r En viro n m en t al an d 10 Eco lo gy Est u arin e Stu d ies, Un iv. o f Marylan d Dr. Ch ristop h er J. Mad d en Cen ter for En viro n m en tal an d Est u arin e Stu d ies, Un iv. o f Marylan d Dr. Ro bert R. Twilley Un iv. Sou th west ern Lo u isian a Dr. Alejan d ro Yáñ ez-Aran cibia EPO MEX Pro gram An alysis an d Mo d elin g o f No vem ber 1992 Dr. Fran cisco Arregu in Sán ch ez CINVESTAV - Merid a 21 Artisan al Fish eries Dr. Jo h n Cad d y Fish ery Dep artm en t FAO Dr. Dom in go Flores Hern an d ez EPO MEX Pro gram Dr. Dan iel Pau ly ICLARM Dr. Jo n Su tin Un iv. Rh o d e Islan d Rem o te Sen sin g an d Ap ril - May 1993 Dr. Bjorn Kerfve Dep . Geolo gy Belle W. Baru ch In st it u te 5 Geo grap h ic In fo rm atio n fo r Marin e Biology an d Co astal Research , Un iv. SC System in Co astal Pro cesses Dr. Erick Wo lan ski Au stralian In stitu te o f Marin e Scien ce Eco lo gy an d Man agem en t Au gu st 1993 Dr. Mich ael W. Kem p Cen ter fo r En viro n m en t al an d 14 in Tro p ical Estu aries Est u arin e Stu d ies, Un iv. o f Marylan d Febru ary 1994 Dr. Ch ristop h er J. Mad d en Cen ter fo r En viro n m en tal an d 3 Est u arin e Stu d ies, Un iv. o f Marylan d Dr. Jo h n W. Day Dep t . O cean ograp h y an d Co ast al Scien ce, LSU Dr. Ro bert R. Twilley Un iv. Sou th west ern Lo u isian a Dr. En riq u e Reyes Góm ez Marylan d In tern at io n al In stitu t e fo r Ecolo gical Econ o m ics, Un iv. of Marylan d Dr. Alejan d ro Yáñ ez-Aran cibia EPO MEX Pro gram M. Sc. An a Lau ra Lara-Do m ln gu ez EPO MEX Pro gram Trop ical Fish eries Reso u rces: O ct o ber 1993 Dr. Dan iel Pau ly ICLARM 11 Recru itm en t Processes Dr. Rich ard F. Sh aw Dep t. O cean o grap h y an d Co ast al Scien ce, LSU Dr. Fran cisco Arregu ln San ch ez EPO MEX Program Dr. Do m in go Flo res Hern an d ez EPO MEX Pro gram M. Sc. Pat ricia San ch ez-Gil EPO MEX Pro gram Rem ote Sen sin g an d May 1994 Dr. Bjorn Kerfve Dep . Geo logy Belle W. Baru ch In st it u te 9 Geograp h ic In form ation fo r Marin e Biology an d Co astal Research , Un iv. SC System Ap p lied to Coastal Dr. An th on y J. Lewis Dep t. Geograp h y an d An t h ro p o lo gy, LSU Processes Dr. Mario Art u ro O rte Geograp h y In stitu t e, UNAM Pollu tion an d En viron m en tal Au gu st 1994 Dr. Gerard o Go ld Bou ch o t CINVESTAV - Mérid a 7 Im p act in Trop ical Coasts M.Sc. Jo rge A. Ben itez To rres EPO MEX Pro gram M. Sc. David Zárate Lom ell EPO MEX Pro gram Q FB Cristin a Barcen as EPO MEX Pro gram Trop ical Fish eries Reso u rces: O ctober 1994 Dr. Dan iel Pau ly ICLARM 11 Ecology, Pop u lation Dr. Nelso n M. Eh rh ard t RSMAS, U. Miam i Dyn am ics an d Mod elin g Dr. Rich ard F. Sh aw Dep t. O cean o grap h y an d Co ast al Scien ce, LSU Dr. Jan Beyer FAO -DANIDA Project Dr. Fran cisco Arregu ln Sán ch ez EPO MEX Pro gram Dr. Dom in go Flores Hern an d ez EPO MEX Pro gram M. Sc. Pat ricia Sán ch ez-Gil EPO MEX Pro gram ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 48 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS In vestigacion es y d e Estu d ios Avan zad os-Merid a. In ad - d ition , we h ave sign ed agreem en ts with th ree foreign in stitu tion s wh ose stu d en ts can obtain cred it for th e EPOMEX cou rses: Lou isian a State Un iversity Dep art- m en t of Ocean ograp h y an d Coastal Scien ce, Un iver- sity of Sou th Carolin a Belle W. Baru ch In stitu te for Marin e Biology an d Coastal Research , an d th e Un iver- sity of Marylan d System Cen ter for En viron m en tal an d Estu arin e Stu d ies. Th ese agreem en ts rein force ex- istin g acad em ic in terch an ges an d coop erative research p ro gram s. THE FUTURE Th e d ip lom a cou rses form th e basis for a fu tu re p ro- gram for an in tern ation al d octorate d egree in coastal trop ical ecosystem s. Th is is th e m ain goal for th e com - in g year wh ich will con sist of th e im p lem en tation of a p ostgrad u ate p rogram in th e trop ical Am ericas. We will p rop ose a Doctorate in Trop ical Coastal Ecosystem s with sp ecialization s in ecology an d m an agem en t of coastal ecosystem s, con tam in ation , an d en viron m en tal p rocesses. Th is will be an in tern ation al d octorate with th e p articip ation of visitin g p rofessors of in tern ation al rep u te from in stitu tion s in Mexico an d oth er areas of North Am erica, Eu rop e, Latin Am erica, Sou th east Asia, an d Au stralia. In ord er to facilitate th e objectives of th e Doctorate Program , we are con d u ctin g a feasibility stu d y on th e creation with in EPOMEX of a Region al Cen ter for Trop ical Coastal Ecosystem s. REFERENCES Barcen as, C., Barreto, M.B., Lam p arelli, C.C., Ivan ova, L., Marin , B., d e Mou ra, D.O., Palom ares, R., Ram os, J., Rivera, E., San tos, A. 1992. Ecologia estu arin a exp erim en tal en la Lagu n a d e Term in os, Mexico. Jaina, 33, 18-19. Barcen as, C., Con treras, R. , Coron ad o, C., Garcia, J., Hem an d ez, M., Iglesias, C., Martin ez, M., Mu rillo, M., Pin ed a, A., Pu en te, R., Rivera, E., Rod rigu ez, G., Velazq u ez, T., Zarate, D. 1993. Cu rso d e Ecologia y Man ejo d e Estu arios Trop icales. Jaina, 43, 14-15. Felix-Pico, E.F., Man cera-Pin ed a, J.E., McNally, D.P. 1994. Asp ectos d e p rod u ccion p rim aria en Estero Pargo, Lagu n a d e Term in os. Jaina, 51, 4-5. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 49 STATUS AND TREND S IN COASTAL MANAGEMENT-RELATED TRAINING AND D EGREE P ROGRAMS IN SOUTH EAST ASIA L.M. Ch o u Dep artm en t of Zoology Nation al Un iversity of Sin gap ore Sin gap ore ABSTRACT Utilization of coastal areas in Southeast Asia has intensified significantly in recent decades. Growing population pressure, large-scale exploitation, and rapid developm ent of infrastructure have resulted in severe environm ental degradation and a decline in the quality of the coastal environm ent. Integrated m anagem ent of the coastal area is advocated as a m eans to m inim ize such im pacts and support achievem ent of sustainable developm ent. W hat is lacking is a training com ponent that provides coastal zone m anagers with enhanced capabilities to deal with interdisciplinary issues and m ultisectoral planning. Many of the region’s tertiary institutions have yet to provide a degree course in integrated coastal zone m anagem ent, although they are active in conducting short-term training courses not only for practitioners but also for different sectors of the com m unity. T he current em phasis is to train m anagers of today, while recognizing that the long-term solution rem ains in training m anagers of tom orrow. However, m any trainers are not in the best position to conduct form al or inform al training courses on their own as they have been trained in specific disciplines and lack an essential understanding of issues and processes beyond their fields of expertise. Proposed curricula of integrated coastal zone m anagem ent degree program s require institutions to recognize the need to vary adm inistrative structures so that staff from different faculties m ay offer courses that are fully m ultidisciplinary. INTRODUCTION Th e coastal en viron m en t featu res p rom in en tly in Sou th east Asia. As in m ost cou n tries, a h igh p ercen tage of th e p op u lation is con cen trated in th e coastal area. Exp an d in g p op u lation an d rap id coastal d evelop m en t h ave p laced in creasin g p ressu res on coastal resou rces, resu ltin g in h abitat d estru ction , m arin e p ollu tion , an d d im in ish ed resou rces Ch ou , 1994a; Ch u a Garces, 1994; Hay et. al., 1994. In tegrated coastal m an age- m en t ICM h as been recogn ized as an effective strat- egy to p rovid e a broad , an ticip atory, m an agem en t- based ap p roach , com p ared to th e reactive an d p roblem -d riven sectoral ap p roach . With d evelop m en t, loss of en viron m en tal assets can n ot be totally avoid ed , bu t th ey can be effectively m in im ized with ap p rop riate p lan n in g an d m an agem en t. Th e trad ition al sectoral p lan n in g an d m an agem en t ap p roach h as been u n su c- cessfu l becau se of th e m u ltid iscip lin ary n atu re of coastal m an agem en t issu es Scu ra et al., 1992. In tegra- tion an d coord in ation are im p ortan t con sid eration s for effective m an agem en t. Sin ce ICM req u ires an in te- grated , m u ltid iscip lin ary ap p roach , it will also req u ire ap p rop riately train ed p erson n el. Th is is an im p ortan t area in wh ich th e region ’s tertiary in stitu tion s can p lay a p ositive role Ch ou , 1994b. Eq u ally im p ortan t is to allot as m u ch tim e as it takes for th is region to acq u ire su fficien t n u m bers of ICM-train ed p erson n el. At th e 1990 Association of Sou th eastern Asian Na- tion s ASEAN-U.S. Worksh op on Coastal Area Man age- m en t Ed u cation in th e ASEAN region , it was agreed th at train ed m an p ower in in tegrated coastal zon e m an - agem en t is n ot ad eq u ately p rovid ed by ed u cation al in - stitu tion s in th e ASEAN region Ch u a, 1991. W h ile ef- fective coastal area m an agem en t can be best ach ieved ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 50 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS th rou gh d evelop m en t an d im p lem en tation of in te- grated p rogram s, th e m an agem en t cap abilities of gov- ern m en tal an d n on govern m en tal organ ization s re- sp on sible for coastal area m an agem en t n eed to be stren gth en ed . Th e p u blic also n eed s to be m ad e aware of its critical d ep en d en ce on th e con tin u ed p rod u ctiv- ity of coastal resou rces th rou gh n on form al p rogram s. Profession al an d tech n ical su p p ort staff of agen cies m u st receive form al train in g in coastal m an agem en t in ord er to d eal efficien tly with issu es an d p roblem s an d to d evelop effective strategies. Th ey m u st learn abou t coastal resou rces as well as en viron m en tal, social, cu l- tu ral, an d econ om ic system s. Th ey m u st also h ave an u n d erstan d in g of p resen t an d fu tu re en viron m en tal p roblem s an d h ow th ey are solved with an in tegrated m an agem en t ap p roach . TRAINING NEEDS IN COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT A 1986 UNEP su rvey sh ows th at m an y tertiary in sti- tu tion s with in th e Asia-Pacific region h ave in corp o- rated en viron m en tal ed u cation as eith er p art of a d isci- p lin e su ch as en gin eerin g, biology, earth scien ces, an d law, or as an in d ep en d en t d egree p rogram . A few ex- am p les of in d ep en d en t d egree p rogram s in clu d e en vi- ron m en tal stu d ies in In d on esia an d en viron m en tal en - gin eerin g at th e Asian In stitu te of Tech n ology in Th ailan d . Th e su rvey also revealed th at ed u cation an d train in g in en viron m en tal issu es ten d to be orien ted toward s gen eral d egree p rogram s rath er th an sp ecialist train in g becau se th ere is a sh ortage of em p loym en t op - p ortu n ities for th e latter in th e region ESCAP, 1992. In assessin g th e train in g n eed s in coastal zon e m an - agem en t for th e region , McMan u s 1993 stressed th at both lon g-term an d sh ort-term train in g is n ecessary. Degree p rogram s p rovid e a p ool of p rofession ally train ed m an agers an d coord in ators of in tegrated coastal zon e m an agem en t in itiatives. In Sou th east Asia, m ost ICM p ractition ers begin with a d egree in a related d iscip lin e an d , th erefore, req u ire sh ort-term train in g in ICM wh ile on th e job. Ch ou 1994b an d Hay et al. 1994 p oin t ou t th at alon g with th e n eed to train ICM p ractition ers, th ere is also a n eed to train th ose wh o are resp on sible for ed u - catin g an d train in g. Th e im m ed iate train in g n eed s in ICM for Sou th east Asia in clu d e th e followin g cat ego ries: 1. Form al d egree p rogram s to train fu tu re m an agers 2. Non -form al sh ort-term p rogram s for p resen t-d ay m an agers 3. Program s for p resen t-d ay ed u cators 4. Program s for d ifferen t u ser grou p s su ch as p olicy m akers, d evelop ers, th e p u blic, an d coastal co m m u n it ies Th e observation by Crawford an d West 1993 th at th e m ajor gap in in tegrated coastal zon e m an agem en t train in g is th e lack of p rofession als with in terd iscip li- n ary views an d exp erien ces ap p lies com p letely to th is region . Ken ch in gton 1993 stresses th e im p ortan ce of train in g ed u cators, m an agers, an d th e p u blic. Th e ASEAN-U.S. Coastal Resou rces Man agem en t p roject in vested m an y resou rces to d evelop m an p ower in ord er to u p grad e n ation al an d local cap abilities in ICM. Sh ort-term train in g cou rses were organ ized for Project p erson n el wh ile a few you n ger p roject staff were selected for m aster’s d egree p rogram s in th e Un ited States in relevan t field s of coastal an d m arin e resou rce m an agem en t Scu ra et al., 1992. A su rvey con d u cted toward s th e en d of th e train in g p h ase con - clu d ed th at am on g th e 118 ASEAN n ation als in volved , 68 p ercen t were in jobs for wh ich th ey were train ed , 93 p ercen t con sid ered th eir train in g relevan t, an d alm ost 30 p ercen t h ad in creased levels of resp on sibility Dalu su n g, 1992. Train ers from tertiary in stitu tion s wh o are exp ected to con d u ct ICM cou rses often lack th e m u ltid iscip lin ary backgrou n d for cou rses th ey are to h an d le sin gle-h an d ed ly. Coastal zon e m an agem en t is bein g tau gh t in d ifferen t facu lties as p art of a broad er en viron m en tal scien ce p rogram an d m ain tain s a stron g d iscip lin e bias. Man y train ers in th e region h ave been train ed in sep arate d iscip lin es an d lack a p rop er u n d er- stan d in g of issu es an d p rocesses beyon d th eir field s of exp ertise. STATUS OF COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT TRAINING Th e 1993 su rvey of th e region ’s in stitu tion s carried ou t by UNEP’s Network for En viron m en tal Train in g at Tertiary Level in Asia an d th e Pacific NETTLAP sh owed th at th e variou s cou rses th at are bein g tau gh t cover a broad ran ge of m arin e en viron m en t-related top ics. Most of th ese cou rses are given as p art of a broad er en viron m en tal scien ce d egree. Som e u n iversi- ties offer fu rth er sp ecialized cou rses at th e m aster’s level, bu t, to d ate, few in stitu tion s in Sou th east Asia are offerin g a basic or h igh er d egree cou rse in ICM. Man y of th e in stitu tion s h ave in d icated th e in ten tion to in trod u ce a sp ecialized m aster’s p rogram in ICM in th e n ear fu tu re in ord er to train p erson n el to h an d le wh at is recogn ized as a growin g en viron m en tal p rob- lem . Th e situ ation rem ain ed u n ch an ged wh en assessed at a region al in tergovern m en tal m eetin g at th e en d of 1993 Hay Prad h an , 1993. W h ile in creasin g atten tion on th e region ’s coastal zon e m an agem en t p roblem s is evid en t from th e grow- in g n u m ber of research p rojects, con feren ces m eetin gs, an d sh ort train in g cou rses in volvin g research ers an d p olicy m akers, a gap rem ain s in term s of a stru ctu red d egree p rogram in ICM. Th e d em an d to in tegrate en vi- ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 51 ron m en tal issu es in to d evelop m en t an d d ecision -m ak- in g is resu ltin g in an in crease of th e typ e of sh ort-term p rofession al an d in -service train in g cou rses fou n d in tertiary ed u cation . NONFORMAL TRAINING Th e Un iversity of Rh od e Islan d U.S. h as estab- lish ed a Coastal Resou rces Cen tre in Sri Lan ka an d is organ izin g sh ort-term train in g cou rses in In tegrated Coastal Zon e Man agem en t in collaboration with two in stitu tion s in Sou th east Asia—th e Prin ce of Son gkla Un iversity in Th ailan d an d Sillim an Un iversity of th e Ph ilip p in es Crawford et al., 1993. Th e n ewly establish ed In tern ation al Trop ical Marin e Resou rce Cen tre, a con sortiu m com p rised of th e Great Barrier Reef Marin e Park Au th ority, Jam es Cook Un iver- sity, an d th e Au stralian In stitu te of Marin e Scien ce, con d u cted a th ree-week train in g cou rse en titled “Man - agem en t of Marin e Ecosystem s an d Th eir Uses” for sci- en tists an d m an agers of th e region . Th e cou rse, con - d u cted in Malaysia in Sep tem ber 1993, is bein g followed by in -cou n try train in g cou rses in In d on esia, Mau ritiu s, Pap u a New Gu in ea, Th ailan d , an d Vietn am . A region al rep ort in d icated th at sh ort-term train in g cou rses at th e n ation al level are n ot lackin g Hay Ch ou , 1993. Man y p rogram s h ave been d evelop ed an d p ackaged for d ifferen t target grou p s. Th ese sh ort-term train in g cou rses are u sefu l as stop -gap m easu res to raise th e level of awaren ess an d u n d erstan d in g of sp ecific grou p s wh en th ere is a lack of ap p rop riately train ed p erso n n el. DEGREE PROGRAMS AND CURRICULA Cou rses in som e asp ects of in tegrated coastal zon e m an agem en t are bein g offered by tertiary in stitu tion s of th e region an d are in variou s stages of d evelop m en t. Du e to its m u ltid iscip lin ary n atu re, m an y of th ese cou rses rem ain with in th eir resp ective facu lties an d re- tain a d iscip lin e bias. Oth er con strain ts in clu d e th e ab- sen ce of cu rricu lu m gu id elin es an d th e lim ited n u m ber of in stru ction al m aterials an d ed u cators train ed in coastal zon e m an agem en t. A stru ctu red d egree cou rse in coastal zon e m an age- m en t req u ires in p u t from m an y d iscip lin es an d an in - evitable ad ju stm en t of ad m in istrative an d op eration al p roced u res with in in stitu tion s. Su ch a ch an ge sh ou ld be worth th e effort for on e or two u n iversities to m eet an d to serve th e n eed s of th e region . Particip an ts at a region al worksh op th at assessed coastal area m an agem en t ed u cation in th e ASEAN re- gion agreed th at train ed m an p ower in ICM is n ot ad - eq u ately p rovid ed by th e region ’s ed u cation al in stitu - tion s Ch u a, 1991. W h ile both form al an d n on form al ed u cation in coastal area m an agem en t were con sid ered im p ortan t, th e worksh op restricted d iscu ssion to for- m al ed u cation in wh ich a m aster’s p rogram in ICM m an agem en t was con sid ered n ecessary for coastal area p lan n ers an d m an agers. A p rop osed on e-year m aster’s cu rricu lu m focu sed on issu es of region al relevan ce an d covered basic p rin cip les of trop ical ICM, with em p h asis on region al an d d evelop in g cou n try exam p les. In th is way, ed u cation al in stitu tion s can ad op t th e cu rricu lu m on a n ation al or region al basis. Th rou gh ou t Sou th east Asia, on ly th e Prin ce of Son gkla Un iversity Th ailan d establish ed a two-year m aster’s an d a on e-year d ip lom a p rogram in Coastal Resou rces Man agem en t establish ed in 1991 Borom th an arat, 1991. Im p lem en ted th rou gh its Coastal Resou rces In stitu te CORIN, th e cu rricu la ou t- lin ed a m u ltid iscip lin ary ap p roach . Zu lfigar 1993 in - d icated th at two Malaysian u n iversities, th e Agricu l- tu ral Un iversity UPM an d th e Malaysian Scien ce Un iversity USM exp ected to offer m aster’s d egree p rogram s in coastal zon e m an agem en t begin n in g in 1994. Th e p rop osed d u ration of th ese p rogram s is 18 to 24 m on th s. W h ile th e cu rricu lu m d evelop ed by UPM takes a m u ltid iscip lin ary an d gen eralized ap p roach , th e on e d evelop ed by USM p rovid es th e op p ortu n ity to sp ecialize in eith er p ollu tion stu d ies, coastal ecology, or aq u acu ltu re. Th ese top ics were selected based on th e cou n try’s n eed s. Th e Nation al Un iversity of Sin gap ore h as recen tly establish ed an in terd iscip lin ary con su lta- tive grou p on en viron m en tal issu es an d tech n ology, th u s p avin g th e way for it to con sid er m u ltid iscip lin ary d egree p rogram s su ch as ICM. In all typ es of train in g, th e ap p roach is to p rovid e train ees with in terd iscip lin ary skills so th ey can id en - tify an d im p lem en t ap p rop riate solu tion s to coastal zon e m an agem en t p roblem s an d ad op t p reven tive an d m itigatin g strategies, rath er th an train in g th em in m u ltid iscip lin ary or sin gle-d iscip lin e p rogram s. Hay 1993 ad vocates th e m atu ration of train in g p rogram s focu sin g on solu tion -orien ted ap p roach es, rath er th an sectoral p roblem id en tification an d q u an tification an d d evelop m en t of gen eralized ap p roach es. NETTLAP Th e Network for En viron m en tal Train in g at Tertiary Level in Asia-Pacific NETTLAP is a UNEP in itiative d e- sign ed to en h an ce th e cap acity of tertiary in stitu tion s in th e Asia-Pacific region to h elp m eet th e ed u cation an d train in g d em an d s associated with efforts to ach ieve su stain able d evelop m en t in th e region . Th e u ltim ate aim of th e p rogram is to stren gth en en viron - m en tal exp ertise at both th e tech n ical an d th e m an age- rial levels in th e region . Th is is to be ach ieved by in - creasin g th e en viron m en tal exp ertise of tertiary-level ed u cators an d , th rou gh th em , grad u ates of tertiary in - stitu tion s, d ecision m akers, an d p olicy form u lators in both govern m en t an d p rivate sector. Th e Network is com p rised of key tertiary-level en vi- ron m en tal in stitu tion s an d ed u cators th rou gh ou t th e ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 52 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS Asia-Pacific. It will d evelop an d ap p ly in n ovative m eth - od s in en viron m en tal train in g, id en tify n eed s, an d sh are kn owled ge th rou gh on goin g in teraction am on g n etwork p artn ers; p rep are an d d issem in ate in stru c- tion al m aterials, cu rricu la gu id elin es, an d train in g an d ed u cation al system s; an d con ven e tech n ical train in g sem in ars an d worksh op s. Th e p roject is im p lem en ted by UNEP ROAP, in collaboration with UNEP’s En viron - m en tal Ed u cation an d Train in g Un it EETU. It was in i- tiated in Jan u ary 1993 as th e secon d p h ase of an earlier activity arisin g from th e recom m en d ation s of th e Re- gion al Meetin g of Exp erts to Develop a Program m e of Action for En viron m en tal Ed u cation an d Train in g in Asia an d th e Pacific Ban gkok, Novem ber, 1985. With in th e p roject’s fram ework, th ree th em atic n et- works h ave been establish ed , each with a d ifferen t co- ord in ator an d su p p orted by two ad d ition al n etwork n od es. Th ese th em atic n etworks are Coastal Zon e Man - agem en t, En viron m en tal Econ om ics, an d Toxic Ch em i- cals an d Hazard ou s Wastes. Coord in ation of p roject ac- tivities is th rou gh n ation al focal p oin ts id en tified by p articip atin g cou n tries an d th rou gh sp ecialist focal p oin ts, on e for each Network th em e. It is en visaged th at m an y of th e id en tified con - strain ts to ICM train in g can be ad d ressed th rou gh th e Coastal Zon e Man agem en t Th em atic Network of NETTLAP. Th e id en tification of ap p rop riate train in g m aterials wh ich h ave been d evelop ed with in th e re- gion an d th eir wid e d issem in ation wou ld be on e logi- cal solu tion to assist coastal zon e m an agem en t ed u ca- tors establish effective an d m u ch -n eed ed train in g p rogram s. Su ch p rogram s wou ld sign ifican tly con trib- u te toward s p rod u cin g su fficien t n u m bers of train ed p erson n el eq u ip p ed to h an d le coastal zon e m an age- m en t p roblem s. Th e p roject n ow h as an establish ed n etwork of ter- tiary level ed u cators in coastal zon e m an agem en t, al- lowin g m em bers to com m u n icate an d exch an ge in for- m ation on m aterials an d cu rricu la wh ich h ave been d evelop ed an d u sed su ccessfu lly. Th rou gh th e Coord in atin g Bod y on th e Seas of East Asia COBSEA, an in tergovern m en tal organ ization th at ad vises UNEP on th e East Asian Seas Action Plan , two p rojects h ave been im p lem en ted to p rod u ce train - in g m aterials. Materials h ave been recen tly d evelop ed for th e m an agem en t staff of m arin e p rotected areas Ken ch in gton Ch ’n g, 1994, wh ile th ose for ICZM are bein g fin alized for p u blication in late 1995. REFERENCES Borom th an arat, S. 1991. Th e establish m en t of a Mas- ter of Scien ce d egree an d a d ip lom a cou rse in coastal resou rces m an agem en t: Prin ce of Son gkla Un iver- sity, Th ailan d . In T.E. Ch u a ed . Coastal area m an- agem ent education in the ASEAN region. Man ila, Ph il- ip p in es: In tern ation al Cen ter for Livin g Aq u atic Resou rces Man agem en t. Ch ou , L.M. 1994a. Marin e en viron m en tal issu es of Sou th east Asia: state an d d evelop m en t. Hydrobiologia, 285, 139-150. Ch ou , L.M. 1994. Novem ber-Decem berb. The role of tertiary institutions in integrated coastal zone m anage- m ent training. Pap er p resen ted at th e UNEP NETTLAP Train in g an d Resou rces Develop m en t Worksh op in Coastal Zon e Man agem en t, Kan d y, Sri Lan ka. Ch u a, T.E. Ed . 1991. Coastal area m anagem ent educa- tion in the ASEAN region. Man ila, Ph ilip p in es. In ter- n ation al Cen ter for Livin g Aq u atic Resou rces Man - agem en t. Ch u a, T.E. Garces, L.R. 1994. Marin e livin g re- sou rces m an agem en t in th e ASEAN region : lesson s learn ed an d th e in tegrated m an agem en t ap p roach . Hydrobiologia, 285, 257-270. Crawford , B.R. West, N. 1993, Ju ly. Professional training for international coastal resource m anagers. Pap er p resen ted at th e 8th Sym p osiu m on Coastal an d Ocean Man agem en t, New Orlean s, LA. Crawford , B.R., Cobb, J.S. Fried m an , A. 1993. Bu ild - in g cap acity for in tegrated coastal m an agem en t in d evelop in g cou n tries. Ocean and Coastal Manage- m ent, 21, 311-337. Dalu su n g, M.L. 1992. Post-train in g su rvey rep ort of th e ASEAN US coastal resou rce m an agem en t p roject. Tropical Coastal Area Managem ent. 63, 34-36. Econ om ic an d Social Com m ission for Asia an d th e Pacific ESCAP. 1992. State of th e en viron m en t in Asia an d th e Pacific 1990. ST ESCAP 917. Hay, J.E. 1993. Retrosp ective, con tem p orary an d p ro- sp ective views on train in g p rogram m es for in te- grated coastal zon e m an agem en t: a com p arative an alysis. In J.E. Hay an d L.M. Ch ou Ed s. Contribu- tions to training in coastal zone m anagem ent in the Asia-Pacific region and report of the first NETTLAP Resources Developm ent W orkshop for Education and Training at Tertiary Level in Coastal Zone Managem ent. Ban gkok: Network for En viron m en tal Train in g at Tertiary Level in Asia an d Pacific. Hay, J.E. Ch ou , L.M. Ed s. 1993. Contributions to training in coastal zone m anagem ent in the Asia-Pacific region and report of the first NETTLAP Resources Devel- opm ent W orkshop for Education and Training at Ter- tiary Level in Coastal Zone Managem ent. Ban gkok: ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 53 Network for En viron m en tal Train in g at Tertiary Level in Asia an d Pacific. Hay, J.E. Prad h an , M. Ed s. 1993. En viron m en tal train in g at tertiary level in th e Asia-Pacific region . In J.E. Hay an d L.M. Ch ou Ed s. Contributions to training in coastal zone m anagem ent in the Asia-Pacific region and report of the first NETTLAP Resources Devel- opm ent W orkshop for Education and Training at Ter- tiary Level in Coastal Zone Managem ent. Ban gkok: Network for En viron m en tal Train in g at Tertiary Level in Asia an d Pacific. Hay, J.E., Ch ou , L.M., Sh arp , B. Th om , N.G. 1994. En viron m en tal an d related issu es in th e Asia-Pacific region : im p lication s for tertiary-level en viron m en tal train in g. In J.E. Hay an d L.M. Ch ou Ed s. Contribu- tions to training in coastal zone m anagem ent in the Asia-Pacific region and report of the first NETTLAP Resources Developm ent W orkshop for Education and Training at Tertiary Level in Coastal Zone Managem ent. Ban gkok: Network for En viron m en tal Train in g at Tertiary Level in Asia an d Pacific. Ken ch in gton , R. 1993. Coastal zon e m an agem en t train in g p rogram m es for ed u cators, m an agers an d th e p u blic. In J.E. Hay an d L.M. Ch ou Ed s. Contri- butions to training in coastal zone m anagem ent in the Asia-Pacific region and report of the first NETTLAP Resources Developm ent W orkshop for Education and Training at Tertiary Level in Coastal Zone Managem ent. Ban gkok: Network for En viron m en tal Train in g at Tertiary Level in Asia an d Pacific. Ken ch in gton , R. Ch ’n g, K.L. Ed s.. 1994. Staff train in g m aterials for th e m an agem en t of m arin e p rotected areas. RCU EAS Tech n ical Rep orts Series No. 4. Ban gkok: UNEP. McMan u s, L.T. 1993. Train in g n eed s in an d teach in g cu rricu la for coastal zon e m an agem en t in th e Asia- Pacific. In J.E. Hay an d L.M. Ch ou Ed s. Contribu- tions to training in coastal zone m anagem ent in the Asia-Pacific region and report of the first NETTLAP Resources Developm ent W orkshop for Education and Training at Tertiary Level in Coastal Zone Managem ent, p p . 15-24. Ban gkok: Network for En viron m en tal Train in g at Tertiary Level in Asia an d Pacific. Scu ra, L.F., Ch u a, T.E., Pid o, M.D. Paw, J.N. 1992. Lesson s for in tegrated coastal zon e m an agem en t: th e ASEAN exp erien ce. In T.E. Ch u a an d L.F. Scu ra Ed s. Integrative fram ework and m ethods for coastal area m anagem ent p p . 1-70. Man ila, Ph ilip p in es: In tern ation al Cen ter for Livin g Aq u atic Resou rces Man agem en t . Zu lfigar Y. 1993. Coastal zon e m an agem en t train in g in Malaysia. In J.E. Hay an d L.M. Ch ou Ed s. Contri- butions to training in coastal zone m anagem ent in the Asia-Pacific region and report of the first NETTLAP Resources Developm ent W orkshop for Education and Training at Tertiary Level in Coastal Zone Managem ent p p . 143-148. Ban gkok: Network for En viron m en tal Train in g at Tertiary Level in Asia an d Pacific. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 54 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS TRAINING FOR INTEGRATED COASTAL MANAGEMENT: A REVIEW OF TREND S, ISSUES, AND AP P ROACH ES FOR TH E 2 1 ST CENTURY Brian Craw fo rd Coastal Resou rces Cen ter Th e Un iversity of Rh od e Islan d Narragan sett, RI, U.S.A. ABSTRACT In the wake of the Earth Sum m it, there has been an explosion of international integrated coastal m anagem ent ICM initiatives along with a com m ensurate increase in international training courses and networks. Unlike m any developed countries, degree program s in ICM do not yet exist in developing countries. However, m any are expected to be established in the near future. Until significant num bers of degree program s are established in developing countries, the dem and for short-term training in ICM will rem ain high. Efforts now em phasize group-based intensive training courses in planning and m anagem ent for governm ent adm inistrators. Rapid expansion of training initiatives is ham pered by the sm all num ber of experienced practitioner-trainers and the lack of packaged ICM m aterials. In the absence of an accepted paradigm for ICM and an associated set of tools, training curriculum and trainers m ust be able to adapt to a changing context. N ew inform ation and telecom m unication technology for global distance learning program s in ICM could expand the base of practitioners. T he case study approach for teaching ICM needs to be used m ore extensively and training activities should be m ore closely linked to ongoing ICM field initiatives and program s. Year Number of Courses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 BACKGROUND Th e Un ited Nation s Con feren ce on En viron m en t an d Develop m en t ou tlin ed an am bitiou s agen d a for in - tegrated m an agem en t an d su stain able d evelop m en t of coastal an d m arin e areas. Agen d a 21, Ch ap ter 17 calls for coastal n ation s to p rovid e h u m an resou rce d evelop - m en t an d train in g 17.6k. In ad d ition , cap acity bu ild in g an d h u m an resou rce d evelop m en t are con sid - ered th e m ajor m ean s of im p lem en tation : “17.15 Coastal States should prom ote and facilitate the or- ganization of education and training in integrated coastal and m arine m anagem ent and sustainable developm ent...” “17.16 ...capacity building should be included in bilateral and m ultilateral developm ent cooperation. Coastal States m ay consider, in ter alai .... f Prom oting and facilitating hum an resource developm ent and education ...” UNCED, 1992 In th e wake of th e Earth Su m m it UNCED II, th ere h as been in creasin g in terest am on g coastal states con - cern in g in tegrated coastal m an agem en t ICM as well as in creasin g d on or in terest. Th is h as been d em on - strated by an in crease in d on or p rojects an d n ation al p rogram s in ICM. Com m en su rate with th is in crease in p rogram s, th e n u m ber of region al an d in tern ation al train in g p rogram s is also in creasin g see Fig. 1. In Figure 1. In tern ation al Coastal Man agem en t Train in g Cou rses So u rce: Crawfo rd , et . al., 1994 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 55 resp on se to Agen d a 21, th e UN h as also in itiated sev- eral train in g n etworks NETTLAP, TRAIN-SEACOAST to d evelop an d sh are train in g m aterials an d bu ild ICM train in g an d ed u cation al cap acity. UNITED STATES EXPERIENCE Two d ecad es ago in th e Un ited States, a sim ilar ex- p losion of coastal m an agem en t in itiatives was sp awn ed wh en th e Fed eral Coastal Zon e Man agem en t Program was establish ed . Th is p rogram facilitated th e p rolifera- tion of local, state coastal zon e m an agem en t CZM p rogram s. Du rin g th is sam e p eriod , th e Law of th e Sea was bein g n egotiated an d oth er im p ortan t U.S. en vi- ron m en tal legislation was p assed , su ch as th e Clean Air Act an d th e Clean Water Act. Th is gen erated a n eed for train ed m an p ower, p eop le with th e kn owled ge an d skills to p lan , m an age, an d ad m in ister th ese p rogram s. U.S. u n iversities establish ed d egree p rogram s an d sp e- cialization s in m arin e affairs an d coastal zon e m an age- m en t as a way to p rovid e th is m an p ower. Th ere was very little coastal m an agem en t exp erien ce to d raw on wh en d esign in g th ese acad em ic p rogram s two d ecad es ago. Fu rth erm ore, th ere was n o trad ition in govern - m en t to train existin g m an p ower th rou gh sh ort-term in ten sive cou rses as th ere is n ow in th e in tern ation al d evelop m en t com m u n ity. In itially, p rofession als from trad ition al acad em ic d iscip lin es, su ch as law, ocean ograp h y, an d p lan n in g, were called on to fill coastal m an agem en t p osition s. Togeth er, with a grou p of acad em ics also from trad i- tion al backgrou n d s wh o were bu ild in g m u ltid iscip li- n ary d egree p rogram s, th ey p ion eered th e coastal m an - agem en t p rofession . Ch an ges in u n iversity p rogram s in th e 1980s in clu d ed d evelop m en t of coastal zon e m an - agem en t sp ecialization s with in m an y m arin e affairs p rogram s. Th is em p h asis in creased stu d en t in terest in th e field . In ad d ition , cen ters an d in stitu tes were cre- ated to p rovid e sp ecialized services to govern m en t an d th e gen eral p u blic th rou gh ou treach p rogram s in ed u - cation , ap p lied research , an d tech n ical assistan ce. De- gree p rogram s oth er th an m arin e affairs, su ch as ocean - ograp h y an d en viron m en tal scien ces, started d evelop in g CZM d egree sp ecialization s as well. TABLE 1: UNIVERSITY DEGREE PROGRAMS OFFERING A SPECIALIZATION IN COASTAL MANAGEMENT Un iv ersity Co un try Degrees Bo u rn em o u th Po lyt ech n ic UK M.Sc. Co ast al Zon e Man agem en t Dalh o u ise Un iversity Can ad a Master’s o f En viro n m en tal Scien ce Master’s of Marin e Man agem en t Du ke Un iversity USA Master’s o f En viro n m en tal Man agem en t with a sp ecializat io n in co astal en viro n m en tal m an agem en t Flo rid a In stitu te o f Tech n o lo gy USA M.S. O cean o grap h y, a co ast al zo n e m an agem en t o p tion Mid d le East Tech n ical Un iversit y Tu rkey M.S. Coast al Zon e Man agem en t p ro p o sed 1994-5 No va Un iversity USA M.S. O cean Scien ce wit h a sp ecialt y in co ast al zo n e m an agem en t O regon State Un iversity USA M.S. Marin e Reso u rce Man agem en t with a sp ecializat io n in o cean an d co astal reso u rces m an agem en t Prin ce of Son gkla Un iversity Th ailan d M.S. Coastal Zo n e Man agem en t Un iversid ad Au to n om a d e Baja Californ ia Mexico Po st-Bach elor’s Certificate Marin e Resou rce Man agem en t M.S. Co astal Zo n e Man agem en t p ro p o sed 1995 Un iversity of Delaware USA Ph .D. in Marin e Po licy Stu d ies, Master’s in Marin e Policy M.M.P. Un iversity of Malta Malt a M.A. Coast al an d O cean Man agem en t p ro p o sed Un iversity of Massach u setts USA Ph .D., M.S. En viro n m en tal Scien ce Un iversity of Newcastle Up on Tyn e UK M.Sc. Tro p ical Co astal Man agem en t Un iversity of North Carolin a USA Master’s of Regio n al Plan n in g Un iversiti Pertan ian Malaysia M.Sc. Co astal Zon e Man agem en t p ro p o sed 1995 Un iversity of Rh od e Islan d USA B.A., M.M.A, M.A.M.A Marin e Affairs Un iversiti Sain s Malaysia M.Sc. Co astal Zon e Man agem en t p ro p o sed 1995 Un iversity of Tech n ology, Syd n ey Au st ralia Master’s in Ap p lied Scien ce Coastal Reso u rces Man agem en t Un iversity of West Florid a USA M.P.A Po lit ical Scien ce, M.S. Bio lo gy Source: Ad ap t ed an d u p d at ed fro m Crawfo rd , et . al., 1993 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 56 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS CURRENT TRENDS WORLDWIDE Coastal m an agem en t d egree p rogram s are begin n in g to becom e establish ed in Can ad a, th e Un ited Kin gd om , an d Au stralia. Man y of th ese d egree p rogram s h ave a large p ercen tage of in tern ation al stu d en ts, as sim ilar p rogram s d o n ot yet exist ou tsid e of a few d evelop ed cou n tries. Th e sam e growth of d egree p rogram s seen in d evelop ed cou n tries is startin g to occu r in th e rest of th e world , wh ere a h an d fu l of ICM d egree p rogram s h ave been p rop osed see Table 1. However, th e con text in wh ich th is is occu rrin g is som ewh at d ifferen t. • Th ere is a sm all bu t growin g bod y of d evelop in g cou n try exp erien ce wh ere socioecon om ic, p olitical, in stitu tion al, d em ograp h ic, tech n ical, an d h u m an resou rce con texts are often q u ite d ifferen t from d evelop ed cou n tries. • Th e U.S. h as two d ecad es of exp erien ce th at oth er n ation s can d raw from —th e en viron m en tal issu es are sim ilar alth ou gh th e in stitu tion al con text is d ifferen t. Iron ically, th e U.S. is m ovin g toward a p arad igm sim ilar to d evelop in g cou n tries with lim ited govern m en t fin an ces, less of a regu latory com m an d an d con trol ap p roach , an d a su stain able d evelop m en t p h ilosop h y. • In d evelop in g cou n tries, d on ors an d n ation al gov- ern m en ts are willin g to in vest in in ten sive train in g of workin g p rofession als as a sh ort-term an swer to m eetin g m an p ower n eed s. • Man y u n iversities in d evelop in g cou n tries, like th eir govern m en ts, d o n ot h ave th e sam e level of fin an c- in g an d tech n ical exp ertise as d oes th e Un ited States. Un iversities in th e Un ited States are facin g fin an cial h ard sh ip s, d own sizin g, an d reth in kin g ICM ed u cation al p rogram s. Th e exp losion of ICM p rogram s in d evelop in g cou n - tries, accelerated by Agen d a 21, h as created an im m ed i- ate d em an d for ICM p rofession als. In th e sh ort term , th is d em an d is bein g m et with in creased train in g p ro- gram s targeted at region al an d in tern ation al au d ien ces TABLE 2: PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMS IN COASTAL MANAGEMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPANTS. Title Organ izatio n Date Duratio n Train in g Sites Coastal Resou rce Man agem en t Plan n in g SPREP ESCAP 2 weeks 1987, 88 Sou th Pacific In tern ation al Sem in ar on Coastal Parks Un iversity of Miam i, 3-4 weeks 1989, 91 Florida, USA an d Protected Areas Nation al Parks Service Costa Rica Su m m er In stitu te in Coastal Man agem en t Un iversity of Rh ode Islan d, 4 weeks 1991, 92, 94 Rh ode Islan d, USA USAID Sem in ar on Coastal Zon e Man agem en t In tern ation al In stitu te for 4 weeks 1991, 92. 93, 94 Delft, Th e Neth erlan ds In frastru ctu ral, Hydrau lic an d En viron m en tal En gin eerin g System s of En viron m en tal Man agem en t Kyoto Un iversity 10 weeks 1991, 92, 93, 94 Jap an of En closed Coastal Sea Hyogo Prefectu re, JICA Coastal Zon e En viron m en tal Plan n in g Asian In stitu te of Tech n ology 13 weeks 1991,92 Ban gkok, Th ailan d Sp ecial Area Man agem en t for Un iversity of Rh ode Islan d, 2 weeks 1992-PSU, Th ailan d Th ailan d Coastal En viron m en ts USAID, an d Coop eratin g 1993-94-ESPOL, Ecu ador Ecu ador Region al Un iversities 1993-Sillim an Un iv., Ph il. Ph ilip p in es Ecology an d Man agem en t of Un iversidad Au ton om a 4 weeks 1992, 93, 94 Mexico Trop ical Estu aries de Cam p ech e, Mexico In tern ation al Cou rse on UNIDO-ICS, 2 weeks 1992 Italy Coastal Zon e Man agem en t Un iversity of Padova Coastal Zon e Man agem en t as a In tern ation al Ocean 10 weeks 1993 In dia Su stain able Program In stitu te, UNDP In tegrated Coastal Resou rces Prin ce of Son gkla Un iversity 3 weeks 1993, 94 Hatyai, Th ailan d Man agem en t Plan n in g Coastal Zon e Man agem en t with a In tern ation al Ocean 8 weeks 1994 Malta Focu s on Sm all Islan ds In stitu te, UNDP Coastal En viron m en tal Man agem en t Macq u arie Un iv. 7 weeks 1994 Au stralia MEDCOAST In stitu te MEDCOAST In itiative 4 weeks 1994 Tu rkey Middle East Tech . Un iv. Crawfo rd , et . al. 1993; Dalu su n g, 1991 as well as UN o rgan izat io n s UNDP DGIP-DO ALO S, 1994; Hay Ch o u , 1993; SPREP, 1987, 1988. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 57 see Table 2. In ad d ition , ICM train in g is also exp lod - in g at th e local an d n ation al level in cou n tries, su ch as th e Ph ilip p in es, Ecu ad or, an d Sri Lan ka, wh ere sign ifi- can t ICM p rogram s h ave been establish ed . It can be ar- gu ed th at th e exp losion of train in g in itiatives d irected at d evelop in g cou n tries is p artially th e resu lt of local u n iversities n ot p rovid in g grad u ates with th e ap p rop ri- ate kn owled ge an d skills req u ired to fill n ew p osition s as in tegrated coastal p lan n ers an d m an agers. In all fair- n ess, u n iversity d egree p rogram s can n ot be establish ed overn igh t. Th is u n d erscores th e n eed to in crease th e cap acity of a u n iversity, in clu d in g facu lty d evelop - m en t, to create ICM ed u cation al p rogram s in d evelop - in g cou n tries for th e lon g term . Un til su ch p rogram s are establish ed , d em an d for skilled ICM p ractition ers in d evelop in g cou n tries will con tin u e to be m et th rou gh sh ort-term train in g p rogram s, on -th e-job train in g, an d by u n iversity grad u ates from d evelop ed cou n tries. Tren d s su ggest th at th ere will be a con tin u ed n eed for a large n u m ber of ICM train in g in itiatives over th e n ext five to ten years. In ad d ition , th e n u m ber of local an d n ation al train in g in itiatives will u n d ou bted ly con - tin u e to grow. Mid -career train in g of ICM p rofession als will also be req u ired sin ce ICM is a n ew an d em ergin g field an d th e p arad igm , m eth od s, an d tech n iq u es are still d evelop in g an d ch an gin g. Up d atin g p ractition ers will also be n ecessary as a larger bod y of exp erien ce is assem bled an d tech n ological ad van cem en ts are m ad e. Given th is p rojected growth an d th e tren d s in ICM train in g an d ed u cation al p rogram s, a n u m ber of issu es n eed to be con sid ered in clu d in g: • Train in g of train ers an d facu lty d evelop m en t • Materials d evelop m en t to su p p ort train in g an d ed u cation al p rogram s • Im p lication s of a ch an gin g an d evolvin g ICM p arad igm an d associated set of tools • Lin kages between train in g p rogram s an d em ergin g ed u cation al d egree p rogram s • Th e role of evolvin g com m u n ication an d com p u ter- based learn in g tech n ology • Coord in ation am on g cu rren t train in g an d ed u ca- tion al p rovid ers to m axim ize fin an cial in vestm en ts in ICM train in g TRAINING APPROACHES A review an d com p arison of cu rren t ap p roach es to ICM train in g can h elp p rovid e in sigh ts in to th e fu tu re d irection s n eed ed as th e p rofession grows an d looks to- ward s th e 21st cen tu ry. Sp ecial atten tion is given in th is section to th e Coastal Resou rces Cen ter’s train in g ap p roach . Th ere is a growin g bod y of literatu re d ocu - m en tin g ICM train in g exp erien ce. Th is in clu d es m ajor in itiatives by USAID. Th e m ajority of train in g in itiatives at th e region al an d in tern ation al level in volve in ten sive sh ort-term train in g cou rses from on e to several weeks. Typ ically, th ese cou rses are con d u cted in con ju n ction with a u n i- versity, u tilizin g th eir facilities as well as d rawin g h eavily on th eir tech n ical exp ertise as cou rse facu lty for m ore tech n ically orien ted cou rses. Particip an ts h ave been scien tists an d sp ecialists. More typ ically, h owever, cou rses focu s on th e n eed s of d ecision m akers an d gov- ern m en t m an agers. To a lesser exten t, p articip an ts from NGOs an d th e p rivate sector h ave been rep re- sen ted . However, in m an y n ation al an d local train in g in itiatives th at are p art of larger ICM p rogram s, u ser grou p s an d NGOs are better rep resen ted . Con ten t var- ies from en viron m en tal im p act assessm en t, m arin e p rotected area m an agem en t, coral reef m on itorin g an d assessm en t, to coastal m an agem en t an d p lan n in g. Cou rses ten d to h ave eith er a tech n ical an d scien tific orien tation , or a p lan n in g an d m an agem en t orien tation . Two m ajor USAID coastal m an agem en t p rogram s, wh ich h ave in corp orated several field sites, h ave u sed a large variety of train in g ap p roach es in clu d in g d egree train in g, on -th e-job train in g, worksh op s, con feren ces, as well as sh ort-term in ten sive train in g cou rses. Sh ort- term grou p -based train in g cou rses seem to be th e m ost freq u en t m od e of train in g for local field ICM p rogram s. It is d ifficu lt to com p are train in g m eth od ologies u sed in region al an d in tern ation al cou rses becau se th ey are n ot m en tion ed m u ch in th e available literatu re. Man y cou rses seem to take a typ ical acad em ic ap - p roach with lectu res, read in g assign m en ts an d field trip s, as well as th e u se of a large n u m ber of facu lty from variou s d iscip lin es to d eliver th e p ieces of an in terd iscip lin ary cu rricu lu m . Man y in d ivid u als in volved with th e URI-USAID Coastal Resou rce Man agem en t Program CRMP field p rogram s are also in volved in th e Coastal Resou rces Cen ter CRC in tern ation al cou rses, an d in d ivid u als wh o were in volved with th e USAID-Association of Sou th east Asian Nation s ASEAN CRMP are active in th e Network for En viron m en tal Train in g at Tertiary Level in Asia Pacific NETTLAP. Th is su ggests th at p ro- fession als with exp erien ce in ICM p lan n in g an d m an - agem en t are th e m ost ap p rop riate train ers an d ed u ca- tors. Tech n ical exp ertise, h owever, d oes n ot m ean in d ivid u als n ecessarily h ave stron g cap abilities to teach . Th e Coastal Resou rces Cen ter CRC h as created worksh op s to d evelop p rofession als with ICM tech n ical an d field exp ertise. Th e worksh op s p rovid e th em with an ad d ition al set of skills in train in g m eth od s, cou rse an d cu rricu lu m d evelop m en t, an d facilitation tech - n iq u es. We refer to su ch in d ivid u als as p ractition er- train ers. Th ese in d ivid u als, or p ractition er-train ers, are th en u sed as core train ers in region al an d in tern ation al train in g cou rses. CRC h as also borrowed from train in g ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 58 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS ap p roach es u sed in oth er field s su ch as p u blic h ealth an d bu sin ess m an agem en t. Th ese ap p roach es in volve bu ild in g th e an alytic an d p roblem -solvin g ability of p articip an ts by exam in in g case stu d ies of actu al ICM p rogram s, issu es, an d situ ation s, in a p articip atory an d exp erien tial m an n er. Th is ap p roach is also bein g u sed in th e field of su stain able agricu ltu re. Stan ford 1994 m akes a d istin ction between “d ecision cases”, in volv- in g issu es an d resolu tion s, as op p osed to d escrip tive or d ocu m en tary cases. CRC cou rses con cen trate on th e form er ap p roach . At th e p roject level, train in g ap p roach es n eed greater atten tion . In n ew field in itiatives in East Africa, CRC is lin kin g train in g worksh op s closely to field work as a way to d eliver tech n ical assistan ce. Th e goal is to d esign session s based on tasks th at are req u ired to be carried ou t by in teragen cy p roject team s. W h at is learn ed from th ese train in g session s is th en im m ed iately ap p lied to on -goin g work. Th e fish eries sector p roject in th e Ph il- ip p in es u ses a sim ilar ap p roach in d evelop in g bay m an - agem en t p lan s W h ite an d Lop ez, 1991. CRC is also d e- velop in g a n ew in tern ation al cou rse with th is ap p roach in m in d . Th is collaborative effort am on g CRC, USAID, an d th e U.S. En viron m en tal Protection Agen cy exam - in es U.S. exp erien ce in bay an d estu arin e m an agem en t as it ap p lies to sim ilar in tern ation al m an agem en t in itia- tives. By extractin g lesson s from U.S. exp erien ce th rou gh case stu d ies, p articip an ts from a selected grou p of sim ilar p rogram s m ay ap p ly an d ad ap t th ese p rin - cip les d irectly to th eir own situ ation s. As cu rren tly d e- sign ed , p articip an ts will con stan tly review th eir own p rogram situ ation s th rou gh ou t th e cou rse, con trastin g th em to U.S. case exp erien ces. ISSUES FOR ICM TRAINING Th ere are n ot m an y exp erien ced p ractition ers, an d th eir services in m an agem en t p rogram s are in h igh d e- m an d . Th erefore, th e n eed for ICM train in g cou rses an d train ers is h igh . Hen ce, th e exten t to wh ich th is sm all grou p of exp erien ced p ractition ers can be d rawn on as train ers an d ed u cators is lim ited , m akin g it d iffi- cu lt to con d u ct en ou gh train in g p rogram s to fill th e d em an d . Region al an d in tern ation al train in g p rogram s are tau gh t in sm all grou p settin gs. Th is ap p roach slows th e rate at wh ich n ew ICM p ractition ers can be d evel- op ed as on ly a lim ited n u m ber of sp aces are available in th ese cou rses. Th e costs, in clu d in g travel, lod gin g, an d in stru ction al fees are relatively h igh . Bu ild in g u p a world wid e gu ild of ICM p ractition ers is fu rth er com p li- cated by th e fact th at ICM is a n ew an d em ergin g field with ou t a gen erally accep ted p arad igm or an associated set of tools an d m eth od s. Exp erts can n ot even agree on wh at to call th e field —in tegrated coastal m an agem en t, coastal ecosystem m an agem en t, coastal area m an age- m en t, or coastal zon e m an agem en t—let alon e wh at sh ou ld be tau gh t. As th e ICM p arad igm ch an ges an d evolves, th e con ten t an d cu rricu la of ICM cou rses m u st keep p ace. Th is req u ires th at train ers an d facu lty keep u p with d evelop m en ts in th e field . In ad d ition , th ere is th e q u estion abou t th e h eterogen eity for ICM from p lace to p lace with in a n ation as well as am on g n ation s an d region s of th e world . Th e U.S. exp erien ce illu s- trates th is. W h ile each state follows establish ed fed eral gu id elin es, th ey h ave d evelop ed a sp ecific ap p roach an d p lan , d ifferen t d u e to varyin g resou rces an d en vi- ron m en tal issu es, in stitu tion al stru ctu res, p olitics, cu l- tu re, an d econ om ies. How m u ch of ICM is d irectly tran sferable? How m u ch m u st be ad ap ted an d crafted to a p lace, an d h ow can p eop le be tau gh t to d o it? Th ere are several strategies for d ealin g with th ese p roblem s. Th e CRC ap p roach of d evelop in g train er- p ractition ers p rovid es flexibility in ad ap tin g train in g d esign s to th e n eed s of th e p articip an ts an d to local situ ation s in varyin g localities. Th is strategy accom m o- d ates rap id cu rricu lu m ch an ges as th e state of ICM ad - van ces. Th is train er-d ep en d en t ap p roach , h owever, re- q u ires h igh ly exp erien ced ICM p ractition ers with skills in train in g, a com bin ation th at is in sh ort su p p ly. An - oth er in terestin g ap p roach bein g taken by TRAIN-SEA- COAST em p h asizes d evelop in g valid ated , p ackaged , train in g m od u les th at can be sh ared with oth er train - in g p rofession als with in th e global n etwork. Th is strat- egy d issem in ates in form ation an d m aterials rap id ly. However, it raises q u estion s as to wh eth er th e u ser is q u alified to teach th e su bject. Materials m ay h ave to u n d ergo sign ifican t revision s to be relevan t for a local con text. Rap id ad van ces in th e field req u ire th at m ate- rials be u p d ated con tin u ally. It is clear th at n eith er of th ese ap p roach es is id eal. A d iversified , m u ltifaceted ap p roach m ay be best. Th e Un iversity of th e Sou th Pacific h as u sed d is- tan ce learn in g to reach ou t to isolated an d wid ely sep a- rated com m u n ities th rou gh ou t th e Sou th Pacific in a variety of su bjects. Man y u n iversities in th e U.S. are com bin in g th e trad ition al d istan ce learn in g ap p roach of corresp on d en ce cou rses with n ew in form ation an d telecom m u n ication tech n ologies, m akin g p rogram s in teractive an d so th at th ey coin cid e with “real tim e.” For in stan ce, Nation al Tech n ical Un iversity d elivers ad van ced ed u cation al p rogram s to en gin eers, scien tists, an d m an agers at th eir work p lace so th at th ey can earn a m aster’s of scien ce d egree. Forty-five p articip atin g u n iversities teach cou rses wh ich are broad cast via satellite to m ore th an 300 sites arou n d th e n ation . Th e JASON Project, th e brain ch ild of Dr. Robert Ballard , u ses real-tim e in teractive satellite com m u n ication to broad cast—all over th e world —exp loration s of scien ce, tech n ology, an d th e en viron m en t. Th ese tran sm ission s are broad cast to sch ool ch ild ren in several n ation s. ICM train in g at th e in tern ation al, region al, an d n ation al levels h as n ot attem p ted to u tilize th is ap p roach on a wid e-scale basis. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 59 LOOKING TOWARD THE 21ST CENTURY Th e fu tu re m ean s ch an ge—ch an ges in th e con d ition of ou r coastal resou rces an d en viron m en ts, ch an ges in p op u lation , ch an ges in tech n ology, ch an ges in ou r soci- eties an d way of life, an d ch an ges in th e ICM p arad igm . An ICM ed u cation an d train in g strategy m u st in corp o- rate ch an ge as a p art of th e op eratin g en viron m en t. We m u st con tin u ally exam in e wh ere we are an d wh ere we are goin g, both from th e stan d p oin t of ICM as a p rofes- sion , as well as h ow it is tau gh t an d learn ed . Tech n o- logical ad van ces will con tin u e to offer n ew an d in n ova- tive m ean s to lin k p ractition ers an d acad em ics closer togeth er an d in m ore cost-effective ways. Alread y th e In tern et, World Wid e Web an d MBONE p rovid e real- tim e com m u n ication at a very low cost. Th e tech n ology for in teractive telecom m u n ication s, allowin g visu al an d au d io lin ks th rou gh p erson al com p u ters, is available an d in exp en sive. By th e en d of th e d ecad e, n ew low-or- bit satellite n etworks will allow th e u se of p ortable th e size of a briefcase u p -lin k an d d own -lin k eq u ip m en t, available at th e sam e cost as a p erson al com p u ter, to be u sed from virtu ally an y location on th e p lan et. Th ese n ew tech n ologies offer th e op p ortu n ity to in crease in - form ation exch an ge, d iscu ssion s, an d d ebates ch eap er an d faster th an ever th rou gh p erson -to-p erson con tacts at train in g cou rses, con feren ces, an d tech n ical assis- tan ce m ission s d elivered th rou gh th e cen tu ry-old tech - n ology of th e airp lan e. Th is is n ot th e d eath kn ell for trad ition al form s of teach in g. It d oes, h owever, create cost-effective ways to facilitate learn in g with a larger grou p of p rofession als. Th e ICM com m u n ity can establish a “virtu al u n iver- sity” wh ere cou rses are tau gh t by sp ecialists in several d ifferen t n ation s at several d ifferen t u n iversities, an d stu d en ts can log-on from an y n ation . Acad em ic cred its can be offered by several u n iversities, an d , even tu ally, stu d en ts can be award ed a d egree in coastal m an age- m en t from on e of th e p articip atin g m em ber u n iversit ies. On e of th e m ost effective ways to learn is th rou gh exp erien ce. Virtu al reality or cybersp ace is n o su bsti- tu te for real lesson s h on ed from on -th e-grou n d field exp erien ce. On -th e-job train in g an d in tern sh ip s be- tween m ore m atu re an d you n ger p rogram s is an u n d eru tilized ap p roach an d n eed s to be revisited . As th e n u m ber of p rogram s exp an d , th e cap ability of m an agin g in creasin g n u m bers of in tern sh ip s an d ex- ch an ges will also exp an d . Train in g an d ed u cation m u st resu lt in real ch an ges with in in d ivid u als on -site, th e or- gan ization s for wh om th ey work, an d in th e q u ality of life of p eop le in coastal region s. Th is is th e u ltim ate goal of all ICM train in g efforts. Sin ce th e h u m an race con tin u es to m ake th e sam e m istakes over an d over again , exp erien ce alon e is n o in d icator th at learn in g h as actu ally taken p lace. Ed u cators m u st work closely with p ractition ers to facilitate learn in g from th eir exp e- rien ce, h elp oth ers learn h ow to learn , an d p u rsu e th e m ean s by wh ich we d raw lesson s from th e growin g bod y of world wid e ICM exp erien ce. W h ile th ere h as been a p roliferation of ICM train in g at th e region al an d in tern ation al level, m ore activities sh ou ld be m oved d own to th e local an d n ation al level. Peter Block, a lead in g m an agem en t gu ru su ggests th at train in g m u st focu s on th e grou p or th e team of in d i- vid u als wh o are closest to th e work. Th e m ore train in g is lin ked to work on -site, th e closer we get to real p rob- lem s, an d th e easier d irect ap p lication s of learn in g will be. Ultim ately, th is will also m ake train in g m ore cost effective an d will relate it m ore d irectly to im p rovin g coastal con d ition s. Train in g bu d gets are u su ally a sm all p ortion of in sti- tu tion al bu d gets. Becau se ad m in istrators are often in - terested on ly in wh eth er train in g h as been con d u cted , an y elaborate evalu ation or follow-u p are typ ically con - sid ered lu xu ries th at a p rogram can n ot afford . How- ever, evalu ation an d follow-u p are essen tial to d em on - strate th at in vestm en ts in train in g are h avin g an im p act. Mu ch m ore atten tion n eed s to be given to evalu ation of train in g, p articu larly as ICM train in g ac- tivities in crease. At th e very m in im u m , ICM p ractition ers m u st be agile p roblem solvers wh o can work in a variety of situ - ation s. Th ey m u st be th e eq u ivalen t of th e MBA in th e bu sin ess world , or th e d octor or n u rse in a h osp ital. In th ese p rofession s, th e case stu d y m eth od of teach in g h as p roven h igh ly effective. A sim ilar ap p roach n eed s to be ad op ted m ore wid ely with in th e ICM train in g an d acad em ic com m u n ity. Cou rses em p h asize tech n ical tools an d p lan n in g ap - p roach es. Over tim e, m ore em p h asis n eed s to be p laced on a d iversified con ten t in clu d in g m an agem en t, ad - m in istration , an d evalu ation . In ad d ition , m ore cou rses will be n eed ed th at con cen trate on sp ecific ICM issu es. Th e n eed to exp an d m ore sp ecialized train in g in areas su ch as econ om ic valu ation an d an alysis can also be exp ected . As cou rses becom e m ore sp ecialized , th e cli- en ts of su ch p rogram s will also becom e m ore d iverse an d sp ecialized . Th e p rivate sector h as n ot been in - volved m u ch in ICM train in g in itiatives, an d closer ex- am in ation of th eir con tribu tion s an d n eed s is m erited . Lastly, a m ajor ch allen ge will be to d eal with th e d i- verse view th at con stitu tes th e ICM p arad igm . Even tu - ally, we will n eed to m ove from d iscu ssion s of p h ilo- sop h ical ap p roach es of su stain able d evelop m en t, p u blic p articip ation , an d tech n ocratic ap p roach es, to th e n u ts an d bolts of h ow to m ake su ch con cep ts work. In th e m ean tim e, we n eed to learn h ow to d eal with d i- verse viewp oin ts an d u n d erstan d th at th is is a m ovin g target. For n ew p ractition ers, th is m ay be a con fou n d - in g h in d ran ce in tryin g to d iscover wh ich ap p roach es are best to ad op t for th eir own situ ation . On th e oth er h an d , d iverse ap p roach es from wh ich to ch oose m ay ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 60 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS TABLE 3: A FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSING UNIVERSITY CAPACITY IN INTEGRATED COASTAL MANAGEMENT Level o f Capacity Area In dicato r High Mo derate Lo w Faculty Edu cation al level of facu lty in Ph D’s Ph D’s Ph D’s CRM related program s 75 75 25 25 Facu lty Depts. in m u ltiple ICM disciplin es th ree disciplin e two disciplin e on e disciplin e n atu ral, social an d ap p lied scien ces grou p s grou p s grou p Educatio n al Pro gram s Level of degree p rogram s offered in Doctorates Masters Bach elors ICM related program s ICM related disciplin es tau gh t: All th ree th em e Two th em e On e or less Natu ral scien ce areas areas th em e area m arin e scien ce, ocean ograph y n atu ral, social, n atu ral, social, n atu ral, social, Ap p lied scien ce resou rce econ om ics, ap p lied ap p lied ap p lied pu blic adm in istration , coastal en gin eerin g, fish eries Social scien ce com m u n ity developm en t, social work, an th ropology ICM degree or ICM specialization Degree or degree At least on e No degree or with in a degree offered sp ecialization ICM cou rse tau gh t cou rses offered Service ICM related pu blic edu cation Service provided 1-2 service areas No service provided ou treach p rogram s in all th ree areas p rovided in th em e areas train in g of local govern m en t an d u ser grou ps TA, pu b. ed., train in g TA, pu b. ed., train in g tech n ical assistan ce for local n ation al govt. Po licy an d ICM Relevan t Research Natu ral scien ce research Research in all 3 Research in 2-3 Research in on e Social scien ce research th em e areas an d th em e areas or or less th em e areas Ap p lied scien ce research in terdiscip lin ary in terdiscip lin ary In terdiscip lin ary an d or stu dies stu dies in terdepartm en tal stu dies Multidisciplin ary “Cen ters” ICM related u n it in th e u n iversity th at Un it in tegrates 2 or Un it h as m ission in No u n it in tegrates edu cation , service an d research m ore m ission areas on ly on e th em e area in ICM Un iversity In frastructure Research an d exten sion su p p ort in frastru ctu re stron g m oderate p oor Fin an cial Co n sideratio n s Un iversity fin an cin g Un iversity Un iversity Un iversity an d or Nation al govern m en t fin an cin g govern m en t fin an cin g govern m en t fin an cin g govern m en t fin an cin g for ICM in creasin g for ICM stable or for ICM declin in g on ly on e in creasin g Ex o gen o us Facto rs Nation al program , plan or project Nation al ICM Su b-Nation al ICM No ICM program s, Su b-n ation al p lan s or p rojects p rogram s establish ed p rogram s, p lan s or p rojects with or with ou t establish ed bu t n o su b-n ation al plan s n ation al program s ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 61 be d esirable. Th e n eed for on goin g d ialogu es an d d e- bate in volvin g acad em ics an d p ractition ers is clearly n eed ed . Man y ICM con feren ces are n o m ore th an a rep ortage on p rojects an d p rogram s, with little effort at syn th esis or d ebate abou t th e p arad igm . Fu tu re work- sh op s on th is top ic are n eed ed . Un iversities h ave been th e trad ition al base for th e m ajority of ICM train in g as p art of th eir p u blic service role. Part of th e u n iversity’s trad ition al m ission is to con tribu te research an d p rovid e a focal p oin t for p ara- d igm d iscu ssion s. Un iversities, th erefore, are situ ated to brin g abou t sh ifts in p arad igm th in kin g an d to q u ickly d evelop n ew tools via on -goin g train in g of p ractition ers. For u n iversities to be cap able of ICM train in g, th ey m u st be in volved in ICM from th e m an y facets of th e u n iversity m ission , in clu d in g p u blic ser- vice, research , an d ed u cation . Table 3 p rovid es a fram e- work for assessin g u n iversity ICM cap acity. Stren gth en - in g u n iversities in ICM, th erefore, stren gth en s cap ability for sh ort-term ICM train in g an d can also ach ieve su stain able lon g-term ICM ed u cation al cap ac- ity. Ad van cem en t of ICM ed u cation an d train in g re- q u ires in creasin g d ialogu es an d p artn ersh ip s am on g u n iversities, govern m en t, NGOs, an d th e p rivate sector. En h an ced com m u n ication an d exch an ges am on g ed u - cators is also n eed ed . REFERENCES Crawford , B.C., San tos, J.L. an d DeMoran ville, M. 1994. Un iversity Partn ersh ip s: An Ap p roach to Collaborative In tern ation al Train in g. In P.G. Wells an d P.J. Ricketts. Ed s.. Coastal Zone Canada ‘94, Cooperation in the Coastal Zone, Vol. 2 p p . 745-756. Dartm ou th , N.S.: Coastal Zon e Can ad a Association . Crawford , B., Cobb, J.S. an d Fried m an , A. 1993. Bu ild - in g Cap acity for In tegrated Coastal Man agem en t in Develop in g Cou n tries. Ocean an d Coastal Man age- m en t, 21, 311-337. Dalusun g, M.D., 1991. Post-train in g survey report of th e ASEANUS Coastal Resources Man agem en t Project. In Tropical Coastal Area Managem ent, 14 3 34 - 37. Hay, J.E. Ch ou , L.M. 1993. Contributions to training in coastal zone m anagem ent in the Asia-Pacific region and report of the first NETTLAP Resources Developm ent W orkshop for Education and Training at Tertiary Level in Coastal Zone Managem ent. Ban gkok: Network for En viron m en tal Train in g at Tertiary Level in th e Asia an d Pacific. Report on the SPREPESCAP coastal resources m anagem ent planning training program m e 1987. Nou m ea, New Caled on ia: Sou th Pacific Com m ission . Report on the SPREPESCAP training course in coastal resources m anagem ent planning, Port Vila, Vanuatu, 8- 19 Febru ary 1988. Nou m ea, New Caled on ia: Sou th Pacific Com m ission . Stan ford , M.J., Crookston , R.K. , Davis, D.W. , Sim m on s, S.R. 1994. Decision cases for Agriculture. St. Pau l: Un iversity of Min n esota, Dep artm en t of Agron om y. UNCED. 1992. Ch ap ter 17: Protection of th e ocean s, all kin d s of seas, in clu d in g en closed an d sem i-en - closed seas, an d coastal areas an d th e p rotection , ration al u se an d d evelop m en t of th eir livin g re- sou rces. In Agen d a 21: p rogram m e of action for su stain able d evelop m en t; Rio Declaration on En vi- ron m en t an d Develop m en t. New York, NY: Un ited Nation s Dep t. of Pu blic In form ation . UNDP DPIG-DOALOS. 1994. Action Plan for Hu m an Resou rces Develop m en t an d Cap acity Bu ild in g for th e Plan n in g an d Man agem en t of Coastal an d Ma- rin e Areas, 1993-1997. Un ited Nation s Develop m en t Program m e, Division for Global an d In terregion al Program s, an d , Division of Ocean Affairs an d th e Law of th e Sea, Office of Legal Affairs. 58p . W h ite, A. Lop ez, N. 1991. Coastal resou rces m an - agem en t p lan n in g an d im p lem en tation for th e Fish - ery Sector Program of th e Ph ilip p in es. In O.T. Magoon , H. Con verse, V. Tip p ie, L.T. Tobin D. Clark. Ed s. Coastal zone ‘91 p p . 762-775. New York: Am erican Society of Civil En gin eers. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 62 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS CAPACITY BUILD ING AT A GRAD UATE LEVEL ED UCATIONAL P ROGRAM IN COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT: A CASE STUD Y OF TH E AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF BAJA CALIFORNIA, ENSENAD A CAMP US, MÉXICO Jo sé Luis Ferm án -Alm ada Lo ren zo Gó m ez-Mo rin Fuen tes Ilean a Espejel Carbajal David W. Fisch er Un iversid ad Au ton om a d e Baja Californ ia En sen ad a, Baja Californ ia, Mexico ABSTRACT T his paper exam ines the experience of the Universidad Autonom a de Baja California in developing educational program s in coastal m anagem ent. Several degree and non-degree program s are offered through the Marine Sciences School which includes a certificate program at the post-bachelor’s level in Marine Resources Managem ent, a m aster’s program in coastal oceanography with a specialization in coastal zone m anagem ent, and a m aster’s program through the school of sciences in m anagem ent of arid ecosystem s with a specialization in coastal zone m anagem ent. A m aster’s program in Coastal Z one Managem ent has been proposed that would be adm inistered through an Integrated Coastal Resources Managem ent Center. T his program would closely integrate theory, practice, and analysis as the core areas of a balanced curriculum and would link research and service activities of the Center’s faculty. Curriculum offerings and faculty backgrounds for the various coastal m anagem ent-related program s at the university are sum m arized. INTRODUCTION México h as a coastlin e of 11,600km with 12,500km 2 of coastal lagoon s wh ich , wh en stretch ed to en com p ass th e 200-m ile Exclu sive Econ om ic Zon e, gives it a coastal zon e of ap p roxim ately 2,900 m illion km 2 . México also en joys an en orm ou s set of ben efits in trin - sic to u sin g th is coastal zon e for tou rism , fish in g, trad e an d in d u stry, p etroleu m , agricu ltu re, an d u rban ization Toled o, 1990. México also h as a growin g n u m ber of h igh er ed u cation al in stitu tion s orien ted to th e coastal zon e, p articu larly ocean ograp h ic in stitu tes. Sin ce 1960, th ree ocean ograp h ic in stitu tion s h ave been estab- lish ed , each with a trad ition al ocean scien ce research an d ed u cation al p rogram . At th e sam e tim e, México is p lagu ed by p roblem s th at con strain th e efficien t u se of its coastal zon e. Su ch p roblem s are n ot n ecessarily u n iq u e to México, bu t th ey are gen erally classified as su bstan tive p roblem s an d d ecision -p rocess p roblem s. Su bstan tive p roblem s in clu d e air an d water p ollu tion , con flicts between com - p etin g u ses, p op u lation p ressu res, h abitat d egrad ation an d d estru ction , red u ced coastal access, an d d istortion of local coastal econ om ies. Decision p rocess p roblem s in clu d e lack of p lan n in g an d coord in ation , lack of lo- cal p articip ation , overcen tralized d ecision m akin g, lack of scien tific stu d ies, lack of fu n d in g, an d lack of con - sid eration of th e coastal zon e as an en tity. Each of th ese gen eral categories can be cou n tered th rou gh im - p roved coastal zon e legislation an d fu n d in g im p le- m en ted by p rofession als ed u cated in coastal zon e m an - agem en t. High er ed u cation in coastal zon e m an agem en t th rou gh ou t th e world is a recen t p h en om en on . It was n ot u n til th e early 1970s th at coastal stu d ies an d m a- rin e affairs p rogram s began to em erge in th e Un ited States, an d even th ere, few stron g p rogram s sp ecifically orien ted to th e coastal zon e h ave been stren gth en ed an d su rvived . Tod ay on ly seven h igh er ed u cation p ro- ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 63 gram s in coastal stu d ies h ave been id en tified in th e U.S. West, 1986, wh ile oth ers h ave d isap p eared by be- in g forced to exist on extern al fu n d in g or h ave su c- cu m bed to acad em ic “tu rf wars” Fisch er, 1983. Coastal zon e sch olars in th e Un ited States cred it th e p assage of th e Nation al Coastal Zon e Man agem en t Act of 1972 an d th e su bseq u en t d em an d for sp ecially ed u - cated coastal p rofession als by fed eral an d state govern - m en ts for th e su ccess of th e rem ain in g h igh er ed u ca- tion p rogram s in coastal stu d ies. On e elem en t th at is key to th e con tin u ed su ccess of th e rem ain in g p ro- gram s is th e growin g d em an d for p rofession ally ed u - cated coastal zon e m an agers world wid e. In d eed , to d ate on ly on e u n iversity offers a m aster’s d egree sp e- cifically in coastal zon e m an agem en t geared to m atu re stu d en ts from less d evelop ed n ation s West, 1987. COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION IN MEXICO Th e grad u ate p rogram s in coastal m an agem en t in México h ave been d evelop ed sin ce 1980 by d ifferen t u n iversit ies: 1. In stitu to Tecn ológico d e Estu d ios Su p eriores d e Mon terrey Cam p u s Gu aym as, Son ora High Ed u ca- tion In stitu te of Mon terrey in Gu aym as, Son ora Th is in stitu te offers a m aster’s p rogram in Natu ral Resou rces Man agem en t, Ecology an d Con servation . 2. Un iversid ad Au tón om a d e Cam p ech e Au ton om ou s Un iversity of Cam p ech e Th is u n iversity began a p rogram called Ecology, Fish eries an d Ocean ograp h y of th e Gu lf of México EPOMEX. Th is p rogram offer d ifferen t cou rses in coastal m an agem en t su ch as Econ om ic of Trop ical Coastal Ecosystem s. 3. Cen tro d e In vestigacion es d e Qu in tan a Roo, CIQRO. Research Cen ter of Qu in tan a Roo Th is research cen ter offers a p rogram called In te- grated Coastal Zon e Man agem en t an d in volves th e d e- velop m en t of d ifferen t research top ics an d sh ort cou rses in clu d in g Coastal En viron m en tal Im p act As- sessm en ts an d Coastal Region al Plan n in g an d Protec- tion of Coastal Areas. UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA UABC Th e UABC h as been d evelop in g research an d acad em ic p rogram s in coastal m an agem en t in two sch ools—th e Marin e Scien ces Sch ool an d th e Scien ces Sch ool. Both are located at th e En sen ad a Cam p u s. MARINE SCIENCES SCHOOL Th e Marin e Scien ces Sch ool at En sen ad a began in 1960. Ocean ograp h ic stu d ies an d research began at th e bach elor’s level with sp ecialities in m arin e biology, m a- rin e ch em istry, m arin e geology, an d p h ysical ocean og- rap h y. In 1985, th e m aster’s d egree p rogram in Coastal Ocean ograp h y was created , an d in 1990, th e Ph .D. p ro- gram was in itiated . Th e grad u ate p rogram s h ave 42 stu - d en ts at th e m aster’s level an d eigh t at th e Ph .D. level. At th e p ost-bach elor’s level, th e sch ool h as a on e-year certificate p rogram in Marin e Resou rce Man agem en t. Th e two-sem ester certificate p rogram req u ires 60 cred - its see Table 1 for com p letion an d is d ivid ed in to re- q u ired an d op tion al cou rses. TABLE 1: MARINE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REQUIRED COURSES CRED ITS OPTIONAL COURSES CRED ITS Natu ral Resou rces 9 Fish eries 9 Econ om ics Man agem en t O rgan ization al 8 Micro Macro 8 Ad m in istration Econ om ics Coastal Zon e 8 Project Evalu ation 8 Man agem en t Sem in ar 10 Region al Plan n in g 8 Coastal 8 Man agem en t Top ics Th e certificate p rogram h as been u n d erway sin ce 1989 an d 25 stu d en ts h ave grad u ated an d are em - p loyed in p u blic ad m in istration an d p rivate con su ltan cies. In 1991, th e Facu lty of Marin e Scien ces sp on sored a Latin Am erican Con gress on Coastal Zon e Man agem en t at th e En sen ad a Cam p u s March 13-15. More th an 400 stu d en ts an d facu lty atten d ed ; keyn ote sp eakers cam e from th e Un ited States, Sp ain , Ecu ad or, an d Brazil, an d research ers from Latin Am erica p re- sen ted p ap ers. Th is even t h elp ed to start a n ew research an d acad em ic lin e in th e Coastal Ocean ograp h y grad u - ate p rogram en titled Coastal Zon e Man agem en t. In 1994 th is con cen tration su p p orted six stu d en ts at th e m aster’s level an d on e at th e d octoral level. Th e m aster’s p rogram req u ires 64 cred its 96 cred its for th e Ph .D. an d a th esis. Th e p rogram is d ivid ed in to re- q u ired an d op tion al cou rses see Table 2. On e of th e m ost im p ortan t elem en ts of th e coastal zon e m an agem en t grad u ate p rogram s in d evelop in g cou n tries is th at th e facu lty h ave th e d egree an d re- search exp erien ce in coastal scien ce, coastal p olicies, coastal p lan n in g, an d coastal social p roblem s. Th is p ro- gram is su p p orted by a fu ll-tim e facu lty in tegrated by seven p rofessors two Ph .D. an d five M.S. an d two-p art tim e p rofessors M.S. sh own in Table 3. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 64 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS TABLE 2: COASTAL OCEANOGRAPHY GRADUATE PROGRAM COASTAL MANAGEMENT LINE REQUIRED COURSES CRED ITS OPTIONAL COURSES CRED ITS Coastal 10 Coastal Policy 8 Ocean ograp h y I An alysis Coastal 10 Coastal Region al 8 Ocean ograp h y II Plan n in g Th esis Sem in ar 2 Coastal Hazard Plan n in g 8 Natu ral Resou rces Econ om ics 8 Coastal Zon e Man agem en t 6 In trodu ction to Coastal Zon e 4 Fish eries Man agem en t 6 Fish eries Econ om ics 8 En viron m en tal Econ om ics 8 Coastal Man agem en t Top ics I 6 Coastal Man agem en t Top ics II 6 Coastal Man agem en t Top ics III 6 Coastal Tou rism Plan n in g 8 TABLE 3: COASTAL OCEANOGRAPHY FACULTY COASTAL MANAGEMENT LINE FULL-T IME FACULT Y DEGREE Roberto En riq u ez Ph .D David Fisch er Ph .D. Loren zo Góm ez-Morin Fu en tes M.S. Hector Man zo M. M.S. Gu illerm o Torres Moye M.S. An a Lu z Qu in tan illa M.S. José Lu is Ferm án Alm ad a M.S. PART-T IME FACULT Y An am aría Escofet M.S. Carlos Israel Vasq u ez León M.S. SCIENCES SCHOOL Th e Scien ces Sch ool h as begu n a m aster’s p rogram in Man agem en t of Arid Ecosystem s wh ich in clu d es top ics related to coastal resou rces m an agem en t. Th is p rogram h as been in p lace sin ce 1989 an d h as p ro- d u ced 25 grad u ates. Th e stru ctu re of th e p rogram is listed in Table 4. Th e facu lty see Table 5 is com p osed of th ree fu ll- tim e p rofessors on e Ph .D. an d two M.S., an d two p art-tim e p rofessors on e Ph .D. an d on e M.S.. Th is grou p of p rofessors work togeth er with th e facu lty of th e Marin e Scien ces Sch ool on acad em ic an d research p rojects. Th e stu d en ts of on e grad u ate p ro- gram can take cou rses in th e oth er in ord er to en rich th e Coastal Zon e Man agem en t cu rricu la. TABLE 4: MANAGEMENT OF ARID ECOSYSTEMS COASTAL MANAGEMENT LINE REQUIRED COURSES CRED ITS OPTIONAL COURSES CRED ITS Biostatistics 10 Arid resou rces 8 m an agem en t Ecology 10 En viron m en tal 8 im p act assessm en t Projects evalu ation 8 Socioecon om ic 8 top ics Th esis Sem in ar I 4 Geograp h ic 8 in form ation system s in m an agem en t Th esis Sem in ar II 4 TABLE 5: MANAGEMENT OF ARID ECOSYSTEMS FACULTY COASTAL MANAGEMENT LINE FULL-T IME FACULT Y DEGREE Ilean a Esp ejel Carbajal Ph .D. Mayra Fran ck Hoeflich M.Sc. Gu illerm o Aram bu ro Vizcarra M.Sc. PART-T IME FACULT Y Pilar Ru iz Azu ara Ph .D. An am aría Escofet M.Sc. FACULTY DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCING Doctors are workin g with graduate studen ts at th e un - dergraduate level to h elp th em pursue m aster of scien ce degrees. Th e faculty also works to h elp m aster’s studen ts to m ove up to a Ph .D. Th e Nation al Research an d Tech - n ology Coun cil of México CONACYT provides sch olar- sh ips for un dergraduates an d M.S. faculty to pursue th ese h igh er degrees. In addition , CONACYT fun ds research projects wh ich partially support graduate studen ts an d faculty in order to assist th em with th esis research . Th e con strain t to facu lty d evelop m en t is th e lack of ap p rop riate Ph .D. facu lty to act as m en tors for u n d er- grad u ates an d m aster’s-level stu d en ts. CONACYT h as taken a lead role in fu n d in g stu d y abroad for Méxican facu lty wh o wish to retu rn to México as u n iversity facu lty. CONACYT also fu n d s foreign facu lty wh o wish to work on e or two years as fu ll-tim e facu lty in México. Th e em p h asis of CONACYT, in th is regard , is to facili- tate th e d evelop m en t of facu lty resou rces for México. Oth er sou rces of fin an cin g in clu d e govern m en t agen cies at th e state, fed eral, an d in tern ation al levels th at will su p p ort research of in terest to th em . ABC fac- u lty in coastal m an agem en t h ave been sou gh t after to p rop ose an d con d u ct research su p p orted by th ese agen - cies. At th e n ation al level, th e resu lts of th ese p rojects ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 65 h ave m od ified coastal p lan n in g m eth od ologies an d th e con cep t of th e coast as an in tegrated coastal system . RESEARCH AND SERVICE As n oted , Mexican scien ce an d lin e agen cies fu n d re- search p rojects in coastal m an agem en t. In terd iscip li- n ary p lan n in g m eth od ology an d p rod u cts th at resu lt from coastal m an agem en t is of p articu lar in terest. UABC h as a stron g rep u tation in coastal m an agem en t research see Table 6 an d attracts both stu d en ts an d fu n d in g th rou gh ou t México. Besid es an em p h asis on in tegrated coastal p lan n in g an d m an agem en t p rogram m in g, UABC facu lty in coastal m an agem en t are d evelop in g research th em es in en viron m en tal im p act assessm en t, en ergy an d tech n ol- ogy assessm en t, h azard m itigation , tou rist d evelop - m en t p lan n in g, p ort p lan n in g, an d base lin e stu d ies of coastal ecosystem s. Th e research p erform ed by th e facu lty p rovid es th e basis for con su ltin g con tracts for govern m en t an d p ri- vate en tities. Facu lty also acts as ad visors to legislative com m u n ities an d oth er govern m en t au th orities. To ex- p an d th e scop e of services to coastal organ ization s, an extern al ad visory cou n cil for th e coastal m an agem en t facu lty is bein g con sid ered . Th e cou n cil wou ld assist th e facu lty in id en tifyin g oth ers sou rces of fou n d in g in su p p ort of coastal m an agem en t p rogram s at UABC. Th e facu lty of th e Marin e Scien ces Sch ool an d th e Scien ces Sch ool h ave been workin g togeth er on aca- d em ic an d research p rojects sin ce 1991. Most of th e p rojects h ave been in coastal p lan n in g with fu n d in g from CONACYT an d th e fed eral an d state govern m en ts. THE FUTURE: A COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT GRADUATE PROGRAM AT UABC, ENSENADA CAMPUS Th e exp erien ce of th e last th ree years h ave m ad e it p ossible for UABC to start im p lem en tin g a p rogram in coastal zon e m an agem en t th at wou ld rest on th ree fu n - d am en tal p rin cip les: • An ad eq u ate acad em ic p arad igm exp ressin g th e tran sd iscip lin ary in tegration n ecessary to en com - p ass th e coastal p roblem s en cou n tered • Recogn ition by govern m en t au th orities an d coastal in d u stries th at stu d en ts from th is p rogram can m eet th eir n eed s • Ad eq u ate fu n d in g levels for acad em ic teach in g an d research su p p ort Th e acad em ic p arad igm is th at an y coastal n ation sh ou ld m an age its coastal zon e in su ch a way as to en - h an ce its con tribu tion s to society an d to th e n atu ral, region al, an d local econ om y. In p articu lar, a coastal zon e m an agem en t p rogram sh ou ld p rom ote a greater kn owled ge of th e coastal zon e to in clu d e its resou rces, h azard s, an d in terrelation sh ip s; a greater cap ability for TABLE 6: RESEARCH PROJECTS COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT FUNDING BY PERIOD Coastal p lan n in g in th e Pu n ta Organ ization of 91 -92 Ban da region , En sen ada, Baja Am erican States Californ ia State, México O.E.A. Tou rism , u rban an d ecological Federal an d state 92 - 93 coastal p lan n in g of th e govern m en t, th e Tiju an a - En sen ada corridor, p rivate sector Baja Californ ia State, México En viron m en tal m ap p in g of th e State govern m en t 1993 State of Baja Californ ia, México Aq u acu ltu re an d ecological Fed eral 93 - 94 coastal p lan n in g for th e govern m en t sou th ern coast of Sin aloa State, México North ern Gu lf of Californ ia In tern ation al 94 - 95 an d Colorad o River Delta con servan cy biosp h ere reserve m an agem en t p rogram Coastal resou rces atlas of th e CONACYT 94 - 95 n orth west coast of Baja Nation al Research Californ ia, México an d Tech n ology Cou n cil u n d erstan d in g an d com m u n icatin g th e p olicy valu es in h eren t am on g th e variou s coastal con stitu en cies; an d a greater ability to coord in ate an d m an age th e eco- n om ic ch oices fou n d with in , or affectin g, th e coastal zon e with th ose at local, region al, an d n ation al levels. To im p lem en t su ch a p rogram , a balan ced cu rricu - lu m will be based on a com p reh en sive yet in tegrated set of con cep ts as follows: In ord er for su ccessfu l ap p roach es to coastal ch al- len ges to em erge, th is con figu ration req u ires a con tin u - in g in teraction of th eory, an alysis, an d p ractice grou n d ed in an u n d erstan d in g of th e en tire coastal zon e. Th e variou s con tribu tin g d iscip lin es are ad d ition s to th is kin d of ed u cation rath er th an en d s in an d of th em selves. In d eed , on e can exp ect d iscip lin ary bou n d - ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 66 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS research lin es—Coastal Plan n in g, Natu ral Coastal Eco- system s Man agem en t, an d Coastal Resou rces Econ om ics. RECOGNITION BY GOVERNMENT An im p ortan t factor is th e official recogn ition of th e n ation al valu e of coastal h igh er ed u cation in México alon g with an ad eq u ate fu n d in g base for it to su cceed . Th e coastal p roblem s exp erien ced in México can be re- solved on ly wh en an ad eq u ate n u m ber of well-ed u - cated coastal p rofession als ad d ress th em , an d su ch p ro- fession als can n ot earn d egrees with ou t su fficien t fu n d s for th e p rogram s in volved . ADEQUATE FUNDING FOR THE MASTER’S PROGRAM México is in an econ om ic recession an d bu d get cu ts are affectin g both CONACYT an d th e state u n iversities. In tegrated coastal m an agem en t ed u cation will rem ain on ly a d istan t id eal u n less extern al fu n d in g can be fou n d . It is h op ed th at p rivate fou n d ation s an d in tern a- tion al agen cies will be willin g to assist Mexican u n iversi- ties su ch as UABC wh ich h ave in vested so m u ch in ICM. Th e n eed s of th e m aster’s p rogram at UABC in clu d e: Faculty: Th e UABC En sen ad a facu lty n eed s su p p ort in term s of sch olarsh ip s an d fu n d s in ord er to fin ish th eir d egrees M.S. an d Ph .D. or to fin ish a th esis p roject. Som e p rofessors h ave alread y th eir Ph .D. cred its, so th ey on ly n eed to work on th eir th esis. An oth er n eed is su p p ort to brin g p rofessors from oth er u n iversities an d oth er cou n tries to Mexico, in ord er to en rich ou r p ro- aries to lessen as facu lty work togeth er in on e organ iza- tion al settin g d evoted to coastal zon e m an agem en t Fisch er, 1993. Cou rses th at con tribu te to a com p reh en sive yet in te- grated p rogram sh ou ld in clu d e an orien tation to th eory as well as to in -d ep th research in to p articu lar cases fol- lowed by com p arative an alysis am on g cases. Th is th eory-case ap p roach roots coastal zon e m an agem en t in reality, th ereby con tribu tin g to both u sefu l an alysis an d sou n d ap p lication . Th e tim e scales an d p rocesses of n atu re, cu ltu re, tech n ology, an d p olicy req u ire a tran s- d iscip lin ary effort lead in g to an accep table syn th esis as th e base for m an agin g México’s coastal zon e. In ord er to im p lem en t th is ap p roach , a coastal zon e m an agem en t cu rricu lu m for a m aster’s p rogram see Table 7 can be created th at bu ild s on p ast su ccesses from th e certificate p rogram in Marin e Resou rces Man - agem en t, th e grad u ate p rogram s in Coastal Ocean ogra- p h y an d Arid Ecosystem s Man agem en t, as well as re- search exp erien ce. Th e ad m in istration of th e m aster’s p rogram an d th e research in th e n ear fu tu re 1995-1996 will be p art of th e In tegrated Coastal Resou rces Man agem en t Cen ter. Th rou gh th is cen ter, th e UABC at En sen ad a wou ld for- m ally im p lem en t a coastal zon e m an agem en t p rogram resu ltin g from th e exp erien ce of th e facu lty in aca- d em ic an d coastal research . Th e cu rricu la of th e p rop osed m aster’s p rogram in Coastal Zon e Man agem en t is d ivid ed in to req u ired an d op tion al cou rses. Th e p rogram req u ires 64 cred its an d a th esis. Th e op tion al cou rses d efin e th ree acad em ic an d TABLE 7: MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT AT UABC ENSENADA CAMPUS INTE- GRATED COASTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CENTER REQUIRED COURSES Co u rses Cred it s In trod u ctio n to Coastal Zo n e Man agem en t 6 Th esis Sem in ar I 2 Th esis Sem in ar II 2 OPTIONAL COURSES Co astal Plan n in g Natural Co astal Eco system s Man agem en t Co astal Reso urces Eco n o m ics Co u rses Cred it s Co u rses Cred it s Co u rses Cred it s Coastal Zon e Man agem en t 8 Co astal Zo n e Man agem en t 8 Co astal Zo n e Man agem en t 8 Region al Plan n in g 8 Region al Plan n in g 8 Regio n al Plan n in g 8 Coastal Policy An alysis 8 Co astal Po licy An alysis 8 Co astal Po licy An alysis 8 Plan n in g for Coastal Hazard 8 En viro n m en t al Im p act Assessm en t 8 Nat u ral Resou rces Eco n om ics 8 Plan n in g for Coastal Tou rism 9 Co astal Eco syst em s Man agem en t 8 Fish eries Eco n om ics 8 G.I.S. in Man agem en t 8 Fish eries Man agem en t 6 To p ics o n Socioeco n o m ic Issu es 8 Top ics on Socio eco n om ic Issu esxs 8 G.I.S. in Man agem en t 8 En viro n m en tal Eco n om ics 8 Top ics on Coastal Man agem en t I 6 To p ics on Co astal Man agem en t II 6 To p ics o n Co ast al Man agem en t III 6 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 67 gram with exp erien ces in coastal m an agem en t from d ifferen t p arts of th e world . Studen ts: In ord er to get fu ll-tim e stu d en ts in to th e m aster’s p rogram , sch olarsh ip su p p ort will be n ecessary. In tegrated Co astal Reso urces Man agem en t Cen ter: By th e m id d le of 1997, th is cen ter will n eed fu n d s for ad m in istration , com p u ter software an d eq u ip m en t, th e acq u isition of books an d jou rn als a sm all library, an d m on ey to bu ild a sm all bu ild in g. REFERENCES Fisch er, D.W. 1983. In pursuit of excellence in coastal zone studies at the University of W est Florida. Un p u b- lish ed m an u scrip t, Un iversity of West Florid a, Pen saco la. Fisch er, D.W. 1993. Coastal h igh er ed u cation in México. In J.L. Ferm án Alm ad a, L. Góm ez-Morin y D. W. Fisch er Ed s: Coastal m anagem ent in Mexico, p p . 148-155. New York, NY: Am erican society of civil en gin eers. Toled o, A. 1993. La Zon a Costera d el Pacífico Su r: Un Ecosistem a Am en azad o. Boletín de Hum edales Costeros de México, 13, 8-16. West N. 1986. Grad u ate ed u cation in m arin e affairs: A p relim in ary assessm en t. Marine Technology Society Journal, 20, 11-20. West N. 1987. International coastal zone education. Un p u blish ed m an u scrip t, Un iversity of Rh od e Is- lan d , In tern ation al Coastal Resou rces m an agem en t p roject, Narragan sett. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 68 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS INTERD ISCIP LINARY ED UCATION W ITH CONSID ERATION FOR COASTAL MANAGEMENT Elizabeth Fuller Coastal Resou rces Cen ter Un iversity of Rh od e Islan d Narragan sett, RI, USA ABSTRACT Knowledge from m ultiple disciplines, such as geography, econom ics, sociology, and physical sciences, can benefit coastal m anagers. However, which inform ation should be provided to whom , and how should that m aterial be conveyed? As the first step in their training, people who hope to becom e coastal m anagem ent practitioners should establish a professional identity or specialty and pursue training that allows them to apply that chosen discipline to coastal m anagem ent. An institutional structure well suited to this m ode of education would be to create interdisciplinary studies departm ents that offer a specialty in coastal m anagem ent. INTRODUCTION In terd iscip lin ary ed u cation is often p rop osed as th e solu tion to th e d ilem m a of h ow to ed u cate coastal m an agers. Coastal m an agers work to brin g ord er to a region th at, in a global con text, is th e site of a rap id in - crease of h u m an p op u lation an d th at h osts a sign ifi- can t con cen tration of n atu ral resou rces an d in d u strial d evelop m en t. With su ch an am algam of issu es, it is clear th at kn owled ge from m u ltip le d iscip lin es, su ch as geograp h y, econ om ics, sociology, an d p h ysical sci- en ces, wou ld ben efit coastal m an agers. However, wh ich in form ation sh ou ld be p rovid ed to wh om an d h ow sh ou ld th at m aterial be con veyed ? Th is p ap er seeks to ad d ress th e “h ow”. An overview of issu es in in terd isci- p lin ary ed u cation is followed by exam p les of effective ap p roach es from oth er field s. Th e p ap er con clu d es with th ree op tion s for establish in g in stitu tion al ar- ran gem en ts for th e su p p ort of in terd iscip lin ary ed u ca- tion an d recom m en d ation s for coastal m an agem en t ed u cat io n . A d iscip lin e is a d om ain of kn owled ge or com p e- ten ce with in a society Gard n er an d Boix-Man silla, 1994. Each d iscip lin e ad d resses in tellectu al issu es in an establish ed , form al m an n er an d en tails p articu lar m od es of th in kin g abou t or in terp retin g th e world Gard n er an d Boix-Man silla, 1994. Ch aracterized by fou r featu res, d iscip lin es: • Are establish ed to in vestigate a sp ecial su bject of stu d y or p articu lar p roblem i.e., th e h u m an ities focu s on th e stu d y of exp ressive an d con stitu tive cu ltu ral form s • Gen erate th eories to ad d ress th eir su bjects or p ar- ticu lar p roblem s i.e., th e th eory of evolu tion is fu n d am en tal to th e stu d y of gen etics • Evolve an d ap p rove th eir own m eth od s an d tech - n iq u es i.e., an an th rop ologist accep ts eth n ograp h ic in terviews as a valid tech n iq u e to elicit cu ltu ral in - form ation from a grou p • Accu m u late an d retu rn in form ation to th eir own d atabase i.e., th e d iscip lin e bu ild s on a fou n d ation of p ast research Su tlive, 1989. Based on th ese d efin ition s, coastal m an agem en t can n ot be accep ted as a d iscip lin e. Th e “sp ecial su b- ject” th at coastal m an agers in vestigate an d th e m an - agem en t of coastal ecosystem s, is a sp ecialization with in m an y d iscip lin es rath er th an a d iscip lin e u n to itself. To d ate th ere are n o accep ted th eories, m eth od s, or tech n iq u es for con d u ctin g coastal m an agem en t re- search or field p rojects. A d atabase of coastal m an age- m en t research is begin n in g to be d evelop ed . However, th ere is very little d ocu m en tation of som e of th e lon g- est-ru n n in g coastal m an agem en t p rojects, an d wh at ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 69 h as been p u blish ed ten d s to be m ore an ecd otal th an em p irical. Coastal m an agem en t is n ot a d iscip lin e, yet it re- q u ires in p u t from m an y d iscip lin es. Th erefore, is it bet- ter to train in d ivid u als as sp ecialists in p articu lar field s an d h op e th ey can com m u n icate an d work with sp e- cialists from oth er d iscip lin es later in th eir careers? Or sh ou ld in d ivid u als be train ed so th at th ey becom e kn owled geable abou t th e great bread th of issu es con - fron ted by coastal m an agers? In terd iscip lin ary ed u ca- tion is th e form of in stru ction n ecessary to p rod u ce th is secon d typ e of p rofession al. INTERDISCIPLINARY EDUCATION In terd iscip lin ary ed u cation is “cen tered on a p rob- lem , th em e, or issu e d esign ed to in tegrate th e kn owl- ed ge an d p ersp ectives of several trad ition al d iscip lin es” Alkin , 1992. It ad d resses th e n eed for sp ecialized kn owled ge across a ran ge of field s. In terd iscip lin ary ed u cation can be ap p lied to a sin gle class, a year-lon g p roject, or an acad em ic d egree p rogram . Classes m ay be team tau gh t or d evelop ed with th e in p u t of facu lty rep resen tin g d ifferen t d iscip lin es. Gu est lectu rers an d clin ical exp erien ce are com m on featu res of in terd isci- p lin ary ed u cation . In terd iscip lin ary ed u cation is often criticized for lackin g acad em ic rigor Sh an ker, 1995,. Roth 1994 com p lain s th at it “d oes n ot focu s on th e p owerfu l id eas or organ izin g con cep ts from th e d iscip lin es”, th e con - cep ts are selected for reason s oth er th an th eir u tility to a d iscip lin e, an d p rop er con sid eration is n ot given to wh at is m ost valu able for stu d en ts to learn . Sbaratta objects th at “com bin in g m ore th an on e d iscip lin e in a cou rse weaken s each of th e d iscip lin es” 1983 an d th at team teach in g is often in effective becau se of a lack of u n d erstan d in g an d resp ect am on g facu lty from d iffer- en t d ep artm en ts. Each of th ese objection s is valid bu t n ot n ecessary. Th e Sch ool of In terd iscip lin ary Stu d ies at Miam i Un iversity p rovid es an excellen t exam p le of h ow effective in terd iscip lin ary ed u cation can be wh en ap p roach ed with an op en m in d an d th e h igh exp ecta- tion s of both facu lty an d stu d en ts. Th e Sch ool of In terd iscip lin ary Stu d ies is on e of th e p rem ier u n d ergrad u ate in terd iscip lin ary p rogram s in th e Un ited States. Th e in ten t of th e p rogram is to “ch allen ge stu d en ts’ u n exam in ed assu m p tion s abou t th em selves an d th eir world , on th e lim itation s as well as th e stren gth s of each d iscip lin e, an d [to d evelop ] a h olistic u n d erstan d in g in form ed by m aterials from variou s d iscip lin es” Newell, 1992. Th e p rogram at Mi- am i h as ad d ressed an d fou n d solu tion s to each of th e objection s d escribed above. First of all, th ere is an em - p h asis on d iscip lin ary an alysis. Newell 1992 p rop oses th at if stu d en ts are to d evelop a feel for a d iscip lin e’s p ersp ective, th ey m u st learn to th in k like a p ractition er of th at d iscip lin e. Mem bers of a d iscip lin e are n ot so m u ch ch aracterized by th e con clu sion s th ey arrive at, bu t by th e way th ey ap p roach th e top ic—th e q u estion s th ey ask, th e con cep ts th at com e to m in d , an d th e th eories beh in d th em . Rath er th an learn in g all asp ects an d facets of a sin gle d iscip lin e, stu d en ts are en cou raged to con fron t a top ic from m u ltip le p ersp ectives by read in g illu strative read in gs from several d iscip lin es th at offer con trastin g views of th e sam e top ic. For an y given cou rse, stu d en ts learn en ou gh abou t a d iscip lin e to ap p reciate its p er- sp ective an d goals. Th e con cep ts th eories an d m eth od s from variou s d iscip lin es are p resen ted with exactly th e sam e rigor as in trad ition al d iscip lin ary cou rses Newell, 1992. Th e cu m u lative effect of a fou r year baccalau reate p rogram is th at stu d en ts are able to d raw from m an y d ifferen t d iscip lin ary bases. Classes are u su ally team -d evelop ed an d occasion ally team -tau gh t. For th is ap p roach to be effective, it is es- sen tial th at th e facu lty h ave faith in th e exp ertise of th eir colleagu es as well as an ap p reciation for th e p er- sp ective of th e oth er d iscip lin es. W h en recru itin g fac- u lty, th e Sch ool of In terd iscip lin ary Stu d ies h as fou n d th at th e d ep th an d rigor of th e can d id ates’ p ostgrad u - ate ed u cation is m ore im p ortan t th an its bread th . Th e key to su ccessfu l in terd iscip lin ary teach in g is a “will- in gn ess, an d p referably eagern ess, to learn oth er p er- sp ectives” Newell, 1992. Miam i Un iversity h as fou n d th at th e grad u ates of its Sch ool of In terd iscip lin ary Stu d ies, as in d icated by grad u ate p lacem en ts an d stan d ard ized test scores, are well eq u ip p ed with th e trad ition al in tellectu al skills, at- titu d es, an d valu es n ecessary for ad van ced d iscip lin ary stu d ies an d or careers. Th e p rop ortion of In terd iscip li- n ary Stu d ies stu d en ts to go on to d octoral p rogram s in d iscip lin ary p ostgrad u ate sch ools is h igh er th an th e n a- tion al average. Th e average p ercen tile ran kin g on th e Law Sch ool Ad m ission Test for In terd iscip lin ary Stu d ies stu d en ts is 85.7 p ercen t. In terd iscip lin ary Stu d ies stu - d en ts also p erform well on th e Grad u ate Record Exam Newell, 1992. Th e exam p le from Miam i Un iversity d em on strates th at in terd iscip lin ary ed u cation is a valid an d effective form of ed u cation . Stu d en ts learn “m u ltilogical th in k- in g—th e ability to th in k accu rately an d fair-m in d ed ly with in op p osin g p oin ts of view an d con trad ictory fram es of referen ce—as well as th e ability to en ter sym - p ath etically in to an d recon stru ct th e stron gest argu - m en ts for p oin ts of view fu n d am en tally op p osed to th eir own ” Newell, 1992. In oth er word s, stu d en ts are train ed to u n d erstan d , ap p reciate, an d be con versan t in m u ltip le d iscip lin es. Th e field of geriatrics, th e stu d y an d p ractice of m ed icin e as it relates to old age, h as ad op ted in terd isci- p lin ary tech n iq u es to p rod u ce h ealth care p rofession als wh o are cap able of workin g togeth er in collaborative efforts. Like coastal m an agem en t, geriatrics req u ires th e ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 70 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS in p u t of sp ecialists from m an y d ifferen t d iscip lin es. Geron tologists m u st ad d ress issu es associated with “in - creased econ om ic d ep en d en ce, n arrowed social in terac- tion s, geograp h ic con fin em en t, d ecreased m en tal stim u lation , an d in creased p sych ological stress d u e to d isability, p ain an d im m in en t d eath ” as well as acu te an d ch ron ic d iseases Sh ep ard et al., 1985. Prop er p a- tien t care req u ires th at h ealth care p rofession als “u n - d erstan d th e p resen ce an d in terrelated n ess of th ese p roblem s an d …u n d erstan d each oth ers’ roles an d th e in terface of th ese roles am on g team m em bers” Sh ep ard et al. 1985, 300. Th e Ad m in istration on Agin g h as been fu n d in g u n i- versity an d college-based geriatrics train in g p rogram s u n d er th e Old er Am erican s Act sin ce 1967. After m ore th an a d ecad e of exp erien ce, a su bstan tial am ou n t of literatu re con cern in g d ifferen t ap p roach es to geriatric ed u cation was p u blish ed in th e early- to m id -1980s. Th e p rim ary q u estion s bein g asked con cern ed “wh ich stu d en ts to in clu d e at wh at levels of ed u cation an d wh ich top ics sh ou ld be tau gh t by wh om ” Sh ep ard et al., 1985. Th e typ es of issu es th at geriatric care ed u ca- tors faced th en , coastal m an agers are facin g n ow. Oth er sim ilarities between th e two field s in clu d e d isp arities in acad em ic backgrou n d s an d p erson al goals th at in d i- vid u als brin g to both field s, th e great d em an d for ex- p erts in both field s, an d th e trad ition al em p h asis in both field s on treatin g acu te illn ess p roblem s rath er th an ad op tin g a m ore h olistic ap p roach to m an age- m en t wh eth er it be m an agem en t of h ealth care or coastal ecosystem s. Over th e years, geron tologists h ave com e to accep t in terd iscip lin ary ed u cation as d ictu m Yeo, 1995, p ers. com m .. Becau se of th e n u m erou s p arallels between coastal m an agem en t an d geriatric m ed icin e, it is u sefu l to in vestigate wh ich asp ects of in terd iscip lin ary ed u ca- tion p roved to be m ost u sefu l for train in g h ealth care p rofession als to work as team m em bers carin g for eld erly p atien ts. Th e ad vice listed below h as been cu lled p rim a- rily, bu t n ot exclu sively, from reviews of geriatric ed u ca- tion p rogram s. It m ay n ot all be ap p licable to coastal m an agem en t ed u cation . At a m in im u m , th e in form ation p rovid es an op p ortu n ity for carefu l con sid eration as coastal m an agem en t ed u cators p rep are to fu rth er d e- velop existin g p rogram s an d or to create n ew on es. • In terd iscip lin ary ed u cation m u st be th e h igh est or on e of th e h igh est p riorities of th e p rogram Satin , 1987. • Th e auth ority con trollin g th e education program m ust un derstan d an d be com m itted to in terdisciplin ary edu- cation . Procure th e support of education al auth orities such as presiden ts, dean s, departm en t ch airs, an d di- rectors of fun din g agen cies Satin , 1987. • Hon esty, trust, an d respect am on g participan ts is es- sen tial to in terdisciplin ary education . It is on ly in such an atm osph ere th at people with in a disciplin e can com m un icate th eir values, kn owledge, an d skills, an d learn th ose of oth er disciplin es Satin , 1987. • Real or sim u lated clin ical an d n on clin ical exp eri- en ce is n ecessary Sh ep ard et al., 1985. • Top ics su ch as fin an cin g, govern m en t regu lation s, an d d elivery system s len d th em selves to in terd isci- p lin ary cu rricu la Sh ep ard et al., 1985. • Sh ort exp erien ces in in terd iscip lin ary ed u cation given over th e en tire sp an of p rofession al train in g ap p ear to be m ore effective in yield in g lon g-term be- h avioral ch an ges th an an in ten sive on etim e exp eri- en ce Sh ep ard et al., 1985. • Usin g p eer teach ers is an effective way to break d own barriers an d in itiate an d rein force collabora- tive activities Sh ep ard et al., 1985. • A m u ltid iscip lin ary m aster’s d egree was p roven to be a better veh icle for an “ap p lied ” p rogram th an a d is- cip lin ary or p rofession al sch ool d egree Fried sam an d Martin , 1980. • Th e facu lty m u st be com p eten t in th eir own d isci- p lin es an d con versan t with , an d ap p reciative of, th e p osition s of th eir fellows Su tlive, 1989. • Con sult with th e faculty of disciplin es wh ich would be affected by th e in terdisciplin ary program s before th e in itiation of courses or program s. Refer m aterial n or- m ally covered by an oth er departm en t to m em bers of th at departm en t for com m en t Sutlive, 1989. • Avoid a “least com m on d en om in ator” ap p roach . Stu d en ts sh ou ld be recip ien ts of p rovocative lectu res an d en gage in sem in ars th at d eal with com p lex con - troversies Sh ep ard et al. ,1985. • Becau se grad u ates will h ave to work collaboratively as p rofession als, form al cou rsework in organ iza- tion al d yn am ics sh ou ld in clu d e top ics su ch as team p roblem -solvin g tech n iq u es, goal settin g based on con sen su al d ecision m akin g, lead ersh ip styles, an d con flict resolu tion Sh ep ard et al., 1985. • Main tain con tact with th e in d u stry. Hire a p racti- tion er with a n ation al rep u tation as a m em ber of th e core facu lty; seek feed back on th e cu rricu la from p recep tors an d em p loyers of th e grad u ates; facu lty m em bers sh ou ld atten d m eetin gs of p ractition ers as well as d iscip lin e-sp ecific m eetin gs; an d keep in tou ch with grad u ates after th ey becom e p racti- tion ers Fried sam an d Martin , 1980. • In terd iscip lin ary ed u cation th reaten s vested in ter- ests. Th erefore, establish in terd iscip lin ary ed u cation p rogram s as au ton om ou s u n its with in ed u cation al in stitu tion s Satin , 1987. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 71 • Resou rces of m on ey, tim e, an d good will are n eces- sary for th e su ccess of an in terd iscip lin ary ed u cation p rogram . Make th e p rogram self-su stain in g. Self-su f- ficien cy will in crease both th e p ractical an d id eologi- cal su p p ort of ed u cation al au th orities Satin , 1987. • Cou rsework in th e biological an d p h ysical scien ces is n ot well su ited to in terd iscip lin ary ed u cation Sh ep ard et al., 1985. • Establish in g a stu d en t’s p rofession al id en tity m u st p reced e clin ical in terd iscip lin ary ed u cation Sh ep ard et al., 1985. • Sp ecialization s with in th e m u ltid iscip lin ary p rogram p roved ben eficial Fried sam an d Martin , 1980. • In terd iscip lin ary cou rses m u st be tau gh t by ed u ca- tors rep resen tin g all of th e d iscip lin es of th e stu - d en ts in volved Sh ep ard et al., 1985. • Provid e “p ostgrad u ate work fellowsh ip s” to give re- cen t grad u ates an op p ortu n ity to gain p rofession al exp erien ce Man gu m an d Rich , 1980. • Gu est lectu rers with a wid e variety of ed u cation an d exp erien ce can m ake sign ifican t con tribu tion s Su tlive, 1989. • Su tlive 1989 p erceives th at th ere are two ways to teach in terd iscip lin ary cou rses. Th ere is eith er on e in stru ctor with ed u cation in a secon d field beyon d h is or h er m ajor p rofession al d iscip lin e, or th e class is team tau gh t by in stru ctors from d ifferen t d isci- p lin es. Problem s arise with th e first ap p roach wh en th e in stru ctor is n ot su fficien tly versed in th e sec- on d ary d iscip lin e. Problem s arise in th e team -tau gh t ap p roach wh en p articip an ts are n ot con versan t with , or ap p reciative of, th e p osition s of th eir col- leagu es; wh en th ey u n d erstan d on e an oth er’s m od - els, m eth od s an d th eories on ly m in im ally. • Classes m u st be h eld at tim es an d location s th at are accessible to stu d en ts Sh ep ard et al., 1985. • Be flexible, creative, p ersisten t, an d com m itted Satin , 1987. Oth er issues to con sider wh en developin g coastal m an - agem en t education program s relate to in stitution al ar- ran gem en ts. If an education al approach is adopted th at relies in part or in full on in terdisciplin ary education , wh ere will th at un it be h oused with in an y given un iver- sity or college? At least th ree option s exist: establish an academ ic cen ter or in stitute, prom ote facilitative un its, or create a Departm en t of In terdisciplin ary Studies. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Stah ler an d Tash 1994 in vestigated th e role of acad em ic cen ters an d in stitu tes at th e fastest growin g research u n iversities in th e Un ited States. Research cen ters an d in stitu tes refer to an y n u m ber of acad em ic organ ization al en tities wh ose p rim ary m ission is to con d u ct research . Desp ite criticism th at cen ters often d o n ot con tribu te to th e ed u cation al m ission of u n iver- sities, Stah ler an d Tash 1994 fou n d th at th e largest fu n d ed cen ters at th e fastest-growin g u n iversities typ i- cally com p lem en ted an d en h an ced th e acad em ic role of d ep artm en ts. Th ey ap p eared to en gage in con sid er- able in terd ep artm en tal activity an d , at th e sam e tim e, were fairly well in tegrated to a lead d ep artm en t, so th at th ey su p p orted an d en h an ced th e research an d even th e teach in g roles of th e d ep artm en ts. Oth er ben efits of cen ters in clu d e su bstan tial access to sop h isticated eq u ip m en t, grad u ate stu d en t an d ad - m in istrative su p p ort, an d th e cap ability to resp on d flexibly an d rap id ly to sp on sor’s req u ests. McCall 1990, 1319 d escribes a facilitative u n it th at was establish ed at th e Un iversity of Pittsbu rgh to “p ro- m ote in terd iscip lin ary research an d ed u cation with in th e u n iversity an d to facilitate m u tu ally ben eficial rela- tion s between th e u n iversity facu lty an d h u m an service p rovid ers an d p olicy m akers.” A m ajor fu n ction of su ch a u n it is to be th e tou ch ston e between facu lty an d th e com m u n ity. Rath er th an creatin g a n ew d ep artm en t or cen ter, th e facilitative u n it d raws on th e stren gth of ex- istin g d ep artm en ts to fill a n eed or create a solu tion to an issu e req u irin g kn owled ge from m u ltip le d iscip lin es. Th e con cep t is in trigu in g, an d McCall offers seem in gly excellen t ad vice on d evelop in g an in tegratin g th em e it m u st cu t across n u m erou s trad ition al acad em ic d isci- p lin es an d h ave relevan ce for a su bstan tial n u m ber of ap p lied p rofession als an d social issu es; bu ild in g a base of su p p ort th e em p h asis m u st be on service; secu rin g fu n d in g id eally, fu n d s sh ou ld be con tribu ted from th e in stitu tion s th at rep resen t th e u n it’s con stitu en cies— th e u n iversity, th e h u m an service [or coastal m an age- m en t] p rovid ers, an d th e p olicy m akers in th e com m u - n ity; h irin g a staff collectively, th e staff n eed s to h ave exp erien ce with in terd iscip lin ary research an d train in g, ap p lied research an d evalu ation , p olicy form u lation , an d p rofession al services; an d p lan n in g p rogram s an d p rojects p relim in aries, facilitatin g collaboration , id en - tifyin g sp ecific p rojects, an d m an agin g sp ecial p rojects. Sbaratta 1983 d escribes th e Dep artm en t of In ter- d iscip lin ary Stu d ies at North Sh ore Com m u n ity Col- lege Un ited States. Th e d ep artm en t was d evelop ed by a core grou p of facu lty wh o were in terested in d ism an - tlin g th e barriers between trad ition al d iscip lin es. Th e d ep artm en t is h om e to cou rses th at em brace a variety of organ ization al an d m eth od ological strategies su ch as team -teach in g, m u lti-d iscip lin e cou rses tau gh t by on e in d ivid u al, th em atic cou rses, an d d iscip lin e com bin a- tion s. Th e classes are cross-listed in ap p rop riate d ep art- m en ts, an d th e facu lty in th e Dep artm en t of In terd isci- p lin ary Stu d ies h ave d u al acad em ic citizen sh ip . ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 72 PROCEEDIN GS OF T HE RHODE ISLAN D W ORKSHOP ON EDUCAT IN G COASTAL MAN AGERS Cou rses are evalu ated with in th e Dep artm en t of In ter- d iscip lin ary Stu d ies for th eir m erits as in terd iscip lin ary offerin gs. Rep resen tatives of trad ition al d iscip lin es scru tin ize cou rse con ten t to p rotect th e acad em ic in - tegrity of sp ecific d iscip lin es Sbaratta, 1983. Th e De- p artm en t of In terd iscip lin ary Stu d ies h as bu ilt a n eu - tral grou n d on wh ich facu lty from d ifferen t d iscip lin es can con ven e an d from wh ich sp ecial in terests, talen ts, an d exp ertise th at d o n ot fit th e trad ition al d iscip lin e m old can be exp ressed . RECOMMENDATIONS It is accep ted p ractice to train geriatric h ealth care workers th rou gh in terd iscip lin ary cou rse work th at au gm en ts th eir d iscip lin e-sp ecific stu d ies. Th is in d i- cates th at an in terd iscip lin ary ap p roach is an effective m eth od of train in g p ractition ers for careers in field s th at req u ire in p u ts from m u ltip le d iscip lin es. As th e first step in th eir train in g, p eop le wh o h op e to becom e coastal m an agem en t p ractition ers sh ou ld establish a p rofession al id en tity or a sp ecialty. On ce a p erson id en - tifies h im or h erself as a p lan n er, a com m u n ication s sp ecialist, a lawyer, an ad m in istrator, or a h ost of oth er p ossibilities, th en h e or sh e can p u rsu e train in g th at al- lows for th e p ractical ap p lication of th at ch osen d isci- p lin e to coastal m an agem en t. Becau se of th e em p h asis on ed u cation , rath er th an research or service, d ep art- m en ts of in terd iscip lin ary stu d ies th at offer a sp ecialty in coastal m an agem en t p rovid e an in stitu tion al stru c- tu re th at is well su ited to th is m od e of ed u cation . Stu - d en ts from su ch d isp arate d iscip lin es as biology, p oliti- cal scien ce, an d ed u cation cou ld register for cou rses su ch as • Com m u n icatin g for Policy Ch an ge • Com p ilin g an d An alyzin g Mon itorin g Data for Man agem en t Decision s • Th e Scien ce an d Policy of Beach Man agem en t Th ese in terd iscip lin ary cou rses em p h asize skill d e- velop m en t an d u se. Facu lty sh ou ld be d rawn from ap - p rop riate acad em ic d ep artm en ts an d be willin g an d able to in corp orate m aterial from m u ltip le d iscip lin es in to a sin gle cou rse. Stu d en ts cou ld be selected from baccalau reate, m aster’s, or d octoral-level can d id ates an d sh ou ld h ave exp osu re to in terd iscip lin ary ed u ca- tion th rou gh ou t th e en tire sp an of th eir p rofession al t rain in g. REFERENCES Alkin , M.C. Ed .. 1992. Encyclopedia of educational research. New York: Macm illan . Begala, J.A. 1980. Geriatric ed u cation in Oh io: A m od el for ch an ge. The Gerontologist, 20, 547-551. Cross, B.E. 1994. Global issu es in cu rricu lu m d evelop - m en t. Peabody Journal of Education, 69, 131-140. Fried sam , H.J. Martin , C.A. 1980. An ap p lied p ro- gram in social geron tology: A rep ort on ten years’ exp erien ce. The Gerontologist, 20, 514-518. Gard n er, H. Boix-Man silla, V. 1994. Teach in g for u n d erstan d in g in th e d iscip lin es—an d beyon d . Teachers College Record, 96, 198-218. Man gu m , W.P. Rich , T.A. 1980. Ten years of career train in g in geron tology: Th e Un iversity of Sou th Florid a Exp erien ce. The Gerontologist, 20, 519-525. McCall, R.B. 1990. Prom otin g in terd iscip lin ary an d Facu lty-Service-Provid er relation s. Am erican Psycholo- gist, 45, 1319-1324. Newell, W.H. 1992. Acad em ic d iscip lin es an d u n d er- grad u ate in terd iscip lin ary ed u cation : Lesson s from th e Sch ool of In terd iscip lin ary Stu d ies at Miam i Un iversity, Oh io. European Journal of Education, 27, 211-221. Roth , K. 1994. Secon d th ou gh ts abou t in terd iscip li- n ary stu d ies. Am erican Educator, 18, 44-48. Satin , D.G. 1987. Th e d ifficu lties of in terd iscip lin ary ed u cation : Lesson s from th ree failu res an d a su ccess. Educational Gerontology, 13, 53-69. Sbaratta, P.A. 1983. Defeatin g th e learn ed ign oram u s. Com m unity College Review, 10, 33-39. Sh an ker, A. 1995. Discip lin ary learn in g. New York Tim es. Febru ary 5, 1995, E7. Sh ep ard , K., Yeo, G. McGan n , L. 1985. Su ccessfu l com p on en ts of in terd iscip lin ary ed u cation . Journal of Allied Health, 14, 297-303. Stah ler, G.J. Tash , W.R. 1994. Cen ters an d in stitu tes in th e Research Un iversity. Journal of Higher Educa- tion, 65, 540-554. Su tlive Jr., V.H. 1989. Breakth rou gh or babble: Com - m u n ication or con fu sion in in terd iscip lin ary ed u ca- tion . Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Sys- tem s and W orld Econom ic Developm ent, 18, 95-109. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ T RAIN IN G AN D DEGREE PROGRAMS 73 MEETING TH E CH ALLENGE: TH E MARINE STUD IES P ROGRAMME AT TH E UNIVERSITY OF TH E SOUTH P ACIFIC

G. Ro bin So uth Jo eli Veitayaki